教育背景博士 (海洋环境科学,2004-2008),香港科技大学大气海洋环境系AMCE
学士 (环境科学,2000-2004),南京大学环境学院
科研工作经历2011.10─ 南京大学环境学院副教授(环境生物专业)
2009.01─2011.08 博士后研究员,加拿大Trent大学
2008.09─2008.12 助理研究员,香港科技大学生物系
学术及社会兼职(1) 南京大学"中美环境研究中心" 副主任
(2) 加拿大Trent大学环境与生命科学系(EnLS),教授,博士生导师 (兼职)
(3) SCI期刊Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology编委(Editorial board)
(4) 第17届“国际环境重金属会议”(ICHMET)分会主席
(5) 南通市生态工程应用研究院科学顾问
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:土壤水体成分对"稻田汞"的形态及水生生物有效性的影响研究
4. 江苏省自然科学基金:有机质对稻田中汞的水生生物可利用性影响研究
5. 教育部博士点基金:汞-土壤接触时间对稻田中汞的生物有效性影响研究
6. 江苏省六大高峰人才计划:重金属污染土壤新型生态修复技术的研发与应用
7. 海外人员择优基金:有机质对稻田汞固定作用研究
8. 教育部、国家外专局“高端外国专家计划”中方负责人
4. 国家级大学生创新研究计划:“秸秆还田对水稻汞富集影响探究”,2014-2016,获最高全额研究资助(2万)
招生与招聘1. 招收环境科学(环境生物学方向)及相关领域研究生;
2. 常年招收优秀博士后、助理研究员;
3. 优秀者将进行中国-加拿大两地联合培养;
4. 申请人专业不仅限于环境科学,还包括:生物、化学、地球科学、环境工程、食品科学、医学、中医学等相关学科。
主要研究方向1. 金属生物地球化学
2. 金属食物链传递与食品安全
3. 食品安全信息化与可视化研究
(1) 如何通过食品生产者、销售者及监管者三方的合力,推进食品安全的信息化建设;
(2) 如何将食品安全信息以高度可视化的形式(如手机app,二维码扫描等形式)有效地传递给消费者。
代表性论文1.Yue Zhang, Yu-Rong Liu, Pei Lei, Yong-Jie Wang, Huan Zhong*. Biochar and nitrate reduce risk of methylmercury in soils under straw amendment. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 619-620: 384-390.
2.Tang WL, Zhong H*, Xiao L*, Tan Q-G, Zeng Q-L, Wei Z-B. Inhibitory effects of rice residues amendment on Cd phytoavailability: A matter of Cd-organic matter interactions? Chemosphere, 2017, 186: 227-234.
3.Wang G, Liu H-Q, Gong Y, Wei Y, Miao A-J, Yang L-Y*, Zhong H*. Risk Assessment of Metals in Urban Soils from a Typical Industrial City, Suzhou, Eastern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017, 14(9), 1025. doi:10.3390/ijerph**
4.Peng Q, Greenfield B, Dang F, Gong Y, Bu W-B, Zhong H*. Mechanistic understanding of low methylmercury bioaccessibility from crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) muscle tissue. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 603-604: 453-460.
5.Dang F, Li M, Zhu M, Zhong H, Hintelmann H, Zhou D-M*. Effects of exposure pathways on accumulation and phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles in soybean and rice seedlings. Nanotoxicology. 2017, 11: 699-709.
6.Wang G, Gong Y, Zhu Y-X, Miao A-J, Yang L-Y*, Zhong H*. Assessing the Risk of Hg Exposure Associated with Rice Consumption in a Typical City (Suzhou) in Eastern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017, 14(5), 525. doi:10.3390/ijerph**
7.Lin Y, Wang S-X*, Steindal EH, Zhang H, Zhong H, Tong Y-D, Wang Z-G, Braaten HFV, Wu Q-R, Larssen T. Minamata Convention on Mercury: Chinese Progress and Perspectives. National Science Review. 2017. https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwx031
8.Tang W-L, Evans D, Kraemer L, Zhong H*. Body size-dependent Cd accumulation in the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha from different routes. Chemosphere, 168: 825-831. 2017.
