

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

赵坤,男,南京大学大气科学学院教授、博导,副院长。先后获国家自然科学基金****基金(2020)、国家自然科学科技优秀青年基金(2013)、教育部新世纪人才计划(2013)和江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年科技领军人才(2016)。2004获得南京大学博士学位,2010年晋升南京大学教授。先后至台湾大学、美国俄克拉何马大学风暴分析和预报中心、美国国家大气研究中心和宾州州立大学进行访问研究。主要从事多普勒雷达反演、同化和分析应用的研究。先后主持或参加国家和省部级课题30余项,取得多项原创性成果,包括发展了天气雷达定量遥感理论和方法,揭示了我国典型灾害性天气系统(台风和强对流)发生发展机制,提高灾害性天气的短临预报精度。相关成果在国内外一流刊物上发表论文80余篇,取得多项国家发明专利和软件著作权,获江苏省科学技术一等奖(排名2)、二等奖(排名1)等奖励,多项技术在气象部门和雷达企业应用,取得显著的社会和经济效益。担任“中尺度对流系统和高影响天气国际会议(ICMCS)”科学指导委员会委员、“世界气象组织(WMO)登陆台风降水研究发展计划(UPDRAFT)”首席科学家、“亚州雷达气象委员会(ARAD)”委员、中国气象学会台风委员会副主任、雷达委员会委员、江苏省气象学会理事、学术期刊“Adv Atmos Sci”、“气象学报”和“气象科学”常务编委等。参与多项天气雷达相关的战略咨询报告,提出的“东方之星”号客轮翻沉事件成灾机制,被纳入国务院调查组的最终报告。组建《中国气象局—南京大学天气雷达及资料应用联合开放实验室》,并担任主任。主持举办了“气象雷达观测与应用”和“双偏振天气雷达原理和应用”两次国际夏季高级讲习班,以及多次全国性的天气雷达研讨会,已完成培养雷达气象学方向博士研究生7人,硕士研究生24人,2人分别入选江苏省优秀博士论文和硕士论文。

·2016/01– 2018/08,南京大学,大气科学学院,院长助理
·2015/09–至今, 中国气象局—南京大学雷达联合实验室主任
·2011/01 –至今, 南京大学,大气科学学院,教授
·2012/02– 2012/03,美国国家大气研究中心,访问****
·2008/09– 2010/05,美国奥克拉荷马大学强风暴分析与预报中心,访问****
·2008/01– 2010/12,南京大学,大气科学学院,副教授
·2006/01– 2006/07,台湾大学,大气科学系,访问****
·2004/07 – 2007/12,南京大学,大气科学系,讲师

