南京大学环境学院“生态毒理和环境健康”研究团队负责人。博士毕业于美国密西根州立大学;主要从事化学物质的生态毒理学和环境风险防控理论与技术研究,重点开发环境基因组学技术,用于解决化学品毒性预测和生态健康效应监测与评估。主持完成“十二五”国家“863”计划化学品重大专项课题,国家重大科技水专项子课题和欧盟“FP7”环境领域解决方案项目子课题等。发表SCI论文150余篇,其中影响因子>6.0 的期刊论文30余篇,获得5项国家授权专利、1项授权美国专利。研究论文被选为ACS Editor’s Choice、 ES&T 2016年度最佳论文(Best Papers)。获得国家自然科学基金“优秀青年科学基金”(2013),江苏省“****基金”(2013),江苏省“双创计划”(2013)等项目。目前担任南京大学有毒化学品环境安全研究中心主任,国家有机毒物污染控制与资源化工程技术研究中心副主任。兼任生态毒理学国际权威SCI期刊 Environ Toxicol Chem 编辑(Editor)、Environ Pollut 专刊责任主编,中国环境科学学会环境化学分会、持久性有机污染物专业委员会委员等。
教育背景2004-2008 美国密歇根州立大学,动物学和环境毒理学(双学科博士)
2006-2007 美国密歇根州立大学,应用统计学(硕士)
2000-2003 香港城市大学,环境科学(硕士)
1996-2000 南京大学,环境科学与工程(本科)
工作经历2010- 今 南京大学环境学院教授
2009-2010 加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学毒理学中心,项目科学家
2008-2009 加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学毒理学中心,博士后
2003-2004 美国密歇根州立大学,国家食品安全和毒理学研究中心,访问****
主要兼职:?2018-至今, 国际SETAC学会亚太分会,董事会成员
?2016-2021, 中文核心期刊《生态毒理学报》,副主编
?2014-至今, SCI期刊 Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, Editor
?2011-2012, SCI期刊 Chemosphere,副主编(Associate Editor)
主要荣誉:?美国化学学会环境领域 ES&T “Early Career Scientists”(2019)
研究进展:1、环境学院张效伟教授入选美国化学学会环境领域 ES&T “Early Career Scientists”
研究论文: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiaowei_Zhang18/research
1.Zhang X*. Environmental DNA Shaping a New Era of Ecotoxicological Research. Environ Sci Technol. 2019 53(10):5605-5612. (Invited Perspective)
2.Zhang X*, You J, Khim JS*, Wang T. Coastal ecosystem in East Asia: Pollution and management. Environ Pollut. 2019. pii: S0269-7491(19)31746-4. (Editorial)
3.Corcoll N*, Yang J, Backhaus T, Zhang X*, Eriksson KM, 2019. Copper affects composition and functioning of microbial communities in marine biofilms at environmentally relevant concentrations. Front Microbiol. 9, 3248.
4.Brack W, Ait Aissa S, Backhaus T, Dulio V, Escher B I, Faust M, Hilscherova K, Hollender J, Hollert H, Muller C, Munthe J, Posthuma L, Seiler T B, Slobodnik J, Teodorovic I, Tindall A J, Umbuzeiro G D, Zhang X, Altenburger R, Effect-based methods are key. The European Collaborative Project SOLUTIONS recommends integrating effect-based methods for diagnosis and monitoring of water quality. Environmental Sciences Europe 2019, 31.
5.Song C, Zhang C, Zhang J, Zhang X*. 2018. Occurrences and patterns of residual organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in cultured Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in China: concentrations, sources, and a human health risk assessment. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 26(5):4952-4960
1.Zhang X*, Xia P, Wang P, Yang J, Baird D. 2018. Omics advances in Ecotoxicology. Environ Sci Technol. 52(7):3842-3851. (Invited Feature Article)
2.Yang J, Jeppe KJ, Pettigrove VJ, Zhang X*. eDNA metabarcoding supporting community assessment of environmental stressor in a field-based sediment microcosm study. Environ Sci Technol. 2018; 52(24):14469-14479.
3.Li F, Peng Y, Fang W, Altermatt F, Xie Y, Yang J, Zhang X*. Application of environmental DNA metabarcoding for predicting anthropogenic pollution in rivers. Environ Sci Technol. 2018; 52 (20):11708–11719.
