南京大学, 化学化工学院
南京市鼓楼区金银街15号, 邮编210093
电子邮件: hbdu(at)nju.edu.cn
办公室: 唐仲英楼B606; 电话: 025-83686581
实验室: 唐仲英楼L510; 电话: 025-83686716
传真: 025-83314502
有序多孔半导体和具有电活性中心的孔道型无机材料的设计合成,着重开发在清洁能源领域 (如锂电池、超级电容器、热电材料等)有重要应用的新型光电功能材料;
本课题组现承担国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目的研究。 欢迎有志的博士后、博士生、硕士生和本科生加盟本课题组!
New! 博士后招聘: 拟招聘博士后一名, 从事孔道型光电功能材料的分子工程学或光电功能材料的应用开发研究(锂电池、超级电容器、热电材料、化学传感器等),要求应聘者具有一定的无机材料合成与表征技术,或具有熟练的有机合成技能,或具有无机材料应用研究的经验,有意者请把简历和发表论文发到以上邮箱。工作待遇:统招博士后薪酬(年薪8万元)+ 各项待遇。 (2012-03-17)
1988-1992,吉林大学化学系,学士学位 。
2000-2002,加拿大国家研究院Steacie分子科学研究所,博士后 (Drs. Christopher I. Ratcliffe and John Ripmeester)。
1998-2000,加拿大纽布朗斯韦克大学化学系,博士后 (Dr. Jack Passmore)。
1997-1998,美国俄亥俄州立大学化学系,博士后研究 (Dr. Prabir K. Dutta)。
主要内容有:1. 固体的晶体结构,包括晶体学基础、X射线粉末衍射分析、无机晶体结构描述、影响晶体结构的因素;2. 晶体中的化学键与电子的运动状态,包括能带理论、分子轨道理论;3. 固体的化学性质,包括固体中的缺陷、扩散、相变;4. 固体的物理性质,包括介电性、导体、离子导体、超导体以及光学性质;5. 固体化学的前沿研究方向。通过自学与讲授学习,要求学生掌握和了解无机固体晶体结构分析的理论和方法,了解固体性质与结构的关系,并对当前无机固体化学研究前沿有较为全面的了解。
* 《Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications》, Anthony R West, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1984
* 《固体化学及其应用》,Anthony R West著,苏勉曾等译,复旦大学出版社,1989.7
* 《无机材料化学》,林建华等,北京大学出版社,2006.2
* 《材料科学导论》,冯端,师昌绪,刘治国,化学工业出版社,2002.5
* 《凝聚态物理学》,冯端,金国钧,高等教育出版社,2003.9
* 《固体化学导论》,苏勉曾,北京大学出版社,1987
* "Future directions of solid-state chemistry" in《Progress in Solid State Chemistry》, 2007, 36, 1-133; 2002, 30, 1-101
本科生一年级研讨课:材料是当今推动社会进步的新技术、新信息和新能源的基础,而化学是制备材料的源泉。本课将通过对典型的、具有重要科学和应用价值的材料的研讨 和分析,让学生对当前学科前沿有一定的了解,以激发学生对化学研究的兴趣,培养创造性思维能力。
1. 特殊孔道结构的沸石分子筛
分子筛是一类具有规则的、分子尺寸大小孔道结构的多孔材料,通常是由TO4(T = Si, Al 等)四面体结构单元连接形成的晶体材料,其中最为人们所熟悉的是硅铝酸盐沸石。该类材料具有非常高的比表面积、有序的孔道结构、离子交换性能等,在吸附、分离、催化等领域具有重要的工业应用价值,并被广泛应用 于洗衣粉添加剂、石油冶炼与化工、吸附剂、气体分离、农业园艺、颜料、珠宝等行业。 自上世纪五十年代分子筛被应用以来,这类材料一直是科学研究和应用技术领域关注的热点之一。
图1. 计算机模拟的合成FAU分子筛的模板剂
2. 有序多孔半导体和快离子导体
例如,硅作为地球上排名第二的最为富集元素,不仅价格低廉,而且具有优异的性能,在物理、材料以及生物医学等领域有重要的应用前景。具有多孔结构的纳米硅在光电等领域显示出独特性能,可用于光电器件、光子储存与运算、传感等领域。在生物医学方面,硅材料在生物体内毒性很低、可以降解;硅表面容易进行化学修饰,有利于调控药物分子的载入和缓释;多孔硅材料能够发光,可以用于活体诊断和检测,也可以作光敏剂产生单线态氧而用于光动力治疗等。在能源方面,Si基光伏太阳能电池已广泛应用;Si可以作为锂电池的负极材料,其电池理论电容量可达~4200 mA h/g(现今商用碳材料为372 mA h/g),有望成为新一代高容量电池材料。
本课题组将开辟新合成方法与策略,合成具有规则孔道结构的微孔(< 2纳米)和介孔(2 ~ 50纳米)离子导体和半导体材料,例如类沸石分子筛的多孔硅晶体与介孔硅、过渡金属氧酸锂等。该类新材料集多孔性与导电性能于一体,在气体吸附、半导体、传感、能源(如锂电池 、超级电容器、热电转换)等领域中有潜在应用价值。
图2. 合成的具有空心球结构的半导体硅
3. 多功能化的金属有机配位聚合物和有机分子筛晶体材料
