

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-27

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[1] 2020.1-2023.12 国家重点研发计划(2019YFC**),社区垃圾湿组分清洁收集减量与环境污染控制技术,主持
[2] 2019.12-2020.12 农业农村部委托项目(),农机安全生产事故防控华东/华南地区摸底调查,主持
[3] 2019.12-2021.10 江苏省现代农机装备与技术示范推广项目(NJ2019-17),履带自走式大蒜联合收获机研发及配套农艺研究,主持
[4] 2019.7-2022.6 江苏现代农业产业关键技术创新项目(CX(19)2007) ,大蒜精细高效生产机械化技术与装备研发,主持
[5] 2019.10-2022.9 企业委托项目,农业废弃物大通量槽式堆肥技术与装备,主持
[6] 2018.09-2020.09 南京农业大学—新疆农业大学联合基金项目(KYYJ201804),棉秆微波裂解气炭联产工艺技术研究,主持
[7] 2018.05-2019.06 江苏省农机三新项目,农村废弃物处理机械化技术集成与应用,参与
[8] 2017.01-2020.12 国家重点研发项目,蔬菜智能化精细生产技术与装备研发(2017YFD**),子课题主持
[9] 2017.2-2019.1 江苏省苏北科技专项,生物有机肥发酵提效关键技术与装备研究及产业化(SZ-YC**),参与
[10] 2016.7-2018.6 江苏省前瞻性研究项目,水稻秸秆热膨预处理及裹包青贮的关键技术研究(BY**-01),主持
[11] 2016.6-2018.6农业部现代农业装备重点实验室开放课题,基于离散元法的联合收获脱出物仿真建模技术研究(),主持
[12] 2016.4-2018.12 江苏省农业三新项目,稻秆热物理预处理、裹包微贮制备饲料技术集成与示范(SXGC[2016]313),主持
[13] 2016.1-2017.12 江苏省生物质转化与过程集成工程实验室开放课题,水稻秸秆微波裂解气炭联产工艺研究(JPELBCPI**),主持
[14] 2015.12-2017.12 企业委托课题:水稻秸秆饲料化高效利用研究,主持
[15] 2014.1-2016.12 国家自然基金青年项目:水稻联合收获脱分选系统工作原理及设计方法研究子课题(**),主持
[16] 2015.1-2016.12 江苏省农机基金:一款轻简型联合收割机的设计与研制(gxy14001),主持
[17] 2014.1-2015.6 农业部现代农业装备重点实验室开放课题:水稻高湿作物联合收获清选分离机理研究(),主持
[18] 2011.1-2013.6中央高校基本科研业务费自主创新重点项目:蒸汽爆破处理秸秆饲料的技术与参数优化研究(kyz201126),主持
[19] 2014.1-2015.12 江苏省农业三新项目:水稻收获机械化研究(NJ2013-36),子项目主持
[20] 2013.3-2013.12 国家自然基金青年项目:港口物流网络时空演变模拟及规划支持系统研究子课题,主持
[21] 2009.3-2010.3 农业部委托项目:现代农业工程建设标准体系研究,主持
[22] 2010.7-2013.6 江苏省科技支撑项目:农作物秸秆饲料化高效利用研究(BE**),参与
[23] 2010.9-2012.9 江苏省农业三项工程项目:蒸汽爆破处理秸秆饲料的技术与参数优化研究(NJ2010-42),参与
[24] 2006.4-2009.4江苏省科技支撑计划项目:油菜移栽关键技术设备研制与开发(BE**),参与
[25] 2002.8-2005.12 江苏省自然科学基金项目:果品热泵干制机理与干制品质的研究(BK**),参与
[26] 2005.10-2008.7 江苏省农机局科研启动基金:三维驱动弧面筛筛分装置及筛分性能的研究(GXZ05017),主持
[27] 2003.4-2004.12 南京农业大学青年科技创新基金:农机统计指标体系的数据模型研究及数据库系统的设计(KJ03012),主持

