

南京大学 /2013-12-03

 Welcome to Prof.Xiao's Group 

News Contact us 
•Congratulations to the PhD student Bo Kou won the Li-Xiao Wang Scholarship and to the PhD students Hong-Ning Zheng and Xin Guo won the Graduate Scholarship of 2013.
•Congratulations to the PhD student Yin-Zhou Ma won the Nationtional Graduate Scholarship of 2013.
•Professor Marcus Textor form ETH Zurich will visit our Group as a high-level cultural and educational expert for one month on Oct 15.
 More>>  Address: 
 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 
 Nanjing National Laboratory of Microstructures, 
Nanjing University, 
Nanjing 210093, 
P.R. China 
1. Soft Materials Functionalization and Patterning of Silicon by Surface Hydrosilylation Chemistry: A New Silicon Revolution? 
       Silicon, the second most abundant element in the earth's crust, has played and continues to play an important role in our human being's life: 
         1) Silicon-based semiconductor industry, as a miracle in our human being's history, has revolutionized our life in every aspect. We cannot imagine how we live if we have no computer, mobile phone, washing machine, intelligent transportation system such as airplane, high speed train, automobile, and so on, that are all based on the core technology of silicon chips. The number of the transistors in a CPU chip has been increased by following Moore's law from ~20 in 1960 to ~3 billion in 2013. Every day, most people interact with around tens of devices equipped with silicon chips. Silicon is always around us and works for you and me. 
        2) Due to the increased awareness of the global energy crisis, solar energy has been recognized in common as an alternative sustainable energy source. Silicon solar cells have become the most important photovoltaic products owing to the sophisticated manufacturing technology and the reliable cell quality. 
       It seems that the microelectronic silicon technology is mature. However a new technology of covalent grafting soft materials onto silicon surface intrigues the great interest of scientists. Functionalization and patterning of silicon by surface hydrosilylation chemistry are arising. This technology can be utilized for diverse applications such as nanoelectronics, solar cells, and bio-detection. 
       To record our work on molecular engineering on silicon surface, we first developed the Multiple Transmission-Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy (MTR-IR). Using this technology, we easily monitor the quality and performance of molecular monolayers and polymer brushes grown on the silicon surface, the in-situ multiple surface transformations of end functional groups such as hydroxyl and carboxyl groups to target species such as proteins and DNAs. We are working with both surface chemistry and micro- and nano-patterning techniques to develop biochips, molo- and nano-electronics, further solar cells and silicon photonics. 
 1. DNA microarray fabricated on poly(acrylic acid) brushes-coated porous silicon by in situ rolling circle amplification, Analyst, Cuie Wang, Xue-Mei Jia, Chuan Jiang, Guang-Nan Zhuang, Qin Yan and Shou-Jun Xiao* 2012, 137, 4539 
 2. Different EDC/NHS Activation Mechanisms between PAA and PMAA Brushes and the Following Amidation Reactions, Langmuir, Cuie Wang, Qin Yan, Hong-Bo Liu, Xiao-Hui Zhou, and Shou-Jun Xiao* 2011, 27 (19), pp 12058–68 
 3. Fluorescence Enhancement by Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Metallic Nanohole Arrays,Peng-Feng Guo, Shan Wu, Qin-Jun Ren, Jian Lu, Zhanghai Chen, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Yong-Yuan Zhu*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 315–318. 
 4. Gel-pad microarrays templated by patterned porous silicon for dual-mode detection of proteins, Ling Chen, Zeng-Tai Chen, Jing Wang, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Zu-Hong Lu , Zhong-Ze Gu, Lin Kang, Jian Chen, Pei-Heng Wu, Yan-Chun Tang, and Jian-Ning Liu*, Lab on a Chip, 2009, 9, 756–760 
2. Multiple Transmission-Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy (MTR-IR):A Powerful Tool for Self-Assembled Surface Chemistry on Infrared Transparent Substrates 
       Infrared spectral characterization of organic nano-films on silicon surfaces provides much information such as molecular structures and orientations, chemical conversions, surface components and densities. Over years, the mostly recognized infrared method for sensitive detection of silicon-supported organic nano-films is the multiple internal reflection (MIR)1, in which the nano-film is fabricated on an attenuated total reflection (ATR) silicon crystal with 45 degree bevel cuts at both ends, and the sensitivity is increased by multiple internal reflections. However, a qualified MIR-IR spectrum is limited to delicate fabrications of thick silicon chips over a thickness of several millimeters. The configuration of the infrared multiple reflections had been suggested by R.G. Greenler2 to enhance the signal of untrathin organic films coated on gold. However until we re-examined the multiple transmission-reflection infrared spectroscopy (MTR-IR) (Figure 1) and found its power in characterization of covalently bound organic monolayers, polymer brushes, and of the following in-situ surface chemistries on thin silicon chips (0.2 ~ 2.0 mm thick silicon chips), it has not yet been developed and used widely. With MTR-IR, we illustrated many delicate details of surface functionalities which have rarely been reported hitherto, such as the triazole ring υ(H-C=) at 3139 cm-1 produced by click reactions, υ(C-Cl) at 660 cm-1, υ(H-C≡C) at 3283 cm-1, υ(C≡C) at 2115 cm-1, and asymmetric and symmetric stretching bands of amide υ(NH) at 3441 and 3345 cm-1 from molecular monolayers or polymer brushes. These delicate details clarify some unresolved chemical reaction mechanisms. Further the molecular orientation organized on the substrate surface can be demonstrated by measuring the dichroic ratios3,4 of both p- and s-polarized spectra quantitatively. 
