

东北师范大学 免费考研网/2016-04-15


吴金辉,教授,理论物理专业,理学博士,博士生导师。主要从事量子光学、量子信息及相关交叉学科领域的基础研究工作。主持和参加了国家重大科学研究计划和国家自然科学基金重点项目等10余项国家级和省部级科研课题。在国内外重要学术期刊(如Physical Review Letters、Optics Letters和Physical Review A等)上发表SCI论文120余篇,部分论文已被他人引用1000余次(H因子为18),单篇论文最高SCI他引130余次。获得了长白青年科技奖特等奖(2003)、吉林省科技进步奖二等奖(2005)、饶毓泰基础光学奖优秀奖(2007)和吉林省自然科学奖一等奖(2014)各1项,并入选了教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2007)和吉林省杰出青年科学研究计划(2007)。
1994.08-1998.07 吉林大学物理系物理学专业,获理学学士学位。
1998.08-2003.07 吉林大学物理学院光学专业,获理学博士学位。
2003.07-2005.06 中科院长春光机物理所激发态实验室,博士后。
2003.12-2004.02 意大利比萨高师,访问学者。
2004.06-2004.08 意大利比萨高师,访问学者。
2007.04-2007.09 意大利比萨高师,访问学者。
2008.09-2009.01 意大利比萨高师,访问学者。
2009.10-2009.11 意大利比萨高师,访问学者。
2012.02-2012.04 意大利比萨高师,访问学者。
2013.09-2013.11 意大利比萨高师,访问学者。
2001.06-2003.06 吉林大学物理学院,助教。
2003.07-2004.12 吉林大学物理学院,讲师。
2005.01-2014.12 吉林大学物理学院,教授。
2014.04- 东北师范大学物理学院、量子科学中心,教授。
1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:相干驱动超冷原子系综的量子光力学应用,
2. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:双光子跃迁主导超冷原子系综的量子相干操控,
3. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:周期调制量子相干系综的光子带隙、特征光谱及应用,
2009.01- 2011.12,项目负责人
4. 国家自然科学基金-青年基金:原子及量子阱中弛豫诱导相干效应的动力学研究,
5. 吉林省杰出青年科学研究计划项目,2007.10-2009.09,项目负责人
6. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目,2007.01-2009.12,项目负责人
7. 国家重大科学研究计划课题:基于光与原子耦合体系的量子信息处理,2011.01-2015.12,参加
8. 国家重大科学研究计划课题:冷原子系综的相干操控与量子信息存贮,2006.11-2010.12,参加
9. 国家自然科学基金-重点项目:量子相干系综的光学性质,2004.01-2007.12,参加
1. Jin-Hui Wu, M. Artoni, and G.C. La Rocca, Non-Hermitian degeneracies and unidirectional reflectionless atomic lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2014, 113, 123004
2. Yi-Mou Liu, Dong Yan, Xue-Dong Tian, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Electromagnetically induced transparency with cold Rydberg atoms: Superatom model beyond weak probe approximation, Phys. Rev. A 2014, 89, 033839
3. Xiao-Bo Yan, Cui-Li Cui, Kai-Hui Gu, Xue-Dong Tian, Chang-Bao Fu, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Coherent perfect absorption, transmission, and synthesis in a double-cavity optomechanical system, Opt. Express 2014, 22, 4886-4895
4. Hong Yang, Liu Yang, Xiao-Chang Wang, Cui-Li Cui, Yan Zhang, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Dynamically controlled two-color photonic bandgaps via balanced four-wave mixing in one-dimensional cold atomic lattices, Phys. Rev. A 2013, 88, 063832
5. Jin-Hui Wu, M. Artoni, and G.C. La Rocca, Two-color lasing in cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 2013, 88, 043823
6. Chang-Bao Fu, Xiao-Bo Yan, Kai-Hui Gu, Cui-Li Cui, Jin-Hui Wu*, and Tai-Dong Fu, Steady- state solutions of a hybrid system involving atom-light and optomechanical interactions: beyond the weak cavity field approximation, Phys. Rev. A 2013, 87, 053841
7. S.A.R. Horsley, Jin-Hui Wu, M. Artoni, and G.C. La Rocca, Optical non-reciprocity of cold atom Bragg mirrors in motion, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013, 110, 223602
8. Dong Yan, Cui-Li Cui, Yi-Mou Liu, Li-Jun Song, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Normal and abnormal nonlinear electromagnetically induced transparency due to dipole blockade of Rydberg excitation, Phys. Rev. A 2013, 87, 023827
9. Jin-Hui Wu, S.A.R. Horsley, M. Artoni, and G.C. La Rocca, Radiation damping optical enhancement in cold atoms, Light: Sci. Appl. 2013, 2, e54
10. Xiao-Jun Zhang, Hai-Hua Wang, Cheng-Zhi Liu, Xing-Wei Han, Cun-Bo Fan, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Direct conversion of slow light into a stationary light pulse, Phys. Rev. A 2012, 86, 023821