[1] [1] Yuan, J.; Li, H.; Qi, X.,Optimization of airflow cylinder sieve for threshed rice separation using CFD-DEM.Engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics, 2020, 14(1), 871-881.
[2] [2] Geng, C.; Li, X.; LI, H .Process technology of producing high calorific value combustible gas by microwave pyrolysis of cotton stalk.International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2020, 29(1), 25-33.
[3] [3]Li X, Li K, Geng C,Li H*,et al. Biochar from Microwave Pyrolysis of Artemisia Slengensis: Characterization and Methylene Blue Adsorption Capacity. Applied Sciences, 2019,9(9):1813, SCI收录
[4] [4]Li X, Li K,Li H*, et al. White Poplar Microwave Pyrolysis: Heating Rate and Optimization of Biochar Yield. Bioresource, 2018,13(1):1107-1121.SCI收录
[5] [5]Yuan J, Wu C,Li H*, et al. Movement rules and screening characteristics of rice-threshed mixture separation through a cylinder sieve. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018,154:320-329.SCI收录
[6] [6]Wang J, Wu C,Li H*, et al. Simulation of threshed rice mixture separation on a vibration sieve. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2018,27(3):61-68.EI收录
[7] [7]Wang Y, Xian J, Tao L,Li H*,et al. Straw compression model for a straw baler machine. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2018,27(4).EI收录
[8] [8]Shi X, Wu C,Li H*, et al. Screening Characteristics and Paramenter Optimization of Threshed Rape Mixture Separation through a Cylindrical Sieve. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2018,27(4).EI收录
[9] [9]Xiaohua W, Kunquan L,Hua L, et al. Research on China’s rural household energy consumption–Household investigation of typical counties in 8 economic zones[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017, 68, Part 1: 28-32.SCI收录
[10] [10]Li H, Qian Y, Cao P, et al.Calculation method of surface shape feature of rice seed based on point cloud[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2017, 142: 416-423.SCI收录
[11] [11]Li X, Li K, Geng C,Li H*,et al. An economic analysis of rice straw microwave pyrolysis for hydrogen-rich fuel gas[J]. RSC Advances. 2017(7): 53396-53400.SCI收录
[12] [12]Li H, Wang J, Yuan J, et al. Analysis of threshed rice mixture separation through vibration screen using discrete element method[J]. Internatinal Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 2017, 10(6): 231-239.EI收录
[13] [13]Li Hua,Wang Jingshuang,Qian Youzhang,Xiong Min,Yin Wenqing,Wang Zhiming. Parameters optimization and separation performance of cylinder screen of combine harvester[J].International Agricultural Engineering Journal.2016,25(4):131-138 .EI收录。
[14] Li H, Li X, Liu L, et al. Experimental study of microwave-assisted pyrolysis of rice straw for hydrogen production[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016, 41(4): 2263-2267. SCI 收录.