4.Wang P, Xia P, Yang J, Wang Z, Peng Y, Shi W, Villeneuve DL, Yu H, Zhang X*. 2018. A Reduced Transcriptome Approach to Assess Environmental Toxicants Using Zebrafish Embryo Test. Environ Sci Technol. 52(2):821-830.
5.Zhang R, Wang X, Zhang X, Zhang J, Zhang X, Shi X, Crump D, Letcher RJ, Giesy JP, Liu C. 2018. Down-Regulation of hspb9 and hspb11 Contributes to Wavy Notochord in Zebrafish Embryos Following Exposure to Polychlorinated Diphenylsulfides. Environ Sci Technol. 52 (21):12829–12840.
6.Yu N, Guo H, Yang J, Jin L, Wang X, Shi W, Zhang X, Yu H, Wei S. Non-Target and Suspect Screening of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Airborne Particulate Matter in China. Environ Sci Technol. 2018; 52 (15), pp 8205–8214
7.Yang J, Xie Y, Jeppe K, Long S, Pettigrove V, Zhang X*. 2018. Sensitive community responses of microbiota to copper in sediment toxicity test. Environ Toxicol Chem. 37(2):599-608.
8.Guan M, Fang W, Ullah S, Zhang X*, Saquib Q, Al-Khedhairy AA. 2018. Functional genomics assessment of narcotic and specific acting chemical pollutants using E. coli. Environ Pollut. 232:146-153.
9.Diamond J, Altenburger R, Coors A, Dyer S, Focazio M, Kidd K, Koelmans AA, Leung KMY, Servos M, Snape J, Tolls J, Zhang X. 2018. Use of Prospective and Retrospective Risk Assessment Methods That Simplify Chemical Mixtures Associated with Treated Domestic Wastewater Discharges. Environ Toxicol Chem. 37(3):690-702.
10.Knapen D, Angrish MM, Fortin MC, Katsiadaki I, Leonard M, Margiotta-Casaluci L, Munn S, O'Brien JM, Pollesch N, Smith LC, Zhang X, Villeneuve DL. 2018. Adverse Outcome Pathway Networks I: Development and Applications. Environ Toxicol Chem. 37(6):1723-1733.
11.Villeneuve DL, Angrish MM, Fortin MC, Katsiadaki I, Leonard M, Margiotta-Casaluci L, Munn S, O'Brien JM, Pollesch NL, Smith LC, Zhang X, Knapen D. 2018. Adverse Outcome Pathway Networks II: Network Analytics. Environ Toxicol Chem. 37(6):1734-1748
12.Xie Y, Zhang X*, Yang J, Kim S, Hong S, Giesy JP, Yim UH, Shim WJ, Yu H, Khim JS*. 2018. eDNA-based bioassessment of coastal sediments impacted by an oil spill. Environ Pollut. 238:739-748.
13.Xie Y, Floehr T, Zhang X*, Xiao H, Yang J, Xia P, Burton GA Jr, Hollert H. 2018. In situ microbiota distinguished primary anthropogenic stressor in freshwater sediments. Environ Pollut. 239:189–197
14.Ai F, Eisenhauer N, Xie Y, Zhu J, Jousset A, Du W, Yin Y, Zhang X, Ji R, Guo H. Elevated CO2 accelerates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation in a paddy soil grown with rice. PLoS One. 2018;13(4): e**.
15.Peng Y, Fang W, Krauss M, Brack W, Wang Z, Li F, Zhang X*. Screening hundreds of emerging organic pollutants (EOPs) in surface water from the Yangtze River Delta (YRD): Occurrence, distribution, ecological risk. Environ Pollut. 2018;241:484-493.
16.Khim JS, Park J, Song SJ, Yoon SJ, Noh J, Hong S, Kwon BO, Ryu J, Zhang X, Wang T, Lu Y, Giesy JP. Chemical-, site-, and taxa-dependent benthic community health in coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea: A sediment quality triad approach. Sci Total Environ. 2018; 645:743-752.
17.Yang Y, Yang J, Zhang X*. A qPCR method to quantify bioavailable phosphorus using indigenous aquatic species. Environ Sci Eur. 2018;30(1):32. doi:10.1186/s12302-018-0163-z.
