

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-20

姓 名:胡小会
性 别:女
职 称:副教授 硕士生导师
E-mail: xiaohui.hu@njtech.edu.cn
2014年 毕业于东南大学,获博士学位
2013-2015年 在芬兰Aalto University和东南大学从事博士后研究
2016年 加入南京工业大学材料学院
主要从事二维纳米材料(石墨烯、过渡金属硫化物,磷烯等)的结构、性能和器件原理的研究。近5年来,先后主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、教育部重点实验室开放课题、芬兰教育部基金等项目;先后骨干参与国家自然科学基金、江苏省****基金、教育部博士点基金等项目。研究成果发表于Nature Communications, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2D Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Nano Research, Carbon, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters等国际知名期刊。其中SCI论文30余篇,研究成果被SCI引用200余次。
[1] 1T phase as an efficient hole injection layer to TMDs transistors: a universal approach to achieve p-type cont acts. 2D Materials 2018, 5: 031012.
[2] In situ atomic-scale observation of monolayer graphene growth from SiC. Nano Research 2018, 11: 2809.
[3] Electrically driven cation exchange for In situ fabrication of individual nanostructures. Nature Communicatio ns 2017, 8: 14889.
[4] Cobalt-doping in Cu2SnS3: enhanced thermoelectric performance by synergy of phase transition and band st ructure modification. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5: 23267.
[5] Stacking orders induced direct band gap in bilayer MoSe2-WSe2 lateral heterostructures. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 31122.
[6] Solubility of boron, carbon, and nitrogen in transition metals: getting insight into trends from first-principles calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2015, 6: 3263.
[7] Semiconductor to metal to half-metal transition in Pt embedded zigzag graphene nanoribbons. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118: 16133.
[8] Synthesis of graphene-CNT hybrids via joule heating: Structural characterization and electrical transport. Car bon 2013, 53: 260.
[9] Gold-embedded zigzag graphene nanoribbons as spin gapless semiconductors. Physical Review B 2012, 86: 195418.
[10] Tuning electronic and magnetic properties of zigzag graphene nanoribbons by large-scale bending. Applied Physics Letters 2012, 100: 263115.

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