Tongwei REN
Software Institute
电话:+86- EXT 915
办公地址:Room 915, FeiYimin Building, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, China
Work Experience
●Associate Professor Software Institute, Nanjing University, China (Jun. 2014 - present)
●Assistant Researcher Software Institute, Nanjing University, China (Dec. 2010 - Jun. 2014)
●VisitingVisiting Scholar School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore (Jul. 2016 - Jul. 2017)
●Research Assistant Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China (Apr. 2008 - Dec. 2008)
●Doctor Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China (Sep. 2006 - Jun. 2010)
●Master Software Institute, Nanjing University, China (Sep. 2004 - Jun. 2006)
●Bachelor Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, China (Sep. 2000 - Jun. 2004)
Committee Member
●ACM SIGMM China Chapter
●CCF Technical Committee on Computer Vision
●CCF Technical Committee on Multimedia Technology
●CSIG Technical Committee on Big Visual Data
●CSIG Technical Committee on Multimedia
●Jiangsu Province Society for Micro Computer Application
●Program Chair International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service (2018)
●Training Chair Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference (2019)
●Publicity Chair Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (2017)
●Special Session Chair International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service (2015)
● Challenge Organizer Video Relation Understanding Challenge in ACM Multimedia (2020)
●Computer organization and architecture.Regular course for undergraduates, 2011 (co-instructed with Prof. Zhiquan Jin), 2013 - 2016, 2018 - 2019.
●Introduction to cloud computing.Regular course for postgraduates, 2010 - 2015, 2017 - 2019 (co-instructed with Prof. Chuanyi Li) and undergraudates, 2019 (co-instructed with Prof. Chuanyi Li).
●Bin Luo, Dong Shao, andTongwei Ren. Software engineering and computing (Volume 1): Programming fundamentals of software development.China Machine Press, 2012.
Excellent Student Thesis
●"Object trajectory proposal via hierarchical volume grouping" by Xu Sun is awarded "Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Nanjing University (the special prize)" in 2018.
●"Hashtag-centric immersive search on social media" by Yuqi Gao is awarded "Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Nanjing University (the second prize)" in 2017.
●"Depth-aware layered edge for elastic RGB-D object proposal" by Jing Liu is awarded "Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Jiangsu Province (the third prize)" and "Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Nanjing University (the special prize)" in 2016.
●"Salient object detection in RGB-D image based on saliency fusion and propagation" by Jingfan Guo is awarded "Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Nanjing University (the second prize)" in 2015.
●"Research on image retargeting methods selection based image features" by Muyang Song is awarded "Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Nanjing University (the second prize)" in 2013.
Technique Challenge
●Xu Sun and Yuan Zi, as the primary members of TeamMAGUS.Gamma, win the first place ofRelation Understanding in Videos (VRU) Challenge (Video Relation Detection track)inMM 2019.
●Chun Tao, Haobin Guo and Xin Tan, as the primary members of TeamMAGUS.EMBisPower, win the second place ofContent-based Video Relevance Prediction (CVRP) Challenge (Movie track)inMM 2019.
●Chun Tao, as a primary member of TeamMAGUS.EMBisPower, wins the second place ofShort Video Understanding (SVU) ChallengeinICME 2019.
●Ao Zhang and Haobin Guo, as the primary members of TeamMAGUS.ZinG, win the top performance award (the second place tied withRNFETL) ofMonocular Image-based 3D Model Retrieval (MI3DOR) ChallengeinSHREC 2019ofEG 2019.
●Fan Yu and Xin Tan, as the primary members of TeamMaskTransE, win the first place ofPerson In Context (PIC) ChallengeinECCV 2018.
●Xin Tan, as a primary member of Teamoktk1, wins the top performance award (the tenth place) ofPerson Counting ChallengeinBaidu A*Star 2018.
●Yuqi Gao, as a primary member of TeamNLPR_MMC Passerby, wins the third place ofSocial Media Prediction (SMP) ChallengeinMM 2017.
Innovation Competition
●Andi Li, Yuchen Qian and Yuting Zhang, as the primary members of TeamMAGUS.Pi, win the second prize ofthe Creative GroupinChina University Intelligent Robot Creative Competition 2019.
●Yuting Zhang, Andi Li, and Yuchen Qian, as the primary members of TeamMAGUS.Pi, win the excellence prize ofthe AI seasoninOPPO TOP University Innovation and Technology Competition 2019.
InterestMy main research interest is invisual media computing. Currently I am interested in the following topics: visual relationship analysisandmultimodal fusion for perception.
