

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16










1. Y. Liu*, B. Xu, W. Zhi, C. Hu, Y. Dong, S. Jin, Y. Lu, T. Chen, W. Xu, Y. Liu, B. Zhao, W. Lu. (2020). Space eye on flying aircraft: From Sentinel-2 MSI parallax to hybrid computing. Remote sensing of Environment, 246, 111867.
2. C. Sun, Y. Liu*, S. Zhao, S. Jin. 2020. Estimating offshore oil production using DMSP-OLS annual composites. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 165, 152–171.
3. W. Lu, Y. Liu*, J. Wang, W. Xu, W. Wu, Y. Liu, B. Zhao, H. Li, and P. Li. 2020. Global proliferation of offshore gas flaring areas. Journal of Maps, 16(2): 396–404.
4. Y. Liu*, C. Hu, Y. Dong, B. Xu, W. Zhan, C. Sun. 2019. Geometric accuracy of remote sensing images over oceans: The use of global offshore platforms.Remote sensing of environment, 222, 244–266
5. Y. Dong, Y. Liu*, C. Hu, B. Xu. 2019. Coral reef geomorphology of the Spratly Islands: A simple method based on time-series of Landsat-8 multi-band inundation maps. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 157,137–154.
6. Y. Wang, Y. Liu*, S. Jin, C. Sun, X. Wei. 2019. Evolution of the topography of tidal flats and sandbanks along the Jiangsu coast from 1973 to 2016 observed from satellites.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 150, 27–43.
7. W. Lu, J. Sun, Y. Liu*, Y. Liu, B. Zhao. 2019. Seasonal and Intra-Annual Patterns of Sedimentary Evolution in Tidal Flats Impacted by Laver Cultivation along the Central Jiangsu Coast, China. Applied Sciences, 9 (3), 522.
8. W. Xu, J. Sun, Y. Liu*,. 2019. Spatiotemporal variation and socioeconomic drivers of air pollution in China during 2005-2016.Journal of Environmental Management.
9. W. Xu, Y. Tian, Y. Liu*. 2019. Understanding the Spatial-Temporal Patterns and Influential Factors on Air Quality Index: The Case of North China. International journal of environmental research and public health. 16(16)
10. C. Sun, Y. Liu*, S. Jin, Y. Wang, X. Wei. 2019. Using Time-Series HSI Mapping to Determine Ecological Processes and Driving Forces of Red-Crowned Crane (Grus japonensis) Habitat in the Yancheng Biosphere Reserve (China). Journal of Coastal Research. 35(2): 322 – 334.
11. X. Wei, Y. Duan, Y. Liu*, S. Jin. 2019. Onshore-offshore wind energy resource evaluation based on synergetic use of multiple satellite data and meteorological stations in Jiangsu Province, China. Frontiers of Earth Science. 13(1):132–150.
12. B Zhao, Y Liu*, W Xu, Y Liu, J Sun, L Wang. Morphological Characteristics of Tidal Creeks in the Central Coastal Region of Jiangsu, China, Using LiDAR. Remote Sensing. 11(20):2426
13. Y. Liu*, C. Hu,C. Sun, W. Zhan, S. Sun, B. Xu, Y Dong. 2018. Assessment of offshore oil/gas platform status in the northern Gulf of Mexico using multi-source satellite time-series images.Remote sensing of environment. 208:63–81.
14. Y. Liu*, C. Hu,W. Zhan, C. Sun, M. Brock, L. Ma. 2018. Identifying industrial heat sources using time-series of the VIIRS Nightfire product with an object-oriented approach. Remote sensing of environment. 204, 347–365.
15. S. Wang, Y. Zhang*, J. Hakkarainen, W. Ju, Y. Liu*, F. Jiang, W. He. 2018. Distinguishing anthropogenic CO2 emissions from different energy intensive industrial sources using OCO-2 observations: a case study in northern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
16. J. Shi, J. Jiao, Y. Lu*, M.Zhang, Z. Mao, Y. Liu*. 2018. Determining spectral groups to distinguish oil emulsions from Sargassumover the Gulf of Mexico using an airborne imaging spectrometer. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 146, 251–259.
17. C. Sun, S. Fagherazzi, Y. Liu*. 2018.Classification mapping of salt marsh vegetation by flexible monthly NDVI time-series using Landsat imagery. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 213: 61–80
18. S Jin, Y. Liu*, C Sun, X Wei, H Li, Z Han. 2018. A study of the environmental factors influencing the growth phases of Ulva prolifera in the southern Yellow Sea, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin135, 1016–1025
19. S. Jin, Y. Lu*, Y. Liu*, X. Wei, W. Lu,D. Wang, Z. Mao. 2018. Refinement of the use of AISA bands-differences for oil slick detection beyond brightness contrast reversal under sunglint. Optical Express. 26(26), 33748-33755.
