

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04

  1. Liu-Mei Chen,Gan-Lin Zhang,William R. Effland,2011,Soil Characteristic Response Times and Pedogenic Thresholds during the 1000-Year Evolution of a Paddy Soil Chronosequence,Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75(5):1807-1820 doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0006
  2. Gan-Lin Zhang, Yun-Jin Wu, 2011, Development and Use of Soil Maps and Databases in China (Chapter 30), in P.M Huang, Y.C. Li and M.E. Sumner (ed.) Handbook of Soil Sciences Resource Management and Environmental Impacts, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York
  3. Huang, LM; Yang, JL; Zhang, GL,2011,Nitrogen sink in a small forested watershed of subtropical China,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA, 23 (3): 468-475
  4. SUN Xiao-Lin,ZHAO Yu-Guo, ZHANG Gan-Lin, WU Sheng-Chun, MAN Yu-Bon, WONG Ming-Hung. 2011. Application of a digital soil mapping method in producing soil orders on mountain areas of Hong Kong based on legacy soil data. PEDOSPHERE.21(3): 339—350
  5. Jin-Ling Yang & Gan-Lin Zhang, 2011, Water infiltration in urban soils and its effects on the quantity and quality of runoff, Journal of Soils Sediments, 11:751–761, DOI 10.1007/s11368-011-0356-1
  6. LI De-Cheng, B. VELDE, LI Feng-Min, ZHANG Gan-Lin, ZHAO Ming-Song, HUANG Lai-Ming. 2011. Impact of long-term alfalfa cropping on soil potassium content and clay minerals in a semi-arid loess soil in China. PEDOSPHERE.21(4): 522--531.
  7. Xiao-Lin Sun, Yu-Guo Zhao, Hui-Li Wang, Lin Yang, Cheng-Zhi Qin, A-Xing Zhu, Gan-Lin Zhang, Tao Pei, Bao-Lin Li, 2012, Sensitivity of digital soil maps based on FCM to the fuzzy exponent and the number of clusters, Geoderma, 171/172:24-34, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2011.03.016
  8. Han, Guang-Zhong; Zhang, Gan-Lin, Gong, Zi-Tong, Wang, Gai-Fen, 2012, Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Soil Bulk Density in China, Soil Science, 177(3): 158–164, doi: 10.1097/SS.0b013e31823fd493
  9. Wang De-Cai, Zhang Gan-Lin, Pan Xian-Zhang, Zhao Yu-Guo, Zhao Ming-Song and Wang Gai-Fen. 2012. Mapping Soil Texture of a Plain Area with Fuzzy-C-Means Clustering Method Based on the Land Surface Diurnal Temperature Difference. Pedosphere. 22(3): 394-403
  10.Xiao-Lin Sun, Sheng-Chun Wu, Hui-Li Wang, Yu-Guo Zhao, Yongcun Zhao, Gan-Lin Zhang, Yu Bon Man, Ming Hung Wong, 2012, Uncertainty Analysis for the Evaluation of Agricultural Soil Quality Based on Digital Soil Maps, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0426
  11.Xiaolin Sun, Yuguo Zhao, Yunjin Wu, Mingsong Zhao, Huili Wang, Ganlin Zhang. 2012,Spatio-temporal change of soil organic matter content of Jiangsu Province, China, based on digital soil maps. Soil Use and Management. 28:318-328,doi: 10.1111/j.1475-2743.2012.00421.x
  12.HUANG Laiming, YANG Jinling, and ZHANG Ganlin, 2012, Chemistry and source identification of wet precipitation in a rural watershed of subtropical China Chin.J.Geochem. 31:347–354 ,DOI: 10.1007/s11631-012-0585-z
  13.Jian-Wu Li, Gan-Lin Zhang, Zi-Tong Gong, 2013 Nd isotope evidence for dust accretion to a soil chronosequence in Hainan Island, Catena,101:24–30, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2012.09.014