Figure 1. Scheme of IR measurements for detection and orientation analysis of monolayers on silicon surface. GMBR5 is a combination of external reflection and transmission by placing a gold mirror on one side of a silicon chip. To increase the sensitivity, MTR was established by inserting a silicon chip between two parallel gold mirrors. Three types of surface modifications were performed as examples: hydrosilylation on Si(111)-H; silane SAMs on SiO2/Si and phosphate SAMs on TiO2/Si. The tilt angle of alkyl chains against the surface normal can be obtained with the dichroic ratio of s- against p-polarized absorbance from MTR-IR spectra. 
 1. N. J. Harrick, Internal Reflection Spectroscopy; Wiley: New York, 1967;
 2. R.G. Greenler, J. Chem. Phys. 1969, 50, 1963; 
 3. H.-B. Liu, N.V. Venkataraman, T.E. Bauert, M. Textor, S.-J. Xiao*, J. Phy. Chem. A 2008, 112, 12372;
 4. H.-B. Liu, N.V. Venkataraman, N.D. Spencer, M. Textor, S.-J. Xiao*, ChemPhyChem, 2008, 9, 1979;
 5. H.-B. Liu, S.-J. Xiao*, Y.-Q. Chen, J. Chao, J. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Pan, X.-Z. You, Z.-Z. Gu, J. Phy. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 17702. 
3. DNA Nanotechnology
1) Rolling circle amplified DNA origami
       DNA nanotechnology, using the Watson–Crick base pairing of nucleic acids to construct 2- and 3-dimensional nanostructures, was established by Prof. Nadrian Seeman. In recent years, DNA origami has been developed greatly by controlled folding of a long single M13mp18 genomic DNA. Although DNA origami, in principle, could avoid the problems of stoichiometry and purification, it usually takes hundreds of different staple strands to fold a very few available sequence-identified native DNA scaffolds (until now only M13mp18 DNA) into a nanoscale shape. In order to simplify the assembly process of DNA origami, e.g., replacing hundreds of different staple strands with a few staple strands, we have developed the so-called RCA (rolling circle amplification) DNA origami, where the RCA products with tens and hundreds of tandemly repeated copies of a circularized template strand as the scaffold strand are folded by short staple strands at single-digit level to create nano-ribbons and lattices. 
Scheme 1. Principle of Rolling Circle Amplification. 
Figure 2. Folding strategies and the corresponding AFM images of RCA DNA origami from a 96nt circle template. 
a, one type of nano-ribbons with only 3×32 staple strands (the double helix axis is perpendicular to the nano-ribbon longitudinal axis; 
b, another type of nano-ribbons with 2×32 and 2×16 staple strands (the double helix axis is parallel to the nano-ribbon longitudinal axis); 
c, over-crossing among a's nano-ribbons to generate 2-dimentional lattices. 
2) Artificial DNA
       Light is an ideal external trigger to switch, manipulate and control chemical and biological reactions. Photoregulation of the functions of nucleic acids has aroused much interest due to its wide applications in basic molecular biology, photo-therapeutics, as well as DNA nanotechnology. Modification of nucleic acids with photo-isomerizable molecules is a direct way to realize photo-responsiveness. Azobenzene is one of the popular photo-responsive molecules to modify nucleic acids due to its high photo-isomerization efficiency and high chemical stability. However a challenge remains in practical applications is the low trans-to-cis photoisomerization efficiency in the duplex form at room temperature. We introduced azobenzene to DNA by a glycerol linker, and greatly improved the trans-to-cis photoisomerization efficiency at room temperature. 
Scheme 2. Schematic of the Forster energy transfer experiment between an artificial DNA (N9-DABCYL) and a native DNA (FAM-N'). Two sequences of FAM-N' and N9-DABCYL are associated under visible light irradiation with azobenzenes in trans-form and hence the fluorescence of FAM is quenched, while FAM-N' and N9-DABCYL are dissociated under UV light irradiation with azobenzenes in cis-form and hence the fluorescence of FAM is emitted.
 1. RCA Strands as Scaffolds To Create Nanoscale Shapes by a Few Staple Strands,Yinzhou Ma, Hongning Zheng, Cuie Wang, Qin Yan, Jie Chao, Chunhai Fan, Shou-Jun Xiao*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 2959-62 
 2. Room-temperature photoresponsive DNA tethering azobenzene through ether bond to improve trans-to-cis photoisomerization efficiency,Bo Kou, Xin Guo, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Xingguo Liang* Small, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201301134 
Journal Paper
•Rolling Circle Amplification-Based DNA Origami Nanostructrures for Intracellular Delivery of Immunostimulatory Drugs. 
