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许文祥,工学博士、教授、博士生导师,河海大学结构与材料力学研究所副所长,江苏省优秀青年基金获得者。美国亚利桑那州立大学(2018)、波兰琴斯托霍瓦理工大学(2014)访问教授。主要从事颗粒材料力学、多孔介质物理力学在土木、水利等工程领域的应用基础研究。承担国家自然科学基金(面上项目、青年项目)、江苏省自然科学基金(优秀青年项目、青年项目)、中国博士后基金特别资助和一等资助等课题10余项,参与“十三五”国家重点研发计划、科技部“973”项目等课题。入选江苏省“333人才工程”、“六大人才高峰”人才培养计划;获大禹水利科学技术奖(4/10)、江苏省科学技术奖(2/7)、江苏省高等学校科学技术研究成果奖(自然科学类)(2/5)、江苏力学科学技术奖(2/7)。以第一/通讯作者在国际主流期刊IJES, CST, CMAME, Soft Matter, PRE等上发表SCI检索论文43篇,其中第一作者期刊主封面文章1篇(Front Cover)、第一作者ESI前1%论文1篇;授权/申请发明专利1/5项,参编著作《中国学科发展战略-软凝聚态物理学》。现为2个国际期刊Editor,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、海洋工程科学技术奖评审专家、教育部研究生学位论文通讯评审专家、江苏省高新企业科技项目会评专家。
1. 颗粒材料力学
2. 多孔介质物理力学
3. 复合材料微观力学
4. 混凝土耐久性多尺度预测
访问教授,Arizona State University (United State),12/2017?12/2018
1. 大禹水利科学技术奖三等奖,“混凝土性能构建理论与新材料研究及应用”(排名第4/10:蒋亚青、陈建国、刘小艳、许文祥、王柳江、刘鲁强、郭晋川、李岗、吴立福、潘云峰);09/2018
2. 江苏省第五期“333人才工程”第三层次培养对象;08/2018
3. SCI期刊《Construction and Building Materials》(IF=3.48) “Outstanding Contribution Award in Reviewing”;06/2018
4. SCI期刊《Powder Technology》(IF=3.23) “Outstanding Contribution Award in Reviewing”;10/2017
5. 江苏省优秀青年基金项目获得者;07/2017
6. 江苏省科学技术奖三等奖;“现代工程材料多尺度力学理论方法及高性能仿真技术”(排名第2/7:苟晓凡,许文祥,傅卓佳,薛峰,姜全国,孙甲鹏,殷德顺);17/02/2017
7. 江苏省“六大人才高峰” 第十三批高层次人才培养资助对象;10/2016
8. 江苏省高等学校科学技术研究成果奖(自然科学类三等奖);“微结构信息驱动下现代工程材料力学行为的跨尺度研究”(排名第2/5:苟晓凡,许文祥,傅卓佳,薛峰,姜全国);29/07/2016
9. 江苏力学科学技术奖一等奖;“现代工程材料多尺度力学的高性能仿真技术”(排名第2/7:苟晓凡,许文祥,傅卓佳,薛峰,姜全国,殷德顺,孙甲鹏);05/2016
10. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助;07/2015
11. 江苏省力学学会“优秀教师论文奖”;10/2013
12. 教育部“研究生国家奖学金”;12/2012
13. 东南大学教育基金委“苏博特奖助学金”;10/2012
14. 东南大学教育基金委“缪昌文奖学金”;05/2012
15. 东南大学教育基金委“焦廷标奖学金”;12/2011
1. 国际期刊《Archives of Architecture and Civil Engineering》,Editor; (2018-Current)
2. 国际期刊《Frontiers in Materials:Structural Materials》,Review Editor; (2015-Current)
3. 2017数值流形学术研讨会暨徐芝纶力学奖报告会,2017.12.17-18,南京,组委会委员;
4. 国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、海洋工程科学技术奖评审专家、江苏省高新企业科技项目会评专家;
5. 国际期刊审稿:Soft Matter, Materials & Design, Powder Technology,Transport in Porous Media, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Porous Media, Modelling and simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,PLOS ONE,RSC Advances,Results in Physics,Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Materials Science,International Journal of Computational Methods, CMC-Computers, Materials,& Continua, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition),Materials Research Innovations, Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures,
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于界面连续逾渗模型的复杂颗粒材料弹性性能研究(Grant No.: **), 01/2018-12/2021 (直接经费56万)
2. 江苏省自然科学优秀青年基金项目,高密度非凸形骨料周围界面与孔隙逾渗协同作用下混凝土渗透性能的多尺度研究(Grant No.: BK**), 07/2017-06/2020 (50万)
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于复杂凸形硬/软化粒子微结构模型的颗粒材料传输性能研究(Grant No.: **), 01/2015-12/2017. (26万,已结题)
4. 江苏省自然科学青年基金,颗粒组成的混凝土微细观结构和传输行为的定量表征技术(Grant No.: BK**),2013/12-2016/11/23 (20万,已结题)
5. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,“界面微结构驱动下纤维复合材料扩散行为理论和数值研究”。(Grant No.: 2015T80493), 2015/06-2017/06. (15万,已结题)
6. 中国博士后科学基金面上(一等)资助,复杂凸形颗粒材料的界面微结构数值研究(Grant No.: 2014M560385), 2014/09-2016/09. (8万,已结题)
7. 江苏省“六大人才高峰”第十三批高层次人才培养资助(海洋工程类), (Grant No.: HYGC-019), 12/2016-12/2018/11. (4万)
