

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16




2005年毕业于武汉大学化学系获学士学位,2010年博士毕业于中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,2011年起在美国康奈尔大学医学院附属卫理公会医院开展博士后研究;2015年入选第六批国家海外高层次引进人才,2016年加入南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院生物医学工程系。2017年入选南京市高层次创业引进人才,2018年入选江苏省双创人才。主要从事微流控芯片,基因编辑和纳米仿生催化的研究,在Sci.Adv.,Nat.Comm., J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,Adv.Mater.,NucleicAcidsRes.等国际著名杂志上发表论文三十余篇,被他人引用引用3800余次,通讯或第一作者论文中引用超过1300次的1篇,另超过400次的2篇。研究工作被新华社、科技日报、南京电视台、Nature网站头条、NatureChina、ScienceDaily、Phys.org和ChicagoTribune等媒体网站亮点报道。


SunL, Zhao Q, Liu X, Pan Y, Gao Y, Yang J, Wang Y, SongY*.Enzyme-mimickingaccelerated signal enhancement for visually multiplexedquantitation of telomerase activity. ChemicalCommunications2020.
LiuX, Pan Y, Yang J, Huang T, Wang Y, SongY*.Goldnanoparticles doped metal-organic frameworks as near-infraredlight-enhanced cascade nanozyme against hypoxic tumors. NanoResearch2020, 13(3): 653-660.
PanY, Yang J, Luan X, Liu X, Li X, Yang J, Huang T, Sun L, Wang Y,Lin Y, SongY*.Near-infraredupconversion-activated CRISPR-Cas9 system: A remote-controlledgene editing platform. ScienceAdvances 2019,5(4): eaav7199.
HuangT, Yang J, Zhou W, Liu X, Pan Y, SongY*.Rapididentification of urinary tract infections based on ultrasensitivebacteria detection using volumetric bar-chart chip. Sensorsand Actuators B: Chemical 2019,298: 126885.
YangJ, Liu X, Pan Y, Yang J, He B, Fu Y, SongY*.Aself-powered microfluidic chip integrated with fluorescentmicroscopic counting for biomarkers assay. Sensorsand Actuators B: Chemical 2019,291: 192-199.
YangJ, Liu X, Fu Y, SongY*.Recentadvances of microneedles for biomedical applications: drugdelivery and beyond. ActaPharmaceutica Sinica B 2019,9(3):469-483.
LiuX, Wang Y, SongY*.Visuallymultiplexed quantitation of heavy metal ions in water usingvolumetric bar-chart chip. Biosensors& Bioelectronics 2018,117:644-650.
WangY, SongY*, ZhuG, Zhang D, Liu X. Highly biocompatible BSA-MnO2 nanoparticles asan efficient near-infrared photothermal agent for cancer therapy.ChineseChemical Letters 2018,29(11): 1685-1688.
WangY, Zhu G, Qi W, Li Y, SongY*. Aversatile quantitation platform based on platinum nanoparticlesincorporated volumetric bar-chart chip for highly sensitiveassays. Biosensor& Bioelectronics2016, 85: 777-784.
WangY, Qi W, SongY*.Antibody-freedetection of protein phosphorylation using intrinsicperoxidase-like activity of platinum/carbon dot hybridnanoparticles. ChemicalCommunications 2016,52(51): 7994-7997.
SongY,Wang Y, Qi W, Li Y, Xuan J, Wang P, Qin L*. Integrativevolumetric bar-chart chip for rapid and quantitative point-of-caredetection of myocardial infarction biomarkers. Labon a Chip2016, 16(15): 2955-2962.
WangY, Li Y, Qi W, SongY*.Luminescentlanthanide graphene for detection of bacterial spores andcysteine. ChemicalCommunications2015,51(55): 11022-11025.
SongY,Xia X, Wu X, Wang P, Qin L*. Integrationof Platinum Nanoparticles with a Volumetric Bar-Chart Chip forBiomarker Assays. AngewandteChemie International Edition2014, 53(46): 12451-12455.
SongY,Huang YY, Liu X, Zhang X, Ferrari M, Qin L*. Point-of-caretechnologies for molecular diagnostics using a drop of blood.Trendsin Biotechnology2014, 32 (3): 132-139.
SongY,Wang Y, Qin L*. AMultistage Volumetric Bar Chart Chip for Visualized Quantificationof DNA. Journalof the American Chemical Society2013,135(45): 16785-16788.
SongY,Zhang Y, Bernard PE, Reuben JM, Ueno NT, Arlinghaus RB, Zu Y, QinL*. Multiplexedvolumetric bar-chart chip for point-of-care diagnostics. NatureCommunications2012, 3: 1283.
SongY,Wei W, Qu X*. ColorimetricBiosensing Using Smart Materials. AdvancedMaterials2011, 23 (37): 4215-4236.
SongY,Xu C, Wei W, Ren J, Qu X*. Lightregulation of peroxidase activity by spiropyran functionalizedcarbon nanotubes used for label-free colorimetric detection oflysozyme.ChemicalCommunications 2011,47 (32): 9083-9085.
SongY,Chen Y, Feng L, Ren J, Qu X*. Selectiveand quantitative cancer cell detection using target-directedfunctionalized graphene and its synergetic peroxidase-likeactivity. ChemicalCommunications2011, 47 (15): 4436-4438.
SongY,Feng L, Ren J, Qu X*. Stabilizationof unstable CGC(+) triplex DNA by single-walled carbon nanotubesunder physiological conditions. NucleicAcids Research2011, 39 (15): 6835-6843.
SongY,Qu K, Xu C, Ren J, Qu X*. Visualand quantitative detection of copper ions using magnetic silicananoparticles clicked on multiwalled carbon nanotubes. ChemicalCommunications2010,46 (35), 6572-6574.
SongY,Qu K, Zhao C, Ren J, Qu X*. GrapheneOxide: Intrinsic Peroxidase Catalytic Activity and Its Applicationto Glucose Detection. AdvancedMaterials2010, 22(19): 2206-2210.
SongY,Wang X, Zhao C, Qu K, Ren J, Qu X*. Label-FreeColorimetric Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism by UsingSingle-Walled Carbon Nanotube Intrinsic Peroxidase-Like Activity.Chemistry-aEuropean Journal2010, 16 (12): 3617-3621.
SongY,Zhao C, Ren J, Qu X*. Rapidand ultra-sensitive detection of AMP using a fluorescent andmagnetic nano-silica sandwich complex. ChemicalCommunications2009, (15):1975-1977.

Qin,L.; Song,Y.,Multiplexed volumetric bar chart chip for point of care biomarkerand/or analyte quantitation, USA, PCT/US2013/065270.

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