 Xiangyuan Ouyang, Jiang Li, Huajie Liu, Bin Zhao, Juan Yan, Yinzhou Ma, Shoujun Xiao, Shiping Song, Qing Huang, Jie Chao*, Chunhai Fan*. Small, 2013, 9(18), 3082-3087, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201300458. 
•RCA Strands as Scaffolds To Create Nanoscale Shapes by a Few Staple Strands. 
 Yinzhou Ma, Hongning Zheng, Cuie Wang, Qin Yan, Jie Chao, Chunhai Fan, Shou-Jun Xiao* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 2959-62. 
•Room-temperature photoresponsive DNA tethering azobenzene through ether bond to improve trans-to-cis photoisomerization efficiency. 
 Bo Kou, Xin Guo, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Xingguo Liang*. Small, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201301134. 
•Fluorescence quenching in luminescent porous silicon nanoparticles for the detection of intracellular Cu2+. 
 B. Xia, W. Zhang, J. Shi, S.J. Xiao, Analyst, 2013, 138, 3629. 
•High hydrosilylation efficiency of porous silicon SiHx species produced by Pt-assisted chemical etching for biochip fabrication. 
 XIAO MinYu, HAN HuanMei, XIAO ShouJun, Science China Chemistry, 2013, 56(8), 1152-63. 
•DNA microarray fabricated on poly(acrylic acid) brushes-coated porous silicon by in situ rolling circle amplification. 
 Cuie Wang, Xue-Mei Jia, Chuan Jiang, Guang-Nan Zhuang, Qin Yan and Shou-Jun Xiao*, Analyst, 2012, 137, 4539. 
•Tunable cohesion and water lubrication of PEG-g-PMHS-c-PMVS copolymer membranes. 
 Y Ding, Z.S. Jiao, D.J. Guo, S.J. Xiao, W. Tan, Z.D. Dai, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2012, 395, 199-206. 
•Different EDC/NHS Activation Mechanisms between PAA and PMAA Brushes and the Following Amidation Reactions. 
 Cuie Wang, Qin Yan, Hong-Bo Liu, Xiao-Hui Zhou, and Shou-Jun Xiao*. Langmuir, 2011, 27(19), 12058–68. 
•Covalently derivatized NTA microarrays on porous silicon for multi-mode detection of His-tagged proteins. 
 Pei Jia, Tang Yanchun, Xu Ning, Lu Wei, Xiao Shoujun*, Liu Jianning*, Science China Chemistry, 2011, 54(3), 526-535. 
•Construction of multiple generation nitriloacetates from poly(PEGMA) brushes on planar silicon surface for enhancement of protein loading. 
 Liu Xiang, Liu Hong-Bo, Guo Peng-Feng, Xiao Shou-Jun*, Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials, 2011, 208(6), 1462-1470. 
•Saccharide- and temperature-responsive polymer brushes grown on gold nanoshells for controlled release of diols. 
 Liu Hong-Bo, Yan Qin, Wang Cuie, Liu Xiang, Wang Chong, Zhou Xiao-Hui, Xiao Shou-Jun*, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2011, 386(1-3), 131-134. 
•Improvement of the durability of porous silicon through functionalisation for biomedical applications. 
 Han Huan-Mei, Li Hong-Fang, Xiao Shou-Jun*, Thin Solid Films, 2011, 519(10), 3325-3333. 
•Constructing polyamidoamine dendrons from poly(poly(ethylene glycol) monomethacrylate) brushes. 
 Liu Xiang, Zheng Hong-Ning, Yan Qin, Wang Cuie, Ma Yin-Zhou, Tang Chun-Yan, Xiao Shou-Jun*, Surface Science, 2011, 605(11-12), 1106-1113. 
•Microwave irradiated click reactions on silicon surfaces via derivertization of covalently grafted poly(PEGMA) brushes. 
 Liu Xiang, Zheng Hong-Ning, Ma Yin-Zhou, Yan Qing, Xiao Shou-Jun*, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 358(1), 116-122. 
•On-Chip Separation and MALDI-TOF MS Analysis of His-tagged Protein with NiⅡ-NTA Derivatized Ag Nanoparticles/Porous Silicon Chip. 
 Hong YAN, Chong WANG, Xiao-Hui ZHOU, Shou-Jun* XIAO, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 27(8), 1642-1648. 
•Facile Fabrication of Silver Nanoparticulate Films on Porous Silicon for Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy. 
 Xiao-Hui Zhou, Yan Hong, Shou-Jun, Xiao*, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 27(11), 2291-7. 
•Optimization of Metal-Assisted Etchant Components for Fabrication of Porous Silicon. 
 Chong Wang, Xiao-Hui Zhou, Huan-Mei Han, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 27(12): 2332-2338. 
•The emerging field of RNA nanotechnology. 
 Shou-Jun Xiao*, Chemistry of Life, 2011, 31(2), 173-183. 
•Noncovalent antibody immobilization on porous silicon combined with miniaturized Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) for array based immunoMALDI assays. 
 Hong Yan, Asilah Ahmad Tajudin, Martin Bengtsson, Shoujun Xiao, Thomas Laurell, Simon Ekström, Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 4942–4948. 