8. 国家留学基金委青年骨干教师出国研修项目, 12/2017-12/2018. (国家公派留学)
9. 国家级、省部级重点实验室开放基金若干
1. “十三五”国家重点研发计划重点专项,300m级特高坝抗震安全评价与控制关键技术.第二子课题“筑坝材料动态特性试验与机理研究” (Grant No.: 2017YFC**), 07/2017-12/2020.
2. 国家自然科学面上基金, 基于SEM和数字图像相关技术的混凝土界面过渡区细观力学行为研究. (Grant No.:**), 2017-2020.
3. 国家自然科学面上基金, 考虑颗粒变形的岩土松散体宏/细观强度关联性及其跨尺度模型. (Grant No.:**), 2017-2020.
4. 国家自然科学面上基金, 基于多尺度方法的溶蚀/冻融/干湿交互作用下结构混凝土损伤累积及定量表征. (Grant No.:**), 2017-2020.
许文祥,孙洪广,陈文. 软物质系颗粒材料扩散行为建模(Chapter 7, Canto II.).《中国学科发展战略-软凝聚态物理学》,科学出版社,北京,2018, pp. 147-175.
1. Wenxiang Xu*, Yang Jiao, Theoretical framework for percolation threshold, tortuosity and transport properties of porous materials containing 3D non-spherical pores. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2019, 134: 31-46. (IF=7.02)
2. Wenxiang Xu*, Dongyang Zhang, Peng Lan, Yang Jiao*. Multiple-inclusion model for the transport properties of porous composites considering coupled effects of pores and interphase around spheroidal particles. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 150: 610-616. (IF=3.57)
3. Zhigang Zhu,Wenxiang Xu*, Huisu Chen*, The fraction of overlapping interphase around 2D and 3D polydisperse non-spherical particles: Theoretical and numerical models.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2018.11.022. (IF=4.441)
4. Huaifa Ma, Wenxiang Xu*, Jikai Zhou, Houqun Chen. Mesoscopic insight into the damage mechanism for the static preload effect on dynamic tensile strength of concrete. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(2): **. (IF=1.76)
5. Wenxiang Xu*, Mingkun Jia, Zheng Gong, Thermal conductivity and tortuosity of porous composites considering percolation of porous network: From spherical to polyhedral pores. Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 167: 134-140. (IF=5.16)
6. Wenxiang Xu*, Zhigang Zhu, Dongyang Zhang, Continuum percolation-based tortuosity and thermal conductivity of soft superball systems: Shape dependence from octahedra viaspheres to cubes.Soft Matter, 2018, 14(43): 8684-8691. (Front Cover, IF=3.71)
7. Wenxiang Xu*, Mingkun Jia, Zhigang Zhu, Mingjun Liu, Dong Lei, Xiaofan Gou. n-Phase micromechanical framework for the conductivity and elastic modulus of particulate composites: Design to microencapsulated phase change materials (MPCMs)-cementitious composites. Materials and Design, 2018, 145: 108-115.(IF=4.525)
8. Wenxiang Xu*, Yang Wu, Mingkun Jia. Elastic dependence of particle-reinforced composites on anisotropic particle geometries and reinforced/weak interphase microstructures at nano- and micro-scales. Composite Structures, 2018, 203: 124-131. (IF=4.101)
9. Wenxiang Xu*, Zhongmei Han, Liang Tao, Qihan Ding, Huaifa Ma*, Random non-convex particle model for the fraction of interfacial transition zones (ITZs) in fully-graded concrete. Powder Technology, 2018, 323: 301-309. (IF=3.23)
10. Wenxiang Xu*, HongGuang Sun, Wen Chen, Huisu Chen. Transport properties of concrete-like granular materials interacted by their microstructures and particle components. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2018, 32(18): **.(Review paper)
