

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-20

姓 名: 何一燕
性 别: 女
籍 贯:
职 称: 副教授、硕导
E-mail: yiyanhe@njtech.edu.cn
工作地点: 丁家桥创新大楼A605 材料学科楼B503
2018-2019 新加坡科技研究局生物工程与纳米技术研究院 国家公派访问****
2016-2018 四川大学国家生物医学材料工程技术研究中心 博士后(生物医学工程)
2017- 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院副教授
2014-2017 四川大学国家生物医学材料工程技术研究中心 讲师
2009-2014 四川大学国家生物医学材料工程技术研究中心 博士(高分子化学与物理)
2005-2009 四川大学化学学院 学士(应用化学)

1) 纳米载体材料:发展基于生物医用高分子材料的新型纳米药物递送系统,探索肿瘤等难治愈疾病的早期检测与治疗的新方法新技术;
2) 生物活性创面修复材料(组织工程皮肤/人工皮肤):发展具有生物活性的医用高分子水凝胶材料,用于活性细胞封装,软组织修复等领域。
1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,基因/光动力协同治疗肿瘤的多级双向调控可视化靶向纳米递送系统。
2) 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2017YFC**,环境响应性水凝胶载体的创新性构建与制备技术。
3) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,**,仿病毒shRNA递送系统联合基于FRET的光动力治疗肿瘤的研究。
4) 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助,2017M610602,可控富氧纳米平台的构建及深层肿瘤靶向光动力治疗研究。

1) Jie Zhou, Shengnan Ma, Yuxin Zhang, Yiyan He?, Jun Yang, Hu Zhang, Kui Luo, Zhongwei Gu?. Virus-Inspired Mimics: Dual-pH-Responsive Modular Nanoplatforms for Programmable Gene Delivery without DNA Damage with the Assistance of Light. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12, 22519?22533. (IF=8.758)
2) Jie Zhou, Shengnan Ma, Yuxin Zhang, Yiyan He?, Jun Yang, Hu Zhang, Kui Luo, Zhongwei Gu?. Tunable membrane-penetrating bioreductive nanogels based on guanidinylated dendrimers for programmable gene delivery. Applied Materials Today 2020 (20) 100646. (IF=8.352)
3) Shengnan Ma, Jie Zhou, Yuxin Zhang, Bo Yang, Yiyan He*, Chen Tian, Xianghui Xu, and Zhongwei Gu*. An Oxygen Self-sufficient Fluorinated Nanoplatform for Relieved Tumor Hypoxia and Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy of Cancers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (8):7731–7742. (IF=8.758)
4) Yuxin Zhang, Jie Zhou, Shengnan Ma, Yiyan He*, Jun Yang, and Zhongwei Gu*. A Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)-Degradable Polymeric Nanoplatform for Hypoxia-Targeted Gene Delivery: Unpacking DNA and Reducing Toxicity. Biomacromolecules 2019, 20(5), 1899-1913. (IF=6.092)
5) Jie Zhou#, Aisha Roshan Mohamed Wali#, Shengnan Ma, Yiyan He*, Dong Yue, James Zhenggui Tang, Zhongwei Gu*. Tailoring the Supramolecular Structure of Guanidinylated Pullulan toward Enhanced Genetic Photodynamic Therapy, Biomacromolecules 2018, 19(6):2214-2226. (IF=6.092)
6) Aisha Roshan Mohamed Wali, Jie Zhou, Shengnan Ma, Yiyan He*, Dong Yue, James Zhenggui Tang, Zhongwei Gu*. Tailoring the supramolecular structure of amphiphilic glycopolypeptide analogue toward liver targeted drug delivery systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2017, 525: 191–202. (IF=4.845)
7) Yiyan He, Jie Zhou, Shengnan Ma, Yu Nie, Dong Yue, Qian Jiang, Aisha Roshan Mohamed Wali, James Zhenggui Tang, Zhongwei Gu*. Multi-responsive "turn-on" nanocarriers for efficient site-specific gene delivery in vitro and in vivo. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2016, 5(21):2799-2812. (IF=7.367)
8) Shengnan Ma, Jie Zhou, Yuxin Zhang, Yiyan He*, Qian Jiang, Dong Yue, Xianghui Xu, and Zhongwei Gu*. Highly stable fluorinated nanocarriers with iRGD for overcoming the stability dilemma and enhancing tumor penetration in an orthotopic breast cancer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (42): 28468–28479. (IF=8.758)
9) Shengnan Ma, Jie Zhou, Aisha Roshan Mohamed Wali, Yiyan He*, Xianghui Xu, James Zhenggui Tang, Zhongwei Gu*. Self-assembly of pH-sensitive fluorinated peptide dendron functionalized dextran nanoparticles for on-demand intracellular drug delivery. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2015, 26(8): 1-13. (Invited, IF=2.489)
10) Yiyan He, Yu Nie, Gang Cheng, Li Xie, Youqing Shen, Zhongwei Gu*, Viral mimicking ternary polyplexes: a reduction-controlled hierarchical unpacking vector for gene delivery; Advanced Materials 2014, 26: 1534–1540. (IF=27.398) 11) Yiyan He, Yu Nie*, Li Xie, Hongmei Song, Zhongwei Gu*, p53 mediated apoptosis
by reduction sensitive shielding ternary complexes based on disulfide linked PEI ternary complexes; Biomaterials 2014, 35: 1657-1666. (IF=10.317)
12) Yiyan He, Gang Cheng, Li Xie, Yu Nie*, Bin He, Zhongwei Gu*, Polyethyleneimine/DNA polyplexes with reduction-sensitive hyaluronic acid derivatives shielding for targeted gene delivery; Biomaterials 2013, 34: 1235-1245. (IF=10.317)

1) 一种还原刺激响应型基因载体系统及其制备和应用;PCT专利申请号:PCT/CN2013/084652。
2) Reduction stimulus-responsive gene delivery system and preparation and application thereof;美国专利号:US**B2;欧洲专利号:EP**A1。
3) 一种基因载体系统及其制备和应用;专利号:ZL2.0。
4) 具有多重氧化还原刺激响应的纳米粒子基因载体系统及其制备方法和应用;专利号:ZL1.1。
5) 一种多级肝靶向智能化纳米递药系统的制备方法和应用;专利号:ZL4.0。
6) 环境响应的基因载体材料及合成方法;专利号:ZL6.2。
7) 一种磁性纳米基因载体系统及其制备和应用;专利号:ZL8.7。 8) 一种基于短链烷烃修饰的树状分子的pH响应型纳米递药系统及其制备方法和应用;专利申请号:7.6。
9) 可注射水凝胶及制备方法;专利申请号:1.6。
10) ROS响应的基因递送载体及其制备方法和应用;专利申请号:1.X。
11) 可注射水凝胶及其制备方法和应用;专利申请号:8.8。

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