[15] Hua Li,Xu-Hui Li,Le Liu,Kun-Quan Li,Xiao-Hua Wang.Pyrolysis Characteristics and Kenetics of Phoenix Tree Residues[J].Journal of Chemists &Chemical Engineers of Croatia,2015,64(9-10):473-480. EI收录。
[16] Hua Li,Huan Wang,Wenqin Yin*,Yongwei Li,Yan Qian ,Fei Hu.Development of A Remote Monitoring System for Henhouse Environment Based on IoT Technology[J].Future Internet,2015(7):329-341. EI收录。
[17] Li, B., Chen, K., Gao, X., Zhao, C., Shao, Q., Sun, Q.,Li, H., 2014.The use of steam explosion to increase the nutrition available from rice straw[J]. Biotechnol Appl Biochem.,2014.SCI收录。
[18] Li, Hua; Yin, Wenqing ; Qi, Xindan..Design of Compressor Displacement Testing System for Air- conditioner,,IEEE Computer 2009(11),EI收录.
[19] Li, H (Li, Hua); Gong, HJ (Gong, Hongju); Yin, WQ (Yin, Wenqing).Design of Simulation Strategy for Corn Cleaning on Discrete Element Method .Computer and computing technology in agricultural II. 1( 293): 603-611 2009.ISTP收录.
[20] Li, Hua; Yin, Wenqing ; Qi, Xindan. The design of farm machinery statistics management system based on network. .2008 International Seminar on Business and Information Management, ISBIM 2008.EI收录.
[21] Xu, Dahua ;Li, Hua.Intelligent greenhouse control-system based on agent. International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, ICICTA 2008.EI收录.
[22] 原建博,吴崇友,李骅,等.我国南方两种水稻脱出物物理特性测定与分析.农机化研究, 2018(02):154-159.
[23] 胡童,齐新丹,李骅,等.国内外蔬菜播种机的应用现状与研究进展.江西农业学报, 2018(02):87-92.
[24] 施新新,吴崇友,李骅,等.两种油菜收获脱出物的物理机械特性及空气动力学特性测定与分析.江西农业学报, 2018(06):104-108.
[25] 李骅,张运良,刘晓光,等.美国大学农业工程学科论文产出比较分析——以美国五所大学为例.中国农机化学报, 2018(09):95-99.
[26] 肖星星,李骅,吴崇友,等.基于DEM-CFD两种早稻品种圆筒筛清选过程的运动分析.机械设计, 2018(10):32-37.
[27] 梅占舰,李骅,齐新丹,等.砂壤土力学特性的测试与分析.沈阳农业大学学报, 2018(05):605-612.
[28] 原建博,李骅,吴崇友,等.基于离散单元法的水稻籽粒快速颗粒建模研究.南京农业大学学报, 2018,41(6):1151-1158.
[29] 贺亮,李骅.综合开发校友资源促进高校各项事业快速发展——以南京农业大学浦口校区校友会为例[J].高等农业教育. 2017(04): 60-63.
[30] 张兆同,崔天宇,李骅,等.论我国农机化发展应处理好的十个方面关系[J].农业经济. 2017(07): 3-5
[31] 王欢,李骅,尹文庆,等.基于无线传输的鸡舍环境远程监测系统[J].南京农业大学学报,2016,39(1):175-182.
[32] 肖星星,李骅,齐新丹,等.基于ANSYS Workbench脱粒滚筒的模态和瞬态分析[J].农机化研究. 2016(08): 46-50.
[33] 王志明,吕彭民,陈霓,李骅,等.横置差速轴流脱分选系统设计与试验[J].农业机械学报. 2016(12): 53-61.
[34] 康建斌,李骅, 缪培仁,等.水稻秸秆饲料汽爆加工工艺改进与优化[J].南京农业大学学报,2015,38(2):345-349.
[35] 胡燕,尹文庆,李骅,等.热辐射式秸秆炭化炉及其控制系统设计[J].浙江农业学报. 2015(01): 110-116.
[36] 李骅,钱燕,尹文庆,等.小型平面振动筛分装置的设计与参数优化[J].应用力学学报. 2014(02): 294-298.
[37] 刘乐,凌小燕,李骅*,等.生物质能源的发展研究[J].中国农机化学报. 2014(05): 195-199.
[38] 李彬,高翔,李骅,等.水稻秸秆饲料的汽爆加工工艺研究[J].南京农业大学学报. 2013(04): 127-132.
[39] 蔡婷婷,王生财,李骅*,等.脱粒后油菜物理参数的测定分析[J].江西农业学报. 2013(07): 105-107.
[40] 李骅,张美娜,尹文庆,等.基于CFD的风筛式清选装置气流场优化[J].农业机械学报. 2013(S2): 12-16.
[41] 李骅,尹文庆,何文龙.平面振动筛分装置气流场的数值模拟与试验[J].南京农业大学学报. 2013(06): 141-146.