9.Tang W-L, Dang F, Evans D, Zhong H*, Xiao L*. Understanding reduced inorganic mercury accumulation in rice following selenium application: Selenium application routes, speciation and doses. Chemosphere, 169: 369-376. 2017.
10.Peng Q, Nunes LM, Greenfield BK, Dang F, Zhong H*. Are Chinese consumers at risk due to exposure to metals in crayfish? A bioaccessibility-adjusted probabilistic risk assessment. Environment International. 88:261-268.2016.
11.Shu R, Dang F, Zhong H*. Effects of incorporating differently-treated rice straw on phytoavailability of methylmercury in soil. Chemosphere 145:457-463. 2016.12.Shu R, Wang Y-J, Zhong H*. Biochar amendment reduced methylmercury accumulation in rice plants. Journal of Hazardous Materials 313: 1–8. 2016.
13.Wang Y-J, Dang F, Evans D, Zhong H*, Zhao J-T, Zhou D-M. Mechanistic understanding of MeHg-Se antagonism in soil-rice systems: the key role of antagonism in soil. Scientific Reports 6:19477. 2016.
14.Wang Y-J, Dang F, Zhao J-T, Zhong H*. Selenium inhibits sulfate-mediated methylmercury production in rice paddy soil. Environmental Pollution 213: 232-239. 2016.
15.Zhu H-K, Zhong H*, Wu J-L. Incorporating rice residues into paddy soils affects methylmercury accumulation in rice. Chemosphere, 152: 259-264. 2016.
16.Wang Y-J, Dang F, Zhong H*, Wei Z-B, Li P. Effects of sulfate and selenite on mercury methylation in a mercury-contaminated rice paddy soil under anoxic conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23:4602-4608. 2016.
17.Peng Q, Greenfield B, Dang F, Zhong H*. Human exposure to methylmercury from crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 38:169-181.2016.
18.Yong-Jie Wang, Zhong-Bo Wei, Qi-Long Zeng, Zhong H*. Amendment of sulfate with Se into soils further reduces methylmercury accumulation in rice. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 16: 2720-2727. 2016.
19.Zhu D-W, Zhong H*, Zeng Q-L, Yin Y. Prediction of methylmercury accumulation in rice grains by chemical extraction methods. Environmental Pollution 199:1-9. 2015.20.Dang F, Wang W-X, Zhong H, Wang S-Q, Zhou D-M*, Wang Y. Effects of phosphate on trace element accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.): a 5-year phosphate application study. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 16: 1440-1447. 2016.
21.Zhu H-K, Zhong H*, Evans D, Hintelmann H. Effects of rice residue incorporation on the speciation, potential bioavailability and risk of mercury in a contaminated paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 293: 64–71. 2015.
22.Zhu H-K, Zhong H*, Fu F-J, Zeng Z. Incorporation of Decomposed Crop Straw Affects Potential Phytoavailability of Mercury in a Mining-Contaminated Farming Soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 95:254–259. 2015. 23.Zhu D-W, Zhong H*. Potential bioavailability of mercury in humus-coated clay minerals. Journal of Environmental Sciences 36:48-55. 2015.
24.Ma L, Zhong H*, Wu Y-G*. Effects of metal soil contact time on the extraction of mercury from soils. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 94:399–406. 2015.
25.Dang F, Zhao J, Greenfield BK, Zhong H, Wang YJ, Yang Z-S, Zhou D-M*. Soil geochemistry and digestive solubilization control mercury bioaccumulation in the earthworm Pheretima guillemi. Journal of Hazardous Materials 292:44-51. 2015.
26.Zhong H*, Kraemer L, Evans D. Influence of contact time and sediment composition on the bioavailability of Cd in sediments. Environmental Pollution 173: 11-16. 2013.
27.Zhong H*, Kraemer L, Evans D. Influence of body size on Cu bioaccumulation in zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha exposed to different sources of particle-associated Cu. Journal of Hazardous Materials 261: 746-752. 2013.
28.Zhong H, Evans D, Wang W-X*. Uptake of Dissolved Organic Carbon-Complexed Cu-65 by the Green Mussel Perna viridis. Environmental Science and Technology 46: 2383-2390. 2012.
29.Zhong H*, Kraemer L, Evans D. Effects of aging on the digestive solubilization of Cu from sediments. Environmental Pollution 164: 195-203. 2012.
