

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-27

理学博士, 2009.09~2014.06,东北林业大学(植物专业,直博);
理学学士, 2005.09~2009.07,东北林业大学(生物科学专业)。
Yi Wan, Ze-Yu Liu, Peng Song, Xiao-Qi Zhang, Jiang-Chao Song, Yu-JieFu, Xiao-Hui Yao, Jun Wang, Tao Chen, Dong-Yang Zhang*, Long Li, Can-Yang Shi. Ionic liquid groups modified 3D porous cellulose microspheres for selective adsorption of AO7 dye. Journal of Cleaner Production, 240, 2019, 118201.
Peng Song, XiaoPing Shen*, XiaoMei He, KaiHui Feng, LiRong Kong, ZhenYuan Ji, LinZhi Zhai, GuoXing Zhu, DongYang Zhang*.Cellulose-derived nitrogen-doped hierarchically porous carbon for high-performance supercapacitors.Cellulose, 26, 2019, 1195-1208.
Xiao-Hui Yao, Jian-Yi Xu, Jing-Yi Hao, Yi Wan, Tao Chen, Dong-Yang Zhang*, Long Li*. Microwave assisted extraction for the determination of chlorogenic acid in Flos Loniceraeby direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS). Journal of Chromatography B, 1092, (2018) 82–87.
Zhang Dong-Yang, Zhang Ning, Song Peng, Hao Jing-Yi, Wan Yi, Yao Xiao-Hui, Chen Tao, Li Long, Functionalized cellulose beads with three dimensional porous structure for rapid adsorption of active constituents from Pyrola incarnata, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018. 181, 560-569.
Zhang Dong-Yang, Wan Yi, Hao Jing-Yi, Hu Run-Ze, Chen Cong, Yao Xiao-Hui, Zhao Wei-Guo, Liu Ze-Yu, Li Long. Evaluation of the alkaloid, polyphenols, and antioxidant contents of various mulberry cultivars from different planting areas in eastern China, Industrial Crops & Products, 2018.10, 122(15): 298-307.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Yi Wan, Jian-Yi Xu, Guo-Hua Wu, Long Li, Xiao-Hui Yao. Ultrasound extraction of polysaccharides from mulberry leaves and their effect on enhancing antioxidant activity. Carbohydrate Polymers,137 (2016) 473–479.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Ming-Hui Duan, Xiao-Hui Yao, Yu-Jie Fu, Yuan-Gang Zu. Preparation of a novel cellulose-based immobilized heteropoly acid system and its application on the biodiesel production. Fuel172 (2016) 293–300.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Xiao-Hui Yao, Meng Luo, Chun-jian Zhao, Yu-Jie Fu. Optimization of negative pressure cavitation–microwave assisted extraction of yellow horn seed oil and its application on the biodiesel production.Fuel166 (2016) 67–72.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Xiao-Hui Yao, Ming-Hui Duan, Fu-Yao Wei, Guo-Hua Wu, Long Li. Variation of essential oil content and antioxidant activity of Lonicera species in different sites of China. Industrial Crops and Products, 77 (2015) 772–779.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Xiao-Hui Yao, Ming-Hui Duan, Meng Luo, Chun-Jian Zhao, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu. An effective homogenate-assisted negative pressure cavitation extraction for the determination of phenolic compounds in pyrola by LC-MS/MS and the evaluation of its antioxidant activit.Food & Function, 6 (2015), 3323-3333.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Xiao-Hui Yao, Ming-Hui Duan, Meng Luo, Wei Wang, Yu-Jie Fu, Yuan-Gang Zu, Thomas Efferth. An effective negative pressure cavitation-microwave assisted extraction for determination of phenolic compounds in P. calliantha H. Andr. Analyst, 2013, 138, 4631-4641.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Meng Luo, Wei Wang, Chun-Jian Zhao, Cheng-Bo Gu, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu, Xiao-Hui Yao, Ming-Hui Duan. Variation of active constituents and antioxidant activity in pyrola [P. incarnata Fisch.] from different sites in Northeast China. Food Chemistry. 2013, 141, 2213-2219.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Su Zhang, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu, Yu Kong, Yuan Gao, Jin-Tong Zhao, Thomas Efferth, Negative pressure cavitation extraction and antioxidant activity of genistein and genistin from the roots of pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.]. Separation and Purification Technology 2010. 2, 261-270.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu, Meng Luo, Cheng-Bo Gu, Wei Wang, Xiao-Hui Yao, Negative pressure cavitation extraction and antioxidant activity of biochanin A and genistein from the leaves of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen. Separation and Purification Technology 2011, 15, 91-99.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu, Wei Wang, Lin Zhang, Meng Luo, Fan-Song Mu, Xiao-Hui Yao, Ming-Hui Duan, Aqueous two-phase extraction and enrichment of two main flavonoids from pigeon pea roots and the antioxidant activity. Separation and Purification Technology 2013, 103, 26-33.
Dong-Yang Zhang, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu, Meng Luo, Wei Wang, Cheng-Bo Gu, Chun-Jian Zhao, Jiao Jiao, Thomas Efferth, Enzyme pretreatment and negative pressure cavitation extraction of genistein and apigenin from the roots of pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] and the evaluation of antioxidant activity. Industrial Crops and Products. 2012, 37, 311-320
Dong-Yang Zhang, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu, Wei Wang, Lin Zhang, Meng Luo, Fan-Song Mu, Xiao-Hui Yao, Ming-Hui Duan, Application of immobilized enzymes to accelerate the conversion of genistin to genistein in pigeon pea root extracts and the evaluation their antioxidant activity. Industrial Crops and Products. 2013, 43, 409-415
Xiao-Hui Yao, Dong-Yang Zhang, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-jie Fu, Meng Luo, Cheng-Bo Gu, Chun-Ying Li, Fan-Song Mu, Thomas Efferth. Free radical scavenging capability, antioxidant activity and chemical constituents of Pyrola incarnata Fisch. leaves. Industrial Crops and Products,2013,49,247-255
Wei Liu, Su Zhang, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu, Wei Ma, Dong-Yang Zhang, Yu Kong, Xiao-Juan Li, Preliminary enrichment and separation of genistein and apigenin from extracts of pigeon pea roots by macroporous resins. Bioresource Technology, 2010,101, 4667-4675
Su Zhang, Yuan-Gang Zu, Yu-Jie Fu, Meng Luo, Dong-Yang Zhang, Thomas Efferth, Rapid microwave-assisted transesterification of yellow horn oil to biodiesel using a heteropolyacid solid catalyst, Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101, 931-936

E-mail: zhangdongyang1987@126.com

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