·1999/09 – 2004/06,南京大学,大气科学系,博士
·1994/09 – 1998/06,南京大学,大气科学系,学士

现代雷达气象探测进展 研究生


[38].Huang H.,K. Zhao*,H. Chen,D.Hu,P. Fu,Q. Lin,Z.Yang, Improved Attenuation-Based RadarPrecipitationEstimation Considering the Azimuthal Variabilities of MicrophysicalProperties, Journal of Hydrometeorology,21(7):1605-1620 DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-19-0265.1 (2020)
[37].Yang J.,K. Zhao*, X. Chen, A. Huang, Y. Zheng, K. Sun, Sub-seasonal and diurnal variability inlightning and storm activity over the Yangtze River Delta, China during Meiyu season.Journal of Climate,33(12):5013-5033 DOI:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0453.1 (2020)
[36].Tao R.,K. Zhao*, H. Huang, L. Wen, G. Zhang, A. Zhou, H. Chen, Snow Particle Size Distribution from a2D Video Disdrometer and Radar Snowfall Estimation in East China, IEEE TransactionsonGeoscienceandRemote Sensing, DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2020.** (2020)
[35].Yan M., J. Chan,K. Zhao*, Impacts of Urbanization on the Precipitation Characteristics in the Guangdong Province of China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,37(7) (2020)
[34].Zhou A.,K. Zhao*, W. Lee, H Huang, D. Hu, P .Fu. VDRAS and Polarimetric Radar Investigation of a Bow Echo Formation after a Squall Line Merged with a Preline Convective Cell. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 125. e2019JD031719. DOI: 10.1029/2019JD031719 (2020)
[33].Shao S., K. Zhao*, H. Chen, J. Chen, H. Huang, Validation of a Multilag Estimator on NJU-CPOL and a Hybrid Approach for Improving Polarimetric Radar Data Quality. Remote Sensing, 12(1), 180 (2020)
[32].Huang H.,K. Zhao*,G. Zhang, D.Hu, Z. Yang, Optimized raindrop size distribution retrieval and quantitative rainfall estimation from polarimetric radar, Journal of Hydrology, 580 DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124248 (2019)
[31].Chen G.,K. Zhao*, L. Wen, M. Wang, H. Huang, M. Wang, Z. Yang, G. Zhang, P. Zhang, W.C. Lee, Microphysical Characteristics of Three Convective Events with Intense Rainfall Observed by Polarimetric Radar and Disdrometer in Eastern China, Remote Sensing,11(17):2004 DOI:10.3390/rs** (2019)
[30].Yang J.,K. Zhao*, G. Zhang, G. Chen, H. Huang, H. Chen. A Bayesian Hydrometeor Classification Algorithm for C-Band, Remote Sensing, 11(16):1884 DOI:10.3390/rs** (2019)
[29].Rao X.,K. Zhao*, X. Chen, A. Huang, M. Xue, Q. Zhang, M. Wang, Influence of Synoptic Pattern and Low-Level Wind Speed on Intensity and Diurnal Variations of Orographic Convection in Summer over Pearl River Delta, South China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(12):6157-6179, DOI: 10.1029/2019JD030384 (2019)
[28].Zhao K.*, H. Huang, M. Wang, W.C. Lee, G. Chen, L. Wen, J. Wen, G. Zhang, M. Xue, Z. Yang, L. Liu, C. Wu, Z. Hu, S. Chen, Recent Progress in Dual-Polarization Radar Research and Applications in China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36(9):961-974, DOI:10.1007/s00376-019-9057-2 (2019)
[27].Huang H., G. Zhang*,K. Zhao*, S. Liu, L. Wen, G. Chen, Z. Yang, Uncertainty in Retrieving Raindrop Size Distribution from Polarimetric Radar Measurements,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,36(4):585-605,DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0107.1 (2019)
[26].Wen L.,K. Zhao*, M. Wang, G. Zhang, Seasonal variations of observed raindrop size distribution in East China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,36(4):346-362 DOI: 10.1007/s00376-018-8107-5 (2019)
[25].Liu S., D. Tao,K. Zhao*,M. Minamide, F. Zhang, Dynamics and predictability of the rapid intensification of Super Typhoon Usagi(2013), Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123:7462-7481 DOI: 10.1029/2018JD028561 (2018)
[24].Wen L.,K. Zhao*, G. Chen, M. Wang, B. Zhou, H. Huang, D. Hu, W.C. Lee, H. Hu, Drop Size Distribution Characteristics of Seven Typhoons in China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,123(12):6529-6548 DOI: 10.1029/2017JD027950 (2018)
[23].Huang H.,K. Zhao*, G. Zhang, Q. Lin, L. Wen, G. Chen, Z. Yang, M. Wang, D. Hu, Quantitative Precipitation Estimation with Operational Polarimetric Radar Measurements in Southern China: A Differential Phase–Based Variational Approach, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,35(6):1253-1271 DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0142.1 (2018)
[22].Wu D.,K. Zhao*, R.K. Matthew, X. Chen, H. Huang, M. Wang, A.C. Didlake Jr., Y. Duan, F. Zhang, Kinematics and Microphysics of Convection in the Outer Rainband of Typhoon Nida (2016) revealed by Polarimetric Radar, Monthly Weather Review, 146(7):2147-2159 DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-17-0320.1 (2018)
[21].Zhao K.*, M. Wang, M. Xue, P. Fu, Z. Yang, X. Chen, Y. Zhang, W.C. Lee, F. Zhang, Q. Lin, Z. Li, Doppler Radar Analysis of a Tornadic Miniature Supercell during the Landfall of Typhoon Mujigae (2015) in South China, Bulletinofthe American Meteorological Society, 98(9): 1821-1831 DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00301.1 (2017)
[20].Chen X., F. Zhang,K. Zhao*, Influence of Monsoonal Wind Speed and Moisture Content on Intensity and Diurnal Variations of the Mei-Yu Season Coastal Rainfall over South China, Journalofthe Atmospheric Sciences, 74(9): 2835-2856 DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-17-0081.1 (2017)