  14.Yang, Jin-Ling, Zhang, Gan-Lin, Huang, Lai-Ming, Brookes, Philip C., 2013, Estimating soil acidification rate at watershed scale based on the stoichiometric relations between silicon and base cations, Chemical Geology,337-338:30-37, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.11.009
  15.Lai-ming Huang, Gan-lin Zhang, Jin-ling Yang, 2013, Weathering and soil formation rates based on geochemical mass balances in a small forested watershed under acid precipitation in subtropical China, Catena 105:11–20, doi/10.1016/j.catena.2013.01.002
  16.Xiao-Lin Sun, Sheng-Chun Wu, Hui-Li Wang, Yu-Guo Zhao, Gan-Lin Zhang, Yu Bon Man, Ming Hung Wong, 2013, Dealing with spatial outliers and mapping uncertainty for evaluating the effects of urbanization on soil: A case study of soil pH and particle fractions in Hong Kong, Geoderma, 195-196:220-233, doi/10.1016/j.geoderma.2012.11.017
  17.Han GZ, Zhang GL,2013, Changes in magnetic properties and their pedogenetic implications for paddy soil chronosequences from different parent materials in south China,European Journal of Soil Science, 64(4):435-444, doi: 10.1111/ejss.12050
  18.Feng Liu, Gan-Lin Zhang, Yan-Jun Sun, Yu-Guo Zhao, De-Cheng Li,2013,Mapping three-dimensional distribution of soil organic matter over a subtropical hilly landscape. SSSAJ, 77(4):1241-1253, doi:10.2136/sssaj2012.0317
  19.LI Jian-Wu, YE Wei, ZHANG Gan-Lin, ZHU Li-Dong, JIANG Yong-Jian and GONG Zi-Tong, 2013,Grain Size Evidence of Multiple Origins of Red Clays in the Jinhua-Quzhou Basin, South China, Pedosphere 23(5): 686–695
  20.Lai-ming Huang, Gan-Lin Zhang, Aaron Tompson, David Rossiter, 2013, Pedogenic Transformation of Phosphorus during Paddy Soil Development on Calcareous and Acid Parent Materials, SSSAJ, 77:2078-2088,doi:10.2136/sssaj2013.01.0033
  21.Ming-Song Zhao, David G. Rossiter, De-Cheng Li, Yu-Guo Zhao, Feng Liu, Gan-Lin Zhang, 2014, Mapping soil organic matter in low-relief areas based on land surface diurnal temperature difference and a vegetation index, Ecological Indicators, 39:120-133, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.12.015.
  22.Xiao-Lin Sun, Yun-Jin Wu, Hui-Li Wang, Yu-Guo Zhao, Gan-Lin Zhang, 2014, Mapping Soil Particle Size Fractions Using Compositional Kriging, Cokriging and Additive Log-ratio Cokriging in Two Case Studies, Math Geosci, DOI 10.1007/s11004-013-9512-z
  23.Xue-Feng Hu, Yan Du, Chun-Lei Guan, Yong Xue, Gan-Lin Zhang, 2014, Color variations of the Quaternary Red Clay in southern China and its paleoclimatic implications, Sedimentary Geology 303 (2014) 15–25
  24.Dominique Arrouays, Michael G. Grundy, Alfred E. Hartemink, Jonathan W. Hempel, Gerard B.M. Heuvelink, S. Young Hong, Philippe Lagacherie, Glenn Lelyk, Alexander B. McBratney, Neil J. McKenzie, Maria d.L. Mendonca-Santos, Budiman Minasny, Luca Montanarella, Inakwu O.A. Odeh, Pedro A. Sanchez, James A. Thompson, Gan-Lin Zhang, 2014,GlobalSoilMap: Toward a Fine-Resolution Global Grid of Soil Properties, Advances in Agronomy, Vol. 125,, pp. 93-134. ISBN: 978-0-12-800137-0
  25.Chen, L.-M., Gan-Lin Zhang, Zhang-Dong Jin, 2014, Rare earth elements of a 1000-year paddy soil chronosequence: Implications for sediment provenances, parent material uniformity and pedological changes, Geoderma, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.03.023  

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