30.Zhong H, Wang W-X*. Controls of dissolved organic matter and chloride on mercury uptake by a marine diatom. Environmental Science and Technology 43: 8998-9003. 2009.
31.Zhong H, Wang W-X*. Inorganic mercury binding with different sulfur species in anoxic sediments and their gut juice extractions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28, 1851-1857. 2009.
32.Zhong H, Wang W-X*. The role of sorption and bacteria in mercury partitioning and bioavailability in artificial sediments. Environmental Pollution 157: 981-986. 2009.
33.Dang F, Zhong H, Wang W-X*. Copper uptake kinetics and regulation in a marine fish after waterborne copper acclimation. Aquatic Toxicology. 14: 238-244. 2009.
34.Zhong H, Wang W-X*. Effects of sediment composition on inorganic mercury partitioning, speciation and bioavailability in oxic surficial sediments. Environmental Pollution 151: 222-230. 2008.
35.Zhong H, Wang W-X*. Methylmercury extraction from artificial sediments by the gut juice of the sipunculan, Sipunculus nudus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27: 138-145. 2008.
36.Rainbow PS*, Amiard J-C, Amiard-Triquet C, Cheung M-S, Zhang L, Zhong H, Wang W-X. Trophic transfer of trace metals: subcellular compartmentalization in bivalve prey, assimilation by a gastropod predator and in vitro digestion simulations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 348: 125-138. 2007.
37.Zhong H, Wang W-X*. Metal-solid interactions controlling the bioavailability of mercury from sediments to the clams and sipunculans. Environmental Science and Technology 40: 3794-3799. 2006.
38.Zhong H, Wang W-X*. Sediment-bound inorganic Hg extraction mechanisms in the gut fluids of marine deposit feeders. Environmental Science and Technology 40: 6181-6186. 2006.
39.Zhong H, Wang W-X*. Influences of aging on the bioavailability of sediment-bound Cd and Zn to deposit-feeding sipunculans and soldier crabs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25: 2775-2780. 2006.
40.张慧玲,党菲,李紫竹,钟寰*,王永杰*.土壤-植物系统“硒-汞拮抗”研究进展综述. 南京大学学报(自然科学). 53:903-911. 2017.
41.张慧玲,刘玉荣,谷成*,钟寰*.秸秆还田影响汞污染地区“稻田汞”环境行为的研究进展. 科学通报. 62: 2717-2723. 2017.
42.彭倩,朱慧可,钟寰*,贺美. 腐殖酸对汞污染稻田中甲基汞行为的影响.生态与农村环境学报. 31: 748-752. 2015.
43.钟寰,王文雄*.沉积物中汞的生物可利用性研究进展. 环境化学. 30周年纪念专刊. 30: 165-178. 2011.
学术会议报告Zhong H, Wang W-X. 2005. Influences of contact time on the bioavailability of sediment-bound Cd and Zn. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 26th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD, USA.
Zhong H, Wang W-X. 2006. Influences of sediment composition on Hg bioavailability from sediments as explained by Hg solid speciation. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Asia/Pacific Meeting in Beijing, China.
Zhong H, Wang W-X. 2007. Key components controlling the partitioning, speciation, and bioavailability of inorganic mercury in anoxic sediments. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 28th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Zhong H, Wang W-X. 2006. Influences of sediment composition on Hg bioavailability from sediments as explained by Hg solid speciation. The 2nd Marine Biological Association of Hong Kong (MBAHK) Postgraduate Symposium, Hong Kong.
Zhong H, Wang W-X. 2006. How contact time affects the bioavailability of sediment-bound heavy metals. International Conference on Contrasting Marine Ecosystems, Hong Kong.
Zhong H, Wang W-X. 2007. Bioavailability of sediment-bound methylmercury: a mechanistic study. The 5th international conference on marine pollution and ecotoxicology, Hong Kong.
Zhong H, Wang W-X. 2009. The roles of DOC and salinity in controlling the uptake of Hg and MeHg by a marine diatom. The 9th International Mercury conference, Guiyang, Guizhou, China
Dang F, Zhong H, Wang W-X. 2009. Copper uptake kinetics and regulation after waterborne copper pre-exposure in a marine fish. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 30th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, USA.