11. Dong Yan, Yi-Mou Liu, Qian-Qian Bao, Chang-Bao Fu, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Electromagnetically induced transparency in an inverted Y system of interacting cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 2012, 86, 023828
12. Cui-Li Cui, Chang-Bao Fu, Hong Yang, Qian-Qian Bao, Huai-Liang Xu, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Resonant gain suppression and superluminal group velocity in a multilevel system, Opt. Express 2012, 20, 10712-10720
13. Chun-Liang Wang, Zhi-Hui Kang, Si-Cong Tian, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Control of spontaneous emission from a micro-wave driven atomic system, Opt. Express 2012, 20, 3509-3518
14. Yun-Fei Fan, Hai-Hua Wang, Rong Wang, Xiao-Gang Wei, Ai-Jun Li, Zhi-Hui Kang, Jin-Hui Wu, Han-Zhuang Zhang, Huai-Liang Xu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Slow-light information conversion in a rare-earth-ion-doped solid, New J. Phys. 2011, 13, 123008
15. Qian-Qian Bao, Xiao-Hang Zhang, Jun-Yan Gao, Yan Zhang, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Coherent generation and dynamic manipulation of double stationary light pulses in a five- level double-tripod system of cold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 2011, 84, 063812
16. Gang Wang, Lin Cen, Yi Qu, Yan Xue, Jin-Hui Wu*, and Jin-Yue Gao, Intensity-dependent effects on the four-wave mixing based on electromagnetically induced transparency, Opt. Express 2011, 19, 21614-21619
17. Dong Yan, Cui-Li Cui, Mei Zhang, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Coherent population transfer and quantum entanglement generation involving a Rydberg state by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, Phys. Rev. A 2011, 84, 043405
18. Bing Zhang, Jin-Hui Wu, Xi-Zhang Yan, Lei Wang, Xiao-Jun Zhang, and Jin-Yue Gao, Coherence generation and population transfer by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage and Pi pulse in a four-level ladder system, Opt. Express 2011, 19, 12000-12007
19. Qian-Qian Bao, Jin-Wei Gao, Cui-Li Cui, Gang Wang, Yan Xue, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Dynamic generation and control of beating signals during light storage and retrieval, Opt. Express 2011, 19, 11832-11840
20. Jin-Wei Gao, Qian-Qian Bao, Ren-Gang Wan, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Triple photonic bandgap structure dynamically induced in the presence of spontaneously generated coherence, Phys. Rev. A 2011, 83, 053815
21. Dong Yan, Jin-Wei Gao, Qian-Qian Bao, Hong Yang, Heng Wang, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Electro- magnetically induced transparency in a five-level Lambda system dominated by two-photon resonant transitions, Phys. Rev. A 2011, 83, 033830
22. Yan Zhang, Yan Xue, Gang Wang, Cui-Li Cui, Rong Wang, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Steady optical spectra and light propagation dynamics in cold atomic samples with homogeneous or inhomo- geneous densities, Opt. Express 2011, 19, 2111-2119
23. Gang Wang, Yan Xue, Jin-Hui Wu*, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, Si-Sheng Liu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Efficient frequency conversion induced by quantum constructive interference, Opt. Lett. 2010, 35, 3778-3780
24. Jin-Hui Wu, M. Artoni, and G C. La Rocca, Stationary light pulses in cold thermal atomic clouds, Phys. Rev. A 2010, 82, 013807