20. L. Wang, Y. Liu*, L. Mao, C. Sun. 2018. Potential Impacts of China 2030 High-Speed Rail Network on Ground Transportation Accessibility. Sustainability. 10, 1270
21. Y Liu, Y. Liu*, J Li, W Lu, X Wei, C Sun. 2018. Evolution of Landscape Ecological Risk at the Optimal Scale: A Case Study of the Open Coastal Wetlands in Jiangsu, China. International journal of environmental research and public health15 (8)
22. C. Sun,Y. Liu*. 2017. Saltmarshes Response to Human Activities on a Prograding Coast Revealed by a Dual-Scale Time-Series Strategy.Estuaries and coasts. 40(2): 522–539.
23. Y. Lu, Y. Zhou, Y. Liu*, Z. Mao, W. Qian, M. Wang, M. Zhang, J. Xu, S. Sun, P. Du. 2017. Using remote sensing to detect the polarized sunglint reflected from oil slicks beyond the critical angle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 122(8): 6342–6354.
24. Y. Zhou, Y. Lu, W. Zhan, Z. Mao, W. Qian, Y. Liu*. 2017. Thermal infrared contrast between different types of oil slicks on top of water bodies. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter. 17(7): 1042–1045.
25. Y. Liu*, C. Sun, Y. Yang, M. Zhou, W. Zhan, W. Cheng. 2016. Automatic extraction of offshore platforms using time-series Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager data. Remote sensing of environment. 175: 73–91.
26. Y. Liu*, C. Sun, J. Sun, H. Li, W. Zhan, H. Yang, S. Zhang. 2016. Lifting the veil on offshore platforms in the South China Sea: Satellite data reveals all. Scientific Report. 6(33623).
27. Y. Liu*, X. Chen, Y. Yang, C. Sun, S. Zhang. 2016. Automated Extraction and Mapping for Desert River-Wadis from Landsat Imagery in Arid West Asia. Remote Sensing. 8(3), 246.
28. C. Sun, Y. Liu*, S. Zhao, M. Zhou, Y. Yang, F. Li. 2016. Classification mapping and species identification of salt marshes based on a short-time interval NDVI time-series from HJ-1 optical imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.45, 27–41.
29. L. Wang, Y. Liu*, C. Sun, Y. Liu. 2016. Accessibility Impact of the Present and Future High-Speed Rail Network: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Transport Geography. 54, 161–172.
30. L. Wang, Y. Liu*. 2016. Use of isochrone maps to assess the impact of high-speed rail network development on journey times: A case study of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Maps. 12, 514–519.
31. S. Zhang, Y Liu*, Y. Yang, C. Sun, F. Li. 2016. Erosion and deposition within Poyang Lake: Evidence from a decade of satellite data. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 42 (2), 364–374.
32. Y. Duan, Y. Liu, M. Li, M. Zhou, Y. Yang. 2016. Reefs survey of the Nansha Islands based on Landsat 8 OLI images. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 35: 11–19.
33. Y. Liu*, M. Zhou, S. Zhao, W. Zhan, K. Yang, M. Li. 2015. Automated extraction of tidal creeks from airborne laser altimetry data. Journal of Hydrology527, 1006–1020.
34. Y. Yang, Y. Liu*, M. Zhou, S. Zhang, W. Zhan, C. Sun, Y. Duan. 2015. Landsat 8 OLI image based terrestrial water extraction from heterogeneous backgrounds using a reflectance homogenization approach. Remote Sensing of Environment171, 14–32.
35. Y. Yang, Y. Liu*, M. Zhou, F. Li, C. Sun. 2015. Robustness assessment of urban rail transit based on complex network theory: a case study of the Beijing Subway. Safety science79, 149–162.
36. S. Zhao, Y. Liu*, M. Li. 2015. Analysis of Jiangsu Mudflats Reclamation from 1974 to 2012 using Remote Sensing.China Ocean Engineering,29 (1) 143–154.
37. Y. Liu*, J. Chen, W. Cheng, C. Sun, S. Zhao, Y. Pu. 2014. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the urban sprawl in a typical urban agglomeration: a case study on Southern Jiangsu, China (1983–2007). Frontiers of Earth Science.8 (4), 490–504.
38. J. Wang, M. Li, Y. Liu*, H. Zhang, W. Zou, L. Cheng. 2014. Safety assessment of shipping routes in the South China Sea based on the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Safety science.62, 46–57.