 J Chao, JN Liu, SJ Xiao, YC Tang, International Journal of Chemical Research, 2011, 3(2), 49-55. 
•A proximity-based programmable DNA nanoscale assembly line. 
 Hongzhou Gu, Jie Chao, Shou-Jun Xiao & Nadrian C. Seeman*, Nature,2010, 465, 202–205. 
•Fluorescence Enhancement by Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Metallic Nanohole Arrays. 
 Peng-Feng Guo, Shan Wu, Qin-Jun Ren, Jian Lu, Zhanghai Chen, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Yong-Yuan Zhu*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1, 315–318. 
•Multiple Transmission—Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy (MTR-IR) for Arachidic Acid LB Films on Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Silicon Surfaces. 
 Peng-Feng Guo, Hong-Bo Liu, Xiang Liu, Hong-Fang Li, Wen-Yi Huang, Shou-Jun Xiao*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 333–341. 
•Enhanced protein loading on a planar Si(111)–H surface with second generation NTA. 
 Xiang Liu, Huan-Mei Han, Hong-Bo Liu, Shou-jun Xiao*, Surface Science, 2010, 604, 1315–1319. 
•Biological functionalization and patterning of porous silicon prepared by Pt-assisted chemical etching. 
 Hong-Fang Li, Huan-Mei Han, Ya-Guang Wu, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Applied Surface Science, 2010, 256, 4048-4051. 
•5, 5-Divinyl-2, 2-bipyridine: a Possible New Prototype of Fluorescent Probe for Sensing Zn2+. 
 HAN Huan-Mei WU Ya-Guang XIAO Shou-Jun, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 26(8), 1426-30. 
•Biochip Development. 
 Xiao Shoujun*, Chen Ling, Xu Ning, Progress in Chemistry, 2009, 21(11), 2397-2410.(China) 
•Dynamic patterning programmed by DNA tiles captured on a DNA origami substrate. 
 Hongzhou Gu, Jie Chao, Shou-Jun Xiao & Nadrian C. Seeman*, Nature Nanotechnology, 2009, 4, 245-248. 
•Gel-pad microarrays templated by patterned porous silicon for dual-mode detection of proteins. 
 Ling Chen, Zeng-Tai Chen, Jing Wang, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Zu-Hong Lu , Zhong-Ze Gu, Lin Kang, Jian Chen, Pei-Heng Wu, Yan-Chun Tang, and Jian-Ning Liu*, Lab on a Chip, 2009, 9, 756-760. 
•Click-Chemistry-Conjugated Oligo-Angiomax in the 2-D DNA Lattice and its Interaction with Thrombin. 
Jie Chao, Wen-Yi Huang, Jing Wang, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Yan-Chun Tang, Jian-Ning Liu*, Biomacromolecules, 2009, 10(4), 877–883. 
•Nonfouling Polypeptide Brushes via Surface-initiated Polymerization of Nε-oligo(ethylene glycol)succinate-L-lysine N-carboxyanhydride. 
 Jing Wang, Matthew I. Gibson, Raphaël Barbey, Shou-Jun Xiao, Harm-Anton Klok, Macromolecular rapid communications, 2009, 30(9-10), 845-850. 
•Macroporous silicon templated from silicon nanocrystallite and functionalized SiH reactive group for grafting organic monolayer. 
 DJ Guo, J Wang, W Tan, SJ Xiao, ZD Dai, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2009, 336(2), 723-9. 
•Structural evolution of self-assembled alkanephosphate monolayers on TiO2(cover story). 
 Hong-Bo Liu, Nagaiyanallur V. Venkataraman, Tobias E. Bauert, Marcus Textor, Shou-Jun Xiao, CHEMPHYSCHEM, 2008, 9, 1979-1981. 
•Multiple Transmission-Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy for High-Sensitivity Measurement of Molecular Monolayers on Silicon Surfaces. 
 Hong-Bo Liu, Nagaiyanallur V. Venkataraman, Tobias E. Bauert, Marcus Textor, Shou-Jun Xiao*, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 2008, 112, 12372-7. 
•Porous silicon affinity chips for biomarker detection by MALDI-TOF-MS. 
•DNA-templated Platinum Nanocluster Deposition. 
 J Chao, X Liu, HB Liu, SJ Xiao*, Inorganic Chemistry (China), 2007, 8, 1481-4. 
•Ferrocenyl Self-assembled Monolayer on Silicon Surfaces: Preparation and Current-Voltage Measurement. 
 Jia Pei,Bing Xia,Jie Chao, Hai-Tao Wang, Hong-Bo Liu, Zhong-Dang Xiao, Shou-Jun Xiao*,Inorganic Chemistry (China), 2007, 9, 1505-1514. 
•Poly-benzyl domains grown on porous silicon and their I–V rectification. 
 Jie Chao, Huan-Mei Han, Bing Xia, Long Ba, Hong-Bo Liu and Shou-Jun Xiao*,Applied Surface Science,2007, 23, 9130-9136. 
• Preparation of organic monolayers with azide on porous silicon via Si-N bonds. 
