

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-20

周曾,男 ,青年教授,博士生导师

简 历
2012.03-2015.03 西班牙Cantabria大学 博士
2009.08-2011.07 荷兰Delft理工大学 硕士
2008.09-2009.07 河海大学,港口、海岸及近海工程专业 硕士研究生
2004.09-2008.06 河海大学,港口航道与近海工程专业 本科
2019.06-至今 河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院 青年教授
2019.04-至今 河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院 海岸带资源与环境研究所所长
2018.06-2018.09 英国剑桥大学 地理学院 访问****
2016.01-2019.06 河海大学 港口海岸与近海工程学院 副教授
2015.12-2016.12 新西兰Auckland大学 环境学院 荣誉****
2015.07-2015.12 新西兰Auckland大学 助理研究员
2015.03-2015.06 荷兰Deltares三角洲水利研究院 研究职员
2013.09-2013.12 荷兰Deltares三角洲水利研究院 访问****
2011.01-2011.07 英国HR Wallingford水利研究所 访问****


江苏省留学生精品课程Advanced Coastal Dynamics (高等海岸动力学),留学生研究生英文必修课,2学分
The Art of Modelling in Science and Engineering (科学研究与工程应用中的模型艺术),河海大学留学研究生综合素质课

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,潮滩盐沼前缘地貌形态演变与系统状态转换机制研究(项目编号: **),2020.01-2023.12,项目经费64万元,主持
8.中央高校基本科研业务费项目,潮滩多组分泥沙分选机制研究(项目编号:2016B00714), 2016.01-2018.12,项目经费15万元,主持(已结题)
11.中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金,粉砂淤泥质潮滩植被-动力-地貌过程(项目编号:2015B24814), 2015.09-2017.09,项目经费30万元,参与(排名2/11,已结题)
12.国家重点研发计划项目“长三角地区水安全保障技术集成与应用”课题,变化环境下河口海岸水安全保障关键技术研究与应用(项目编号:2016YFC**), 2016.07-2019.12,项目经费430万元,参与(排名8/23)

