

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16


2009-2011 法国特鲁瓦技术大学机械学院工程师
2019-至今南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院 助理研究员

[1] XinliLiu; Yongchun Pan; Jingjing Yang; Yanfeng Gao; Ting Huang;Xiaowei Luan; Yuzhen Wang*; Yujun Song*; Gold nanoparticles dopedmetal-organic frameworks as near-infrared light-enhanced cascadenanozyme against hypoxic tumors, Nano Research, 2020, 13(3): 653-660.
[2]Yanfeng Gao; Pascale Magaud; Christine Lafforgue;Stéphane Colin; Lucien Baldas*; Inertial lateral migration andself-assembly of particles in bidisperse suspensions in microchannelflows, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2019, 23(7): 93-1-93-14.
[3]Yanfeng Gao; Pascale Magaud; Lucien Baldas*;Christine Lafforgue; Micheline Abbas; Stéphane Colin; Self-orderedparticle trains in inertial microchannel flows, Microfluidics andNanofluidics, 2017, 21(10): 154-1-154-10.
[4] M.Abbas*; P. Magaud; Y. Gao; S. Geoffroy; Migration of finitesized particles in a laminar square channel flow from low to highReynolds numbers, Physics of Fluids, 2014, 26(12):123301-1-123301-12.
[1] TohmeTohme; Yanfeng Gao; Pascale Magaud; Lucien Baldas; ChristineLafforgue; Stéphane Colin; Inertial migration of bidispersesuspensions flowing in microchannels: effect of particle diametersratio, European Conference on Fluid-particle Separation, Lyon,2018-10-15 to 2018-10-17.
[2] TohmeTohme; Yanfeng Gao; Pascale Magaud; Lucien Baldas; ChristineLafforgue; Stéphane Colin; Inertial migration of spherical particlesin bidisperse suspensions flowing in microchannels, Proceedings ofthe 5th European Conference on Microfluidics, Strasbourg, 2018-2-28to 2018-3-2.
[3]Yichang Wang; Yanfeng Gao; Pascale Magaud; LucienBaldas; Christine Lafforgue; Stéphane Colin; Inertial migration ofneutrally buoyant particles in square channels at high Reynoldsnumbers, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Microfluidics,Strasbourg, 2018-2-28 to 2018-3-2.
[4]Yanfeng Gao; Pascale Magaud; Micheline Abbas;Lucien Baldas; Christine Lafforgue; Stephane Colin; Trains ofparticles in finite-Reynolds-number micro square flow, 5th Micro andNano Flows Conference, Milan, 2016-9-11 to 2016-9-14.
[5]Yanfeng Gao; Pascale Magaud; Lucien Baldas;Christine Lafforgue; Micheline Abbas; Philippe Schmitz; StéphaneColin; Lateral migration of particles in square micro-channels at lowflow inertia, Proceedings of the 4th European Conference onMicrofluidics, Limerick, 2014-12-10 to 2014-12-12.
[6]Christine Lafforgue-Baldas; Pascale Magaud; Yanfeng Gao;Loic Leitner; Philippe Schmitz; Lucien Baldas; Exploration ofmicro-focusing potentialities for microorganism’s separation,Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Microfluidics,Limerick, 2014-12-10 to 2014-12-12.

相关话题/工程 南京大学