 J Wang, DJ Guo, B Xia, J Chao, SJ Xiao*,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2007, 305(1), 66-75. 
•Metal Acetylacetonate Domains Grown on H-Terminated Porous Silicon at Room Temperature and Their Specific I-V Behavior. 
 J. Chao, H.-T. Wang, B. Xia, H.-B. Liu, Z.-D. Xiao, S.-J* Xiao.J. Phy. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 24565-70. 
•Grazing Angle Mirror- Backed Reflection (GMBR) for Infrared Analysis of Monolayers on Silicon. 
 H.-B. Liu, S.-J. Xiao*, Y.-Q. Chen, J. Chao, J. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Pan, X.-Z. You, Z.-Z. Gu, J. Phy. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 17702–05. 
•Biofunctionalisation of porous silicon (PS) surfaces by using homobifunctional cross-linkers. 
 Bing Xia, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Dong-Jie Guo, Jing Wang, Jie Chao, Hong-Bo Liu, Jia Pei, Ya-Qing Chen, Yan-Chun Tang and Jian-Ning Liu*, J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16, 570-8. 
•Grafting organic and biomolecules on H-terminated porous silicon from a diazirine. 
 Shuai Wei, Jing Wang, Dong-Jie Guo, Hong-Bo Liu, Ya-Qing Chen, Jie Chao, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Chem. Lett., 2006, 1172-3. 
•Reaction of porous silicon with both end-functionalized organic compounds bearing α-bromo and ω-carboxy groups for immobilization of biomolecules. 
 Dong-Jie Guo, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Bing Xia, Shuai-Wei, Jia Pei, Yi Pan, Xiao-Zeng You, Zhong-Ze Gu, Zuhong Lu, J. Phy. Chem. B, 2005, 109(43), 20620-28. 
•Stability improvement of porous silicon surface structures by grafting polydimethylsiloxane polymer monolayers. 
 Bing Xia, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Jing Wang, Dong-Jie Guo, Thin Solid Films, 2005, 474, 306-9. 
•A simple method for covalent immobilization of proteins on porous silicon surface. 
 Bing Xia, Jun Li, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Dong-Jie Guo, Jing Wang, Yi Pan, and Xiao-Zeng You. Chemistry Letter, 2005, 34, 226-7. 
•Surface reactions of 4-aminothiophenol with heterobifunctional crosslinkers bearing both succinimidyl ester and maleimide for biomolecular immobilization. 
 Shou-Jun Xiao*, Marco Wieland, Samuel Brunner, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2005, 290, 172–83. 
•Assembly of fullerene arrays templated by DNA scaffolds. 
 Cheng Song, Ya-Qing Chen, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Long Ba, Zhong-Ze Gu, Yi Pan, and Xiao-Zeng You, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 2005, 17, 6521-6524. 
•Diffusion of hydrosilanes from the control layer to the vinylsilane-rich flow membrane during the fabrication of micro-fluidic chips. 
 Dong-Jie Guo, Shou-Jun Xiao*, Hong-Bo Liu, Jie Chao, Bing Xia, Jing Wang, Jia Pei, Yi Pan,Zhong-Ze Gu, Xiao-Zeng You, Langmuir, 2005, 21(23), 10487-91. 
•Reactions of surface amines with heterobifunctional crosslinkers bearing both succinimidyl ester and maleimide for grafting biomolecules. 
 Shou-Jun Xiao*, Samuel Brunner, Marco Wieland, J. Phy. Chem. B, 2004, 108, 16508-17. 
 Cheng Song, Yi-Zhi Li, Ya-Qing Chen, Shou-Jun Xiao* and Xiao-Zeng You,Acta Cryst. E, 2004, 60, 1741-3. 
2002 and Before
•Selfassembly of Metallic Nanoparticle Arrays by DNA Scaffolding. 
 S. Xiao, F. Liu, Abbey Rosen, J.F. Hainfeld, N.C. Seeman, K.M. Musier-Forsyth, R.A. Kiehl*, J. Nanoparticle Res., 2002, 4, 313-7, cited over 80 times. 
•Characterization and properties of titanium implant surfaces. 
 C. Sittig, M. Wieland, S.-J. Xiao, and M. Textor, Proceedings, Synos Tagung Munsterlingen, 1999. 
•Covalent Attachment of Cell-Adhesive,(Arg-Gly-Asp)-Containing Peptides to Titanium Surfaces. 
 SJ Xiao, M Textor, ND Spencer*, H Sigrist, Langmuir, 1998, 14, 5507-5516, cited over 140 times. 
•Immobilization of the cell-adhesive peptide Ary-Gly-Asp-Cys (RGDC) on titanium surfaces by covalent chemical attachment. 
 S.J. Xiao, M. Textor, N.D. Spencer*, M. Wieland, B. Keller, H. Sigrist, J. Mater.: Mater. Med. 1997, 8867-872. 
•Amphotropic behaviour of a series of single-chain monoaza crown ethers. 
 X.P. Qian, Z.H. Tai, S.J. Xiao, Z.H. Lu, Y. Wei, Thin Solid Films, 1996, 285, 301-303. 
•Molecular packing in LB films of a new porphyrin investigated by atomic force microscopy. 
