

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16



办公室地址: 仙林现代工学院大楼C307

徐挺教授于2011年取得中国科学院与美国密歇根大学联合培养博士学位。毕业后进入美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)担任助理研究员,并于2014年正式升任研究员并担任美国马里兰大学研究助理教授。徐挺教授的研究方向主要包括光频段的人工超材料,表面等离子体纳米光学器件以及微纳米加工技术。作为主要完成人,至今在国际知名学术刊物包括Nature(1篇),Nature子刊(3篇),Advanced Materials, ACS Nano等上发表过重要论文20余篇,其中多项工作被选为研究亮点被包括Nature Photonics, Nature Physics,BBC News,Materials Today,MIT Technology Review,Science Daily, Laser Focus World等科研媒体加以报道,并且徐挺教授主导完成的关于紫外负折射超材料的工作还入选了由英国大不列颠百科评选的2013年全球物理学年度进展。除此之外,徐挺教授还握有3项美国专利并同时长期担任多个国际知名学术刊物包括Nature Photonics, Nature Communications,Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Optics Express等杂志的审稿人。徐挺教授入选了2014年度南京大学“登峰人才支持计划”,2015年度中组部第十一批国家青年人才引进项目,现任职于南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院量子电子学与光学工程系。
1. T. Xu, A. Agrawal, M. Abashin, K. J. Chau, H. J. Lezec, “All-angle negative refraction and active flat lensing of ultraviolet light,” Nature, 497, 470-474 (2013).
***Selected as Annual Progress in Physical Science by Encyclopedia Britannica in year 2013;
***Profiled in Nature Physics9, 323 (2013), Nature Photonics7, 584 (2013), Materials Today16, 209 (2013); Highlighted by Science Daily, PhysOrg, Laser Focus World, Quanta Magazine, etc.
2.T. Xu, H. J. Lezec, “Visible-frequency asymmetric transmission device incorporating hyperbolic metamaterial,” NatureCommunications, 5, 4141 (2014).
***Highlighted by Science Daily, PhysOrg, Photonics, Nanowerk, etc.
3.T. Xu, Y. Wu, X. G. Luo, L. Jay Guo, “Plasmonic nano-resonators for high-resolution color filtering and spectral imaging,” Nature Communications, 1, 1058 (2010).
***Highlighted by MIT Technology Review, SPIE Newsroom, Science Daily, PhysOrg, Photonics Spectra, etc.
4. M. G. Kang*, T. Xu*, H. J. Park, X. G. Luo, L. Jay Guo, “Efficiency enhancement of organic solar cell using transparent plasmonic Ag nano-wire electrodes,”Advanced Materials, 22, 4378-4383 (2010)(*equal contribution).
5. H. Park*, T. Xu*, J. Lee, A. Ledbetter, J. Guo, “Photonic Color Filter Integrated with Organic Solar Cells for Energy Harvesting,” ACS Nano, 5, 7055-7060 (2011)(*equal contribution).
***Highlighted by MIT Technology Review, Display Daily, Energy Harvesting Journal, etc.
6. T. Xu, H. Shi, Y. Wu, A. Kaplan, J. OK, J. Guo, ”Structural Colors: From Plasmonic to Carbon Nanostructures,” Small, 7, 3128-3136 (2011).
7. AF Kaplan*, T Xu*, L Jay Guo, “High efficiency resonance-based spectrum filters with tunable transmission bandwidth fabricated using nanoimprint lithography,” Applied Physics Letters, 99, 143111 (2011)(*equal contribution).
8. T. Xu, Y. Zhao, D. Gan, C. Wang, C. Du, X. G. Luo, “Directional excitation of surface plasmon with subwavelength slits,” Applied Physics Letters, 92, 101501 (2008).
9.T. Xu, C. Du, C. Wang, X. G. Luo, ”Subwavelength imaging by the metallic slab lens with nanoslits,” Applied Physics Letters, 91, 201501 (2007).
10. T. Xu, C. Wang, C. Du, X. G. Luo, “Plasmonic beam deflector,” Optics Express,16, 4753-4759 (2008).
11. T. Xu, Y. Zhao, J. Ma, C. Wang, J. Cui, C. Du, X. G. Luo,” Sub-diffraction-limited interference photo-lithography with metamaterials,” Optics Express, 18, 13579-13584 (2008).
12. M. Kang, H. Park, S. Ahn, T. Xu, L. Jay Guo, “Toward low-cost, high-efficiency, and scalable organic solar cells with transparent metal electrode and improved domain morphology,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16, 1807-1820 (2010).
***Chosen as cover story
13. T. Xu, L. Fang, B. Zeng, C. Wang, X. G. Luo, “Subwavelength nanolithography by the unidirectional excitation of surface plasmons,” Journal of Optics A, 11, 085003 (2009).
14. T. Xu, L. Fang, J. Ma, B. Zeng, Y. Liu, J. Cui, C. Wang, X. G. Luo, “Localizing surface plasmons with a metal-cladding superlens for projecting deep-subwavelength patterns,”Applied Physics B, 97, 175-179 (2009).
15. Alex F. Kaplan, T. Xu, Y. Wu, L. Jay Guo, “Multilayer pattern transfer for plasmonic color filter applications,” Journal of Vacuum Science & TechnologyB, 28, C6O60, (2010).
16. A. F. Kaplan, Y. H. Chen, M. Kang, L. J. Guo, T. Xu, X. Luo, “Subwavelength grating structures with magnetic resonances at visible frequencies fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography for Large Area Applications,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 27, 3175-3179, (2009).
17.T. Xu, et al., “High contrast and fast electrochromic switching enabled by plasmonics,”NatureCommunications, 7, 10479 (2016).

1.“Plasmonic Enhancement Of Material Properties,” U. S. patent,Ref. No. US-A1.
2.“Spectrum Filtering For Visual Displays And Imaging Having Minimal Angle Dependence,”U. S. patent,Ref. No. US-A1.
3.“Display Device Having Plasmonic Color Filters And Photovoltaic Capabilities,” U. S. patent, Ref. No. US-B2.

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