

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-27

邮箱: zhaoyn125@qq.com
2015 2016: 博士后,国际体育与康乐研究中心,香港浸会大学.
2012 – 2015: 哲学博士,运动科学, 香港浸会大学.
2009 – 2012: 教育学硕士,体育人文社会学,南京师范大学.
2005 – 2009: 教育学学士,体育教育,南京师范大学.

Zhao, Y., & Chung, P. K. (2017). Neighborhood Environment Walkability and Health-related Quality of Life among Older Adults in Hong Kong.Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SSCI /SCIE; 2016 IF =2.086), 73(6), 182-186.doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2017.08.003.
Zhao, Y. N., Chung, P. K, & T.K. Tong (2017) Effectiveness of a balance-focused exercise program for enhancing functional fitness of older adults at risk of falling: a randomized, controlled study. Journal of Geriatric Nursing (SSCI/SCIE, 2016 IF = 1.142). 38(6), 491-497. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2017.02.011
Chung, P. K., Zhao, Y. N., Liu, J. D., & Quach, B. (2017) A Canonical correlation analysis of functional fitness and quality of life in older population. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SSCI/SCIE; 2016 IF =2.086). 68(1),44-48 doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2016.08.007.
Zhao, Y. N., Chung, P. K, & Tomas K. TONG (2016) Effectiveness of a community-based exercise program on balance performance and fear of falling in older nonfallers at risk of falling: a randomized, controlled study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity (SSCI/SCI; 2015 IF = 1.873). 24(4),516-524
Chung, P. K., Zhao, Y. N., Liu, J. D., & Quach, B. (2016) Functional Fitness Norms for Community-dwelling Older Adults in Hong Kong. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SSCI /SCIE; 2015 IF = 1.971).,65(4),54-62.
Zhao, Y. N. & Chung, P. K. (2016) Differences of Functional Fitness between Older Adults with and without Risk of Falls. Asian Nursing Research (SSCI/ SCIE; 2015 IF = 1.000). Asian Nursing Research, 10(1), 51-55.
Chung, P. K., Zhao, Y. N., Liu, J. D., & Quach, B. (2015) Validity and Reliability of the Rating of Perceived Scale in Monitoring Exercise Intensity among Chinese Older Adults in Hong Kong. Perceptual & Motor Skill (SSCI; 2014 IF = 0.546). 121(3), 805-809.
Zhao, Y. N. & Chung, P. K. (2015) A preliminary design for a community-based exercise program for balance improvement and fall prevention. International Journal of Sports and Physical Education, 1(2), 5-14.
Chung, P. K., Mui, R., Zhao, Y. N., & Liu, J. D. (2014) Training Effects of Water Tai Chi on Health Indicators among Chinese Older Females in Hong Kong, International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health,1 (2), 20-24.
Chung, P. K., Leung, R. W., Liu, J. D., Quach, B., & Zhao, Y. N. (2013). Exercise regulation during cycle ergometry using Cantonese version of the CERT and Borg’s RPE. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 13(2), 170-176.
Chung, P. K, Zhao, Y. N., Quach, B., & Liu, J. D. (2013). The use of a Braille version of the Cantonese RPE scale in visually impaired adolescents. In P. K. Chung, P. W. Lau, & T. K. Tong (Eds.), Youth, technology, and health (pp.89-106). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
Zhao, Y. N. & Sun, Q. Z. (2010). Analysis from the Biological Evolution Perspective on the Connotation of TiZhi in its Psychological level. Proceedings of the 2010 international symposium on children and youth fitness and health, 28-31(ISTP).
Zhao, Y. N. & Sun, Q. Z. (2011). Research on the construction about evaluation index system on new rural service system of Fitness for All. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Computer Science and Sports Engineering (CSSE 2010), 297-302. (EI).
Chen, J. Q. & Zhao, Y. N. (2010). The Influence on Chinese Sports Tourism by Financial Crisis and the Corresponding countermeasures. Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Asian Congress of Sports and Physical Education, Medical Engineering in Sports. Education and Management in Sports, World Academic Union, 82-85 (ISTP).
Chen, J. Q. & Zhao, Y. N. (2010). Analysis and Enlightenment from the Management Characteristics of Out-Class Sports Club in Japan Soka University. Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Asian Congress of Sports and Physical Education, Education and Management in Sports, World Academic Union, 60-63 (ISTP).
钟伯光,赵亚楠 (2011). RPE 6-20量表预测最大摄氧量的实验研究进展. 武汉体育学院学报,45 (9), 36-40.
Chung, P. K., Zhao, Y. N. (2011) Experimental advancement in usingRPE 6-20 scale in predicting maximal oxygen consumption. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, 45 (9), 36-40 (in Chinese).
赵亚楠,钟伯光 (2016) 从功能性体适能角度透视长者跌倒问题,《紫荆论坛》,双月刊总第25期, 页87-90.
钟伯光,赵晓逍,赵亚楠 (2014) 力量训练有益于老年人的身心健康,《紫荆论坛》, 双月刊总第15期, 页95-99.
运动人体科学 (健康与体力活动方向)
江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金一般项目起步协议、步行距离及终点效应对老年人步速测试 结果的影响2017/072019/06,在研,主持。
南京师范大学青年科研基金(启动基金),2016-2019 在研,主持。
南京师范大学哲学社会科学青年科研人才培育基金项目:《CHAMPS自评体力活动问卷的本土化研究》, 20172019在研,主持

美国运动医学会会员,American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM)
香港行为健康学会会员,Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health (HKSBH)
香港老年学学会会员,Hong Kong Association of Gerontology
华人运动生理与体适能学会会员,Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness (SCSEPF)
香港体适能总会会员,Hong Kong Physical Fitness Association (HKPF)
SCI期刊评审,Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness
SCI期刊评审,European Review of Aging and Physical Activity
2018年6月: 香港,国际体力活动与营养学会年会(墙报)。
2017年3月:美国休斯敦,国际健康与体育教育者联盟学会年会(Society of Health and Physical Educators; SHAPE)(口头报告)
2013年10月,沈阳,第12届华人运动生理与体适能****学会年会(口头报告, 最佳口头报告奖)
2013年10月,深圳,第一届国际博士研究生学术会议(口头报告, 优秀论文奖)

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