 X.P. Qian, Z.H. Tai, X.Z. Sun, S.J. Xiao, H.M. Wu, Z.H. Lu, Y. Wei, Thin Solid Films, 1996, 285, 432-435. 
•Polymorphism of domains in phase-separated mixed monolayer films investigated by atomic force microscopy. 
 H.M. Wu, S.J. Xiao, Y. Wei, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1996, 41(2), 127-130. 
•Novel microstructures prepared by the mixed Langmuir-Blodgett technique and identified by atomic force microscopy. 
 H.M. Wu, S.J. Xiao, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (Part 2) Letters, 1996, 35(2A), L161-L163,. 
•Novel domain structures in the mixed monolayers identified by atomic force microscopy. 
 Wu HM. Xiao SJ. Lu ZH. Wei Y. Chemistry Letters., 1995, 5, 403-404. 
•Morphologies of phase-separated monolayers investigated by atomic force microscopy. 
 Shoujun Xiao, Haiming Wu, Xiaomin Yang, Naihong Li, Yu Wei, Xingzhong Sun and Zihou Tai, Thin Solid Films, 1995, 256, 210-214. 
•Polymorphism of domains in phase-separated languir-blodgett films. 
 Wu HM. Xiao SJ. Tai ZH. Wei Y. Physics Letters A. 1995 199(1-2), 119-122. 
•Phase-separated structures in binary mixed monolayers investigated by atomic force microscopy. 
 H.M. Wu, S.J. Xiao, Z.H. Lu, Y. Wei, Chinese Science Bulletin , 1995, 40(23), 1963-1967. 
•Investigation of binary mixed monolayer of phospholipid and porphyrin by atomic force microscopy. 
 Xiaomin Yang, Shou Jun Xiao, Zu Hong Lu, Yu Wei Science in China B, 1995, 25(3), 283-288, (in Chinese). 
•Investigation of phase behaviour and domain structure of phospholipid monolayers by atomic force microscopy. 
 Xiaomin Yang, Dong Xiao, Shoujun Xiao, Yu Wei, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1994, 39(24), 2076-2079. 
•Atomic force microscopy studies of domain structures in phase-separated monolayers. 
 Shoujun Xiao, Haiming Wu, Xiaomin Yang, Yu Wei, Xingzhong Sun and Zihou Tai, Physics Letters A, 1994, 193, 289. 
•Observation of phase separation of phospholipid in mixed monolayer Langmuir-Blodgett films by atomic force microscopy. 
 Xiaomin Yang, Shoujun Xiao, Dong Xiao and Yu Wei, Surface Science, 1994, 316, L1110-1114. 
•Observation of chiral domain morphology of phosolipid in monolayer Langmuir-Blodgett films by atomic force microscopy. 
 Xiaomin Yang, Dong Xiao, Shoujun Xiao and Yu Wei, Physics Letters A, 1994, 193, 195-199. 
•Domain structures of phospholipid monolayer Langmuir-Blodgett films determined by atomic force microscopy. 
 Xiaomin Yang, Dong Xiao, Shoujun Xiao and Yu Wei, Applied Physics A., 1994, 59, 139-143. 
•Molecular assemblies of diazafluorenone shiff-base amphiphiles. 
 Zihou Tai, Xiangping Qian, Shoujun Xiao et al. Molecular Engineering, 1994, 3, 293-9. 
•Dendritic patterns of two-dimensional silver films formed with a series of amphiphilic schiff bases of diazafluorenone. 
 Zihou Tai, Shoujun Xiao, et al. Langmuir, 1993, 9, 1601-1603,. 
•Photochromism of spiropyran on supermolecular assemblies. 
 Shoujun Xiao, Zuhong Lu, Yijun Miao, et al., Thin Solid Films, 1992, 210/211, 784-786. 
•Langmuir-Blodgett resists of diazonaphthoquinone novolac resin produced by a new continuous horizontal deposition method. 
 Zuhong Lu, Shoujun Xiao, et al., Thin Solid Films, 1992, 207, 484-486. 
•Ultrathin conductive films prepared by pyrosis of photosensitive polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films. 
 Zuhong Lu, Jiyu Fang, Lin Wang, Shoujun Xiao, Yu Wei, Solid State Commuications, 1992, 82, 711-713. 
•Studies of generation of ultrafine semiconductor particles in polydiacetylene Langmuir-Blodgett films accompanied with colour transition. 
 Rong Zhu, Chunwei Yuan, Yu Wei, Shoujun Xiao, Solid State Communications, 1992, 84, 449-451. 
•Structural and optical characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett films with alternating bilayers of hemicynine dye and cadmium stearate. 
 Jiyu Fang, Shoujun Xiao, and Yu Wei, Solid State Communications , 1991, 79, 985-987. 
•Diels-Alder reaction of alantolactone and isoalantolactone with conjugated dienes. 
 Yunyi Jia, Shoujun Xiao, Tinwei Dong, Acta Chimica Sinica (HUA XUE XUE BAO), 1991 , 49, 610-613(in Chinese). 
•Application of carbene reactive intermediates in organic synthesis. Synthesis of analog of verbenol. 