11. Huaifa Ma, Laizhong Song, Wenxiang Xu*,A novel numerical scheme for random parameterized convex aggregate models with a high-volume fraction of aggregates in concrete-like granular materials. Computers & Structures, 2018, 209: 57-64. (IF=2.887)
12. Jianjun Lin, Huisu Chen*, Wenxiang Xu*, Geometrical percolation threshold of congruent cuboid-like particles in overlapping particle systems, Physical Review E, 2018, 98(1): 012134. (IF=2.284)
13. Dong Lei, Jinfeng Huang, Wenxiang Xu*, Wenchao Wang, Pei Zhang, Deformation analysis of shear band in granular materials via a robust plane shear test and numerical simulation, Powder Technology, 2018, 323: 385-392. (IF=3.23)
14. Wei Cai, Wen Chen*, Wenxiang Xu, The fractal derivative wave equation: Application to clinical amplitude/velocity reconstruction imaging. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018, 143(3): 1559-1566. (IF=1.605)
15. Xianglong Su, Wen Chen*, Wenxiang Xu*, Yingjie Liang, Non-local structural derivative Maxwell model for characterizing ultra-slow rheology in high-strength concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 190: 342-348. (IF=3.485)
16. Huisu Chen*, Zhigang Zhu, Jianjun Lin,Wenxiang Xu, Lin Liu*, Numerical modelling on the influence on particle shape on ITZs microstructure and macro-properties of cementitious composites: A critical review. Journal of Sustainable Cement-based materials, 2018, 7(4): 248-269.
17. Wenxiang Xu*, Binbin Xu, Fenglin Guo.Elastic properties of particle-reinforced composites containing nonspherical particles of high packing density and interphase: DEM-FEM simulation and micromechanical theory. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 326: 122-143.(IF=4.441)
18. Wenxiang Xu*, Fang Wu, Yang Jiao*, Mingjun Liu, A general micromechanical framework of effective moduli for the design of nonspherical nano- and micro-particle reinforced composites with interface properties. Materials and Design, 2017, 127: 162-172. (IF=4.525)
19. Yaopengxiao Xu, Shaohua Chen, Pei-En Chen, Wenxiang Xu*,Yang Jiao, Microstructure and mechanical properties of hyperuniform heterogeneous materials, Physical Review E, 2017, 96(4): 043301. (IF=2.284)
20. Dong Lei, Liqun Yang, Wenxiang Xu*, Pei Zhang, Zhentian Huang. Experimental study on alarming of concrete micro-crack initiation based on wavelet packet analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 149: 716-723. (IF=3.485)
21. Wei Cai, Wen Chen*, Wenxiang Xu*. Fractional modeling of Pasternak-type viscoelastic foundation. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2017, 21(1): 119-131. (IF=1.364)
22. Xianglong Su, Wen Chen*, Wenxiang Xu*,Characterizing the rheological behaviors of non-Newtonian fluid via a viscoelastic component: fractal dashpot. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(3): 1-12. (IF=0.848)
23. Wenxiang Xu*, Huaifa Ma, Shunying Ji, Huisu Chen*. Analytical effective elastic properties of particulate composites with soft interfaces around anisotropic particles. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 129: 10-18. (IF=5.16)
24. Wenxiang Xu*, Han Wang, Yanze Niu, Jingtao Bai. Insight into interfacial effect on effective physical properties of fibrous materials. I. The volume fraction of soft interfaces around anisotropic fibers. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016, 144 (1): 014703. (IF=2.843)