[42] 姜文荣,李骅*,何文龙,等.生物质成型燃料燃烧特性的研究进展[J].中国农机化. 2012(06): 187-190.
[43] 李骅,尹文庆,刘恒. 4LZ-1.0联合收割机排出物组成的测定[J].江西农业学报. 2011(09): 171-172.
[44] 李骅,尹文庆,高翔,等.基于逆向工程的谷粒三维模型的构建[J].西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版). 2011(12): 201-206.
[45] 李阳,李骅*.南京市新农村建设系统的实证分析研究[J].安徽农业科学. 2010(05): 2595-2598.
[46] 张倩,李骅,尹文庆,等.基于ADAMS的脱出物在气流场中的运动仿真[J].中国制造业信息化. 2008(13): 69-72.
[47] 李骅.基于DEM的谷物清选仿真方案的设计[C].中国黑龙江大庆: 2007.
[48] 高翔,李骅.我国工厂化农业的现状与发展对策分析[J].中国农机化. 2007(02): 5-7.
[49] 李骅,尹文庆.柿子热泵干制实验及其干制模型的研究[J].食品工业科技. 2007(07): 57-59.
[50] 李骅,齐新丹,尹文庆.基于Web的农机统计管理系统的实现[J].计算机工程与设计. 2007(20): 5009-5011.
[51] 李骅,尹文庆.基于WEB数据库的学生综合管理系统的设计[J].科教文汇(中旬刊). 2007(11): 59.
[52] 李骅,曹放,尹文庆.江苏省农业机械化发展的评价分析[C].中国北京: 2006.
[53] 李骅,尹文庆.热泵技术在农业中的应用前景分析[J].江西农业学报. 2006(04): 151-152.
[54] 齐新丹,李骅,李雪峰.空调压缩机测试系统的应用[J].南京工业大学学报(自然科学版). 2006(05): 96-99.
[55] 李骅,尹文庆.农业机械化综合评价指标体系的研究[J].安徽农业科学. 2006(22): 5937-5938.
[56] 李骅,尹文庆,齐新丹.基于Web环境下农机统计图表的实现[J].安徽农业科学. 2005(08): 1395-1396.
[57] 李骅,陈红星,陈鹏,等.农机管理信息化的现状与展望[J].农机化研究. 2004(05): 56-58.
[58] 李骅,孙司正,李万英.农机统计管理系统开发中的几个技术问题[J].农机化研究. 2000(03): 106-110.
[59] 李骅,齐新丹,尹文庆.农垦企业电信综合业务管理系统[J].农机化研究. 2000(04): 48-51.
[60] 何瑞银,杨中伟,李骅.农场农机管理系统田间作业计划模型的研究[J].农机化研究. 2000(04): 46-47.
[1] 李骅,李坤权,刘乐,李旭辉,李红祥,刘玉涛,王效华.一种稻秆微波裂解气炭联产的方法(发明),2018年1月19日,中国,ZL 2015 1 **.9
[2] 李骅,尹文庆,鲜洁宇,等.一种轻简型的收割机(发明). ZL 2015 1 **. 2018年8月10日.
[3] 李骅,李超,陈雷,等.不同浓度菌液实时配比装置(实用新型). ZL 2017 2 **.7. 2018年8月7日
[4] 李骅,钱燕,鲜洁宇,钱有张,尹文庆,况少华,姜伟强,熊敏,黄红亮.一种田地即时的秸秆收集、粉碎、成型一体机(发明),2017年9月26日,中国,Zl 2014 1 **.0
[5] 李骅,钱燕,尹文庆,熊敏,钱有张,刘雨,胡飞.一种多因素可调的圆筒筛以及圆筒筛分清选装置(发明),2017年6月6日,中国
[6] 李骅,王永健,朱晓敏、尹文庆,李坤权,刘玉涛,李旭辉。一个喂入量可调的秸秆上料机,2017年5月24日,中国,ZL 2016 2 **.1
[7] 李骅,李洪祥,朱晓敏,鲜洁宇,尹文庆,钱有张,胡飞,肖星星。后置圆筒清选小型收割机,2017年3月22日,中国,ZL 2016 2 **.7
[8] 钱燕,李骅,冯学斌,尹文庆,黄天宇,黄叶琨。基于VC++的植物工厂远程监测系统V1.0(软件著作权),2016年8月16日,中国,2016SR221648
[9] 李骅,朱晓敏,鲜洁宇等,纵轴流圆筒筛小型收割机(实用新型),2016年7月27日,中国,ZL 2016 2 **.8
[10] 李骅,李旭辉,李坤权等,一种生物质微波裂解系统(实用新型),2016年1月13日,中国,ZL 2015 2 327752.9
[11] 钱有张,李骅,鲜洁宇等,一种圆筒直径无级可调的装置(实用新型),2015年3月,中国,ZL0.4
[12] 李骅,鲜洁宇,尹文庆等,一种小型谷物悬浮速度测试装置(实用新型),2015年5月18日,中国,ZL1.4
[13] 李骅,钱燕,尹文庆,等.一种多因素可调的圆筒筛以及圆筒筛分清选装置(实用新型),2014年9月,中国,ZL6.8
[14] 李骅,鲜洁宇,钱燕,等.一种田地秸秆即时收集、粉碎、成型一体机(实用新型),2014年12月,中国,ZL9.1
[15] 李骅,钱燕,尹文庆等,基于VC+的汽车性能参数录入系统V1.0(软件著作权),2014年1月,中国,2014SR009901
[16] 李骅,李旭辉,李坤权等,生物质燃烧特性数据管理系统V1.0(软件著作权),2014年12月,中国,2014SR186726
[17] 钱燕,李骅,冯学斌等,稻种三维点云成像系统V1.0(软件著作权),2014年1月,中国,2014SR005162
[18] 李骅、钱燕、尹文庆等,基于VC+的稻种图像特征提取系统V1.0(软件著作权),2013年9月,中国,2013SR132644
[19] 尹文庆、胡敏娟、胡飞、李骅,一种旱地穴盘苗自动取苗机构(发明),2010年5月,中国,CN
[20] 尹文庆、张敏、胡飞、胡敏娟、李骅,旱地穴苗移栽机未端执行器(发明),2010年5月,中国,CN
[21] 齐新丹、李骅、李雪峰,空调制冷量测试系统V1.0(软件著作权),2008年1月,中国,2008SR00067
[22] 齐新丹,李骅,李雪峰.空调压缩机测试系统V1.0(软件著作权),2008年1月,中国,2008SR00068
[23] 李骅、陈建华、胡飞等,组合式开沟器(实用新型),2008年12月,中国,ZL 0.4
[24] 李骅,尹文庆,高翔,农业机械网上统计管理系统V1.0(软件著作权),2005年8月,中国,2005SR09543