 Jiajun Wu, Fenggang Tao, Shoujun Xiao, Shihui Wu YOU JI HUA XUE, 1986, 6, 456-459(in Chinese). 
Book and Book Chapters
•Biochemical modification of titanium surfaces 
 Shou-Jun Xiao*, G.Kenausis, M. Textor,Chapter 13 in "Titanium in Medicine"; Brunette, D. M., Tengvall, P., Textor, M., Thomsen, P., Eds.; Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2001, 417-456. 
•Measurement accessory with multiple transmission-reflections used for infrared spectrometer. 
 Shou-Jun Xiao, Hong-Bo Liu, Tobias Bauert, Patent of Invention (China), 200610097859.4, November 16, 2006 
•Preparation and application of a permanent hydrophilic silicone rubber surface. 
 Shou-Jun Xiao, Dong-Jie Guo, Patent of Invention (China), CN200410014981.1, May 24, 2004 
•Polymer Surface Modifications. 
 Jiang Huang, Shoujun Xiao, Marc A Unger Patent of US, US 020174-003810US, April 15, 2002 
•Apparatus with inverse conical container for preparation of monomolecular films. 
 Rong Zhu, Yu Wei, Shoujun Xiao,Patent of Invention (China), CN 1081933 A, Feb. 16, 1994, 8pp. 
•Apparatus with lifting-type inverse conical inner container in water tank for preparation of monomolecular films. 
 Rong Zhu, Yu Wei, Shoujun Xiao, Patent of Invention (China), CN 1081932 A, Feb. 16, 1994, 7pp. 
PhD Theses
•The Programmable Design and Self-assembly of two-Dimensional DNA Crystals and Application in the Bio-Nanotechnology. 
 Cheng Song, 2002~2005 
•Electron transferring and biological sensing of molecular monolayers on silicon surfaces. 
 Bing Xia, 2003~2006 
•Immobilization and characterization of proteins on silicon surface. 
 Dong-Jie Guo, 2003~2006 
•Application of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization -time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) in Biomolecules Characterization. 
 Ya-Qing Chen, 2002~2007 
•Multiple Transmission-Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy (MTR-IR) for highly-sensitive detection of molecular monolayers on silicon surface. 
 Hong-Bo Liu, 2004~2008 
•Based on Atomic Force Microscope: molecules grafting on porous silicon with character testing and formation of DNA nanostructures. 
 Jie Chao, 2003~2008 
•Preparation and biological sensing of molecular monolayers and polymer brushes on surfaces. 
 Jing Wang, 2003~2009 
•Highly Sensitive Spectral Technologies for Characterization of Molecular Monolayers. 
 Peng-Feng Guo, 2006~2009 
•Immobilization of Biomolecules on 2D DNA Scafolding for Biosensing. 
 Wen-Yi Huang, 2006~2009 
•Durability improvement of functionalised porous silicon and preparation and biological sensing of polymer brushes on porous silicon etched via metal-assisted chemical etching. 
 Huan-Mei Han, 2005~2010 
•Functionalization of Planar Surface Si(111)-H with Covalently Bound Molecular Monolayers and Polymer Brushes and Their Chemical Conversions to Immobilize Biomolecules. 
 Xiang Liu, 2007.9~2010.12 
•Surface Enhanced Affinity Capture Proteins on Porous Silicon and Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Read-out. 
 Hong Yan, 2006.9~2011.6 
•DNA Microarray Fabricated on Porous Silicon and Preparation of DNA Nanostructure by Using RCA Products. 
 Cui-E Wang, 2009.9~2012.6 
Prof. Xiao 
Address: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing National Laboratory of Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, P.R. China 
Tel: +86 (025) 83621001 
•1996-1999: Research and Teaching Assistant / PhD candidate in Prof. N.D. Spencer and Prof. Marcus Textor's group, Department of Materials, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETHZ). 
 Conducted research on surface chemistry and biomaterials. The title of my Ph.D. thesis was "Tailored Organic Thin Films on Gold and Titanium: peptide-grafting, protein resistance and physical characterization". 
•1985-1988: Research assistant / Master's student at Fudan University, Shanghai, China. 
 Conducted research on organic synthesis, separation, and analysis, with a focus on developing new organic synthesis technologies. The title of the M.S. thesis was "Synthesis of alantalactone and its Diels-Alder reactions with conjugated dienes". 
•B.Sc. degree in Chemistry, 1985, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Work/Research Experience
•2002.12~present: Professor at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University. 
 Research on surface chemistry of silicon for biochips and biomedical applications and DNA nanotechnology 
•2001~2002: Research Scientist at Fluidigm Corporation. 
 Did research on PDMS microfluidic biochips 
•2000-2001: Postdoctoral Associate in Prof. Wei-Shou Hu's group (Chemical Engineering) and Research Associate in Profs. Richard Kiehl and Karin Musier-Forsynth's group (Electrical Engineering), University of Minnesota. 
 Conducted research on self-assembly of Au-nanoparticles as potential nano-circuits by means of DNA crystal scaffolding 
•1995: Research Assistant at Neu-Technikum Buchs, Switzerland. 