25. Jin-Hui Wu, M. Artoni, and G C. La Rocca, Decay of stationary light pulses in ultracold atoms, Phys. Rev. A 2010, 81, 033822
26. Jin-Wei Gao, Yan Zhang, Nuo Ba, Cui-Li Cui, and Jin-Hui Wu*, Dynamically induced double photonic bandgaps in the presence of spontaneously generated coherence, Opt. Lett. 2010, 35, 709-711
27. Cui-Li Cui, Jin-Hui Wu*, Jin-Wei Gao, Yan Zhang, and Nuo Ba, Double photonic bandgaps dynamically induced in a tripod system of cold atoms, Opt. Express 2010, 18, 4538-4546
28. Jin-Wei Gao, Jin-Hui Wu*, Nuo Ba, Cui-Li Cui, and Xing-Xia Tian, Efficient all-optical routing using dynamically induced transparency windows and photonic bandgaps, Phys. Rev. A 2010, 81, 013804
29. Gang Wang, Yan Xue, Jin-Hui Wu, Si-Sheng Liu, Yun Jiang, Zhi-Hui Kang, and Jin-Yue Gao, Dual-channel all-optical wavelength conversion switching by four-wave mixing, Opt. Express 2009, 17, 23332-23337
30. Jin-Hui Wu, M. Artoni, and G. C. La Rocca, All-optical light confinement in dynamic cavities in cold atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009, 103, 133601
31. Hai-Hua Wang, Yun-Fei Fan, Rong Wang, Lei Wang, Dun-Mao Du, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Slowing and storage of double light pulses in a Pr3+: Y2SiO5 crystal, Opt. Lett. 2009, 34, 2596-2598
32. Hai-Hua Wang, Yun-Fei Fan, Rong Wang, Dun-Mao Du, Xiao-Jun Zhang, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Three-channel all-optical routing in a Pr3+: Y2SiO5 crystal, Opt. Express 2009, 17, 12197-12202
33. Hai-Hua Wang, Dun-Mao Du, Yun-Fei Fan, Ai-Jun Li, Lei Wang, Xiao-Gang Wei, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Enhanced four-wave mixing by atomic coherence in a Pr3+: Y2SiO5 crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 93, 231107
34. Hai-Hua Wang, Ai-Jun Li, Dun-Mao Du, Yun-Fei Fan, Lei Wang, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, All-optical routing by light storage in a Pr3+:Y2SiO5 crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 93, 221112
35. Qiong-Yi He, Bing Zhang, Xiao-Gang Wei, Jin-Hui Wu, Shang-Qi Kuang, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Slow light by coherent hole-burnings, Phys. Rev. A 2008, 77, 063827
36. Jin-Hui Wu, G C. La Rocca, and M. Artoni, Controlled light-pulse propagation in driven color centers in diamond, Phys. Rev. B 2008, 77, 113106
37. Hai-Hua Wang, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, Ya-Juan Li, Dun-Mao Du, Xiao-Gang Wei, Jin- Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Erasure of stored optical information in a Pr3+: Y2SiO5 crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 92, 011105
38. Hai-Hua Wang, Xiao-Gang Wei, Lei Wang, Ya-Juan Li, Dun-Mao Du, Jin-Hui Wu, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Optical information transfer between two light channels in a Pr3+: Y2SiO5 crystal, Opt. Express 2007, 15, 16044-16050
39. Cui-Li Cui, Ji-Kui Jia, Jin-Wei Gao, Yan Xue, Gang Wang, Jin-Hui Wu*, Ultraslow and superluminal light propagation in a four-level atomic system, Phys. Rev. A 2007, 76, 033815
40. Yan Xue, Gang Wang, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Optical gain properties in a coherently prepared four-level cold atomic system, Phys. Rev. A 2007, 75, 063832
41. Jin-Hui Wu, Cui-Li Cui, Nuo Ba, Qi-Rong Ma, and Jin-Yue Gao, Dynamical evolution and analytical solutions for multiple degenerate dark states in the tripod- type atomic system, Phys. Rev. A 2007, 75, 043819
