

东北师范大学 免费考研网/2016-04-15

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·2014年秋季学期 学历硕士2人.
·2014年春季学期 学历硕士2人.
·2013年秋季学期 博士1人,学历硕士1人.
·2013年春季学期 博士1人,学历硕士1人.
·2012年秋季学期 学历硕士2人.
·2012年春季学期 学历硕士2人.
·2011年秋季学期 博士1人,学历硕士2人.
·2011年春季学期 博士1人,学历硕士2人.
·2010年秋季学期 学历硕士2人.
·2010年春季学期 学历硕士2人.
·2009年秋季学期 学历硕士2人.

1. 何旭铭,史宁中,高巍,陶剑,胡宇,何旭铭. 非参数统计的理论和应用. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:140.0万元). 执行时间:2009-01—2015-12.
2. 何旭铭,史宁中,高巍,陶剑,胡宇. 非参数统计的理论和应用. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:20万元). 执行时间:2009-01—2010-12.

1. 郑术蓉,姜丹丹,白志东,何旭铭. Inference on multiple correlation coefficients with moderately high dimensional data. BIOMETRIKA(101卷3期748-754页). 2014-9-1.
2. 郑术蓉,姜丹丹,白志东,何旭铭. Inference on multiple correlation coefficients with moderately high dimensional data. BIOMETRIKA(101卷3期748-754页). 2014-9-1.
3. 徐平峰,郭建华,何旭铭. An improved iterative proportional scaling procedure for Gaussian graphical models. J COMPUT GRAPH STAT. 2011-06-01.
4. 刘瑞银,陶剑,史宁中,何旭铭. Bayesian analysis of the patterns of biological susceptibility via reversible jump MCMC sampling. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2011-03-01.
5. 王晓飞,郭建华,何旭铭. Finding the minimal set for collapsible graphical models. P AM MATH SOC. 2011-01-01.
6. 史宁中,何旭铭,陶剑. Understanding statistics and statistics education: a Chinese perspective. Journal of Statistics Education. 2009-11-01.
7. 胡宇,何旭铭,陶剑,史宁中. Modeling and prediction of children's growth data via functional principal component analysis. SCI CHINA SER A. 2009-06-01.
8. Zhou,J.,何旭铭. Dimension Reduction Based on Constrained Canonical Correlation and Variable Filtering. ANN STAT. 2008-08-01.
9. TianyueZhou,何旭铭. Three-step estimation in linear mixed models with skew-t distributions. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2008-07-01.
10. 王会霞,何旭铭. An Enhanced Quantile Approach for Assessing Differential Gene Expressions. BIOMETRICS. 2008-06-01.
11. Chen,C.,何旭铭,Wei,Y.. Lower Rank Approximation of Matrices Based on Fast and Robust Alternating Regression. J COMPUT GRAPH STAT. 2008-03-01.
12. Hu,J,何旭铭. Enhanced quantile normalization of microarray data to reduce loss of information in gene expression profiles. BIOMETRICS. 2007-04-01.
13. Wang,H.X.,何旭铭. Detecting Differential Expressions in GeneChip Microarray Studies: A Quantile Approach. J AM STAT ASSOC. 2007-02-01.
14. Mu,Y.,何旭铭. Power Transformation towards a Linear Regression Quantile. J AM STAT ASSOC. 2007-02-01.
15. Boente,G.,何旭铭,Zhou,J.. Robust estimates in generalized partially linear models. ANN STAT. 2006-10-01.
16. Wei,Y,何旭铭. Conditional Growth Charts. ANN STAT. 2006-08-01.
17. 何旭铭,Fung,W.K.,Zhu,Z.Y.. Robust Estimation in Generalized Partial Linear Models for Clustered Data. J AM STAT ASSOC. 2005-12-01.
18. 何旭铭,Zhu,L.X.. A lack-of-fit test for quantile regression. J AM STAT ASSOC. 2003-12-01.
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