 Conducted research on microelectronic mechanical systems (MEMS) and biosensors, including microelectronic technology for fabricating micro-fluidic devices such as micro-pumps and biosensors. Mastered hands-on skills in clean rooms such as photolithograph, coating, etching, and assembling. 
•1988-1995: Lecturer assistant (88-89), Lecturer (90-94) and associate professor (95) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China. 
 Conducted research on organized organic thin films by means of the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) and self-assembly technologies. 
•Excellent Young Teacher Scholarship of Jiangsu Qing-Lan Engineering, 2006
•Sino-Swiss Scientific Research Fellowship, 2006
PhD Students
 Name: Xiao-Bin Lu 
Time: 2010.09.01~Now 
E-mail: luxiaobin2007@163.com 
Research Area: 
1.A Comparison Study on Multiple Transmission-reflection Infrared (MTR-IR) and Infrared (IR) Measurement of Interstitial Oxygen and Substitutional Carbon in Silicon Wafers
2.A Study on Patterning on Silicon Surfaces using Polymer Brushes.
 Name: Qin Yan 
Time: 2007.09~Now 
E-mail: yanqinyanman@163.com 
Research Area: 
1.The patterning of the polymer brush on silicon surface.
2.The growth of the DNA nanotube.
3.The EDC/NHS Esterification of PNIPAM-PMAA copolymer brushes and their hydrolysis and amidation reactions.
 Name: Hong-Ning Zheng 
Time: 2009~Now 
E-mail: zhenghongning@163.com 
Research Area: 
majoring in nucleic acid nanotechnology such as DNA and RNA origami ,DNA self-assembly,etc.  
 Name: Yin-Zhou Ma 
Time: 2009.09~Now 
E-mail: mr.cerebra@gmail.com 
Research Area: 
1.DNA self-assembly
2.Chemical modification of the silicon surface
 Name: Xin Guo 
Time: 2010.09~Now 
E-mail: guoxnju@gmail.com 
Research Area: 
1.Light controlled to synthesize DNA
2.Patterning of Silicon Surface
 Name: Chuan Jiang 
Time: 2010.09~Now 
E-mail: jiangchuansama@gmail.com 
Research Area: 
•Surface modification and molecular chip
 Name: Bo Kou 
Time: 2010.07~Now 
E-mail: koutianbo@hotmail.com 
Research Area: 
photoresponsive DNA material  
•Professor McArthur Sally, visiting professor, 2011.
•Tobias E. Bauert, visiting MSc student from ETHZ, 2006.
•Cheng Song, Graduated in 2005 with PhD degree, Currently in College of chemistry and chemical engineering, Jiangxi Normal University.
•Shuai Wei, Graduated in 2005 with M.Sc degree.
•Bing Xia, Graduated in 2006 with PhD degree, Currently in Nanjing Forestry University.
•Dong-Jie Guo, Graduated in 2006 with PhD degree, Currently professor of Zhenzhou University of Light Industry.
•Xiao-Peng Liu, Graduated in 2006 with M.Sc degree.
•Ya-Qing Chen, Graduated in 2007 with PhD degree, Currently in Nanjing University Of Aeronautics And Astronautics.
•Hong-Bo Liu, Graduated in 2008 with PhD degree.
•Jie Chao, Graduated in 2008 with PhD degree, Currently associate research fellow of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.
•Zeng-Zai Chen, Graduated in 2008 with M.Sc degree, Currently Group Leader in Quaker Chemistry (China).
•Jia Pei, Graduated in 2008 with M.Sc degree.
•Jing Wang, Graduated in 2009 with PhD degree, Currently in Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems,Chinese Academy of Sciences.
•Peng-Feng Guo, Graduated in 2009 with PhD degree, Currently in Guangdong Pharmaceutical University.
•Wen-Yi Huang, Graduated in 2009 with PhD degree, Currently in Guangxi University.
•Ling Chen, Graduated in 2009 with M.Sc. degree, Currently village official in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.
•Ning Xu, Graduated in 2009 with M.Sc. degree, Currently as director of QA in Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group.
•Hong-Fang Li, Graduated in 2010 with M.Sc. degree, Currently in Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fibre Company Limited(YCF).
•Huan-Mei Han, Graduated in 2010 with PhD degree, Currently in Jinan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.
•Xiang Liu, Graduated in 2010 with PhD degree, Currently in Anhui University of Technology.
•Fei Bu, Graduated in 2010 with M.Sc degree.
•Hong Yan, Graduated in 2011 with PhD degree, Currently in Sweden Lund University.
•Chong Wang, Graduated in 2011 with PhD degree, Currently in Science and Technology Park of Economic Development Zone in Wujiang.
•Xiao-Hui Zhou, Graduated in 2011 with M.Sc. degree, Currently Chemistry Teacher in Liao Cheng Dong Chang Middle School in Shandong Province.
•Xue-Mei Jia, Graduated in 2012 with M.Sc. degree, Currently Engaged in environmental research and testing in Changzhou Academy of Environmental Science.
•Cui-E Wang, Graduated in 2012 with PhD degree, Currently in Anhui Polytechnic University