

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-20

(Email: ljiang@hhu.edu.cn, Tel: **)

2006-2010 Ocean University of China, Bachelor in Aquaculture
2010-2012 Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Master in Genetics, Advisor: Jian-Fang Gui
2012-2017美国马里兰大学,海洋河口环境科学,博士,导师:Meng Xia
2012-2017 University of Maryland, Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences (MEES), Advisor: Meng Xia

2017-2019荷兰皇家海洋研究所,博士后,合作导师:Karline Soetaert, Theo Gerkema
2017-2019 Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), Supervisors: Karline Soetaert, Theo Gerkema

Biophysical coupling in estuarine and coastal systems, Eutrophication, Nutrient transport and cycling, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modeling, seaweed modeling, etc.

· Jiang, L., Gerkema, T., Kromkamp, J.C., van der Wal, D., De La Cruz, P.M.C., Soetaert, K. (2020), Drivers of the spatial phytoplankton gradient in estuarine–coastal systems: generic implications of a case study in a Dutch tidal bay. Biogeosciences17, 4135-4152.
·Jiang, L., Gerkema, T., Idier, D., Slangen, A.B.A., Soetaert, K. (2020), Effects of sea-level rise on tides and sediment dynamics in a Dutch tidal bay. Ocean Sci.16(2), 307-321.
· Jiang, L., Soetaert, K., Gerkema, T. (2019). Decomposing the intra-annual variability of flushing characteristics in a tidal bay along the North Sea. J. Sea Res.155,101821.
· Jiang, L., Gerkema, T., Wijsman, J.W.M., Soetaert, K. (2019), Comparing physical and biological impacts on seston renewal in a tidal bay with extensive shellfish culture. J. Mar. Syst.194, 102-110.
· Jiang, L., Xia, M. (2018). Modeling investigation of the nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay out?ow plume. Prog. Oceanogr. 162, 290-302.
· Jiang, L., Xia, M. (2017). Wind effects on the spring phytoplankton dynamics in the middle reach of the Chesapeake Bay. Ecol. Model.363, 68-80.
· Xia, M., Jiang, L.(2016). Application of an unstructured grid-based water quality model to Chesapeake Bay and its adjacent coastal ocean. J. Mar. Sci. Eng.4(3), 52. SCI Expanded.
· Jiang, L., Xia, M. (2016). Dynamics of the Chesapeake Bay outflow plume: Realistic plume simulations and its seasonal, interannual variability. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans.121, 1424-1445.
· Jiang, L., Xia, M., Ludsin, S.A., Rutherford, E.S., Mason, D.M., Jarrin, J.M., Pangle, K.L. (2015). Biophysical modeling assessment of the drivers for plankton dynamics in dreissenid-colonized western Lake Erie. Ecol. Model.308, 18-33.
· Xia, M., Jiang, L.(2015). Influence of wind and river discharge on the hypoxia in a shallow bay. Ocean Dynam.65(5), 665-678.
· Jiang, F.F., Wang, Z.W., Zhou, L., Jiang, L., Zhang, X.J., Apalikova, O.V., Brykov, V.A. Gui, J.F. (2013). High male incidence and evolutionary implications of triploid form in northeast Asia Carassius auratuscomplex. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.66(1), 350-359.
· 姜龙,王忠卫,周莉,桂建芳(2013).乌鳢一个养殖群体中性别连锁AFLP标记的筛选.水生生物学报37,1174-1178.

The 2015-2016 Biennual Best Young Researcher Award, the International Society for Ecological Modelling, 2nd place

Please contact me for potential collaboration and graduate student opportunities!

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