Selected Publication [full list]
●Yuqi Gao, Jitao Sang, Chengpeng Fu, Zhengjia Wang, Tongwei Ren, and Changsheng Xu. Metadata connector: Exploiting hashtag and tag for cross-OSN event search. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), in press.
●Xiangnan He, Jinhui Tang, Xiaoyu Du, Richang Hong,Tongwei Ren, and Tat-Seng Chua.Fast matrix factorization with non-uniform weights on missing data.IEEE TNNLS, in press.
●Sheng-hua Zhong, Yuantian Wang,Tongwei Ren*, Mingjie Zheng, Yan Liu, and Gangshan Wu.Steganographer detection via multi-scale embedding probability estimation. ACM TOMM,2019, 15(4): 1-23.
●Xu Sun, Yuan Zi, Tongwei Ren*, Jinhui Tang and Gangshan Wu.Hierarchical visual relationship detection. ACM MM, Nice, France, 2019.
●Fan Yu, Haonan Wang, Tongwei Ren*, Jinhui Tang and Gangshan Wu.Instance of interest detection.ACM MM, Nice, France, 2019.
●Xin Tan, Chun Tao, Tongwei Ren*, Jinhui Tang and Gangshan Wu.Crowd counting via multi-layer regression.ACM MM, Nice, France, 2019.
●Tongwei Ren, and Ao Zhang.RGB-D salient object detection: a review. Chapter of book "RGB-D image analysis and processing", edited byPaul Rosin, Yu-Kun Lai, Ling Shao, and Yonghuai Liu, 2019.
●Yuantian Wang, Lei Huang,Tongwei Ren*, Sheng-Hua Zhong, Han Gu, and Yan Liu.Insights of object proposal evaluation.MTAP, 2019, 78(10):13111-13130.
●Jingfan Guo,Tongwei Ren*, Lei Huang, and Jia Bei.Saliency detection on sampled images for tag ranking.MMSJ, 2019, 25(1):35-47.
●Xu Sun, Yuantian Wang,Tongwei Ren*, Zhi Liu, Zheng-Jun Zha, and Gangshan Wu. Object trajectory proposal via hierarchical volume grouping. ACM ICMR, Yokohama, Japan, 2018.
●Dapeng Du, Xiangyang Xu,Tongwei Ren, and Gangshan Wu. Depth images could tell us more: Enhancing depth discriminability for RGB-D scene recognition. IEEE ICME, San Diego, USA, 2018. (poster)
●Yuantian Wang,Tongwei Ren*, Sheng-Hua Zhong, Yan Liu, and Gangshan Wu. Adaptive saliency cuts. MTAP, 77(17), 22213-22230, 2018.
●Yuqi Gao, Jitao Sang,Tongwei Ren*, and Changsheng Xu. Hashtag-centric immersive search on social media. ACM MM, Mountain View, USA, 2017.
●Xindi Shang,Tongwei Ren*, Jingfan Guo, Hanwang Zhang, and Tat-Seng Chua. Video visual relation detection. ACM MM, Mountain View, USA, 2017. (poster)
●Hangke Song, Zhi Liu, Huan Du, Guangling Sun, Olivier Le Meur, andTongwei Ren. Depth-aware salient object detection and segmentation via multiscale discriminative saliency fusion and bootstrap learning.IEEE TIP, 2017, 26(9):4204-4216.
●Jingfan Guo,Tongwei Ren*, Lei Huang, Xingyu Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, and Gangshan Wu. Video salient object detection via cross-frame cellular automata. IEEE ICME, Hong Kong, China, 2017. (poster)
●Xindi Shang,Tongwei Ren*, Hanwang Zhang, Gangshan Wu, and Tat-Seng Chua. Object trajectory proposal. IEEE ICME, Hong Kong, China, 2017. (poster)
●Jing Liu,Tongwei Ren*, Yuantian Wang, Sheng-Hua Zhong, Jia Bei, and Shengchao Chen. Object proposal on RGB-D images via elastic edge boxes. NEUCOM, 2017, 236:134-146.
●Jingfan Guo,Tongwei Ren*, and Jia Bei. Salient object detection for RGB-D image via saliency evolution. IEEE ICME, Seattle, USA, 2016.