[1]Zhou Z., Chen L.Y., Tao J.*, Gong Z., Guo L., van der Wegen M., Townend I., and Zhang C.K. (2020) The role of salinity in fluvio-deltaic morphodynamics: A long-term modelling study. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(3): 590-604, doi: 10.1002/esp.4757.
[2]Chen, L., Zhou, Z.*, Xu, F., M?ller, I. and Zhang, C., 2020. Field Observation of Saltmarsh-Edge Morphology and Associated Vegetation Characteristics in an Open-Coast Tidal Flat. Journal of Coastal Research, 95(SI): 412-416, doi:10.2112/SI95-080.1.
[3]Zhao, K., Gong, Z., Zhang, K., Wang, K., Jin, C., Zhou, Z., Xu, F. and Coco, G., 2020. Laboratory Experiments of Bank Collapse: The Role of Bank Height and Near‐Bank Water Depth. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(5), doi:10.1029/2019JF005281.
[4]Dai, W., Li, H., Chen, X., Xu, F., Zhou, Z. and Zhang, C., 2020. Saltmarsh Expansion in Response to Morphodynamic Evolution: Field Observations in the Jiangsu Coast using UAV. Journal of Coastal Research, 95(SI): 433-437, doi:10.2112/SI95-084.1.
[5]Chen Lei, Zhou Zeng*, Xu Fan, Jimenez Mirian, Tao Jianfeng, and Zhang Changkuan, 2020. Simulating the Impacts of Land Reclamation and De-Reclamation on the Morphodynamics of Tidal Networks, Anthropocene Coasts, 3(1): 30-42, doi: 10.1139/anc-2019-0010.
[6]Fan Xu, Giovanni Coco, Jianfeng Tao, Zeng Zhou*, Changkuan Zhang, Stefano Lanzoni, Andrea D'Alpaos (2019) On the Morphodynamic Equilibrium of a Short Tidal Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124: 639-665, doi: 10.1029/2018JF004952
[7]Chen, X. D., Zhang, C. K., Paterson, D. M., Townend, I. H., Jin, C., Zhou, Z., Gong, Z., and Feng, Q. (2019) The effect of cyclic variation of shear stress on non‐cohesive sediment stabilisation by microbial biofilms: The role of “biofilm precursors”. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 44(7): 1471-1481, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4573.
[8]Geng L., Gong Z., Zhou Z., Lanzoni S. and D’Alpaos A. (2019) Assessing the relative contributions of the flood tide and the ebb tide to tidal channel network dynamics. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 44(7): 1471-1481, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4727.
[9]Zhao, K., Gong, Z., Xu, F., Zhou, Z., Zhang, C. K., Perillo, G. M. E., & Coco, G. ( 2019). The role of collapsed bank soil on tidal channel evolution: A process‐based model involving bank collapse and sediment dynamics. Water Resources Research, 55(11): 9051-9071, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR025514
[10]Tao, J., Wang, Z. B., Zhou, Z.*, Xu, F., Zhang, C., & Stive, M. J. F. ( 2019). A morphodynamic modeling study on the formation of the large‐scale radial sand ridges in the Southern Yellow Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(7): 1742-1761. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JF004866
[11]Zhou Z., Coco G., Townend I., Gong Z., Wang Z.B., and Zhang C.K. (2018) On the stability relationships between tidal asymmetry and morphologies of tidal basins and estuaries. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(9): 1943-1959, doi: 10.1002/esp.4366.
[12]Gong Z., Zhao K.*, Zhang C.K, Dai W., Coco G., Zhou Z. * (2018) The role of bank collapse on tidal creek ontogeny: A novel process-based model for bank retreat, Geomorphology. 311, 13-26, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.03.016.
[13]Zhou Z., Chen L.Y., Townend I., Coco G., Friedrichs C., and Zhang C.K. (2018) Revisiting the relationship between tidal asymmetry and basin morphology: A comparison between 1D and 2D models. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 85: 151-155, doi: 10.2112/SI85-031.1.
[14]Winterwerp J.C., Zhou Z., Battista G., Van Kessel T., Jagers B., Van Maren B., and Van der Wegen M. (2018). Efficient consolidation model for morphodynamic simulations in low SPM-environments. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 144(8): **(1-14), doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.**.
[15]Xu, F., Coco, G., Zhou, Z., Tao, J., & Zhang, C. (2017). A numerical study of equilibrium states in tidal network morphodynamics. Ocean Dynamics, 67(12), 1593-1607, doi: 10.1007/s10236-017-1101-0.
[16]Chen, X. D., Zhang, C. K., Zhou, Z., Gong, Z., Zhou, J. J., Tao, J. F., Paterson, D. M. & Feng, Q. (2017). Stabilizing effects of bacterial biofilms: EPS penetration and redistribution of bed stability down the sediment profile. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122(12): 3113-3125. doi:10.1002/2017JG004050.
[17]Gong, Z., Jin, C., Zhang, C., Zhou, Z., Zhang, Q., & Li, H. (2017). Temporal and spatial morphological variations along a cross-shore intertidal profile, Jiangsu, China. Continental Shelf Research, 144: 1-9, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2017.06.009.
