张炳,南京大学环境学院博士、教授,南京大学-江苏省环境保护厅环境管理与政策研究中心主任。2003年7月毕业于南京大学环境科学系环境规划与管理专业,获理学学士学位;2008年12月年毕业于南京大学环境学院,获环境规划与管理专业理学博士学位。2006年9月-2007年2月赴香港大学城市规划和环境管理中心访问学习,2007年9月-2008年9月作为国家建设高水平大学联合培养博士赴美国Rutgers大学城市规划和公共政策系工作学习。主要从事环境管理与政策分析、环境经济学等教学和研究,2013年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金资助, 2017年获聘教育部****奖励****计划青年****(经济学),2017获得国家****青年拔尖人才。2018年获得国家自然科学基金****科学基金资助。
受教育经历?2007/09-2008/09,Rutgers University (美国罗格斯大学),国家建设高水平大学联合培养博士
?1999/9 -2003/7,南京大学,环境学院环境科学系,学士
研究工作经历?2016.3-2017.3, 美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校,环境科学与管理系,访问****
?2014/9-2014/12, 香港中文大学,地理与环境管理系,访问****
?2013/12-, 南京大学,环境学院环境规划与管理专业,教授
?Journal of Environmental Management 杂志编委
?Environmental Management 杂志副主编
2)Citizen Monitoring of Urban Waterways in Jiangsu, China, EGAP, 课题负责人,2017-2019。
17)Policy conflict and Performance of Emissions trading markets: an adaptive agent-based analysis, 东南亚环境经济项目(EEPSEA), 2011-2012;
18)国家主要大气污染物总量减排管理技术体系研究,环保部公益项目, 2012-2014.
[1]Sarah Anderson, Mark T. Buntaine, Mengdi Liu and Bing Zhang. Non-Governmental Monitoring of Local Governments Increases Compliance with Central Mandates: A National-Scale Field Experiment in China, American Journal of Political Science, forthcoming.
[2]Chunhua Wang, JunJie Wu, Bing Zhang*, Environmental Regulation, Emissions and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese COD-emitting Manufacturers, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 92:64-73.
[3]Bing ZHANG,Huanxiu GUO*, Xiaolan CHEN. Does central supervision enhance local environmental regulation? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from China's Environmental Federalism. Journal of Public Economics, 2018, 164 : 70-90.
[4]Mengdi LIU, Bing ZHANG*, Qiang GENG. Environmental regulation, pollution control strategies and labor demand in China. Journal of Regulatory Economics, Accepted.
[5]Pan HE, Bing ZHANG*. Environmental tax, polluting firms' strategies and effectiveness: Evidence from China. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2018, 37(3) : 493-520.
[6]Mengdi Liu, Ron Shadbegian, Bing Zhang*, Environmental regulation, pollution reduction and labor demand: Evidence from textile printing and dyeing industry in China, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2017, 86 : 277-294.
[7]Haoyi Wu, Huanxiu Guo; Bing Zhang*, Maoliang Bu. Westward Movement of New Polluting Firms in China: Pollution Reduction Mandates and Location Choice, Journal of Comparative Economics, 2017, 45 (1), 119-138.
[8]Wang Feng, Cai Beiming, Bing Zhang*. A Bite of China: Food consumption and carbon emission from 1992-2007, China Economic Review, Accepted..
[9]Maoliang BU, Jinde Lin, Bing Zhang*, Globalization and Climate Change: New Empirical Panel Data Evidence, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2016, 30(3): 577-595.
[10]Bing Zhang, Jun Bi* et al. Eco-efficiency evaluation of industrial system in China: A data envelopment analysis approach. Ecological Economics, 2008, 68(1-2): 306-316.
[11]Jing Yang, Bing Zhang*, Air pollution and healthcare expenditure: Implication for the benefit of air pollution control in China, Environment International, 2018, 120 :443-455.
[12]Jing Yang, Huanxiu Guo, Beibei Liu, Rrui Shi, Bing Zhang*, Weili Ye. Environmental Regulation and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis: Do Environmental Regulation Measures Matter? Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 202: 993-1000.
[1]Bing Zhang*, Kaihong Fang, Kenneth A. Baerenklau. Have Chinese Water Pricing Reforms Reduced Residential Water Demand? Water Resource Research, 2017, 53(6) : 5057-5069.