兼具无机和有机特性的配位化合物分子材料具有丰富的电子构型和结构多样的几何构型,从而拥有新的相互协同的物理和化学性质,其在微电子、光电子学、信息、通讯和新能源等高新技术中的应用研究已取得了一系列重要成果,成为化学、材料、物理等多学科交叉研究的热点领域之一。配位化合物由于具有分子的易剪裁性,其性能可以通过金属离子和配体的选择以及组装方式来调控,为开发多功能光电材料提供了 多种可能。
图3. 具有交叉孔道的含硫微孔配位聚合物
69. Lian Zhou, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, "Synthesis and properties of four coordination polymers built from a semi-rigid tripod carboxylic acid", CrystEngComm., 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3CE41186A.
68. Lian Zhou, Cheng-Cheng Zhu, Yun-Shan Xue, Wei-Jiang He, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You and Yi-Zhi Li, "Two fluorescent 2,6-substituted pyridyl boron-dipyrromethene dyes for selective sensing of cuprous ions", Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2013, in press.
67. Lian Zhou, Yun-Shan Xue, Yan Xu, Jun Zhang, Hong-Bin Du*, "Two photoluminscent metal-organic frameworks based on a BODIPY-derived bipyridine ligand", CrystEngComm, 2013, in press.
66. Lian Zhou, Yun-Shan Xue, Jun Zhang, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You, "Construction of three-dimensional metal-organic frameworks in the presence of a tetrahedral ligand and a secondary bidentate linker", CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 6199–6206.
65. Yun-Shan Xue, Lian Zhou, Mei-Pin Liu, Su-Meng Liu, Yan Xu, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You, "Construction of lanthanide metal-organic frameworks with highly-connected topology based on a tetrapodal linker", CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 6229–6236.
64. Yun-Shan Xue, Yabing He, Lian Zhou, Fei-Jian Chen, Yan Xu, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You, Banglin Chen, "A photoluminescent microporous metal organic anionic framework for nitroaromatic explosive sensing", J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 4525–4530.
63. Gen-Wu Ge, Zhi-Yuan Qi, Yu-Run Miao, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You, "The synthesis, structure and magnetism studies of two manganese sulfates with a 3D zeolite GIS framework and 1D chain structure", CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 423–630. (Inside front cover)
62. Yun-Shan Xue, Feng-Yan Jin, Lian Zhou, Mei-Pin Liu, Yan Xu, Hong-Bin Du,* Min Fang,* Xiao-Zeng You, "Structural diversity and properties of coordination polymers built from a rigid octadentenate carboxylic acid", Cryst. Growth Des., 2012, 12, 6158−6164.