[18]Dai W., Li H., Zhou Z., Cybele S., Lu C., Zhao K., Zhang X., Yang H. and Li D. (2018) UAV photogrammetry for elevation monitoring of intertidal mudflats. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue for International Coastal Symposium 2018. Special Issue No. 85, pp. 236–240, doi: 10.2112/SI85-048.1.
[19]Tao, J., Xu, F., Yao, P., Zhou, Z., and Zhang, C., 2018. The variations of sediment transport patterns in the radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu coast, China over the last 30 years. In: Shim, J.-S.; Chun, I., and Lim, H.S. (eds.), Proceedings from the International Coastal Symposium (ICS) 2018 (Busan, Republic of Korea). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 85, pp. 216–220, doi: 10.2112/SI85-044.1.
[20]Zhou Z., Coco G., Townend I., Olabarrieta M., van der Wegen M., Gong Z., D’Alpaos A., Gao S., Jaffe B. E., Gelfenbaum G., He Q., Wang Y., Lanzoni S., Wang Z. B., Winterwerp H. and Zhang C.K. (2017) Is “Morphodynamic Equilibrium” an oxymoron. Earth-Science Reviews, 165:257–267, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.12.002.
[21]Chen, X. D., Zhang, C. K., Paterson, D. M., Thompson, C. E. L., Townend, I. H., Gong, Z., Zhou, Z. and Feng, Q. (2017), Hindered erosion: The biological mediation of non-cohesive sediment behaviour. Water Resources Research 53(6): 4787-4801, doi:10.1002/2016WR020105
[22]Townend I., Wang Z. B., Stive M., & Zhou Z. (2016). Development and extension of an aggregated scale model: part 1 – background to ASMITA. China Ocean Engineering, 30(4), 483-504, doi: 10.1007/s13344-016-0030-x.
[23]Townend I., Wang Z. B., Stive M., & Zhou Z. (2016). Development and extension of an aggregated scale model: part 2 — extensions to ASMITA. China Ocean Engineering, 30(5), 651-670, doi: 10.1007/s13344-016-0042-6
[24]Zhou Z., van der Wegen M., Jagers B., and Coco G. (2016) Modelling the role of self-weight consolidation on the morphodynamics of accretional mudflats. Environmental Modelling & Software, 76, 167-181, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.11.002.
[25]Zhou Z., Ye Q., and Coco G. (2016) A one-dimensional biomorphodynamic model of tidal flats: Sediment sorting, marsh distribution, and carbon accumulation under sea level rise. Advances in Water Resources, 93, 288-302, doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.10.011.
[26]Zhou Z., Coco G., van der Wegen M., Gong Z., Zhang C.K., and Townend I. (2015) Modeling sorting dynamics of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments on intertidal flats under the effects of tides and wind waves. Continental Shelf Research, 104, 76-91, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2015.05.010.
[27]Zhou Z., Coco G., Jiménez , M., Olabarrieta M., van der Wegen M., and Townend I. (2014) Morphodynamics of river-influenced back-barrier tidal basins: The role of landscape and hydrodynamic settings. Water Resources Research, 50(12), 9514-9535, doi:10.1002/2014WR015891.
[28]Jiménez M., Castanedo S., Zhou Z., Coco G., Medina R. and Rodriguez-Iturbe I. (2014) Scaling properties of tidal networks. Water Resources Research, 50(6), 4585-4602, doi:10.1002/2013WR015006.
[29]Zhou Z., Olabarrieta M., Stefanon L., D'Alpaos A., Carniello L. and Coco G. (2014) A comparative study of physical and numerical modeling of tidal network ontogeny. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(4), 892-912, doi:10.1002/2014JF003092.
[30]Zhou Z., Stefanon L., Olabarrieta M., D'Alpaos A., Carniello L. and Coco G. (2014) Analysis of the drainage density of experimental and modelled tidal networks. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2(1), 105-116, doi:10.5194/esurf-2-105-2014.
[31]Coco G., Zhou Z., van Maanen B., Olabarrieta M., Tinoco R. and Townend I. (2013) Morphodynamics of tidal networks: advances and challenges. Marine Geology, 346, 1-16, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2013.08.005.
[32]Zhou Z., de San Roman B. L. and Nicholls, R. (2013) An OpenMI-based combined model for alongshore sediment transport and shoreline change. Maritime Engineering, 166(4), 175 -186, doi:10.1680/maen.2012.14.
[33]Xu F., Tao J.F., Zhou Z., Coco G., and Zhang C.K. (2016) Mechanisms underlying the regional morphological differences between the northern and southern radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu Coast, China. Marine Geology, 371, 1-17, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2015.10.019
[34]Zhang Q., Gong Z., Zhang C. K., Zhou Z. and Townend I. (2016) Hydraulic and sediment dynamics at times of very shallow water on intertidal mudflats: the contribution of waves. Journal of Coastal Research, SI75, 507-511, doi: 10.2112/SI75-102.1