18.Zhang X, Tang S, Wang M, Sun W, Xie Y, Peng H, Zhong A, Liu H, Zhang X, Yu H, Giesy JP, Hecker M. 2018. Acid mine drainage affects the diversity and metal resistance gene profile of sediment bacterial community along a river. Chemosphere. 217:790-799.
1.Shi W, Yu N, Jiang X, Han Z, Wang S, Zhang X*, Wei S, Giesy JP, Yu H*. 2017. Influence of blooms of phytoplankton on concentrations of hydrophobic organic chemicals in sediments and snails in a hyper-eutrophic, freshwater lake. Water Res. 113:22-31.
2.Yang J, Zhang X*, Xie Y, Song C, Sun J, Zhang Y, Giesy JP, Yu H. 2017. Ecogenomics of Zooplankton Reveals Ecological Threshold of Ammonia Nitrogen. Environ Sci & Technol. 51: 3057–3064.
3.Xia P, Zhang X*, Zhang H, Wang P, Tian M, Yu H. 2017. Benchmarking Water Quality from Wastewater to Drinking Waters Using Reduced Transcriptome of Human Cells. Environ Sci Technol. 51(16):9318-9326.
4.Yang J, Zhang X*, Xie Y, Song C, Yu H, Burton GA. 2017. Zooplankton Community Profiling in a Eutrophic Freshwater Ecosystem-Lake Tai Basin by DNA Metabarcoding. Sci Rep. 7: 1773
5.Wei Shi, Jing Guo, Yubin Zhou, Dongyang Deng, Zhihua Han, Xiaowei Zhang*, Hongxia Yu*, and John P. Giesy. 2017. Phthalate Esters on Hands of Office Workers: Estimating the Influence of Touching Surfaces. Environ Sci & Technol Lett. 4(1): 1–5.
6.Guo J, Shi W, Chen Q, Deng D, Zhang X, Wei S, Yu N, Giesy JP, Yu H. 2017. Extended virtual screening strategies to link anti-androgenic activities and detected organic contaminants in soils. Environ Sci Technol. 51(21):12528-12536.
7.Yang J, Zhang X*, Zhang W, Sun J, Xie Y, Zhang Y, Burton GA Jr, Yu H. 2017. Indigenous species barcode database improves the identification of zooplankton. PLoS One. 12(10): e**.
8.Ma L, Xie Y, Han Z, Giesy JP, Zhang X*. 2017. Responses of earthworms and microbial communities in their guts to Triclosan. Chemosphere. 168:1194-1201.
9.Steigmeyer AJ, Zhang J, Daley JM, Zhang X*, Burton GA Jr. 2017. An in situ Toxicity Identification and Evaluation (iTIE) water analysis system: Laboratory validation. Environ Toxicol Chem. 36(6):1636-1643.
10.Du W, Gardea-Torresdey JL, Xie Y, Yin Y, Zhu J, Zhang X, Ji R, Gu K, Peralta-Videa JR, Guo H. 2017. Elevated CO(2) levels modify TiO(2) nanoparticle effects on rice and soil microbial communities. Sci Total Environ. 578:408-416.
11.Katherine J. Jeppe, Jianghua Yang, Sara M. Long, Melissa E. Carew, Xiaowei Zhang, Vincent Pettigrove, Ary A. Hoffmann. 2016. Detecting copper toxicity in sediments: from the sub‐individual level to the population level. Journal of Applied Ecology.
12.Jung D, Guan M, Lee S, Kim C, Shin H, Hong S, Yim UH, Shim WJ, Giesy JP, Khim JS, Zhang X*, Choi K*. Searching for novel modes of toxic actions of oil spill using E. coli live cell array reporter system - A Hebei Spirit oil spill study. Chemosphere. 2017,169:669-677.
13.Xie Y, Hong S, Kim S, Zhang X*., Yang J, Giesy JP, Wang T, Lu Y, Yu H, Khim JS. 2017. Ecogenomic responses of benthic communities under multiple stressors along the marine and adjacent riverine areas of northern Bohai Sea, China, Chemosphere, 172:166-174.
14.Xie Y, Wang J, Yang J, Giesy JP, Yu H, Zhang X*. 2017. Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals primary chemical contaminants in freshwater sediments from different land-use types, Chemosphere. 172:201-209.