Li Hua

College of Engineering



Unit address
40#Dianjiangtai RD,Nanjing,Jiangsu Province,China
Post code

Research field
Techniques and Equipment for Accurate Planting and Harvesting;
Technology and Equipment of Biomass conversion.

Graduate Admissions
Agricultural Engineering (doctorate, academic master), Mechanical Engineering (professional master), Electronic Information (professional master); Recruitment of post-doctoral researchers in agricultural engineering

Social appointments
Consultant of the Ministry of Agriculture Engineering Construction Center;Executive Director China Persimmon Industry Collaborative Innovation Community; Vice Chairman of Energy Research Association of Jiangsu Province; Executive Director of Jiangsu Province Agricultural Engineering Society; Member of the Standing Committee of Mountain and Hill Machinery Branch of China Agricultural Machinery Society; Committee Member of the Tillage Branchof China Agricultural Machinery Society; Managing Director of Association of Farm Machinery Safety in Jiangsu Province;Senior Member of China Computer Federation; Senior Member of China Agricultural Engineering Society; ASABE member; ACM member.

Research projects
[1] National Key R&D Program Of China(2019YFC**):Research On Cleanly Collect And Compress Of Wet Components In Community Waste And Environmental Pollutant Control Technology (2020.1-2023.12)
[2] Projects Commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China(): Investigation on Prevention and Control of Agricultural Machinery Safety Accidents in East And South China(2019.12-2020.12)
[3] Demonstration And Extension Project Of Modern Agricultural Machinery Equipment And Technology In Jiangsu Province(NJ2019-17):Research Of Caterpillar Self-Propelled Garlic Combine Harvester And Garlic Agronomic Studies(2019.12-2021.10)
[4] Key Projects Of Technological Innovation Of Modern Agricultural Industry In Jiangsu Province(CX(19)2007):Research On Mechanized Technology And Equipment For Accurate And Efficient Production Of Garlic(2019.7-2022.6)
[5] Projects Commissioned By Enterprises:Techniques And Equipment For Composting Large Flux Of Agricultural Waste InGroove(2019.10-2022.9)
[6] Nanjing Agricultural University -Xinjiang Agricultural University Joint Funding Project(KYYJ201804):Study On Technology Of Cotton Stalk Microwave Cracking Coke Production(2018.09-2020.09)
[7] Three New Projects Of Agricultural Machinery In Jiangsu Province:Integration And Application Of Rural Waste Treatment Mechanization Technology(2018.05-2019.06)
[8] National Key R&D Program Of China: Vegetable Intelligent Fine Production Technology And Equipment R & D(2017YFD**-02)
[9] Key Technology Research And Industrialization Of Bio-Organic Fertilizer Fermentation Efficiency In Jiangsu Province(SZ-YC**)
[10] The Prospective Study Of Industry University Research In Jiangsu Province: Key Technology Of Rice Straw Conversion To Feed By Biology And Physics Method (BY**-01)
[11] Key Laboratory Of Modern Agricultural Equipment In The Ministry Of Agriculture: The Research On Simulation Modeling Technology Of Combined Harvesting And Ejection Based On Discrete Element Method()
[12] The New Agricultural Project In Jiangsu Province: Research Of Rice Straw Biological Feed(SXGC[2016]313)
[13] Biomass Conversion And Process Integration Engineering Laboratory Of Jiangsu Province: Microwave Pyrolysis Of Rice Straw: The Optimum Process Of Gas And Carbon Yield(JPELBCP**)
[14] Enterprise Commissioned Project: Research On Efficient Utilization Of Rice Straw Feed (2015.12-2017.12)
[15] National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project: The Study On The Working Principle And Design Method Of Rice Harvest Sorting System(**)
[16] Jiangsu Agricultural Mechanization Foundation: The Design And Development Of a Light And Simple Type Of Combine-Harvester(GXY14001)
[17] Key Laboratory Of Modern Agricultural Equipment In The Ministry Of Agriculture: The Research On The Harvest And Cleaning Separation Of High Wet Rice()
[18] Key Projects Of Independent Innovation Of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees Of Central Universities: Technology And Parameter Optimization Of Steam Blasting Treatment Of Straw Feed(KYZ201126)
[19] Three Agricultural Projects In Jiangsu Province: Mechanization Of Rice Harvesting(NJ2013-36)
[20] National Natural Science Fund Youth Project: Research On The Space-Time Evolution Simulation And Planning Support System Of Port Logistics Network(2013.3-2013.12)
[21] Project Commissioned By The Ministry Of Agriculture: Research On The Standard System Of Modern Agricultural Engineering Construction(2009.3-2010.3)
[22] Science And Technology Support Project Of Jiangsu Province: Study On Efficient Utilization Of Crop Straw Feedstock(BE**)
[23] Three Agricultural Projects In Jiangsu Province: Technology And Parameter Optimization Of Steam Blasting For Straw Feed(NJ2010-42)
[24] Jiangsu Science And Technology Support Program: Development And Development Of Key Technology Equipment For Rape Transplanting(BE**)
[25] Natural Science Foundation Of Jiangsu Province: Research On Drying Mechanism And Dry Product Quality Of Fruit Heat Pump(BK**)
[26] Research Fund Of Jiangsu Agricultural Machinery Bureau: Three-Dimensional Driving Curved Sieve Screening Device And Screening Performance Research(GXZ05017)
[27] Youth Science And Technology Innovation Fund Of Nanjing Agricultural University: Data Model Research And Database System Design Of Agricultural Machinery Statistical Index System(KJ03012)

