

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-20


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2014年04月至2015年04月,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(TU Delft),访问****。



(8)南黄海辐射沙脊群海域水沙通量与演变机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(**), 2012.1~2015.12,主要参加人。

(1)Xu, F., Tao, J.*, Zhou, Z., Coco, G., Zhang, C. Mechanisms underlying the regional morphological differences between the northern and southern radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu Coast, China. Marine Geology, 2016, 371: 1-17.
(2)Zhang, Q., Tao, J. F.*, Yang, J. Numerical study on the transport timescale in a river-influenced macro-tidal estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, 2016, 75(SI): 193-197.
(3)蒯宇, 陶建峰, 张青, 张长宽. 甬江及口外海域潮流泥沙数值模拟. 水运工程, 2017, (07): 58-67.
(4)蒯宇, 陶建峰*, 康彦彦. 金塘水道悬沙场遥感反演及数值模拟. 水道港口, 2017, 38(3): 228-234.
(5)Xu, F., Coco, G., Zhou, Z., Tao, J., Zhang, C. A numerical study of equilibrium states in tidal network morphodynamics. Ocean Dynamics, 2017, 67(12): 1593-1607.
(6)Chen, X. D., Zhang, C. K., Zhou, Z., Gong, Z., Zhou, J. J., Tao, J. F.*, Paterson, D. M., Feng, Q. Stabilizing effects of bacterial biofilms: EPS penetration and redistribution of bed stability down the sediment profile, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2017, 122, 3113-3125.
(7)Yao, J., Tao, J.*. An Investigation of the Mixing and Exchange Characteristics in Tidal Channels of Radial Sand Ridges in the South Yellow Sea, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85(SI): 136–140.
(8)Tao, J.; Xu, F.; Yao, P.; Zhou, Z., and Zhang, C. The variations of sediment transport patterns in the radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu coast, China over the last 30 years. Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 85(SI), 216–220.
(9)张青, 陶建峰*, 张长宽, 齐华萍. 浙江甬江潮波传播特征及影响因素分析. 人民长江, 2018, 49(11): 3-8,11.
(10)Gong, H., Tao, J., Xu, F. A particle-based study on the sewage dispersion in Radial Sand Ridges in the southern Yellow Sea, China. Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Sapporo, Japan, June 21-26, 2018, 847-851.
(11)史源, 陶建峰*, 龚政, 谭亚. 基于EOF法的长江口高潮位时空变化特征研究——长时间序列的高潮位EOF分析. 海洋通报, 2019, 38(3): 296-303.
(12)Sun, T., Tao, J., Yao, P. Numerical Modeling of Multi-fraction Sediments under the Combined Effect of Wave and Current, in Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 21-26, 2019, 2787-2792.
(13)Shi, Y., Tao, J., Gong, Z., Tan, Y., EOF analysis exploring factors contributing to temporal and spatial variations in the tidal level of the Yangtze River estuary, in Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 2019, 3606-3610.
(14)Tao, J., Wang, Z. B., Zhou, Z., Xu, F., Zhang, C., & Stive, M. J. F. A morphodynamic modeling study on the formation of the large‐scale radial sand ridges in the Southern Yellow Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2019, 124(7): 1742-1761.
(15)Xu, F., Coco, G., Tao, J., Zhou, Z., Zhang, C., Lanzoni, S., D'Alpaos, A., On the Morphodynamic Equilibrium of a Short Tidal Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2019, 124(2): 639-665.
(16)Yang, J., Kong, J., Tao, J. Modeling the Water-Flushing Properties of the Yangtze Estuary and Adjacent Waters. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2019, 18(1): 93-107.
(17)Zhou Z., Chen L.Y., Tao J.*, Gong Z., Guo L., van der Wegen M., Townend I., and Zhang C.K. The role of salinity in fluvio-deltaic morphodynamics: A long-term modelling study. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2020, 45(3): 590-604.
(18)张长宽, 黄婷婷, 陶建峰, 倪立. 江苏海岸潮滩剖面形态与动力泥沙响应关系. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(3): 245-251.
(19)Ni, L., Tao, J. Wave-Induced Sediment Transport along the Abandoned Yellow River Delta in Jiangsu Coast, China, in Proceedings of the Thirtieth (2020) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference. 2020: Shanghai, China. 2948-2955.

(1)南黄海潮滩演变与开发保护关键技术研究及应用, 2016年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术进步奖)二等奖,2016-249(排名2/15)。
(2)河网—湖泊—近海连通水域污染物输运机理、模拟技术及应用, 2013年度高等学校科学优秀成果奖(科学技术)进步奖二等奖,2013-251(排名3/15)。
(3)河口海岸水灾害预警预报关键技术、系统集成及应用, 2011年度国家科学技术进步奖二等奖,2011-J-222-2-03-R04,(排名4/10)。
(7)A Three Dimensional Baroclinic Flow Numerical Model in Estuarine and Coastal Regions Using Double Sigma Coordinates System,2008年第16届亚太水力学大会(APD-IAHR)最佳论文奖(排名1/2)。

《JGR-Earth Surface》、《海洋工程》、《华东师范学报(自然科学版)》、《厦门大学学报》、《应用基础与工程科学学报》审稿人。

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