

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

Email: frhu@nju.edu.cn


胡逢睿,副教授,博士生导师,入选南京大学“登峰人才支持计划”。分别于2011年和2015年在南京大学物理学院获得学士和博士学位。博士毕业后,先后在美国Iowa State University,能源部Ames Lab(2016-2018)和University of Colorado Boulder(2018-2019)从事博士后研究工作。2019年加入南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院。研究主要关注纳米尺度下光与物质相互作用,包括利用近场光学显微镜研究极化激元,通过单粒子光谱、超快光谱研究半导体纳米材料光学性质等,在Nature Photon.,Phys. Rev. Lett.,Nano Lett.,ACS Nano等刊物发表研究文章20余篇。

1. F. Hu#, Y. Luan#, J. Speltz, D. Zhong, C. H. Liu, J. Yan, D. G. Mandrus, X. Xu, and Z. Fei, "Imaging propagative exciton polaritons in atomically thin WSe2waveguides". Phys. Rev. B100, 121301(R) (2019).
2.F. Hu#, M. Kim#, Y. Zhang, Y. Luan, K. M. Ho, Y. Shi, C. Z. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Fei, "Tailored Plasmons in Pentacene/Graphene Heterostructures with Interlayer Electron Transfer". Nano Letters 19, 6058-6064 (2019).
3.F. Hu, Y. Luan, M. E. Scott, J. Yan, D. G. Mandrus, X. Xu, and Z. Fei, "Imaging exciton-polariton transport in MoSe2waveguides". Nature Photonics11, 356-360 (2017).
4. F. Hu#, Suprem R. Das#, Y. Luan#, T.-F. Chung, Y. P. Chen and Z. Fei, "Real-space imaging of the tailored plasmons in twisted bilayer graphene". Physical Review Letters119, 247402 (2017).
5. F. Hu#, Y. Luan#, Z. Fei, I. Z. Palubski, M. D. Goldflam, S. Dai, J.-S. Wu, K. W. Post, G.C.A.M. Janssen, M. M. Fogler and D. N. Basov, "Imaging the localized plasmon resonance modes in graphene nanoribbons". Nano Letters17, 5423-5428 (2017).
6. F. Hu, B. Lv, C. Yin, C. Zhang, X. Wang, B. Lounis and M. Xiao, “Carrier multiplication in a single semiconductor nanocrystal”. Physical Review Letters116, 106404 (2016).
7.F. Hu#, C. Yin#, H. Zhang, C. Sun, W. W. Yu, C. Zhang, X. Wang, Y. Zhang, M. Xiao, “Slow auger recombination of charged excitons in nonblinking perovskite nanocrystals without spectral diffusion”. Nano letters16, 6425-6430 (2016).
8.F. Hu#, H. Zhang#, C. Sun, C. Yin, B. Lv, C. Zhang, W. W. Yu, X. Wang, Y. Zhang and M. Xiao,“Superior optical properties of perovskite nanocrystals as single photon emitters”. ACS Nano9, 12410-12416 (2015).
(#: Equal contributions)


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