[35]龚政, 陈欣迪, 周曾*, 葛冉, 陈雪, 余锡平, 张长宽, 2020. 生物作用对海岸带泥沙运动的影响. 科学通报, doi:10.1360/TB-2020-0291.
[36]戴玮琦,李欢,龚政,张长宽,周曾(2019).无人机技术在潮滩地貌演变研究中的应用.水科学进展30(03): 359-372.
[37]龚政, 黄诗涵, 徐贝贝, 朱思谕, 张岩松, 周曾, 2019. 江苏中部沿海潮滩对台风暴潮的响应. 水科学进展, 30(02): 243-254
[38]龚政,白雪冰,靳闯,赵堃,周曾,张长宽,基于植被和潮动力作用的潮滩剖面演变数值模拟,水科学进展,2018, 29(6): 877-886.
[39]张长宽,徐孟飘,周曾*,龚政,康彦彦,李欢 (2018). 潮滩剖面形态与泥沙分选研究进展. 水科学进展,29(2): 269-282.
Zhang C.K., Xu M.P., Zhou, Z*., Gong Z., Kang Y.Y., and Li H. (2018). Advances in cross-shore profile characteristics and sediment sorting dynamics of tidal flats. Advances in water science, 29(2): 269-282.
[40]Ying Zhang, Zeng Zhou, Liang Geng, Giovanni Coco, Jianfeng Tao, Changkuan Zhang, 2018. Simulating the formation of tidal channels along an open-coast tidal flat: The effects of initial perturbation. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, [S.l.], n. 36, p. papers.84, dec. 2018. ISSN 2156-1028. Available at: <https://icce-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/icce/index.php/icce/article/view/8664/7468>. Date accessed: 01 mar. 2019. doi: 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.84. (ei全文)
[41]Lei Chen, Zeng Zhou*, Mengpiao Xu, Fan Xu, Jianfeng Tao, Changkuan Zhang, 2018. Exploring the influence of land reclamation on sediment grain size distribution on tidal flats: A numerical study. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, [S.l.], n. 36, p. papers.85, dec. 2018. ISSN 2156-1028. Available at: <https://journals.tdl.org/icce/index.php/icce/article/view/8669>. Date accessed: 01 mar. 2019. doi: 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.85.(ei全文)
[42]龚政, 耿亮, 吕亭豫, 周曾, 严佳伟, 张长宽 (2017). 开敞式潮滩-潮沟系统发育演变动力机制——Ⅱ.潮汐作用. 水科学进展(02): 231-239.
Gong Z., Geng L., Lyu T.Y., Zhou Z., Yan J.W., and Zhang C.K. (2017). Mechanisms underlying the dynamics evolution of an open-coast tidal flat-creek system: II: influence of tidal range. Advances in water science, (02): 231-239.
[43]龚政, 吕亭豫, 耿亮, 周曾, 徐贝贝, 张长宽 (2017). 开敞式潮滩-潮沟系统发育演变动力机制——Ⅰ.物理模型设计及潮沟形态. 水科学进展(01): 86-95.
Gong Z., Lyu T.Y., Geng L., Zhou Z., Xu B.B., and Zhang C.K. (2017). Mechanisms underlying the dynamics evolution of an open-coast tidal flat-creek system: I: physical model design and tidal creek morphology. Advances in water science, (01): 86-95.
[44]陆倩, 龚政, 周曾, 张长宽 (2016). 淤泥质海岸入海河口闸下港道河相关系. 水科学进展(05): 751-762.
Lu Q., Gong Z., Zhou Z., and Zhang C.K. (2016). Hydro-geometric relation of tidally-influenced channels downstream of floodgates along muddy coasts. Advances in water science, (05): 751-762.
[45]Jin, C., Gong, Z., Zhang, C., Zhou, Z., & Li, H. (2015). The role of surface and subsurface processes on the morphodynamics of a vegetated mudflat. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 1317–1324. (ei paper)