Zhong H, Wang X-X. 2011. Controls of different sorption on the partitioning and bioavailability of sedimentary mercury. The 10th International Mercury conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Zhong H, Evans D, Wang W-X. 2012.Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon-complexed 65Cu-DOC. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) World Congress, Berlin, Germany
Zhu D-W, Zhong H. 2014. Prediction of methylmercury bioaccumulation in rice grains using (NH4)2S2O3 extraction method. 17th International conference on heavy metals (ICHMET)
Zhang T, Han B-Y, Lu Y, Zhong H. 2014. Assessment of dietary metal exposure for residents in Nanjing city, China. 17th International conference on heavy metals (ICHMET)Peng Q, Greenfield B, Dang F, Zhong H. 2014. Mercury levels and potential dietary risk from crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in China. 17th International conference on heavy metals (ICHMET)
Wang Y-J, Zhong H. 2014. Selenite and selenate into soils affect methylmercury accumulation in rice (Oryza sative L.). 17th International conference on heavy metals (ICHMET)
Zhu H-K, Zhong H. 2014. Influences of rice residual burial on speciation and bioavailability of mercury in a rice paddy soil. 17th International conference on heavy metals (ICHMET)
Zhong H, Evans D, Wang W-X, Zhu H-K. 2012.Biological uptake of 65Cu-DOC complexes by the green mussel Perna viridis. 17th International conference on heavy metals (ICHMET)Zhong H, Zhu DW. 2015. Can we predict methylmercury bioaccumulation in rice grains by chemical extraction methods? International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP)
Tang WL, Zhu HK, Zhong H. 2015. Enhanced methylmercury accumulation in rice grains in contaminated paddy soils amended with rice straw. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP)
Shu R, Zhong H. 2015. Effects of incorporating straw or straw biochar on methylmercury production and bioaccumulation in a contaminated paddy soil. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP)
Wang YJ, Dang F, Zhong H. 2015. Selenium decreases methylmercury bioaccumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) via mercury-selenium antagonism in soil. International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP)
Zhong H. 2015. Straw return increases methylmercury acumulation in rice grain. 1thInternational Institute for Environmental Studies Workshop (IIES).
Zhong H. 2016. Are consumers in China at risk due to exposure to metals in crayfish. 2nd international conference on Environmental Pollution and Health.
Zhong H. 2016. Dynamics and risk of Hg in soil-rice systems. 2nd International Institute for Environmental Studies Workshop.
Zhong H. 2016.Biogeochemistry and risk of Hg in contaminated soil-rice systems. 9th Sino-French joint lab 'Ecoland' workshop.
Zhong H. 2017. Dynamics and risk of Hg in soil-rice systems. Symposium of Ecotoxicology and Health Risk.
Zhong H. Understanding key factors controlling biogeochemistry and risk of mercury in contraminated soil-rice systems. The 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health.
Zhong H. Effects of Biochar Amendment on MeHg Dynamics in Soil-Crop Systems. 2017. The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource.
Zhong H. 2017. 汞生物地球化学与食品安全. 第一届中国青年汞论坛.
Zhong H. 2017. Effects of human activities on dynamics and risk of Hg in soil-crop systems. 33th SEGH.
Zhong H. 2017. Effects of human activities on dynamics and risk of Hg in soil-crop systems. 3rd International Institute of Environmental Studies Workshop (IIES 2017).
Zhong H. 2017. Effects of human activities on dynamics and risk of Hg in soil-crop systems. 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP 2017).
Zhong H. 2017. 1st IIES Graduate Student Forum, Asia. Sponsor.
Douglas Evans教授: 加拿大Trent大学
Holger Hintelmann教授:加拿大Trent大学
Ben Greenfield: 美国加州大学伯克利分校
Martin Tsui:美国北卡罗来纳大学格林斯伯勒分校
Raymond Kwong博士:加拿大渥太华太学
Luis Nunes 博士: 葡萄牙 Algarve 大学
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16
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栾景飞博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师1994年9月-1997年5月,吉林大学,获工学硕士学位。1997年6月-2000年11月,吉林大学,获工学博士学位。2000年12月-2002年12月,浙江大学,从事博士后研究工作,获得博士后证书。2002年12月-2003年1月,浙江大学副研究员。2003年1月 ...南京大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16南京大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-韩永忠
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