61. Jun Zhang, Yun-Shan Xue, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Four cluster-based coordination polymers built on a semirigid tripod tricarboxylate ligand", CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 8215–8221.
60. Jun Zhang, Yun-Shan Xue, Hong-Mei Wang, Min Fang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Three open-framework coordination polymers with new topological structures built on two tripod ligands", Inorg. Chim. Acta 2012, 392, 148-152.
59. Gen-Wu Ge, Zhi-Yuan Qi, Zhi-Gang Ni, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Solvothermal synthesis, structure and characterization of 1D chain and 2D layered rare earth sulfates in the presence of cyclic diamines", Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2012, 20, 228-233.
58. Mei-Pin Liu, Cheng-Hui Li, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You, "Facile preparation of silicon hollow spheres and their use in electrochemical capacitive energy storage", Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 4950-4952. (Back cover)
57. Gen-Wu Ge, Yu-Xiang Hu, Mei-Pin Liu, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "The crystal structure and characterization of 2-D and 3-D indium phosphates synthesized from a water/ethylene glycol mixed-solvent system", Inorg. Chem. Acta 2012, 385, 39-44.
56. Yun-Shan Xue, Yanfeng Yue, Shi-Bin Ren, Le Zhou, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You, Banglin Chen*, "Flexible octadentate ligand based robust microporous metal-organic frameworks with high gas storage and selective adsorption properties", J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 10195-10199.
55. Ling-Ling Qu, You-Long Zhu, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Structural diversity and properties of coordination polymers built from a semirigid tetradentenate carboxylic acid", CrystEngComm 2012, 14, 824-831.(Top 10 Most Accessed Articles in November 2011).
54. Hong-Bin Du, Xiao-Zeng You, "Design and synthesis of functional coordination compounds with optoelectronic properties (Review)", Huaxue Tongbao, 2011, 74(11), 989-994 (Invited, in Chinese)("国际化学年在中国"专栏).
53. Jun Zhang, Yun-Shan Xue, Jing Bai, Min Fang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You, "An unprecedented (3,7)-connected microporous solvatochromic coordination polymer built on a semirigid tripod pyridinium-4-olate ligand", CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 6010-6012.
52. You-Long Zhu, Ling-Ling Qu, Jun Zhang, Gen-Wu Ge, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "In situ formation of an unprecedented 3D microporous CuCN coordination polymer based on a semirigid tetrahedral linker", Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2011, 14, 1644-1647.
51. Ling-Ling Qu, You-Long Zhu, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Solvent-controlled synthesis of zinc(II) and manganese(II) coordination polymers with a semirigid tetracarboxylic acid", Crystal Growth & Design, 2011, 11(6), 2444-2452. ( Top 10 Most Read Articles for Q2 2011)
50. Gen-Wu Ge, Mei-Pin Liu, Zhi-Gang Ni, Hong-Bin Du*, "Synthesis, characterization and fluorescent study of two 3-D open-framework rare-earth sulfates [Ln4(H2O)4(SO4)10] (C4N2H12)4(H2O)4 (Ln = Gd, Eu)", Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2011, 32(3), 644-649 (Invited, in Chinese) ("庆祝徐如人教授和庞文琴教授执教六十年暨八十华诞"专刊).
49. Jun Zhang, Yun-Shan Xue, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Cuprous iodide coordination polymers (CuI)x(L)y.z(solvent) built on linear thioether linkers", CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 2578-2585.
48. Shi-Bin Ren, Le Zhou, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "A Cu4(SCN)4 Cubane Cluster-Based Microporous Coordination Polymer with a Diamond Net", Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2011, 14, 558-561.
47. Li-Li Liang, Shi-Bin Ren, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Two Thermostable Three-Dimensional Homochiral Metal-Organic Polymers with Quartz Topology", Crystal Growth & Design, 2010, 10(3), 1307-1311.
