

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16




南京大学副教授,博士生导师。筑波大学博士,AIST博士后。以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表SCI论文40余篇,他引2500余次,H因子29,8篇文章入选ESI高被引论文。其中部分代表性研究成果发表于AdvMater、AngewChem、NatCommun、Joule等国际权威期刊,并多次被国家自然科学基金委以及NatlSci Rev、SciBull、NatureIndex、AngewChem、Joule等报道。获得中国化学会“锂”元素代言人、EmergingInvestigators 2019(JMater ChemA)、2019中国新锐科技人物卓越影响奖等荣誉。目前承担国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划以及产学研合作项目多项,兼任中国材料研究学会青年工作委员会理事和江苏省动力及储能电池产业创新联盟常务理事,以及NatCommun、AngewChem等多个国际知名期刊审稿人。在中国材料大会、新材料国际发展趋势高层论坛、全国电化学大会、中国能源材料化学研讨会等作邀请报告10余次。

[1]S.Guo,Q. Li, P. Liu*, M. Chen, H. Zhou* Environmentally Stable Interfaceof Layered Oxide Cathodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries,Nat.Commun.2017,8, 135. (ESIhighly cited paper)
[2]S.Guo,P. Liu, H. Yu*, Y. Zhu, M. Chen, M. Ishida, H. Zhou* A Layered P2-and O3-Type Composite as a High-Energy Cathode for RechargeableSodium-Ion Batteries,Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.2015,54, 5894.(ESIhighly cited paper)
[3]S.Guo,P. Liu, Y. Sun, K. Zhu, J. Yi, M. Chen, M. Ishida, H. Zhou* AHigh-Voltage and Ultralong-Life Sodium Full Cell for StationaryEnergy Storage,Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.2015,54,11701.(VIPpaper)
[4]S.Guo,H. Yu*, P. Liu, Y. Ren, T. Zhang, M. Chen, M. Ishida and H. Zhou*High-performance symmetric sodium-ion batteries using a newbipolar O3-type material, Na0.8Ni0.4Ti0.6O2,EnergyEnviron. Sci.2015,8, 1237. (ESIhighly cited paper)
[5]S.Guo,J. Yi, Y. Sun*, H. Zhou* Recent advances in titanium-basedelectrode materials for stationary sodium-ion batteries,EnergyEnviron. Sci.2016,9, 2978. (ESIhighly cited paper)
[6]X. Li, Y. Qiao,S.Guo*,Z. Xu, H. Zhu, X. Zhang, Y. Yuan, P. He*, M. Ishida, and H. Zhou*Direct visualization of reversible O2-/O- redox process in Li-richcathode materials,Adv.Mater.2018,**. (ESIhighly cited paper)
[7]X. Li, Y. Qiao,S.Guo*,K. Jiang, M. Ishida, and H. Zhou* A New Type of Li-Rich Rock-SaltOxide Li2Ni1/3Ru2/3O3 with Reversible Anionic RedoxChemistry,Adv.Mater.2019,**. (highlightedin NSFC)
[8]Y. Sun,S.Guo*,and H. Zhou* Exploration of advanced electrode materials forrechargeable sodium-ion batteries,Adv.Energy Mater.2018,**. (ESIhighly cited paper)
[9]Y. Sun,S.Guo*,andH. Zhou* Adverse effects of interlayer-gliding in layeredtransition-metal oxides on electrochemical sodium-ionstorage,EnergyEnviron. Sci.2019,12, 825. (ESIhighly cited paper)
[10]Q. Li, Y. Qiao,S.Guo*,K. Jiang, Q. Li, J. Wu, H. Zhou* Both Cationic and AnionicCo-(de)intercalation into a Metal-Oxide Material,Joule2018,2, 1134. (featurearticle, highlighted in Joule)
[11]H. Xu,S.Guo*,H. Zhou Review on anionic redox in sodium-ion batteries,J.Mater. Chem. A,2019, 7, 23662. (selectedin the Emerging Investigators 2019 issue)
[12]J. Xu, Z. Han, K. Jiang, P. Bai, Y. Liang, X. Zhang, P. Wang,S.Guo*,H. Zhou Suppressing Cation Migration and Reducing Particle Cracksin a Layered Fe-Based Cathode for Advanced Sodium-IonBatteries,Small2019,**. (highlightedinMaterialsView

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