15.Jousset A, Bienhold C, Chatzinotas A, Gallien L, Gobet A, Kurm V, Küsel K, Rillig MC, Rivett DW, Salles JF, van der Heijden MG, Youssef NH, Zhang X, Wei Z, Hol WH. 2017. Where less may be more: how the rare biosphere pulls ecosystems strings. ISME J. 11(4):853-862.
16.Fan M, Liu Z, Dyer S, Xia P, Zhang X. 2017. Environmental risk assessment of polycyclic musks HHCB and AHTN in consumer product chemicals in China. Sci Total Environ. 599-600:771-779.
17.LaLone CA, Ankley GT, Belanger SE, Embry MR, Hodges G, Knapen D, Munn S,Perkins EJ, Rudd MA, Villeneuve DL, Whelan M, Willett C, Zhang X, Hecker M. 2017. Advancing the adverse outcome pathway framework-An international horizon scanning approach. Environ Toxicol Chem. 36(6):1411-1421.
18.Wu Y, Shi W, Xia P, Zhang X, Yu H. 2017. Qualitative and quantitative simulation of androgen receptor antagonists: A case study of polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Sci Total Environ. 603-604:495-501.
19.Saquib Q, Attia SM, Ansari SM, Al-Salim A, Faisal M, Alatar AA, Musarrat J, Zhang X, Al-Khedhairy AA. 2017. p53, MAPKAPK-2 and caspases regulate nickel oxide nanoparticles induce cell death and cytogenetic anomalies in rats. Int J Biol Macromol. pii: S0141-8130(17)31498-8.
20.Guan M, Zhang X*, 2017. Functional genomic assessment of 2, 2-bis (bromomethyl)-1, 3-propanediol induced cytotoxicity in a single-gene knockout library of of E. coli. Chemosphere, 185: 582-588.
21.Morandi GD, Wiseman SB, Guan M, Zhang XW*, Martin JW, Giesy JP*. 2017. Elucidating mechanisms of toxic action of dissolved organic chemicals in oil sands process-affected water (OSPW). Chemosphere. 86:893-900.
1.Xia P, Zhang X*, Xie Y, Guan M, Villeneuve DL, Yu H. 2016. Functional Toxicogenomic Assessment of Triclosan in Human HepG2 Cells Using Genome-Wide CRISPR-Cas9 Screening. Environ Sci Technol. 50(19):10682-10692. (Cover page, 2016 ES&T best paper)
2.Peng Y, Xia P, Zhang J, Villeneuve DL, Zhang J, Wang Z, Wei S, Yu H, Zhang X*. 2016. Toxicogenomic Assessment of 6-OH-BDE47 Induced Developmental Toxicity in Chicken Embryo. Environ Sci Technol. 50(22):12493-12503.
3.Xiao H, Krauss M, Floehr T, Yan Y, Bahlmann A, Eichbaum K, Brinkmann M, Zhang X, Yuan X, Brack W, Hollert H. 2016. Effect-directed analysis of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in sediments from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Environ Sci Technol. 50 (20): 11319–11328.
4.Chen Q, Wang X, Shi W, Yu H, Zhang X, Giesy JP. 2016. Identification of thyroid hormone disruptors among HO-PBDEs: In vitro investigations and co-regulator involved simulations. Environ Sci Technol. 50(22):12429-12438.
5.Xie Y, Xia P, Wang H, Yu H, Giesy JP, Zhang Y, Mora MA, Zhang X*. 2016. Effects of captivity and artificial breeding on microbiota in feces of the red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis). Sci Rep. 6:33350.
6.Wei F, Li J, Zhang R, Xia P, Peng Y, Giesy JP, Zhang X*. 2016. Relative sensitivities among avian species to individual and mixtures of AhR-active compounds. Environ Toxicol Chem. 35(5):1239-46.
7.Shi W, Deng D, Wang Y, Hu G, Guo J, Zhang X, Wang X, Giesy JP, Yu H, Wang Z. 2016, Causes of endocrine disrupting potencies in surface water in East China. Chemosphere, 144:1435-1442.