46. Shi-Bin Ren, Le Zhou, Jun Zhang, You-Long Zhu, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "A 4-connected 3D porous coordination polymer with a binodal 6^2.8^4 net built on tetrahedral quadridentate and bidentate linkers", CrystEngComm, 2010, 12(5), 1635 - 1638.
45. Xiao-Li Yang, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You*, "Synthesis and characterization of two 2D layered new coordination polymers of Co/Ni with the ligand of 1,4-bis(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzene", Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 26(3), 374-378 (in Chinese).
44. Xiao-Li Yang, Jun Zhang, Shi-Bin Ren, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du,* Xiao-Zeng You*, "A three-dimensional semiconducting superlattice built up of neutral [Zn10(μ3-S)4(SPhMe-4)12(DMF)4] supertetrahedral clusters", Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2010, 13(4), 546–549.
43. Li-Li Liang, Jun Zhang, Shi-Bin Ren, Gen-Wu Ge, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Rational synthesis of a microporous metal-organic framework with PtS topology using a semi-rigid tetrahedral linker", CrystEngComm, 2010, 12(7), 2008-2010. (CDG Structure of the Week)
42. Li-Li Liang, Shi-Bin Ren, Jun Wang, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "A 3-dimensional coordination polymer with a fluorite structure constructed from a semi-rigid tetrahedral ligand", CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 2669-2671.
41. Li-Li Liang, Shi-Bin Ren, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Two unprecedented NLO-active coordination polymers constructed by a semi-rigid tetrahedral linker", Dalton Trans., 2010, 39(33), 7723-7726.
40. Jun Zhang, Yun-Shan Xue, Li-Li Liang, Shi-Bin Ren, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Porous Coordination Polymers of Transition Metal Sulfides with PtS Topology Built on a Semi-rigid Tetrahedral Linker", Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49, 7685-7691.
39. Xiao-Li Yang, Jun Zhang, Shi-Bin Ren, Yi-Zhi Li, Wei Huang, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "A Two-Dimensional Layered Cadmium Sulfide Superlattice Constructed from Capped-Supertetrahedral C1 Clusters", Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2010, 13(11), 1337-1339.
38. Shi-Bin Ren, Xiao-Li Yang, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, You-Xuan Zheng, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "An infinite photoluminescent coordination nanotube [CuSCN(L)].(DMF)(0.5)", CrystEngComm, 2009, 11(2), 246-248.
37. Shi-Bin Ren, Jun Zhang, Xiao-Li Yang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "A single-helix copper-containing coordination polymer of dihydroglyoxaline sulfide formed in situ through oxidation of 1,3-imidazolidine-2-thione", J. Mol. Structr., 2009, 923(1-3), 90-93.
36. Shi-Bin Ren, Le Zhou, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "A photoluminescent interpenetrating diamondoid metal–organic framework based on Cu4I4 clusters with high thermal stability", CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 1834–1836.
35. Xiao-Li Yang, Shi-Bin Ren, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Syntheses and structures of three coordination polymers based on 4-methylbenzenethiolates of Zn(II) and Cd(II) and bipyridine", J. Coord. Chem., 2009, 62(23), 3782-3794.
34. Yan Liu, Xiao-Li Yang, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, You Song, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Synthesis of an open-framework copper–germanium phosphate [Cu(H2O)2(OH)]2Ge(PO4)2", Chem. Commun., 2008, (17), 3145-3147.
33. Yan Liu, Xiao-Li Yang, Gui-Li Wang, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "Synthesis and characterization of a cadmium germanium phosphate CdGe(OH)3PO4 with an open framework", J. Solid State Chem. 2008, 181, 2542– 2546.
32. Gui-Li Wang, Xiao-Li Yang, Yan Liu, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "A 3d–3d heterometallic organic framework consisting of two cross-linked coordination polymers", Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2008, 11, 814–817.
