

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-27

李星硕 讲师
所在机构: 电气工程系


担任《IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics》、《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》、《IET Power Electronics》、《IET Renewable Power Generation》等国际知名期刊审稿人。

李星硕,1989年出生于河南郑州市。本科毕业于郑州大学,获学士学位;硕士、博士均毕业于西交利物浦大学,获英国利物浦大学硕士(distinction)、博士学位。主要研究光伏发电系统、微电网、直流配电系统中电力电子的建模、设计、仿真与控制。以第一作者SCI论文11篇,其中包括9篇Top?SCI,一篇ESI高被引论文,H指数13。担任《IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics》、《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》、《IET Power Electronics》、《IET Renewable Power Generation》等国际知名期刊审稿人。
? ? ? 2019.10-至今?讲师,南京师范大学,电气与自动化工程学院
? ? ? 2015.06-2019.07?博士研究生,利物浦大学,电气与电子工程
? ? ? 2013.09-2015.04?硕士研究生,西交利物浦大学,可持续能源与技术
? ? ? 2008.09-2012.07?本科生,郑州大学,计算机科学与技术
Li, X., Wen,?H., Hu,?Y., Du, Y., Yang, Y.,, "A Comparative Study on Photovoltaic MPPT Algorithms under EN50530 Dynamic Test Procedure," in?IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.(SCI 1区收录,IF = 7.224)
Li, X., Wen, H.,?Chen, B., Ding, S.,?Xiao, W., "A cost-effective power ramp rate control strategy based on flexible power point tracking for photovoltaic system",?Solar Energy, 2020, 208: 1058-1067.?(SCI 2区收录,IF = 5.439)
Li, X., Wen, H., Zhu, Y., Hu, Y., Jiang, L., Xiao, W., "A novel sensorless photovoltaic power reserve control with simple real-time MPP estimation", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34 (8), pp. 7521-7531, August 2019. (SCI 1区收录,IF = 7.224)
Li, X., Wen, H., Hu, Y., Jiang, L., "Drift-Free Current Sensorless MPPT Algorithm in Photovoltaic Systems", Solar Energy, 177, pp. 118-126, 2019. (SCI 2区收录,IF = 4.674)
Li, X., Wen, H., Hu, Y., Jiang, L., "A novel beta parameter based fuzzy-logic controller for photovoltaic MPPT application", Renewable Energy, 130, pp. 416-427, 2019. (SCI 2区收录,IF = 5.439)
Li X., Wang Q, Wen H, Xiao, W. "Comprehensive Studies on Operational Principles for Maximum Power Point Tracking in Photovoltaic Systems". IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 121407-121420. (SCI 2区收录,IF = 3.633)
Li, X., Wen, H., Hu, Y., Jiang, L., Xiao, W., "Modified beta algorithm for GMPPT and partial shading detection in photovoltaic systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33 (3), pp. 2172-2186, March 2018. (SCI 1区收录,IF = 7.224)
Li, X., Wen, H., Chu, G., Hu, Y., Jiang, L., "A novel power-increment based GMPPT algorithm for PV arrays under partial shading conditions", Solar Energy, 169, pp. 353-361, 2018. (SCI 2区收录,IF = 4.674)
Li, X., Wen, H., Jiang, L., Xiao, W., Du, Y., Zhao, C., "An Improved MPPT Method for PV System with Fast-Converging Speed and Zero Oscillation", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52 (6), pp. 5051-5064, November/December, 2016. (SCI 3区收录,IF = 3.347)
Li, X., Wen, H., Jiang, L., Hu, Y., Zhao, C., "An improved beta method with auto-scaling factor for photovoltaic system", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52 (5), pp. 4281-4291, September/October, 2016. (SCI 2区收录,IF = 3.347)
Li, X., Wen, H., Jiang, L., Lim, E. G., Du, Y., & Zhao, C. (2016). Photovoltaic modified β-parameter-based mppt method with fast tracking.?Journal of Power Electronics,?16(1), 9-17. (SCI 4区收录,IF = 0.907)

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