[2]D. Seligsohn, M. Liu, B. Zhang*, The Sound of One Hand Clapping: The impact of environmental transparency in an autocratic regime, Environmental Politics, 2018, 27(5) : 804-829.
[3]Cai Beiming, Bing Zhang*, Worse than imaged: unidentified virtual water flows in China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2017, 196 :681-691.[4]Feng Wang, Beibei Liu, Bing Zhang*, Embodied environmental damage in interregional trade: A MRIO-based assessment within China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017 140: 1236-1246.
[5]Hui Zhang, Libin Cao, Bing Zhang*, Emissions trading and technology adoption: An adaptive agent-based analysis of thermal power plants in China, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 121 : 23-32.
[6]Feng Wang, Bing Zhang*, Distributional incidence of green electricity price subsidies in China, Energy Policy, 2016, 88: 27–38.
[7]Bing Zhang*, Hanxun Fei, Pan He, Yuan Xu*, Zhanfeng Dong, Oran R. Young, The Indecisive Role of the Market in China's SO2 and COD Emissions Trading, Environmental Politics, 2016, 25(5) : 875-898.
[8]Xiuru Zhou, Weili Ye, Bing Zhang*, Introducing nonpoint source transferable quotas in nitrogen trading: The effects of transaction costs and uncertainty, Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 168: 252-259.
[9]Bing Zhang, Yongjing ZHANG, Beibei LIU. Regulatory uncertainty and corporate pollution control strategies: An empirical study of the “Pay for Permit” policy in the Tai Lake Basin, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 2015, 33 : 118-135.
[10]Wei Zhang, Jinnan Wang, Bing Zhang, Jun Bi, Hongqiang Jiang. Can China Comply with Its 12th Five-Year Plan on Industrial Emissions Control: A Structural Decomposition Analysis, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(8): 4816-4824.
[11]Hui Zhang, Bing Zhang*, Jun Bi, More efforts, more benefits: Air pollutant control of coal-fired power plants in China, Energy, 2015, 80: 1-9.
[12]Oran R. Young, Dan Guttman, Ye Qi, Kris Bachus, David Belis, Hongguang Cheng, Alvin Lin, Jeremy Schreifels, Sarah Van Eynde, Yahua Wang, Liang Wu, Yilong Yan, An Yu, Durwood Zaelke, Bing Zhang, Shiqiu Zhang, Xiaofan Zhao, Xufeng Zhu . Institutionalized governance processes Comparing environmental problem solving in China and the United States. Global Environmental Change, 2015, 31:163-173.
[13]Beiming Cai, Bing Zhang*, Jun Bi, Wenjing Zhang, Energy’s thirst for water in China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014 48(20): 11760-11768.
[14]Zengyin Zhu, Ke Wang, Bing Zhang*, Applying a network data envelopment analysis model to quantify the eco-efficiency of products: a case study of pesticides, Journal of Cleaner Production 2014, 69 : 67-73
[15]Jun Bi, Oran R. Young, Robert Costanza, Lingxuan Liu, Roger Kasperson, Ye Qi, Daniel Guttman, Kejun Jiang, Daniel Mazmanian, Shiqiu Zhang, Junjie Zhang, Gail Osherenko, Robert Percival, Bing Zhang, Haikun Wang, Pan He, Miaomiao Liu, Same dream, different beds: Can America and China take effective steps to solve the climate problem? Global Environmental Change, 2014.
[16]Bing Zhang, Hui Zhang, Jun Bi, Policy Interactions and Underperforming Emission Trading Markets in China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47(13): 7077–7084.
[17]Yuanchun Zhou, Bing Zhang*, Haikun Wang, Jun Bi, Drops of Energy: Conserving Urban Water to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Environmental Science & Technology 47(19): 10753–10761.
[18]Bing Zhang, Elizabeth Wilson, Jun BI*. Controlling Air Pollution from Coal Power Plants in China: Incremental Change or a Great Leap Forward. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45 (24), 10294–10295.
[19]Bing Zhang, Qinqin YU, Jun Bi*. Policy design and performance of emissions trading markets: an adaptive agent-based analysis, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44, 5693–5699.
[20]Yongliang Zhang, Yueying Wu, Hai Yu, Zhanfeng Dong, Bing Zhang*. Trade-offs in designing water pollution trading policy with multiple objectives: A case study in the Tai Lake Basin, China. Environmental Science & Policy, 2013, 33: 295-307.