31. Gui-Li Wang, Xiao-Li Yang, Jun Zhang, Yi-Zhi Li, Hong-Bin Du*, Xiao-Zeng You, "The syntheses of 3d–3d mixed heterometallic coordination polymers with magnetic properties", Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2008, 11, 1430-1430.
Papers before joining Nanjing University:
30. Hong Yang,* Honglin Chen, Hongbin Du, Randall Hawkins, Fairbridge Craig, Zbigniew Ring, Oladipo Omotoso, Vicente Munoz, Randy Mikul, "Incorporating platinum precursors into a NaA-zeolite synthesis mixture promoting the formation of nanosized zeolite", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2009, 117, 33-40.
29. Scott Brownridge, Margaret-Jane Crawford, Hongbin Du, Richard D. Harcourt*, Carsten Knapp, Risto S. Laitinen, Jack Passmore,* J. Mikko Rautiainen*, Reijo J. Suontamo, Jussi Valkonen, "Accounting for the Differences in the Structures and Relative Energies of the Highly Homoatomic npi-npi (n>=3)-Bonded S2I42+, the Se-I pi-Bonded Se2I42+, and Their Higher-Energy Isomers by AIM, MO, NBO, and VB Methodologies", Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46(3): 678-699.
28. Nobumasa Nakajima, Cecile Lay, Hongbin Du, Zbigniew Ring*, "Prediction of Gas Chromatographic Retention Times of Carbazoles in Light Cycle Oil", Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(3), 1111-1117.
27. Hongbin Du*, Craig Fairbridge, Hong Yang, Zbigniew Ring, "The Chemistry of Selective Ring Opening Catalysts (Review)", Applied Catalysis A: General, 2005, 294(1): 1-21.
26. Scott Brownridge, T. Stanley Cameron, Hongbin Du, Carsten Knapp, Ralf Köppe, Jack Passmore*, J. Mikko Rautiainen, Hansgeorg Schnöckel, "The Highest Bond Order between Heavier Main-Group Elements in an Isolated Compound? Energetics and Vibrational Spectroscopy of S2I4(MF6)2 (M = As, Sb)", Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44(6): 1660-1671. (Reported by C&EN 2005, March 21, p49-50; Canadian Chemical News 2005, May, p17).
25. Hongbin Du*, Zbigniew Ring, Yevgenia Briker, Patricia Arboleda, "Prediction of gas chromatographic retention times and indices of sulfur compounds in light cycle oil", Catalysis Today 2004, 98(1-2): 217-225.
24. Hongbin Du, Robert C. Haddon, Ingo Krossing, Jack Passmore*, Jeremy M. Rawson, Melbourne J. Schriver, "Thermally hysteresis in dithiadiazolyl and dithiazolyl radicals induced by supercooling of paramagnetic liquids close to room temperature: A study of F3CCNSSN and an interpretation of the behaviour of F3CCSNSCCF3", Chem. Commun. 2002, 1836-1837.
23. Hongbin Du, Victor V. Terskikh, Christopher I. Ratcliffe*, John A. Ripmeester, "Distinguishing surface versus buried cation sites in aluminosilicate mesoporous materials", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 4216-4217.
22. Nicholas F. Szabo, Hongbin Du, Sheikh A. Akbar, Ahmed Soliman, Prabir K. Dutta*, "Microporous zeolite modified yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) sensors for nitric oxide (NO) determination in harsh environments", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemicals, 2002, 82, 142-149.
21. Victor V. Terskikh, Igor L. Moudrakovski, Hongbin Du, Christopher I. Ratcliffe*, John A. Ripmeester, "The 129Xe chemical shift tensor in a silicalite single crystal from hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR spectroscopy", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 10399-10400.
20. T. Stanley Cameron, Robert J. Deeth, Isabelle Dionne, Hongbin Du, H. Donald B. Jenkins, Ingo Krossing, Jack Passmore,* Helen K. Roobottom, "Bonding, structure, and energetics of gaseous E82+ and of solid E8(AsF6)2 (E = S, Se)", Inorg. Chem. 2000, 39 (25): 5614-5631.