[1]Xie D., Schwarz C., Bru?ckner M., Zhou Z., and van Maanen. (2019) The fate of mangrove assemblages in the face of changing coastal system (EGU2019), April 7-12, 2019, Vienna, Austria.(摘要)
[2]Ying Zhang, Zeng Zhou, Liang Geng, Giovanni Coco, Jianfeng Tao, Changkuan Zhang, 2018. Simulating the formation of tidal channels along an open-coast tidal flat: The effects of initial perturbation. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, [S.l.], n. 36, p. papers.84, dec. 2018. ISSN 2156-1028. Available at: <https://icce-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/icce/index.php/icce/article/view/8664/7468>. Date accessed: 01 mar. 2019. doi: 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.84. (ei全文)
[3]Lei Chen, Zeng Zhou*, Mengpiao Xu, Fan Xu, Jianfeng Tao, Changkuan Zhang, 2018. Exploring the influence of land reclamation on sediment grain size distribution on tidal flats: A numerical study. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, [S.l.], n. 36, p. papers.85, dec. 2018. ISSN 2156-1028. Available at: <https://journals.tdl.org/icce/index.php/icce/article/view/8669>. Date accessed: 01 mar. 2019. doi: 10.9753/icce.v36.papers.85.(ei全文)
[4]Zhou Z., Chen L.Y., Townend I., Coco G., Friedrichs C., and Zhang C.K. (2018) Revisiting the relationship between tidal asymmetry and basin morphology: A comparison between 1D and 2D models, The 15th International Coastal Symposium (ICS2018), May 13-18, 2018, Busan, South Korea.
[5]Tao, J., Xu, F., Yao, P., Zhou, Z., and Zhang, C., 2018. The variations of sediment transport patterns in the radial sand ridges along the Jiangsu coast, China over the last 30 years. The 15th International Coastal Symposium (ICS2018), May 13-18, 2018, Busan, South Korea.
[6]Dai W., Li H., Zhou Z., Cybele S., Lu C., Zhao K., Zhang X., Yang H. and Li D. (2018) UAV photogrammetry for elevation monitoring of intertidal mudflats. The 15th International Coastal Symposium (ICS2018), May 13-18, 2018, Busan, South Korea.
[7]张长宽,龚政,陈永平,陶建峰,康彦彦,周晶晶,周曾*(2017)潮滩演变研究进展及前沿问题.第十八届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集. 中国舟山, 759-766. (论文)
[8]Zeng Zhou, Mengpiao Xu, Changkuan Zhang and Giovanni Coco (2017). Modeling the role of storms on tidal flat sorting dynamics, The 10th Symposium River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2017), September 14-21, Padova, Italy.
[9]Xu F., Coco G., Tao J., Zhou Z. and Zhang C (2017) On the initial formation and long-term equilibrium of tidal channels, The 10th Symposium River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2017), September 14-21, Padova, Italy.
[10]Xu B., Gong Z., Zhang Q., Zhou J., Zhou Z. and Zhang C (2017) Field Observations of Short-term Sediment Dynamic Processes on Intertidal Zone of Jiangsu Coast, China, The 10th Symposium River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2017), September 14-21, Padova, Italy.
[11]van der Wegen M., de Vet L., Zhou Z., Coco G. and Jaffe B. (2017) Modeling tidal morphodynamics at the channel-mudflat interface, The 10th Symposium River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2017), September 14-21, Padova, Italy.
[12]Chen X.D., Zhang C.K., Gong Z., Zhou Z. and Feng Q. (2017) Sediment bed stability re-distributed by bacterial biofilms, The 10th Symposium River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2017), September 14-21, Padova, Italy.
[13]Zeng Zhou, Jianfeng Tao, Zheng Gong, Leicheng Guo, and Mick van der Wegen (2016). Long-term morphodynamics: Can we neglect salinity difference? The 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS2016), September 9-14, Scheveningen, Netherlands. (abstract)
[14]Kun Zhao, Zheng Gong, Zeng Zhou, Yunwei Wang, and Changkuan Zhang (2016). Morphodynamic evolution of tidal creeks: A numerical model considering bank collapse. The 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS2016), September 9-14, Scheveningen, Netherlands. (abstract)
[15]Tao Jianfeng , Kuai Yu, Zhou Zeng, Zhang Changkuan (2016). Morphodynamic modelling of radial sand ridges in the Southern Yellow Sea: Formation and grain-size sorting. The 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS2016), September 9-14, Scheveningen, Netherlands. (abstract)
[16]Zheng Gong, Liang Geng, Tingyu Li, Zeng Zhou and Changkuan Zang (2016). Physical modelling of tidal network evolution: the influence of tide asymmetry and spring-neap tides. The 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS2016), September 9-14, Scheveningen, Netherlands. (abstract)
[17]Fan Xu, Giovanni Coco, Changkuan Zhang, Jianfeng Tao, and Zeng Zhou (2016). A morphodynamic study on the equilibrium of tidal channels. The 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS2016), September 9-14, Scheveningen, Netherlands. (abstract)
[18]Maitane Olabarrieta , W. Rockwell Geyer , Zhendong Cao, Zeng Zhou and Giovanni Coco (2016). Relative contribution of barotropic and baroclinic processes to the subtidal bottom-shear stress: possible implications for the morphodynamic evolution of estuaries. The 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS2016), September 9-14, Scheveningen, Netherlands. (abstract)
[19]Mick van der Wegen , Lodewijk de Vet , Zeng Zhou, Giovanni Coco, Bruce Jaffe (2016). Modeling morphodynamics at the channel-mudflat interface. The 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (PECS2016), September 9-14, Scheveningen, Netherlands. (abstract)
[20]Jin, C., Gong, Z., Zhang, C., Zhou, Z., & Li, H. (2015). The role of surface and subsurface processes on the morphodynamics of a vegetated mudflat. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 1317–1324. (ei paper)
[21]Olabarrieta M., Coco G. and Zhou Z. (2013) Effect of external overtides on tidal basin hydro-morphodynamic feedbacks, CERF 2013, USA. (abstract)
[22]Zhou Z., Coco G., Olabarrieta M. and van der Wegen M. (2013) On the transition between tide- and river-dominated back-barrier estuarine environments. in Zhaoyin Wang, Joseph Hun-Wei Lee, Jizhang Gao and Shuyou Cao (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th IAHR World Congress, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing. China. (paper)
[23]Olabarrieta M., Coco G., Zhou Z. and Castanedo S. (2013) Effects of externally and internally generated overtides on tidal basin hydro-morphodynamic feedbacks. The 8th IAHR symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM 2013), Santander, Spain. (abstract)
[24]Jiménez M., Zhou Z., Castanedo S., Coco G., Medina R. and Rodriguez-Iturbe I. (2013) Tidal channel networks: hydrodynamic controls of their topological structure. The 8th IAHR symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM 2013), Santander, Spain. (abstract)
[25]Zhou Z., Olabarrieta M., Stefanon L., D'Alpaos A., Carniello L. and Coco G. (2013) Morphodynamic modelling of tidal networks and comparison with laboratory experiments. The 8th IAHR symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM 2013), Santander, Spain. (abstract)
[26]Zhou Z. and Lopez de San Roman B. (2011) Development and application of a combined model for longshore sediment transport and beach response. in Z. Wang, (ed.), Proceedings of the 7th IAHR symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM 2011), Tsinghua Unviersity Press, Bejing, China. (paper)