Academic achievements

Selected published papers:
[1] [1] Yuan, J.; Li, H.; Qi, X.,Optimization of airflow cylinder sieve for threshed rice separation using CFD-DEM.Engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics, 2020, 14(1), 871-881.
[2] [2] Geng, C.; Li, X.; LI, H .Process technology of producing high calorific value combustible gas by microwave pyrolysis of cotton stalk.International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2020, 29(1), 25-33.
[3] Li X, Li K, Geng C,Li H*,et al. Biochar from Microwave Pyrolysis of Artemisia Slengensis: Characterization and Methylene Blue Adsorption Capacity. Applied Sciences, 2019,9(9):1813.SCI
[4] Li X, Li K,Li H*, et al. White Poplar Microwave Pyrolysis: Heating Rate and Optimization of Biochar Yield. Bioresource, 2018,13(1):1107-1121.SCI
[5] Yuan J, Wu C,Li H*, et al. Movement rules and screening characteristics of rice-threshed mixture separation through a cylinder sieve. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018,154:320-329.SCI
[6] Wang J, Wu C,Li H*, et al. Simulation of threshed rice mixture separation on a vibration sieve. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2018,27(3):61-68.EI
[7] Wang Y, Xian J, Tao L,Li H*,et al. Straw compression model for a straw baler machine. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2018,27(4).EI
[8] Shi X, Wu C,Li H*, et al. Screening Characteristics and Paramenter Optimization of Threshed Rape Mixture Separation through a Cylindrical Sieve. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 2018,27(4).EI
[9] Xiaohua W, Kunquan L,Hua L, et al. Research on China’s rural household energy consumption–Household investigation of typical counties in 8 economic zones[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017, 68, Part 1: 28-32.SCI
[10] Li H, Qian Y, Cao P, et al. Calculation method of surface shape feature of rice seed based on point cloud[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2017, 142: 416-423.SCI
[11] Li X, Li K, Geng C,Li H*,et al. An economic analysis of rice straw microwave pyrolysis for hydrogen-rich fuel gas[J]. RSC Advances. 2017(7): 53396-53400.SCI
[12] Li H, Wang J, Yuan J, et al. Analysis of threshed rice mixture separation through vibration screen using discrete element method[J]. Internatinal Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 2017, 10(6): 231-239.EI
[13] Li Hua,Wang Jingshuang,Qian Youzhang,Xiong Min,Yin Wenqing,Wang Zhiming. Parameters optimization and separation performance of cylinder screen of combine harvester[J].International Agricultural Engineering Journal.2016,25(4):131-138 .EI
[14] Li H, Li X, Liu L, et al. Experimental study of microwave-assisted pyrolysis of rice straw for hydrogen production[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016, 41(4): 2263-2267. SCI
[15] Hua Li,Xu-Hui Li,Le Liu,Kun-Quan Li,Xiao-Hua Wang.Pyrolysis Characteristics and Kenetics of Phoenix Tree Residues[J].Journal of Chemists &Chemical Engineers of Croatia,2015,64(9-10):473-480. EI
[16] Hua Li,Huan Wang,Wenqin Yin*,Yongwei Li,Yan Qian ,Fei Hu.Development of A Remote Monitoring System for Henhouse Environment Based on IoT Technology[J].Future Internet,2015(7):329-341. EI
[17] Li, B., Chen, K., Gao, X., Zhao, C., Shao, Q., Sun, Q., Li, H., 2014. The use of steam explosion to increase the nutrition available from rice straw[J]. Biotechnol Appl Biochem.,2014.SCI
[18] Li, Hua; Yin, Wenqing ; Qi, Xindan..Design of Compressor Displacement Testing System for Air- conditioner,,IEEE Computer 2009(11).EI
[19] Li, H (Li, Hua); Gong, HJ (Gong, Hongju); Yin, WQ (Yin, Wenqing).Design of Simulation Strategy for Corn Cleaning on Discrete Element Method .Computer and computing technology in agricultural II. 1( 293): 603-611 2009.ISTP
[20] Li, Hua; Yin, Wenqing ; Qi, Xindan. The design of farm machinery statistics management system based on network. .2008 International Seminar on Business and Information Management, ISBIM 2008.EI
[21] Xu, Dahua ;Li, Hua. Intelligent greenhouse control-system based on agent. International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, ICICTA 2008.EI
[22] Yuan Jianbo ; Wu Chongyou;Li Hua. Determination and Analysis of Two Kinds of Threshed Rice Physical Properties in South China[J].Agricultural Mechanization Research,2018(02):154-159.(In Chinese)
[23] Hu Tong ; QI Xindan;LI Hua*. Application Status and Research Progress of Vegetable Seeder in China and Foreign Countries[J].Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi,2018(02):87-92. (In Chinese)
[24] Shi Xinxn; Wu Chongyou;Li Hua. Measurement and Analysis of Physical Mechanical Properties and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Harvesting Extractions from Two Rape Varieties[J]. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi,2018(06):104-108. (In Chinese)
[25] Li Hua; Zhang Yunliang; Liu Xiaoguang.Analysis of the published papers from the world class agricultural engineering discipline of the American universities: Take five universities in the America as an example[J].Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization,2018(09):95-99. (In Chinese)
[26] XIAO Xingxing;LI Hua; WU Chongyou. Motion analysis on two early-rice varieties screened in a cylindrical sieve by means of the DEM-CFD methods[J].Journal of Mechanical Design,2018(10):32-37. (In Chinese)
