

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-20

姓 名: 于竹青
性 别: 女
出生年月: 1983.08
籍 贯: 山东烟台
职 称: 副教授
E-mail: zyu@njtech.edu.cn
工作地点: 材料学院润德楼 A306
2019.7-至今 南京工业大学,副教授
2015.03-2019.7 南京工业大学,助理教授
2009.08-2015.05 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,博士
2006.09-2009.06 武汉理工大学,硕士
2002.09-2006.06 武汉理工大学,学士
1. Hydration process and microstructure development of cementitious materials; (胶凝材料水化进程和微观结构发展)
2. Durability of concrete (marine concrete); (海工混凝土耐久性)

1. Jinfeng Sun*, Liang Tian, Zhuqing Yu*, Yu Zhang, Chengdong Li, Guihua Hou, Xiaodong Shen (2020). Studies on the size effects of nano-TiO2 on Portland cement hydration with different water to solid ratios. Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 120390. 2. Hu Shi, Qingyong Wu, Zhuqing Yu*, Jian Ma, Xiaodong Shen (2020). Properties of eco-friendly coral sand powder – Calcium sulfoaluminate cement binary system. Construction and Building Materials 263 (2020) 120181.
3. Jian Ma, Zhuqing Yu*, Hu Shi, Yu Zhang, Xiaodong Shen (2020). Long-term hydration behavior and pore structure development of cement–limestone binary system. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09273-y.
4. Jinfeng Sun*, Xiaoyin Cao, Zhipeng Xu, Zhuqing Yu, Yu Zhang*, Guihua Hou, Xiaodong Shen (2019). Contribution of core/shell TiO2 @SiO2 nanoparticles to the hydration of Portland cement. Construction and Building Materials 233 (2020) 117-127.
5. Hongbo Tan, Maogao Li, Jun Ren, Xiufeng Deng, Xun Zhang, Kangjun Nie, Junjie Zhang, Zhuqing Yu. Effect of aluminum sulfate on the hydration of tricalcium silicate. Construction and Building Materials 205 (2019) 414–424.
6. Hu Shi, Zhuqing Yu*, Jian Ma, Chenxin Ni, Xiaodong Shen*. Properties of Portland Cement Paste Blended with Coral Sand Powder. Construction and Building Materials 203 (2019) 662–669.
7. Jian Ma, Zhuqing Yu*, Chenxin Ni, Hu Shi, Xiaodong Shen*. Effects of limestone powder on the hydration and microstructure development of calcium sulphoaluminate cement under long-term curing. Construction and Building Materials 199 (2019) 688–695.
8. Wenguang Jiang, Xiangguo Li, Yang Lv, Mingkai Zhou, Zhuolin Liu, Zhaofeng Ren and Zhuqing Yu. Cement-Based Materials Containing Graphene Oxide and Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber: Mechanical Properties, Durability, and Microstructure, Nanomaterials 2018, 8(9), 638; https://doi.org/10.3390/nano**
9. Hao Zhou, Xiaomei Gu, Jinfeng Sun, Zhuqing Yu, Hong Huang, Qianqian Wang, Xiaodong Shen. Research on the formation of M1-type alite doped with MgO and SO3 —A route to improve the quality of cement clinker with a high content of MgO. Construction and Building Materials 182 (2018) 156–166
10. Zhuqing Yu, Chenxin Ni, Mingliang Tang, Xiaodong Shen (2018) Relationship between water permeability and pore structure of Portland cement paste blended with fly ash. Construction and Building Materials 175 (2018) 458-466.
11. Zhuqing Yu, Jian Ma, Guang Ye, Klaas van Breugel, Xiaodong Shen (2017) Effect of fly ash on the pore structure of cement paste under a curing period of 3 years. Construction and Building Materials 144 (2017) 493–501.

1. 国家重点研发计划子课题任务——混凝土制品用复合胶凝材料的设计与制备,2017.7-2021.6(在研);
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目——海洋环境下珊瑚砂混凝土劣化机理及抗蚀性能提升研究,2018.01-2020.12(在研);
3. 江苏省青年基金项目——碳酸钙质集料提升海工钢筋混凝土抗氯离子侵蚀能力的研究, 2016.7-2019.6(结题);
4. 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目——石灰石抑制混凝土氯离子腐蚀破坏的机理研究, 2016.9-2018.8(结题);

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