[19].Wen J.,K. Zhao*, H. Huang, B. Zhou, Z. Yang, G. Chen, M. Wang, L. Wen, H. Dai, L. Xu, S. Liu, G. Zhang, W.C. Lee, Evolution of microphysical structure of a subtropical squall line observed by a polarimetric radar and a disdrometer during OPACC in Eastern China, Journalof Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 122(15): 8033-8050 DOI: 10.1002/2016JD026346 (2017)(EOS Highlight)
[18].Chen G.,K. Zhao*, G. Zhang, H. Huang, S. Liu, L. Wen, Z. Yang, Z. Yang, L. Xu, W. Zhu, Improving Polarimetric C-Band Radar Rainfall Estimation with Two-Dimensional Video Disdrometer Observations in Eastern China, Journalof Hydrometeorology,18(5): 1375-1391 DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0215.1 (2017)
[17].Wen L.,K. Zhao*, G. Zhang*, S. Liu, G. Chen, Impacts of Instrument Limitations on Estimated Raindrop Size Distribution, Radar Parameters, and Model Microphysics during Mei-Yu Season in East China, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 34(5): 1021-1037 DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0225.1 (2017)
[16].Huang H., G. Zhang*,K. Zhao*, S.E. Giangrande., A Hybrid Method to Estimate Specific Differential Phase and Rainfall With Linear Programming and Physics Constraints, Ieee Transactionson Geoscienceand Remote Sensing,55(1):96-111 DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2016.** (2017)
[15].Wang M.,K. Zhao*,M. Xue,G. Zhang,S. Liu,L. Wen,G. Chen,Precipitation microphysics characteristics of a Typhoon Matmo (2014) rainband after landfall over eastern China based on polarimetric radar observations,Journal of Geophysical Research - D: Atmospheres,121(20): 12415-12433 DOI: 10.1002/2016JD025307 (2016)(EOS Highlight)
[14].Chen X., F. Zhang,K. Zhao*, Diurnal Variations of the Land-Sea Breeze and Its Related Precipitation over South China, Journalofthe Atmospheric Sciences, 73(12): 4793-4815 DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-16-0106.1 (2016)
[13].Wen L.,K. Zhao*,G. Zhang,M. Xue,B. Zhou,S. Liu,X. Chen,Statistical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distributions Observed in East China during the Asian Summer Monsoon Season from the 2D-Video Disdrometer and Micro-rain Radar,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121(5): 2265-2282 DOI:10.1002/2015JD024160(2016)
[12].Chen X.,K. Zhao*,J. Sun,B. Zhou,W.C. Lee,Assimilating Surface Observations in a Four-Dimensional Variational Doppler Radar Data Assimilation System to Improve the Analysis and Forecast of a Squall Line Case,Advanced in Atmospheric Science,33(10):1106-1119 DOI: 10.1007/s00376-016-5290-0 (2016)
[11].Zhao K.*,Q. Lin,W.C. Lee,Y. Sun,F. Zhang,Doppler Radar Analysis of Triple Eyewalls in Typhoon Usagi(2013),Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society ,97(1):25~30 DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00029 (2016)
[10].Chen X.,K. Zhao*,M. Xue,B. Zhou,X. Huang,W. Xu,Radar-observed diurnal cycle and propagation of convection over the Pearl River Delta during Mei-Yu season,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120(24):12557~12575 DOI:10.1002/2015JD023872(2015)
[9].Chen X.,K. Zhao*,M. Xue,Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Warm Season Convection over Pearl River Delta Region, China based on Three Years of Operational Radar Data,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,119(22): 12447-12465 DOI: 10.1002/2014JD021965 (2014)
[8].Chen X.,K. Zhao*,W.C. Lee,B.J.D. Jou,M. Xue,P.R. Harasti,The Improvement to the Environmental Wind and Tropical Cyclone Circulation Retrievals with the Modified GBVTD (MGBVTD) Technique,Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 52(11):2493~2508 DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-031.1 (2013)
[7].Wang M.,K. Zhao*,W.C. Lee,B.J.D. Jou,M. Xue,The Gradient Velocity Track Display (GrVTD) Technique for Retrieving Tropical Cyclone Primary Circulation from Aliased Velocities Measured by Single-Doppler Radar,Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29(8):1026~1041 DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00219.1 (2012)
[6].Zhao K.,M. Xue*,W.C. Lee,Assimilation of GBVTD-retrieved winds from single-Doppler radar for short-term forecasting of super typhoon Saomai (0608) at landfall,Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 138(665):1055~1071 DOI: 10.1002/qj.975 (2012)
[5].Zhao K.*,X. Li,M. Xue,B.J.D. Jou,W.C. Lee,Short-term forecasting through intermittent assimilation of data from Taiwan and mainland China coastal radars for Typhoon Meranti (2010) at landfall,Journal of Geophysical Research 117 DOI: 10.1029/2011JD017109 (2012)
[4].Zhao K.*,M. Xue,Assimilation of coastal Doppler radar data with the ARPS 3DVAR and cloud analysis for the prediction of Hurricane Ike (2008),Geophysical Research Letters,36(12)DOI: 10.1029/2009GL038658 (2009)
[3].Zhao K.*, Jou Ben Jongdao, Pan Yujie, Ge Wenzhong, Single-Doppler Radar Analysis of a Mesocyclone in the Taiwan Strait, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 23(2):140-155 (2009)
[2].Pan Y.,K. Zhao, and Y. Pan. Single Doppler radar observation of a heavy precipitation supercell on a severe squall line.Acta Meteorologica Sinica66.4 (2008): 621-636.
[1].Zhao K.*,W.C. Lee,B.J.D. Jou,Single Doppler radar observation of the concentric eyewall in typhoon Saomai 2006, near landfall,Geophysical Research Letters,35(7)DOI: 10.1029/2007GL032773 (2008)

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