[21]Beibei LIU, Qi Wei, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI. Life cycle GHG emissions of sewage sludge treatment and disposal options in Tai Lake Watershed, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2013,447:361-369.
[22]Liu Beibei, Heng Liu, Bing Zhang*, Jun Bi. Modeling Nutrient Release in the Tai Lake Basin of China: Source Identification and Policy Implications. Environmental Management, 2013, 51(3):724-737.
[23]Bing Zhang, Yan Shuchong, Jun BI*. Enterprises' willingness to adopt/develop cleaner production technologies: An empirical study in Changshu, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013, 40 : 62-70.
[24]Yuanchun ZHOU, Yueying WU, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI. Understanding the Price Dynamics in the Jiangsu SO2 Emissions Trading Program in China: A Multiple Periods Analysis, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2013,18: 285–297.
[25]Bing Zhang, Hen Liu, Jun BI*. Equity-based optimization of regional water pollutant discharge amount allocation: A case study in Tai Lake Basin, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2012, 55(7) : 885-900.
[26]Lingxuan Liu, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI. Local Governance on Climate Mitigation: a Comparative Study of China and Japan, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 31(3): 475-489.
[27]Beibei LIU, Chen CHEN, Bing Zhang* et al. Fuel use pattern and determinants of taxi drivers' fuel choice in Nanjing, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012,33 : 60-66.
[28]Beibei LIU, Pan HE, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI. Impacts of alternative allowance allocation methods under a cap-and-trade program in power sector, Energy Policy, 2012, 47 : 405-415.
[29]Lingxuan Liu, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI. Reforming China's multi-level environmental governance: Lessons from the 11th Five-Year Plan, Environmental Science & Policy, 2012, 21 : 106-111.
[30]Beibei LIU, Feng WANG, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI. Energy balance and GHG emissions of cassava-based fuel ethanol using different planting modes in China. Energy Policy, 2013, 56: 210-220.
[31]Lingxuan Liu, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI. The greenhouse gas mitigation of industrial parks in China: A case study of Suzhou Industrial Park, Energy Policy, 2012, 46 : 301-307.
[32]Bing Zhang, Yan YANG, Jun BI*, Tracking the implementation of green credit policy in China: top-down perspective and bottom-up reform, Journal of Environmental Management, 2011, 92 : 1321-1327.
[33]Yuanchun ZHOU, Bing Zhang*, Ji ZOU, Jun BI, Joint R&D in low-carbon technology development in China: A case study of the wind-turbine manufacturing industry, Energy Policy, 2012, 46 : 100-108.
[34]Lingxuan LIU, Pan HE, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI*. Red and Green: Public perception and air quality information in urban China, Environment, 2012, 54(3): 45-50.
[35]Yongliang ZHANG, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI*. Modeling the impact of uncertainty in emissions trading markets with bankable permits, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2013, 7(2) : 231-241.
[36]Yongliang ZHANG, Bing Zhang*, Jun BI*. Policy conflict and the feasibility of water pollution trading programs in Tai Lake Basin, China, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 2012, 30(3): 416-428.
[37]Jun BI, Jian LI, Bing Zhang *, Integrated Management System for Water Pollutant Discharge Permit Based on a Hybrid C/S and B/S Model, Environmental Modelling & Software, 2011, 26 : 831-833.
[38]Bing Zhang, Yongliang ZHANG, Jun BI*. An Adaptive Agent-based modeling approach for analyzing the influence of transaction costs on emissions trading markets, Environmental Modelling & Software, 2011, 26 : 482-491.
[39]Bing Zhang, Jun Bi* et al. Drivers and barriers to engage enterprises in environmental management initiatives in Suzhou Industrial Park, China: Dose size matter? Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2009, 3(2): 210-220.
[40]Jun Bi, Yongliang Zhang, Bing Zhang*. Public perception of environmental issues across socioeconomic characteristics: A survey study in Wujin, China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2010, 4(3):361-372.
[41]Bing Zhang, Jun Bi* et al. Why do firms engage in environmental management? An empirical study in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2008, 16: 1036-1045.
[42]Bing Zhang, Jun Bi* et al. Who Will Be More Active In Sustainable Consumption? Evidence from China. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2007, 6(4): 17-34.
[43]Beibei Liu, Qinqin Yu, Bing Zhang, Jun Bi*, Does the GreenWatch program work? Evidence from a developed area in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2010, 18, 454–461
[44]Ling Zhang, Zengwei Yuan, Jun Bi*, Bing Zhang, Eco-industrial parks: national pilot practices in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2010, 18, 504–509.