8.Zhang J, Zhang X*, Xia P, Zhang R, Wu Y, Xia J, Su G, Zhang J, Giesy JP, Wang Z, Villeneuve DL, Yu H, 2016, Activation of AhR-mediated toxicity pathway by emerging pollutants polychlorinated diphenyl sulfides. Chemosphere, 144:1754-1762.
9.Guan M, Su G, Giesy JP, Zhang X*. 2016, Classification and toxicity mechanisms of novel flame retardants (NFRs) based on whole genome expression profiling. Chemosphere. 144:2150-2157.
10.Wu Y, Zhang S, Ren C, Xie YW, Zhang XW*, Sojinu SO, Chen TS, Wang JZ*, 2015 Residues of organophosphorus insecticides in sediment around a highly eutrophic lake, Eastern China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(2):1-9.
11.Wang JZ, Bai YS, Wu Y, Zhang S, Chen TH, Peng SC, Xie YW, Zhang XW, 2015, Occurrence, compositional distribution, and toxicity assessment of pyrethroid insecticides in sediments from the fluvial systems of Chaohu Lake, Eastern China. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 23(11):10406-14。
12.Li JY, Su L, Wei F, Yang J, Jin L*, Zhang X*. 2016, Bioavailability-based assessment of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated activity in Lake Tai Basin from Eastern China. Sci Total Environ, 544:987-994.
13.Zhang R, Zhang J, Zhang X*, Zhang J, Su G, Farmahin R, Giesy JP, Yu H. 2016, In vitro dioxin-like potencies of HO- and MeO-PBDEs and inter-species sensitivity variation in birds. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 126:202-10.
14.Xie Y, Wang J, Wu Y, Ren C, Song C, Yang J, Yu H, Giesy JP, Zhang X*. 2016, Using in situ bacterial communities to monitor contaminants in river sediments. Environ Pollut, 212:348-357.
15.Yu N, Wei S, Li M, Yang J, Li K, Jin L, Xie Y, Giesy JP, Zhang X, Yu H. 2016. Effects of Perfluorooctanoic Acid on Metabolic Profiles in Brain and Liver of Mouse Revealed by a High-throughput Targeted Metabolomics Approach. Sci Rep.6:23963.
16.Wu Y, Doering JA, Ma Z, Tang S, Liu H, Zhang X, Wang X, Yu H. 2016. Identification of androgen receptor antagonists: In vitro investigation and classification methodology for flavonoid. Chemosphere.158:72-9.
17.Wang P, Du Z, Gao S*, Zhang X*, Giesy JP. 2016. Impairment of reproduction of adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) by binary mixtures of environmentally relevant concentrations of triclocarban and inorganic mercury. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 134:124-132.
18.Wang X, Zhang X, Xia P, Zhang J, Wang Y, Zhang R, Giesy JP, Shi W, Yu H. 2016. A high-throughput, computational system to predict if environmental contaminants can bind to human nuclear receptors. Sci Total Environ. 576:609-616.
19.Zhu X, Jin L, Yang J, Wu J, Zhang B, Zhang X, Yu N, Wei S, Wu J, Yu H.2016. Perfluoroalkyl acids in the water cycle from a freshwater river basin to coastal waters in eastern China. Chemosphere. 168:390-398.
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赵瑜教授联系方式电子邮件/Email:yuzhao@nju.edu.cn电话/Tel:+86-地址/Address:江苏省南京市仙林大道163号,南京大学(仙林校区)环境学院,210023研究组主页/Website:http://www.airqualitynju.com/教育背景2008.07清华 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16南京大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-袁增伟
袁增伟博士、教授、博士生导师博士、教授、博士生导师、国家****科学基金获得者、首届国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。主要从事物质循环及其环境效应研究,在磷循环过程机理、含磷废物(畜禽粪便、餐厨垃圾、厨余垃圾、园林绿化废弃物等)资源化利用、磷排放生命周期过程环境效应评估等领域取得一定创新成果。主持国家自然 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16南京大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张炳
张炳电话/传真Emailzhangb@nju.edu.cn张炳,南京大学环境学院博士、教授,南京大学-江苏省环境保护厅环境管理与政策研究中心主任。2003年7月毕业于南京大学环境科学系环境规划与管理专业,获理学学士学位;2008年12月年毕业于南京大学环境学院,获环境规划与管理专业理学博士学位。20 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16