39. K. Yang, M. Li, Y. Liu*, L. Cheng, Y. Duan, M. Zhou. 2014. River delineation from remotely sensed imagery using a multi-scale classification approach. IEEE Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.7(12): 4726–4737.
40. Y. Wang, Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Tan. 2014. The reconstruction of abnormal segments in HJ-1A/B NDVI time series using MODIS: a statistical method. International Journal of Remote Sensing35 (23), 7991–8007.
41. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Mao, L. Cheng, K. Chen. 2013. Seasonal pattern of tidal-flat topography along the Jiangsu middle coast, China, using HJ-1 optical images. Wetlands33 (5), 871–886.
42. Y. Liu*, M. Li, M. Zhou, K. Yang, L. Mao. 2013. Quantitative Analysis of the Waterline Method for Topographical Mapping of Tidal Flats: A Case Study in the Dongsha Sandbank, China. Remote Sensing5 (11), 6138–6158.
43. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Cheng, F. Li, K. Chen. 2012. Topographic mapping of offshore sandbank tidal flats using the waterline detection method: A case study on the Dongsha Sandbank of Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand Ridges, China. Marine Geodesy35 (4), 362–378.
44. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Mao, L. Cheng, F. Li. 2012. Toward a method of constructing tidal flat digital elevation models with MODIS and medium-resolution satellite images. Journal of Coastal Research29 (2), 438–448.
45. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Chen, F. Li, Y. Su. 2010. A DEM Inversion Method for Inter-tidal Zone Based on MODIS Dataset: A Case Study in the Dongsha Sandbank of Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand-Ridges, China. China Ocean Engineering24 (4), 735–748.
46. Y. Liu*, M. Li, L. Mao, F. Xu, S. Huang. 2006. Review of remotely sensed imagery classification patterns based on object-oriented image analysis. Chinese Geographical Science16 (3), 282–288.

1. 刘永超, 李加林, 张宇, 赵冰雪, 许文轩, 何改丽, 刘永学*. 时间序列遥感影像支持下杭州湾南岸植被动态监测.宁波大学学报(理工版).2020, 33(1):25–31.
2. 孙佳琪, 刘永学*, 董雁伫, 许碧华, 魏祥林. 基于Suomi-NPP VIIRS夜间热异常产品的城市工业热源分类——以京津冀地区为例. 地理与地理信息科学. 2018,34(3):13–19.
3. 李弘毅,刘永学*, 张思宇, 孙超, 孙佳琪. 地理信息技术支撑下的南海岛礁资源环境研究进展与展望.地理科学进展.2018,37(11):1454–1462.
4. 胡炜,刘永学*, 林勇军. 基于GWR的住宅地价相对修正方法研究——以深圳市为例. 中国土地科学. 2017,31(9):62–69.
5. 赵洪臣, 刘永学*, 周兴华, 刘凯, 张浩.基于志愿观测船舶和浮标数据的SST日产品质量评价研究.海洋科学进展.2016, 34(4):462–471.
6. 孙超, 刘永学*, 李满春, 赵赛帅, 周旻曦. 近25a来江苏中部沿海盐沼分布时空演变及围垦影响分析. 自然资源学报. 2015, 30(9):1486-1498.
7. 周旻曦,刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 多目标珊瑚岛礁地貌遥感信息提取方法——以西沙永乐环礁为例. 地理研究, 2015, 34(4): 677-690.
8. 王加胜, 李满春, 刘永学*, 等. 南沙群岛历史事件时空演化的可视化表达. 地理科学, 2015, 35(5): 608-614.
9. 蒋洁, 刘永学*, 钟礼山, 李满春, 孙超. SAR影像时间序列支持下的互花米草盐沼提取—以江苏盐城东部沿海为例. 测绘科学技术学报. 2015, 32(3):271-276.
10. 邹伟, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 基于WebGIS 的南海历史地理情势分析系统设计与实现. 热带地理, 2015, 35(2): 202-207.
11. 赵赛帅, 刘永学*, 李满春, 张荷霞, 孙超. 基于AHP-变异系数法的越占南沙岛礁战略价值评价. 海洋科学. 2015, 39(6):114-121.
12. 蒋洁, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 南海岛礁风能资源及风力发电评价——基于QuikSCAT 风场数据与Landsat ETM+ 影像. 资源科学, 2014, 36(1): 139-147.
13. 邹伟, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 网络新闻中黄岩岛争端事件舆情研究——以新浪网“中菲黄岩岛争端”专题为例. 现代图书情报技术, 2014, 30(2): 72-78.
14. 邹伟, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 南海历史地理争端空间分布与关联性研究. 地球信息科学学报, 2014, 16(2): 249-256.
