办公室电话: +86
Email: weijiang (at) nju.edu.cn
南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院教授,博士生导师。回国前任美国罗格斯(新泽西州立)大学 (RutgersUniversity)电子和计算机工程系副教授(暨终身教职)。1996年于南京大学强化部物理专业获学士学位。2000年于美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获物理硕士学位,2005年于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获电子和计算机工程博士学位。
研究以硅基光子学和光子晶体为中心,在光子器件和物理,微系统集成等方面展开工作。应用领域涉及光互联,光通信、光传感和光学信号处理。作为课题负责人,在硅片上做出了首个光子晶体高速电光调制器。并将驱动电压首次降低到通用硅基电子芯片可提供的范围。这项工作被Nature Photonics, Laser Focus World等几十家媒体广泛报道。提出高密度波导集成的新思路和物理原理,并在硅基波导上实现了半波长间距的高密度波导集成,受到Phys.org关注。较深入地发展了硅基热光开关的相关理论。早期在光子晶体研究中,在几个具有重要应用价值的物理问题上发展了完整理论,包括多维光子晶体表面问题的一般解,超棱镜效应敏感度的解析理论和光子晶体波导慢光损耗的解析理论。在Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Appl. Phys. Lett. Opt. Lett. Opt. Express, Phys. Rev. B等学术期刊以及国际会议上发表论文约90篇。
任江苏省光通信系统与网络工程研究中心副主任,南京大学光通信工程研究中心副主任,江苏省“国家高层次人才”专家联合会常务理事兼智能制造委员会副主任,国际主流光学会议CLEO、Photonics West等的程序委员会委员,IEEE普林斯顿(中泽西)片区(PCJS)光子学分会主席、光互连技术国际会议IEEE Optical Interconnect程序委员会委员。IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology杂志Optical Interconnects专辑客座编辑等。
获2013年电气与电子工程师协会一区(IEEE Region 1)杰出教学奖,2012年美国国防先进研究计划局青年教授奖(DARPA Young Faculty Award)等荣誉。
Wei Jiang
Office: Science Building 818
Tel: +86
Email:weijiang (at) nju.edu.cn
Webpage: https://jianglab.nju.edu.cn/HomepageEnglish.htm
Advanced Optics, Modern Information Optoelectronics, Introduction to Optoelectronic Devices
Research Interest:
Silicon photonics: devices & high-density integration
Optical interconnects & optical communications
Optical phased arrays, and application in LIDARs
Photonic crystals: devices & physics (e.g. slow light, superprism)
Bio sketch
Wei Jiang is a professor in the department of quantum electronics and optical engineering, college of engineering and applied sciences at Nanjing University (NJU). He serves as an associate director of Optical Communications Systems & Network Engineering Research Center of Jiangsu Province, and associate director of Optical Communications Engineering Research Center of Nanjing University. Prior to working at NJU, he was a faculty member of the department of electrical and computer engineering at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA, where he was promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2013. Prof. Jiang’s research interests encompass silicon photonics, photonic crystals, nanophotonics, and their applications in optical interconnects, optical communications, sensing, and optical computing. He proposed a waveguide superlattice and demonstrated high-density low-crosstalk waveguide integration at half-wavelength pitches, which opened the door to half-wavelength pitch optical phased arrays, with potential major application in solid-state LIDARs and wireless optical communications. He contributed to the fundamental understanding of silicon electro-optic and thermo-optic devices, slow light, superprism effects, and photonic crystal interface properties, and is an inventor of the slot photonic crystal waveguide. In 2007, the first high-speed photonic crystal modulator was demonstrated on silicon through one of his research projects.
He served as the program committee members for CLEO, IEEE Optical Interconnect Conference, SPIE Photonics West, and other international conferences. He was a guest editor for a special issue on Optical Interconnect for IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. He also serves in a variety of roles in the technical societies in the nation and in the Jiangsu province.
Prof. Jiang received his B.S. degree in physics from Department of Intensive Instruction (now Kuang Yaming Honors School) of Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, in 1996, and his M.A. degree in physics and his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Texas, Austin, in 2000 and 2005, respectively.
Prof. Jiang received the 2012 DARPA Young Faculty Award and 2013 IEEE Region I Outstanding Teaching Award.