本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-20
Email: kejwdy@126.com
主要从事微生物燃料电池处理厨房固体废弃物、剩余活性污泥及高浓度含氨废水;剩余活性污泥的好氧与厌氧消化;臭氧氧化-微生物燃料电池处理厨房固体废弃物;臭氧氧化-好氧/厌氧消化处理剩余活性污泥;砂滤池内生物膜的形成与变化分析;环境微生物的构造解析;混凝-臭氧氧化-膜处理技术的给水处理等研究。已在《Water research》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Chemosphere》、 《Environmental Technology》、《Water Science & Technology》、《安全与环境学报》、《环境工程学报》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文20篇,其中SCI 11篇。参加国际会议发表20余次,获国际会议论文发表奖5项。担任 “Applied Energy”、“Environmental Science and Pollution Research”、“Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology” 等期刊审稿人。主讲城市垃圾处理技术(双语)、专业外语、建筑设备等本科生课程,主讲高等微生物学研究生课程。主编教材2部,参编1部。
(1) 日本国立岐阜大学留学 (Research student in River Basin Research Center & Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan, Oct 2011 to Mar 2017)
(2) 韩国首尔科技大学国际暑期学校短期留学 (Seoultech International Summer School, Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea, Jul 23 to Aug 6, 2016)
(3)美国北达科他州立大学短期研究访问 (Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at North Dakota State University (NDSU, Jan 20 to Feb 5, 2017)
Haixia Du*, Nobuo Harata, Fusheng Li., 2018. Responses of riverbed sediment bacteria to heavy metals: Integrated evaluation based on bacterial density, activity and community structure under well-controlled sequencing batch incubation conditions. Water Research, 130, 115-126. (SCI, Impact factor: 6.942)
Haixia Du*, Jiangyang Guo, Yizhen Xu, Yanxia Wu, Fusheng Li, Huifang Wu., 2018. Enhancing microbial fuel cell (MFC) performance in treatment of solid potato waste by mixed feeding of boiled potato and waste activated sludge. Water Science & Technology, 78(5), 1054-1063. (SCI, Impact factor: 1.247)
Haixia Du*, Fusheng Li., 2017. Enhancement of solid potato waste treatment by microbial fuel cell with mixed feeding of waste activated sludge. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 336 - 344. (SCI, Impact factor: 5.315)
Haixia Du*, Fusheng Li., 2017. Characteristics of dissolved organic matter formed in aerobic and anaerobic digestion of excess activated sludge. Chemosphere, 168, 1022-1031. (SCI, Impact factor: 4.068)
Haixia Du*, Fusheng Li., 2016. Effect of increasing the mass fraction of boiled potato in the potato feed on the performance of microbial fuel cell. Science of the Total Environment, 569, 841-849. (SCI, Impact factor: 4.317)
Haixia Du*, Fusheng Li, Zaiji Yu, Chunhua Feng, Wenhan Li, 2016. Nitrification and denitrification in two-chamber microbial fuel cells for treatment of wastewater containing high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen. Environmental Technology, 37(10):1232-1239. (SCI, Impact factor: 1.760)
Haixia Du, Fusheng Li, 2016. Size effects of potato waste on its treatment by microbial fuel cell. Environmental Technology, 37 (10):1305-1313. (SCI, Impact factor: 1.760)
Haixia Du, Fusheng Li, Chunhua Feng, 2015. Comparison of the performance of microbial fuel cell for treatment of different vegetable liquids and potato solid with different sizes. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), 71 (7): 379-387. (日本环境界最具影响力期刊)
张蕾, 杜海霞, 吴艳霞, 吴俊, 黄紫旖, 文蕾, 郑尹怀, 吴慧芳, 2018. 不同预处理方法对提高剩余污泥稳定性的研究. 江西化工, 138 (4), 44-47.
杜海霞*, 王亚娥, 李杰, 2014. Fenton 氧化与铁炭微电解组合预处理DMF废水. 环境工程学报, 8 (9): 374-382.
程爱华, 杜海霞, 李杰, 2014. 铁炭内电解预处理DMF和DMAC废水研究. 安全与环境学报, 14 (1): 215-218.
Fusheng Li, Hongjie Gui, Haixia Du, Naoki Murata, Yongfen Wei. Optimum combination of existing treatment processes is essential for elevation of drinking water quality, in “Water Supply and Water Quality”, pp: 623-641, Poznan, 2016 (Poland), ISBN: 978-83-64959-45-5.
(1) 日本文部科学省国费外国留学生奖学金获得者(2015.04-2017.03)。
(2) Best Poster Award, The 4th UGSAS-GU Roundtable & BWEL Joint International Symposium 2015; Treatment of raw and cooked potato mixtures by microbial fuel cell: Investigation based on fluorescence excitation emission matrix and volatile fatty acid analyses; 2015年8月26日。
(3) Best Presentation Award, The 5th UGSAS-GU Roundtable & BWEL Joint International Symposium 2016; Mixed treatment of vegetable waste and excess activated sludge by microbial fuel cell; 2016年8月30日。
(4) Best Presentation Award, The 7th Forum on Studies of Environment and Public Health Issues in the Asian Mega-cities (EPAM-2016); Enhancing treatment of solid potato waste by microbial fuel cell using waste activated sludge; 2016年9月1日。
(5) Best Presentation Award, The 1st of International symposium of river basin studies - towards the interdisciplinary study for sustainable basin environment and human well-being; Characterization of the composition of dissolved organic matter during aerobic and anaerobic digestion of excess activated sludge; 2017年3月7日。
(6) 日本国立岐阜大学工学研究生院优秀毕业生奖获得者,2017年3月25日。
(7) Best Presentation Award, The 8th Forum on Studies of Environmental and Public Health Issues in Asian Mega-cities (EPAM2017); Composition changes of dissolved organic matter in aerobic and anaerobic digestion of excess activated sludge; 2017年9月1日。
(1) 如何在教学中实现英语思维、规划与实践 (Thinking, Planning and Practice in Teaching), 2017,主持。
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