25. Wenxiang Xu*, Xianglong Su, Yang Jiao*. Continuum percolation of congruent overlapping spherocylinders. Physical Review E, 2016, 94(3): 032122. (IF=2.284)
26. Huaifa Ma, Wenxiang Xu*, Yuncheng Li. Random aggregate model for mesoscopic structures and mechanical analysis of fully-graded concrete. Computers & Structures, 2016, 177: 103-113. (IF=2.887)
27. 许文祥*, 孙洪广, 陈文*, 陈惠苏. 软物质系颗粒材料组成、微结构与传输性能之间关联建模综述. 物理学报, 2016, 65(17): 178101. (邀请综述, IF=0.624)
28. Wenxiang Xu*, Ganquan Yang, Peng Lan, Huaifa Ma. Excluded volumes of anisotropic convex particles in heterogeneous media: theoretical and numerical studies. Computers Materials & Continua, 2016, 52 (1): 25-40. (IF=0.4)
29. Wei Cai, Wen Chen*, Wenxiang Xu*, Characterizing the creep of viscoelastic materials by fractal derivative models. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2016, 87: 58-63. (IF=2.163)
30. Wenxiang Xu*, Qinglin Duan, Huaifa Ma, Wen Chen, Huisu Chen. Interfacial effect on physical properties of composite media: Interfacial volume fraction with non-spherical hard-core-soft-shell structured particles. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 16003. (IF=4.122)
31. Wenxiang Xu*, Huisu Chen, Qinglin Duan, Wen Chen. Strategy for interfacial overlapping degree in multiphase materials with complex convex particles. Powder Technology, 2015, 283: 455-461. (IF=3.23)
32. Wenxiang Xu*, Huisu Chen, Wen Chen, Linhua Jiang. Prediction of transport behaviors of particulate composites considering microstructures of soft interfacial layers around ellipsoidal aggregate particles.Soft Matter, 2014, 10 (4): 627-638. (IF=3.709)
33. Wenxiang Xu*,Wen Chen, Huisu Chen. Modeling of soft interfacial volume fraction in composite materials with complex convex particles. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140 (3): 034704-10. (IF=2.843)
34. Wenxiang Xu*,Wen Chen, Huisu Chen, Xia Tian, Haitao Zhao. Determination of overlapping degree of interfacial layers around polydisperse ellipsoidal particles in particulate composites. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2014, 399: 126-136. (IF=2.132)
35. Zhigang Zhu, Huisu Chen*, Wenxiang Xu, Lin Liu. Parking simulation of three-dimensional multi-sized star-shaped particles. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014, 22 (3): 035008-25. (IF=1.793)
36. Lin Liu, Dejian Shen*, Huisu Chen, Wenxiang Xu. Aggregate shape effect on the diffusivity of mortar: A 3D numerical investigation by random packing models of ellipsoidal particles and of convex polyhedral particles. Computers & Structures, 2014, 144: 40-51. (IF=2.887)
37. W.X. Xu*,H.S. Chen. Numerical investigation of effect of particle shape and particle size distribution on fresh cement paste microstructure via random sequential packing of dodecahedral cement particles. Computers & Structures, 2013, 114-115: 35-45. (IF=2.887)
38. Wenxiang Xu*,Huisu Chen, Wen Chen, Xia Tian, Haitao Zhao. Modelling study of the valid apparent interface thickness in particulate materials with ellipsoidal particles. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (48): 17171-17178. (IF=3.141)