●Jing Liu,Tongwei Ren*, Bing-Kun Bao, and Jia Bei. Depth-aware layered edge for object proposal. IEEE ICME, Seattle, USA, 2016. (poster)
●Wenjing Geng, Dapeng Du,Tongwei Ren, and Gangshan Wu. User-oriented stereo video refocusing by computational cinematographic model. IEEE ICME, Seattle, USA, 2016. (poster)
●Tongwei Ren, Yan Liu, Ran Ju, and Gangshan Wu. How important is location information in saliency detection of natural images. MTAP, 2016, 75(5):2543-2564.
●Ran Ju,Tongwei Ren, and Gangshan Wu. StereoSnakes: Contour based consistent object extraction for stereo images. IEEE ICCV, Santiago, Chile, 2015, 1724-1732. (poster)
●Xiangyang Xu, Ling Ge,Tongwei Ren, and Gangshan Wu. Adaptive integration of depth and color for objectness estimation. IEEE ICME, Torino, Italy, 2015, 1-6. (poster)
●Tongwei Ren, Zhongyan Qiu, Yan Liu, Tong Yu, and Jia Bei. Soft-assigned bag of features for object tracking. MMSJ, 2015, 21(2):189-205.
●Ran Ju, Yang Liu,Tongwei Ren, Ling Ge, and Gangshan Wu. Depth-aware salient object detection using anisotropic center-surround difference. SPIC, 2015, 38:115-126.
●Xiangyang Xu, Wenjing Geng, Ran Ju, Yang Yang,Tongwei Ren, and Gangshan Wu. OBSIR: Object-based stereo image retrieval. IEEE ICME, Chengdu, China, 2014, 1-6. (poster)
●Sheng-hua Zhong, Yan Liu, Feifei Ren, Jinghuan Zhang,Tongwei Ren. Video saliency detection via dynamic consistent spatio-temporal attention modelling. AAAI, Bellevue, USA, 2013, 1063-1069.
●Tongwei Ren, Yan Liu, and Gangshan Wu. Video summary quality evaluation based on 4C assessment and user interaction. Chapter of book "Multimedia Interaction and Intelligent User Interfaces: Principles, Methods and Applications", edited by Ling Shao, Caifeng Shan, Jiebo Luo and Minoru Etoh, 2010, 243-269.
●Tongwei Ren, Yan Liu, and Gangshan Wu. Image retargeting based on region relation graph.Chinese JOS, 2010, 21(9):2237-2249. (in Chinese)
●Tongwei Ren, Yan Liu, and Gangshan Wu. Image retargeting using multi-map constrained region warping. ACM MM, Beijing, China, 2009, 853-856. (short)
●Tongwei Ren, Yan Liu, and Gangshan Wu. Image retargeting based on global energy optimization. IEEE ICME, New York, USA, 2009, 406-409.
●Tongwei Ren, Yanwen Guo, Gangshan Wu and Fuyan Zhang. Constrained sampling for image retargeting. IEEE ICME, Hannover, Germany, 2008, 1397-1400.
●Tongwei Ren, Jia Bei, Jingfan Guo. A salient object detection method based on saliency fusion and propogation. Patent number: 2.2. (in Chinese)
●Jia Bei,Tongwei Ren, You Liang, Wei Ma, Zhongyuan Ren. Channel traffic information prediction method and application based on multidata fusion. Patent number: 5.5. (in Chinese)
●Jia Bei,Tongwei Ren, Zhihong Zhao, Zhongyan Qiu, Tong Yu, and Zhongyuan Ren. Target tracking method based on soft distribution BoF. Patent number: 6.8. (in Chinese)
●Tongwei Ren, Gangshan Wu, Xu Sun, and Yuantian Wang. A object trajectory proposal method based on hierarchical spatio-temporal region grouping. Appliction number: 0.5. (in Chinese)
●Tongwei Ren, Gangshan Wu, and Yuantian Wang. A saliency cuts method with adaptive inputs. Appliction number: 3.5. (in Chinese)
●Lei Huang,Tongwei Ren, Yuantian Wang. An object proposal method by combining region grouping and depth connectivity. Appplication number: 8.3. (in Chinese)
●Jia Bei,Tongwei Ren, Heng Zhang, Yujie Yang, Qiangming Xu, Liming She, and Haolun Cai. A method and a device for content based storage, matching and restoration of web notes. Application number: 4.2. (in Chinese)
●Tongwei Ren, Jia Bei, and Jing Liu. An object proposal method by combining widow scoring and super-pixel grouping. Appplication number: 6.3. (in Chinese)
●Tongwei Ren, Gangshan Wu, Shuzhen Li, Ran Ju. A salient object segmentation method based on adaptive triple thresholding.Tongwei RenApplication number: 5.5. (in Chinese)
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本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-15
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