[45]Beibei Liu, Qinqin Yu, Jun Bi, Bing Zhang, Junjie Ge.A study on the short-term and long-term corporate responses to the GreenWatch Program: Evidence from Jiangsu, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012, 24: 132-140.
[46]王珂,毕军,张炳*. 排污权有偿使用政策的寻租博弈分析,中国人口资源环境,2010, 20(9): 95-101.
[47]张炳, 王珂, 毕军. 煤电市场对火电行业SO2排污交易市场的影响分析, 中国环境科学,2010, 30(3): 416-419.
[48]张炳,黄和平,毕军*,基于物质流分析和数据包络分析的区域生态效率评价——以江苏省为例. 生态学报,2009, 29(5): 2473-2480.
[49]张炳,毕军*,等. 江苏苏南地区环境库茨涅茨曲线实证研究. 经济地理, 2008, 3: 376-379.
[50]张炳,毕军*,等. 基于Agent的区域排污权交易仿真与分析. 系统仿真学报(EI),2008,20(20):5651-5654.
[51]张炳,毕军*,等. 基于DEA的企业生态效率评价:以浙江杭州湾精细化工园区企业为例. 系统工程理论与实践 (EI),2008, 4 (4): 159-166 .
[52]张炳,毕军*, 等. 企业环境行为:环境政策分析的微观视角. 中国.人口资源环境,2007,17(3): 40-44.
[53]沈满洪,葛察忠,董战峰,张炳. 环境经济研究进展(第三卷),中国环境科学出版社,2011.
[54]葛察忠,董战峰,张炳. 环境经济研究进展(第四卷),中国环境科学出版社,2012.
[55]张炳,李冰,葛察忠,董战峰. 中国水污染控制战略与政策创新,中国环境科学出版社,2012.
[1]Does central supervision enhance local environmental regulation? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from China’s Environmental Federalism. The 22nd annual conference of the European association of environmental and resource economists. ETH Zurich. Zurich, Switzerland. June 22-25, 2016.
[2]The supply-side reform of Chinese power sector: a Two-Stage Network DEA Approach. PACE 2016 international symposium on environmental economics and policy in China. Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. Ningbo, China. June 12-14, 2016.
[3]Does environmental regulation affect competitiveness? Evidence from China's textile printing and dyeing industry. The 4th Annual International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Institutions. Xiamen University. Xiamen, China. April 16-17, 2016.
[4]The Sound of One Hand Clapping: The Impact of Environmental Transparency in an Autocratic Regime, 3rd International Conference: Environment and Natural Resources Management in Developing and Transition Economies, University of Auvergne – CERDI, Clermont Ferrand, France, October 8-10, 2014.
[5]The Cost of APEC BLUE:The Impact of Pollution Reduction on Labor Demand in China, The Fifth Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan, August 5-7, 2015.
[6]Does Environmental Regulation Affect Labor Demand in China? Evidence from the Textile Printing and Dyeing Industry, Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 5th Annual Summer Conference, Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center, Breckenridge, Colorado, June 9-11, 2016.
[7]Government Transparency and the Effectiveness of Environmental Regulation: A Field Experiment in China, EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School on Field Experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics, VIU campus, San Servolo, Venice, June 28 - July 2, 2016.
[8]Does Environmental Regulation Affect Productivity? Evidence from China's Textile Printing and Dyeing Industry, The Sixth Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan, August 7-10, 2016.
[9]The Cost of Blue Sky: Impact of Environmental Regulation on Labor Demand, Workshop on Cost-benefit Analysis of Air Pollution Control and Climate Change Adaptation, Novotel, Nanjing, China, August 13-15, 2016.
[10]Policy Interactions and Underperforming Emission Trading Markets in China. 2013 International Young Scholars workshop on Environmental Economics 7-8 September 2013,Peking University, Beijing, China.
[11]Life Cycle GHG Emissions of Sewage Sludge Treatment and Disposal Options: Case Study in Tai Lake Watershed, International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Asia-Pacific Conference, October 20-21, 2012, Beijing.
[13]Bing Zhang. Policy Interactions and Underperforming Emission Trading Markets in China. 2013 International Young Scholars workshop on Environmental Economics 7-8 September 2013,Peking University, Beijing, China.