19. Scott Brownridge, Hongbin Du, Shirley A. Fairhurst, Robert C. Haddon, Heinz Oberhammer, Simon Parsons, Jack Passmore*, Melbourne J. Schriver, Leslie H. Sutcliffe, Nicholas P. C. Westwood, "The isolation, characterisation, gas phase electron diffraction and crystal structure of the thermally stable radical [CF3CSNSCCF3]", J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 2000, (19): 3365-3382.
18. Yunling Liu, Hongbin Du, Feng-Shou Xiao, Guangshan Zhu, Wenqin Pang*, "Synthesis and characterization of a novel microporous titanosilicate JLU-1", Chem. Mater. 2000, 12(3): 665-670.
17. F.S. Xiao, R. Yu, H. Du, S. Qiu, W. Pang*, R. Xu, "Catalytic activity in phenol conversion over novel catalysts of microporous lead titante (JPT-1) and layered titanosilicate (JDF-L1)", Proceedings of the 12th International Zeolite Conference, Editors: M. M. J. Treacy, B. K. Marcus, M. E. Bisher, J. B. Higgins, 1999, Vol. 2, 1277-1282.
16. Yunling Liu, Hongbin Du, Yihua Xu, Hong Ding, Wenqin Pang*, Yong Yue, "Synthesis and characterization of a novel microporous titanosilicate with a structure of penkvilksite-1M", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 1999, 28, 511–517.
15. Ian D. Williams*, Jihong Yu, Hongbin Du, Jiesheng Chen, Wenqin Pang*, "A metal-rich fluorinated indium phosphate, 4[NH3(CH2)3NH3]*3[H3O]*[In9(PO4)6(HPO4)2F16]*3H2O, with 14-membered ring channels", Chem. Mater. 1998, 10(3), 773-776.
14. Hongbin Du, Jiesheng Chen, Wenqin Pang*, "Synthesis of various indium phosphates in the presence of amine templates", Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 1997, 105, 397-404.
13. L.L. Koh, Yan Xu, Hongbin Du, W.Q. Pang*, "New insights into the study of indium phosphate molecular sieves", Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 1997, 105, 373-380.
12. Yunlin Liu, Hongbin Du, Fengqi Zhou, Wenqin Pang*, "Synthesis of a new titanosilicate: an analogue of the mineral penkvilksite", J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1997, 1467-1468.
11. Hongbin Du, Jiesheng Chen, Wenqin Pang*, Jihong Yu, Ian D. Williams*, "Synthesis and structural characterization of 2-D and 3-D fluorinated indium phosphates", J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1997, 781-782.
10. Hongbin Du, Min Fang, Yunling Liu, Shilun Qiu, Wenqin Pang*, "Synthesis and characterization of large pore vanadium aluminosilicate Beta molecular sieves", Zeolites, 1997, 18(5/6), 334-339.
9. Hongbin Du, Min Fang, Wenguo Xu, Xianping Meng, Wenqin Pang*, "Preparation by microwave irradiation of nanometer sized AlPO4-5 molecular sieve", Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1997, 7(3), 551-556.
8. Min Fang, Hongbin Du, Wenguo Xu, Xianping Meng, Wenqin Pang*,"Microwave preparation of molecular sieve AlPO4-5 with nanometer sizes", Microporous Materials, 1997, 9, 59-61.
7. Hongbin Du, Min Fang, Jiesheng Chen, Wenqin Pang*, "Synthesis and characterization of a novel layered titanium silicate JDF-L1", Journal of Materials Chemistry, 1996, 6(11), 1827-1830.
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1. Du Hongbin, Tu Kungang, Zhou Qun, Zhou Fengqi, Pang Wenqin*, "Synthesis and characterization of V-ZSM-5 zeolites in weak acidic medium", Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 1994, 15(4), 473-477 (in Chinese).
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