[27] MEI Zhanjian;LI Hua; QI Xindan. Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Sandy Soil[J].Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University,2018(05):605-612. (In Chinese)
[28] YUAN Jianbo;LI Hua; WU Chongyou*. Study on apace particle modeling of rice grain basis on the discrete element method[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University,2018,41(6):1151-1158. (In Chinese)
[29] Wang Huan;LI Hua; YIN Wenqing*. Remote monitoring system for henhouse environment based on wireless transmission[J]. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University,2016,39(1):175-182. (In Chinese)
[30] Xiao Xingxing;Li Hua; Qi Xindan. Modal and Transient Analysis of Threshing Cylinder Based on ANSYS Workbench[J].Agricultural Mechanization Research.2016(08): 46-50. (In Chinese)
[31] Wang Zhiming; LüPengmin; Chen Ni;Li Hua. Design and Experiment on Axial-flow Differential-speed Threshing-Separating-Cleaning Unit[J].Journal of Agricultural Machinery,2016(12): 53-61. (In Chinese)
[32] Kang Jianbin;LI Hua; MIAO Peiren1*. Improving and optimizing steam explosion processing technology of rice straw as feed[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University,2015,38(2):345-349. (In Chinese)
[33] Hu Yan; YIN Wen-qing* ;LI Hua. The design of crop straw carbonization furnace and its control system[J].Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis,2015(01): 110-116. (In Chinese)
[34] Li Hua; Qian Yan; Yin Wenqing.Design and optimization of a small plane vibration screening device[J].Chinese journal of applied mechanics,2014(02): 294-298. (In Chinese)
[35] Liu Le; Ling Xiaoyan;Li Hua.Development research of bioenergy[J].Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization,2014(05): 195-199. (In Chinese)
[36] LI Bin; GAO Xiang; SUN Qian;LI Hua. Research on steam explosion processing of rice straw feed[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University,2013(04): 127-132. (In Chinese)
[37] CAI Ting ting; WANG Shengcai;LI Hua*. Determination and Analysis of Physical Parameters of Threshed Rape[J].Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi,2013(07): 105-107. (In Chinese)
[38] Li Hua; Zhang Meina; Yin Wenqing. Optimization of Airflow Field on Air-and-screen Cleaning Device Based on CFD[J]. Journal of Agricultural Machinery,2013(S2): 12-16. (In Chinese)
[39] LI Hua; YIN Wenqing* ; HE Wenlong. Simulation and test of the airflow field on the plane vibrating sieve[J].Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University,2013(06): 141-146. (In Chinese)
[40] Jiang Wenrong;Li Hua; He Wenlong. Research Progress of Biomass Briquette Fuel Combustion Characteristics[J].Chinese Agricultural Mechanization,2012(06): 187-190. (In Chinese)
[41] LI Hua; YIN Wenqing* ; LIU Heng. Test on Effluent Compositions of Combine Harvester Model 4LZ-1.0[J].Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi,2011(09): 171-172. (In Chinese)
[42] Li Hua; Yin Wenqing; Gao Xiang. Construction of three-dimensional model of grain based on reverse engineering[J].Journal of Northwest A&F University,2011(12): 201-206. (In Chinese)
[43] Li Yang;Li Hua*. Empirical Analysis Study on the Nanjing New Rural Construction System[J].Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciense,2010(05): 2595-2598. (In Chinese)
[44] Li Hua. Design of Grain Cleaning Simulation Scheme Based on DEM[C].Daqing, Heilongjiang, China:2007. (In Chinese)
[45] Li Hua; Yin Wenqing. Study on dried experiment of persimmon heat pump and its dry model[J].Science and Technology of Food I ndustry. 2007(07): 57-59.
[46] Li Hua; Qi Xin-dan; Yin Wenqing. Realization of farm machinery statistics management system based on web database[J].Computer Engineering and Design.2007(20): 5009-5011. (In Chinese)
[47] Li Hua; Yin Wenqing. Design of Student Integrated Management System Based on WEB Database[J].Science and education.2007(11): 59. (In Chinese)
[48] Li Hua; Cao Fang; Yin Wenqing. Evaluation and Analysis of Agricultural Mechanization Development in Jiangsu Province[C].Beijing China:2006(In Chinese)
[49] Li Hua; Yin Wenqing. Applications of Heart Pump Techniques in Agriculture[J].Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi.2006(04): 151-152. (In Chinese)
[50] Li Hua; Yin Wenqing. Research about the Synthesis Appraisal Index System of the Agricultural Mechanizaton.[J]. Journal of Anhui Agri.Sci .2006 , 34(22):5937 -5938(In Chinese)
[51] Li Hua; Yin Wenqing; Qi Xindan. Realization of Farming Machine Statistical Chart in Web Environment[J].Journal of Anhui Agri.Sci.2005, 33( 8) : 1395- 1396(In Chinese)
[52] Li Hua;Chen Hong-xing; Chen Peng. Current Situation and Prospect about the MIS of Agriculture Mechanic[J].Agricultural Mechanization Research.2004(05): 56-58. (In Chinese)
[53] Li Hua; Sun Sizheng; Li Wanying. Several technical problems in the development of agricultural machinery statistical management system[J].Agricultural Mechanization Research.2000(03): 106-110. (In Chinese)
[54] Li Hua; Qi Xindan; Yin Wenqing. Agricultural enterprise telecommunication integrated business management system[J].Agricultural Mechanization Research. 2000(04): 48-51. (In Chinese)