[14]张炳, 何盼. 水污染物排污权有偿使用和交易试点绩效评估. 水污染物排污权有偿使用和交易交流会,2012.8.13,内蒙古满洲里.
[15]张炳,何盼,基于主体建模方法在环境政策分析中的应用:以排污权交易为例. 全国环境规划与政策模拟模型方法学术研讨会, 2012.7.19,辽宁丹东.
[16]Bing ZHANG, Qi WEI. Implementing of water pollutant discharge permit in Tai Lake Basin. Implementation of Pollutant Discharge Permit System in China, 2011.5.20, Nanjing China.
[17]Bing ZHANG, Pan HE. Implementing emission trading programs: International experience and policy design in China. PACE2011中国环境经济与政策国际研讨会,2011.7.12, 浙江杭州.
[18]Bing ZHANG. Compensated use of emission permit in Tai Lake : A hybrid approach of price and quantity. Building New Clean Water Networks in China: Challenges and Opportunities for Protecting Lake Tai, 2010.1.14, Nanjing China.
[19]张炳,毕军. Policy design and performance of emissions trading markets: An adaptive agent-based analysis. 环境经济政策与环境核算国际研讨会,2009.7,昆明.
[20]张炳,毕军. The role of transaction costs in emissions trading market. 政策创新与商机——排污交易国际研讨会,2008,南京
[21]毕军,张炳,刘蓓蓓 等.建立环境资源有偿使用机制的江苏省实践. 政策创新与商机——排污交易国际研讨会,2008,南京.
[22]Bing ZHANG, Jun Bi*. Applying data envelopment analysis approach to eco-efficiency analysis in China. Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Perspectives from Business in Asia, Hong Kong, China, November 17, 2006.
[23]Bing ZHANG, Jun Bi*. Pricing the emission permits: a case study of the sulfur dioxide emission permits of power plant in Jiangsu province, International Workshop on Environmental Health & Pollution Control, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, October 22-25, 2006.
[24]Bing ZHANG*,Jun Bi et al. Analysis of Determinant Factors for Corporate Environmental Behavior and Performance: An Empirical Approach, 12th International Sustainable Development Research Conference, Hong Kong, China, April 6-8, 2006
[25]Jun Bi, Bing Zhang. Environmental Behavior Analysis of Residents Living in High-rise Building. 11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, June 6-8, 2005.
[26]Jun Bi, Bing ZHANG, et al., 2006, New Development Strategy and Local Environmental Governance in China, in Peter Hills, William Young and Richard Welford (eds.), Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region,University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 253-265.
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赵丽娟博士,教授联系方式电子邮件:ljzhao@nju.edu.cn,andrewlijuan@163.com南京市栖霞区仙林大道163号南京大学环境学院邮编210046办公室:环境学院大楼(钱盘生楼)C508实验室:环境学院大楼(钱盘生楼)A520教育经历2005.09-2008.07,中国科学院 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16南京大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-吴兵
吴兵博士,教授南京大学环境学院环境生物专业Office:环境学院B505Email:bwu@nju.edu.cn学习经历2005/9-2010/6南京大学,环境学院,博士2001/9-2005/6青岛科技大学材料与环境科学系,学士工作经历2014/1-至今南京大学,环境学院,副教授2013/4-20 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16南京大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-瞿晓磊
瞿晓磊博士,教授环境化学专业联系方式电话:办公室:南京大学仙林校区钱盘生楼B509电子邮箱:xiaoleiqu@nju.edu.cn科研工作经历2014/01-至今,南京大学,环境学院环境科学系,副教授2013/05-2013/12,美国莱斯大学(RiceUniversity),环境工程系,博士后研 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16南京大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-万玉秋
万玉秋博士副教授联系方式地址:南京市汉口路22号南京大学环境学院邮编:210093电话:,(兼传真)E-mail:yqwan@nju.edu.cn个人简要经历1983.9-1987.7南京大学地科系地球化学本科1987.9-1990.7南京大学地科系地球化学专业硕士1992.9-1995.9南京大学 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16南京大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘红玲
刘红玲博士,副教授硕士生导师(环境化学专业方向)联系方式电话/传真:电子邮件:hlliu@nju.edu.cn办公室:南京大学环境学院大楼B522通讯地址:南京市栖霞区仙林大道163号,210023课题组网址:http://hjxy.nju.edu.cn/zhangxw/欢迎热爱环境分析、环境生态风 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16