15. 孙超, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 近35 年来热带风暴对我国南海岛礁的影响分析. 国土资源遥感, 2014, 26(3): 135-140.
16. 蒋洁, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 基于ENVISAT ASAR 影像与QuikSCAT 风场数据的近海风能资源评价——以香港东南海域为例. 地理与地理信息科学, 2014, 30(2):39-43.
17. 张荷霞,刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 基于AHP 和EWCM 的部分南沙岛礁战略价值模糊综合评价. 海洋通报, 2014, 4:377-382.
18. 汪业成, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 基于场强模型的南沙岛礁战略地位评价. 地理研究, 2013, 32(12):2292-2301.
19. 张荷霞, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 南海中南部海域油气资源开发战略价值评价. 资源科学, 2013, 35(11):2142-2150.
20. 赵赛帅, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 基于AHP-变异系数法的越占南沙岛礁战略价值评价. 海洋科学, 2015, 39(6): 114-121.
21. 王加胜, 刘永学*, 李满春, 等. 基于ENVISAT ASAR 的海洋钻井平台遥感检测方法. 地理研究, 2013, 32(11):2143-2152.
22. 成王玉, 刘永学*,李满春, 等. 基于AHP 与模糊综合评价方法的南沙东部岛礁战略价值评价. 热带地理, 2013, 33(4): 381-386.
23. 张荷霞, 刘永学*,李满春, 等. 基于JASON-1 资料的南海海域海面风浪场特征分析. 地理与地理信息科学, 2013, 29(5):53-57,63.
24. 洪武扬, 刘永学*, 李满春, 刘敏, 童礼华. 土地利用总体规划实施评估方法研究. 国土资源科技管理, 2013, 30(5):68-73.
25. 杨康, 李满春, 刘永学*, 程亮, 陈焱明.基于累积相似度表面的空间权重矩阵构建方法. 测绘学报, 2012, 41(2):259-265,272.
26. 胡炜,刘永学*,李满春,陈洁丽,毛鹍. 基于局部相关分析法的ETM+影像修复方法研究. 地理与地理信息科学.2011(5):29-32.
27. 陈洁丽,刘永学*,李满春,申成磊,胡炜,蔡文婷.一种基于遥感数据快速提取居民地信息的新方法.地理与地理信息科学. 2010(5):72-75.
28. 陈洁丽,刘永学*,李满春,申成磊,张栋,蔡文婷.基于归一化指数分析的居民地遥感信息提取.测绘科学.2010(2): 204-206.
29. 刘永学*,李满春,刘国洪. 地理信息系统安全初探.遥感信息.2007(2):71-76.
30. 刘永学*,李满春,毛亮.基于边缘的多光谱遥感图像分割.遥感学报.2006,10(3):350-356.
31. 刘永学*,李满春,高月明.基于角色的土地利用规划管理信息系统访问控制模型设计与实现.地理与地理信息科学,2006.(2):4-6.
32. 刘永学*,张忍顺,李满春.应用卫星影像系列海图叠合法分析沙洲动态变化——以江苏东沙为例.地理科学.2004, 24(2):199-204.
33. 刘永学*,张忍顺,李满春.质心分析法在小沙洲动态演化分析中的应用——以江苏辐射沙洲亮月沙为例.海洋通报.2004, 23(1):69-75.
34. 刘永学*,张忍顺,李满春.江苏淤泥质潮滩遥感影像特征与信息提取方法研究.遥感信息.2004,(1):23-26.
35. 刘永学*,李满春,张忍顺.江苏辐射沙洲水边线自动提取方法研究.海洋科学.2004, (6):42-45.
36. 刘永学*,张忍顺,李满春.江苏淤泥质潮滩地物信息遥感提取方法研究.海洋科学进展.2004,22(2).210-214.
37. 刘永学*,张忍顺,李满春.江苏沿海互花米草盐沼动态变化及影响因素研究.湿地科学. 2004, 2(2).116-121.
38. 刘永学*,张忍顺等.粒径趋势分析法在细颗粒潮坪上的应用.南京师大学报:自然科学版.2001, 24(1):105-109,113.
39. 刘永学*,陈君等.江苏海岸盐沼植被演替的遥感图像分析.农村生态环境.2001, 17(3):39-41.

粉砂淤泥质海岸带潮沟系统演化过程及其对人类活动响应的遥感监测研究——以江苏中部沿海为例(**),2015.1-2018.12 ,国家自然科学基金面上项目
典型粉砂淤泥质潮滩高程遥感反演方法研究——以江苏中部沿海为例(**), 2012.1-2015.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目

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