[1] Li Hua, Li Kunquan, Li Xuhui. A method for co-production of rice straw stalk microwave cracking gas. ZL5.9
[2] Li Hua, Yin Wenqing. Xian Jieyu. A lightweight and simple harvester. ZL0
[3] Li Hua, Li Chao, Chen Lei. A real-time proportioning device for different concentration of bacterial liquid . ZL7.7
[4] Li Hua, Qian Yan, Xian Jieyu. A field instant straw collecting, crushing and forming machine. Zl1.0
[5] Li Hua, Qian Yan, Yin Wenqing. A multi-factor adjustable cylindrical sieve and cylindrical screening cleaning device.
[6] Li Hua, Wang Yongjian, Zhu Xiaomin. A straw feeding machine with adjustable feeding amount. ZL 3.1
[7] Li Hua, Li Hongxiang, Zhu Xiaomin. Rear cylinder cleaning small harvester. ZL 0.7
[8] Qian Yan, Li Hua, Feng Xuebin. Plant Factory Remote Monitoring System V1.0 based on VC++. 2016SR221648
[9] Li Hua, Zhu Xiaomin, Xian Jieyu. A longitudinal axial flow cylinder sieve small harvester. ZL3.8
[10] Li Hua, Li Xuhui, Li Kunquan. A biomass microwave cracking system. ZL.9
[11] Qian Youzhang, Li Hua, Xian Jieyu. A stepless and adjustable diameter cylinder device. ZL0.4
[12] Li Hua, Xian Jieyu, Yin Wenqing. A small suspension speed test device. ZL1.4
[13] Li Hua, Xian Jieyu, Yin Wenqing. A multi-factor adjustable cylinder and cleaning selected device. ZL6.8
[14] Li Hua, Xian Jieyu, Qian Yan. A real-time collection, grinding and molding straw machine. ZL9.1
[15] Li Hua, Qian Yan, Yin Wenqing. Vehicle performance parameter entry system V1.0 based on VC+. 2014SR009901
[16] Li Hua, Li Xuhui, Li Kunquan. Biomass combustion characteristics data management system V1.0. 2014SR186726
[17] Qian Yan, Li Hua, Feng Xuebin. Rice seed three-dimensional point cloud imaging system V1.0. 2014SR005162\
[18] Li Hua, Qian Yan, Yin Wenqing. Rice seed image feature extraction system based on VC+ V1.0. 2013SR132644
[19] Yin Wenqing, Hu Minjuan, Hu Fei, Li Hua. A automatic seedling picking mechanism for dryland seedlings. CN
[20] Yin Wenqing, Zhang Min,Hu Fei, Hu Minjuan, Li Hua. A dryland seedling transplanting machine endless actuator. CN
[21] Qi Xindan, Li Hua, Li Xuefeng. Air conditioning refrigeration test system V1.0. 2008SR00067
[22] Qi Xindan, Li Hua, Li Xuefeng. Air conditioning compressor test system V1.0. 2008SR00068
[23] Li Hua, Chen Jianfei, Hu Fei. Combined opener. ZL 0.4
[24] Li Hua, Yin Wenqing, Gao Xiang. Agricultural Machinery Online Statistical Management System V1.0. 2005SR09543

Reward & honor
Outstanding Educational Work Manager of Nanjing Agricultural University in 2013-2015

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