Zhou Z. (2015). Tidal network morphodynamics: Processes, feedbacks and long-term evolution, University of Cantabria (ISBN书号:47),博士学位论文,http://hdl.handle.net/10902/6264
Zhou Z. (2011). Feasibility study of a coupled numerical model for longshore sediment transport and beach response. University of Southampton, Delft University of Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,欧盟Erasmus Mundus全额奖学金项目硕士学位论文

[1] 一种潮滩-潮沟系统地貌演变物理模型试验系统及方法,ZL1.0,中国,授权日:2017年11月28日,发明人:龚政,耿亮,吕亭豫,严佳伟,徐贝贝,周曾,王韫玮,李欢,蔡辉,张长宽,排名6/10
[2] 潮滩泥沙临界起动切应力原位测试装置及监测方法,ZL4.0,中国,授权日:2018年7月24日,发明人:龚政,徐贝贝,张茜,周曾,顾长才,耿亮,赵堃,张长宽,排名4/8
[3] 潮沟边壁冲刷及塌落过程的一维模拟方法,专利号:ZL8.1,授权日:2019-03-12,龚政,赵堃,戴玮琦,李欢,周曾,王韫玮,张长宽,排名5/7
[4] 一种潮沟系统地形识别处理方法,专利号:ZL5.4,中国,授权日:2019-10-15,龚政,耿亮,周曾,严佳伟,张颖,排名3/5
[5] 一种潮沟边壁侵蚀物理实验系统及方法,专利号:ZL0.2,中国,授权日:2019-11-08,龚政,赵堃,戴玮琦,周曾,张凯丽,徐凡,李欢,张长宽,排名4/8
[6] 一种探究生物扰动下潮滩动力地貌的装置,专利号:ZL9.1,中国,授权日:2020-09-28,陈雪;周曾;杨瑶;张长宽;辛沛;龚政;李欢;蒋勤;陈雷;董楚宁,排名2/9