39. Wenxiang Xu*, Huisu Chen, Wen Chen, Zhigang Zhu. Theoretical estimation for the volume fraction of interfacial layers around convex particles in multiphase materials. Powder Technology, 2013, 249: 513-515. (IF=3.23)
40. Wenxiang Xu, Huisu Chen*, Lin Liu. Evaluation of mesostructure of particulate composites by quantitative stereology and random sequential packing model of mono-/polydisperse convex polyhedral particles.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (20): 6678-6693. (IF=3.141)
41. W X Xu*,H S Chen. Analytical and modeling investigations of volume fraction of interfacial layers around ellipsoidal aggregate particles. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 21 (1): 015005-15. (IF=1.793)
42. Wenxiang Xu, Z. Lv, H.S. Chen*. Effects of particle size distribution, shape and volume fraction of aggregates on the wall effect of concrete via random sequential packing of polydispersed ellipsoidal particles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2013, 392 (3): 416-426. (IF=2.132)
43. Wenxiang Xu, Huisu Chen*.Mesostructural characterization of particulate composites via a contact detection algorithm of ellipsoidal particles. Powder Technology, 2012, 221 (5): 296-305.(IF=3.23)
44. W.X. Xu, H.S. Chen*. Microstructural characterization of fresh cement paste via random packing of ellipsoidal cement particles. Materials Characterization, 2012, 66 (2): 16-23.(IF=2.89)
45. W X Xu*, H S Chen. Quantitative characterization of microstructure of fresh cement paste via random packing of polydispersed Platonic cement particles. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, 20 (7): 075003-13. (IF=1.793)
46. W.X. Xu, H.S. Chen*, Z. Lv. An overlapping detection algorithm for random sequential packing of elliptical particles.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2011, 390 (13): 2452-2467.(IF=2.132)
1. 许文祥, 王涵, 牛彦哲, 钱剑, 王晗栋, 徐文凯. 2017, 一种混凝土非均质各向异性集料周围界面过渡区几何拓扑结构的构造方法. (ZL5.3)
2. 许文祥,章东洋,贾明坤,兰鹏,吴杨,张明磊. 2018, 一种关于混凝土中非凸形颗粒的三维数值构造方法, (4.0)
3. 许文祥,兰鹏,贾明坤,章东洋,吴杨. 2018, 一种凸形核-壳结构体排斥体积计算方法,(3.1)
4. 许文祥, 韩中美, 丁琪寒, 蒋存存, 杨楠山. 2017,一种二维非凸形随机骨料周围界面浓度的测定方法, (CNA //1.3)
5. 许文祥, 徐彬彬, 韩中美, 杨楠山, 蒋存存. 2017, 二维高含量颗粒增强复合材料三相细观模型及建立方法, (CNA // 5.6) (一通返回)
6. 许文祥, 马程中, 钱剑, 王晗栋, 徐文凯, 牛彦哲, 王涵. 2015, 非均质各向异性硬化粒子周围界面体积分数的计算方法,(CNA)
1. Wenxiang Xu. Percolation threshold, tortuosity and diffusivity of complex discrete porous media via finite-size scaling scheme. Chinese Conference on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with International Symposium on Computational Mechanics. Nanjing, China, August 19-23, 2018 (Keynote, 分会场主席)
2. 许文祥*.各向异性多孔介质传输性能、曲折度和逾渗阈值的通用理论框架. 第14届全国环境力学学术会议, 大连:大连理工大学,2018.8.5-7. (分会场主席
3. Wenxiang Xu, Interfacial Statistics and Effective Physico-mechanical Properties of Random Heterogeneous Materials with Nonspherical Particles. SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science 2018(MS 2018), Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR, JUL. 9-13, 2018. (Invited Keynote)
4. 贾明坤,许文祥*. 非凸形颗粒周围排斥体积的数值研究. 第4届全国颗粒材料计算力学会议,厦门:华侨大学,2018.7.6-8.
5. 龚政, 许文祥*. 多相非球形颗粒材料微观结构及其传导性能的数值模拟研究. 第4届全国颗粒材料计算力学会议,厦门:华侨大学,2018.7.6-8.
