报告题目:Multi Object Spectrograph of the Fireball-II Balloon Experiment
报告时间: 2016年5月17日(星期二)下午3:00
Fireball-II is a NASA/CNES balloon-borne telescope and MOS for mapping the ultraviolet light of faint diffuse mediums around galaxies in space. It is optimized to the detection of red-shifted Lyman-?? in the range ???? [200-210nm]. The MOS is based on two identical reflective Schmidt systems sharing a plane-aspherized grating with elliptical symmetry obtained by active optics matrix and a double replication process.
Prof. Gerard R. Lemaitre
Emeritus Professor of Aix-Marseille University at LAM
Prof. Gerard R. Lemaitre was a member of the International ESE (ELT Science & Engineering) Committee of European Southern Observatory (ESO) in 2009-2012 and other ELT-ESO’s committees that led to the five-mirror concept for the 39m European-ELT (E-ELT). In 2014-2015, he was a member the International Assessment Committee ?One-Three-Five? for the NAO of China created by CAS.In 2000, he was awarded Grand Prix André Lallemand of Astronomy by the French Academy of Sciences. Since 1967, G. Lemaitre developed active optics methods in astronomical optics by use of stress polishing and/or in-situ stressing. He elaborate the two-zone vacuum and flat -polishing method for making aspheric Schmidt refractive plates, vase form mirrors to hyperbolize Cassegrain telescope mirrors, and variable thickness distribution mirrors for generating by elastic deformation single aberrations modes such as Sphe3, Coma3, Astm3, etc. He invented Variable Curvature Mirrors (VCMs) with cycloid-like form and/or tulip form mirror thickness distributions that work by in-situ stressing and air pressure or central axial force. Such VCMs presently equip the height delay lines of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), at Cerro Paranal, Chile, for high angular resolution studies.
He found the analytic formulation for (all-) Reflective Schmidt designs, that is the best shape to be given the primary mirror – or the grating in a reflective spectrograph. His formula was adopted for the design of many aspherized grating spectrographs and for the LAMOST design.
G. Lemaitre wrote a book entitled Astronomical Optics and Elasticity Theory - Active Optics Methods, 600 p., Springer edt. 2009.
5月17日:Multi Object Spectrograph of the Fireball-II Balloon Experiment_南京天文光学技术研究所
南京天文光学技术研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-14
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