42. Xiao-Gang Wei, Jin-Hui Wu, Hai-Hua Wang, Ang Li, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Dark and bright Doppler-free resonances observed in atomic 87Rb vapor, EPL 2007, 78, 44002
43. Xiao-Gang Wei, Jin-Hui Wu, Hai-Hua Wang, Ang Li, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, and Jin-Yue Gao*, First-principles experimental observation of coherent hole burnings in atomic Rubidium vapor, Phys. Rev. A 2006, 74, 063820
44. Qiong-Yi He, Tie-Jun Wang, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Effects of resonant absorption and inhomogeneous broadening on reflection and absorption spectra of optical lattices in diamond NV centers, Opt. Express 2006, 14, 11727-11735
45. Qiong-Yi He, Jin-Hui Wu, Tie-Jun Wang, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Dynamic control of the photonic stop bands formed by a standing wave in inhomogeneous broadening solids, Phys. Rev. A 2006, 73, 053813
46. Jin-Hui Wu, Jin-Yue Gao, Ji-Hua Xu, L. Silvestri, M. Artoni, G.C. La Rocca, and F. Bassani, Dynamic control of coherent pulses via Fano-type interference in asymmetric double quantum wells, Phys. Rev. A 2006, 73, 053818
47. Xiao-Gang Wei, Jin-Hui Wu, Gui-Xia Sun, Zhuang Shao, Zhi-Hui Kang, Yun Jiang, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Splitting of an electromagnetically induced transparency window of Rubidium atoms in a static magnetic field, Phys. Rev. A 2005, 72, 023806
48. Jin-Hui Wu, Ai-Jun Li, Yue Ding, Yan-Chun Zhao, and Jin-Yue Gao, Control of spontaneous emission from a coherently driven four-level atom, Phys. Rev. A 2005, 72, 023802
49. Jin-Hui Wu, Jin-Yue Gao, Ji-Hua Xu, L. Silvestri, M. Artoni, G.C. La Rocca, and F. Bassani, Ultrafast all optical switching via tunable Fano interference, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2005, 95, 057401
50. Jin-Hui Wu, Hui-Fang Zhang, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Probe gain with population inversion in a four-level atomic system with vacuum induced coherence, Opt. Lett. 2003, 28, 654-656
51. Wei-Hua Xu, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Effects of spontaneously generated coherence on transient processes in a Lambda system, Phys. Rev. A 2002, 66, 063812
52. Hui-Fang Zhang, Jin-Hui Wu, Xue-Mei Su, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Quantum interference effects on the index of refraction in Er : YAG crystal, Phys. Rev. A 2002, 66, 053816
53. Jin-Hui Wu and Jin-Yue Gao*, Phase control of light amplification without inversion in a Lambda system with spontaneously generated coherence, Phys. Rev. A 2002, 65, 063807
54. Hui-Fang Zhang, Peng-Wang Zhai, Xue-Mei Su, Jin-Hui Wu, and Jin-Yue Gao*, Quantum- interference effects for gain leveling in optical fibers, Phys. Rev. A 2002, 65, 043812
1. 第四届长白青年科技奖特等奖,2002.09,独立获奖
2. 吉林省科技进步奖二等奖:原子相干效应的研究,2005.12,排名第二
3. 第六届饶毓泰基础光学奖优秀奖,独立获奖者,2007.07,独立获奖
4. 吉林省自然科学奖一等奖:相干光学介质的动态量子操控和可逆信息存储,2014.12,排名第一
5. 长春市优秀人才,2006年05月
6. 吉林省第九批有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才,2006年10月
7. 吉林省第十二批有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才,2012年12月
8. 吉林省高校首批学科领军教授,2013年03月


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    姓名:张力职称:教授学历:博士研究生性别:女出生年月:1963-04Emali:zhangl149@nenu.edu.cn办公地点:逸夫568办公电话:** 个人情况综述 张力,女,1963年4月28日出生。现工作于东北师范大学物理学院,副教授。1984年毕业于吉林大学物理系凝聚态物理专业,获 ...
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    姓名:衣学喜职称:教授学历:博士研究生性别:男出生年月:Emali:yixx@nenu.edu.cn办公地点:办公电话: 东师学者特聘教授,新加坡国立大学兼职研究员(senior research fellow)。全国量子力学研究会理事,全国量子光学专业委员会委员,量子科学中心主任。从事量子计算 ...
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