[7] 潮间带泥沙起动测量装置及其测量方法,申请号:0.5,中国,申请日:2018-03-13,龚政,甘全,徐贝贝,赵堃,李欢,周曾,张长宽,排名6/7
[8] 潮间带多点位近底边界层水沙过程同步观测方法,申请号:0.5,申请日:2016-07-07,龚政,徐贝贝,张茜,周曾,李欢,耿亮,靳闯,张长宽,排名4/8

2018.01 河海大学“大禹****计划”第三层次培养对象
2017.12 Elsevier-Advances in Water Resources期刊年度审稿突出贡献证书
2017.02 教育部,科学技术进步奖二等奖(排名:5/15): “南黄海潮滩演变与开发保护关键技术研究及应用”,编号2016-249,(龚政,陶建峰,张长宽,康彦彦,周曾,陈君,李欢,葛小平,王韫玮,丁贤荣,丁坚,张茜,靳闯,耿亮,徐凡)
2015.03 西班牙优秀博士论文(Cum Laude)
2014.12 Elsevier-Continental Shelf Research期刊年度审稿突出贡献证书
2012.03-2015.03 西班牙政府“引智”(Attracting Talents International)项目博士基金
2009.08-2011.07 欧盟Erasmus Mundus (CoMEM)硕士项目奖学金
2011.09 第七届IAHR-RCEM国际会议最佳报告奖
2011.07 荷兰Delft理工大学及英国Southampton大学优秀硕士毕业生(Cum Laude)

(1)学术期刊Anthropocene Coasts (Canadian Science Publishing)副主编,2017.1~至今
(2)学术期刊《Frontiers in Marine Science 》(中科院二区SCI) 副主编,2020.3~至今
(3)学术期刊《Water Science and Engineering》编委,2019.3~至今
(4)河流、海岸与河口动力地貌学国际学术研讨会委员(Board member of IAHR-RCEM),2017.11~至今
(5)担任Continental Shelf Research 、Journal of Geophysical Research、Earth Surface Processes and Landforms、Advances in Water Resources 、Estuaries and Coasts等业内权威期刊审稿人
(6)学术组织会员: - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
- Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS)

本人一直致力于河口海岸动力学、潮滩生物动力地貌学与碳循环、海岸工程学等方向的科学研究与应用工作,欢迎业内****以及有兴趣攻读相关方向研究生学位的同学与我联系, Let’s do some cool research together!

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