6. Wenxiang Xu*. Elastic properties of granular materials with nonspherical grains of high packing density and soft interphase. 2nd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems(COMPSAFE 2017), Chengdu, China, October 15-18, 2017. (Invited Keynote,分会场主席)
7. 许文祥. 2017年11月10-12日,江苏省力学学会2017年学术大会暨江苏省力学学会青年论坛2017,江苏, 常州,常州大学. (分会场主席)
8. Peng Lan, Wenxiang Xu*. Investigate on the excluded volume of the interface transition zone around the complex convex particles. 21stInternational Conference on Composite Materials(ICCM21), Xi?an, China, 20-25thAugust, 2017.
9. 许文祥.Insights into elastic moduli of particle-reinforced composites with high content and interphase. 2017中国力学大会, 北京:北京理工大学,2017.08.13-16.
10. 许文祥.颗粒材料物理性能与其组成和微观结构关联的多尺度模型最新研究进展.第十届全国软物质与生命物质物理学术会议, 厦门:厦门大学, 2017.03.24-27. (邀请报告)
11. 许文祥. 基于界面微观结构的颗粒增强复合材料有效弹性性能的理论研究.第三届全国颗粒材料计算力学会议(CMGM-2016), 大连:大连理工大学, 2016.07.31-08.01, pp. 211-215. (分会场主席
12. 许文祥. 2015年11月07-08日,江苏省力学学会2015年学术大会暨江苏省力学学会青年论坛2015,江苏, 南京.
13. 许文祥. Insights into the overlapping degree of soft interfaces around Platonic particles. 2015中国力学大会, 上海:上海交通大学,2015.08.15-18. (分会场主席)
14. 许文祥. 不规则粒子几何软化粒子连续渗流模拟. 2015中国力学大会, 上海:上海交通大学,2015.08.15-18.
15. Wenxiang Xu, Wei Cai, Wen Chen. Fractal derivative modeling of creep and relaxation of viscoelastic media. ASME 2015 International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2015). Boston, MA, USA. 2015.08.2-5. (分会场主席
16. Wenxiang Xu, Han Wang, Yanzhe Niu. Insights into the effects of particle geometries on the interfacial volume fraction in anisotropic particle systems. International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering Sciences, ICCES?15. Reno, Nevada, USA. 2015.07.20-24. (分会场主席
17. Lin Liu, Huisu Chen, Wenxiang Xu. A numerical investigation of aggregate shape effect on the diffusivity of mortar based on ellipsoidal particle packing. XIII International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components(XIII DBMC), Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2014.9.2, 1: 1027-1034.
18. 许文祥,陈文,陈惠苏. 单尺度椭球形软化粒子的连续渗流模型. 主编:周又和, 李锡夔. 颗粒材料计算力学及其应用2014 Conference of Computational Mechanics of Granular Materials(CMGM-2014), 兰州:兰州大学, 2014.08.23-24, pp. 211-215. (大会封面图片形式刊载介绍本人工作
19. 许文祥, 陈文. A generalized scheme for soft interfacial overlapping degree in granular materials with convex-shaped particles. 2014全国环境力学学术研讨会, 天津:天津大学,2014.08.16-17, pp. 53.
20. 许文祥, 陈惠苏, 陈文. 颗粒型混凝土微细观结构和物理性能的理论研究进展I: 非球形颗粒随机堆积模型. 2014中国计算力学大会(CCCM2014), 湖南大学,贵阳, 2014.08.10-13.
21. Wenxiang Xu,Modeling of microstructures and physical properties of granular media.China-Poland Seminar 2014, 35thSession of the Poland-China Scientific and Technological Cooperation Committee. Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland, 2014. 07.1. (Invited keynote)
22. Guofei Pang, Wen Chen,Wenxiang Xu.Fast multipole accelerated Kansas method for steady-state space-fractional diffusion equations. International Conference on “Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications”, ICFDA?14, Catania: University of Catania, Italy, 2014. 06.23-25.
23. 2013年10月25-27日,江苏省力学学会2013年学术大会暨江苏省力学学会青年论坛2013,江苏镇江.


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