东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-刘 宝
东北师范大学 免费考研网/2016-04-15
职 称:教授
2001年全职回国以来,先后承担“国家杰出青年科学基金”,国家自然科学基金重大、重点、面上项目,教育部“****与创新团队发展计划”创新团队,“国家外专局/教育部学科创新引智计划”,国家植物转基因专项,973课题等课题10余项。在PNAS, Nature Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, BMC Biology, Genetics, Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Journal of Experimental Biology, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Genome, BMC Plant Biology等本专业领域国际主流SCI杂志发表论文100余篇,被SCI他人引用2000多次,包括被Cell, Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature Biotechnology, Annual Review of Plant Biology, Annual Review of Genetics, Trend in Genetics, Trend in Ecology and Evolution, Plant Cell, PNAS, EMBO Journal等权威杂志的多次引用。参与了美国NSF植物多倍体、表观遗传学和基因组领域的多项项目评审。获省部级科技奖励5项。主要学习工作经历 1985年毕业于吉林农业大学获学士学位; 1988年毕业于吉林农业大学获硕士学位; 1992年毕业于南京农业大学获博士学位; 1995-1997,在以色列Weizmann Institute of Science从事博士后研究; 2000-2001,在美国Iowa State University做访问学者。 1998-至今,东北师范大学生命科学学院教授、博士生导师、分子表观遗传学教育部重点实验室主任、生科院教授委员会主任、校自然科学委员会主任。
获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
2009-12-01 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学二等奖2007-12-26 吉林省科学技术进步一等奖2005-12-03 吉林省科学技术进步奖一等奖1996-10-01 吉林省科技进步二等奖
教学信息 (数据来源:教务处)
科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处)
项目:1. 国家自然科学基金“重大研究计划”调研经费,国家自然科学基金委员会,2012年2. 小麦分子染色体工程与功能基因育种研究,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,2012年3. 大豆抗病虫基因载体构建与转基因大豆新种质创制,农业部,2011年4. 水稻耐碱基因的克隆和功能分析,中科院上海生命科学研究院,2011年5. 适应性辐射过程中物种的基因组动态及适应机制,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年6. 从水稻近缘野生种菰中克隆水稻稻瘟病抗性基因及转基因植物的培育,教育部,2009年7. 从水稻近缘野生种菰中克隆水稻重要病害抗性基因及其应用,吉林省科技厅,2009年8. 农作物杂种优势及利用的分子基础,科技部,2009年9. 吉林省主要农作物玉米、水稻、高粱杂种优势的表观遗传学研究,吉林省科技厅,2009年10. 大豆密腺基因分离的应用研究,科技部农科院,2009年11. 大豆进化生物学研究,国家转基因中试产业化基地,2009年12. 小麦染色体的显微切割,教育部,2009年13. 异源多倍体植物基因组进化的分子机制,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年14. 春玉米大豆转基因研究与产业化示范,国家转基因中试产业化基地,2009年15. 松嫩草原三种重要牧草--短芒野大麦、芦苇和羊草天然种群的表观遗传多样性及其与逆境适应的可能关系,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年16. 水稻近缘野生种DNA导入水稻生产遗传变异的分子机制研究,吉林省科技厅,2009年17. 水稻重要农艺性状的比较基因组研究,科技部(973课题),2009年18. 烟草原生质体融合,吉林省科委,2009年19. 茄子组织培养,吉林省蔬菜花卉研究所,2009年20. 菰DNA渐渗诱导水稻表观遗传变异及其与表型变异的关系,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年21. 营养、高效、耐盐、抗病水稻新品种选育,吉林省科技厅,2009年22. 表观遗传学机制在高等植物基因组进化和作物遗传改良中的作用,教育部,2009年23. 转基因生物新品种培育重大专项——抗病毒病和孢囊线虫病转基因大豆种质创新,农业部,2009年24. 通过不对称体细胞杂交将菰部分基因组转移给水稻,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年25. 非生物胁迫诱导玉米、高粱F1杂交种和自交系亲本DNA甲基化表观遗传变异的比较研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年26. 高等植物异源多倍体物种形成和基因组进化的机制和规律研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年27. 高等植物远缘杂交诱导的表观遗传变异,国家自然科学基金委员会,2009年专著:1. 现代生命科学进展,东北师范大学出版社,2008年2. 遗传学名词,科学出版社,2006年论文:1. Tissue Culture-Induced Heritable Genomic Variation in Rice, and Their Phenotypic Implications ,PLoS ONE ,2014年2. Genome-Wide Disruption of Gene Expression in Allopolyploids but Not Hybrids of Rice Subspecies,MOL BIOL EVOL,2014年3. Tissue-Specific and Cation/Anion-Specific DNA Methylation Variations Occurred in C.virgata in Response to Salinity Stress,PLoS ONE ,2013年4. Intrinsic karyotype stability and gene copy number variations may have laid the foundation for tetraploid wheat formation,P NATL ACAD SCI USA,2013年5. Genomewide Variation in an Introgression Line of Rice-Zizania Revealed by Whole-Genome re-Sequencing,PLoS ONE ,2013年6. Genetic and epigenetic differentiation between natural Betula ermanii (Betulaceae) populations inhabiting contrasting habitats,TREE GENET GENOMES,2013年7. Multigene engineering of starch biosynthesis in maize endosperm increases the total starch content and the proportion of amylose,TRANSGENIC RES,2013年8. Transcriptome alteration in a rice introgression line with enhanced alkali tolerance,PLANT PHYSIOL BIOCH,2013年9. Adaptational significance of variations in DNA methylation in clonal plant Hierochloe glabra (Poaceae) in heterogeneous habitats,AUST J BOT,2013年10. Tissue culture-induced genetic and epigenetic alterations in rice pure-lines, F1 hybrids and polyploids,BMC PLANT BIOL,2013年11. Extensive Microsatellite Variation in Rice Induced by Introgression from Wild Rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.),PLoS ONE ,2013年12. Inter-Species Grafting Caused Extensive and Heritable Alterations of DNA Methylation in Solanaceae Plants,PLoS ONE ,2013年13. DNA methylation involved in proline accumulation in response to osmotic stress in rice (Oryza sativa),GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH ,2013年14. Persistent whole-chromosome aneuploidy is generally associated with nascent allohexaploid wheat,P NATL ACAD SCI USA,2013年15. Cytosine Methylation Alteration in Natural Populations of Leymus chinensis Induced by Multiple Abiotic Stresses,PLoS ONE ,2013年16. Functional characterization of a rice de novo DNA methyltransferase,OsDRM2,expressed in Escherichia coli and yeast,BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO,2013年17. Heritable alteration in salt-tolerance in rice induced by introgression from wild rice (Zizania latifolia),RICE,2012年18. Effects of salt stress on ion balance and nitrogen metabolism of old and young leaves in rice (Oryza sativa L.),BMC PLANT BIOL,2012年19. Root-Specific DNA Methylation in Chloris virgata, a Natural Alkaline-Resistant Halophyte, in Response to Salt and Alkaline Stresses,PLANT MOL BIOL REP,2012年20. Transgenerational Inheritance of Modified DNA Methylation Patterns and Enhanced Tolerance Induced by Heavy Metal Stress in Rice (Oryza sativa L.),PLoS ONE ,2012年21. Comparative analyses of genetic/epigenetic diversities and structures in a wild barley species (Hordeum brevisubulatum) using MSAP,SSAP and AFLP,GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH ,2012年22. Natural epigenetic variation in the female great roundleaf bat(Hipposideros armiger) populations,MOL GENET GENOMICS,2012年23. Salt and alkaline stress induced transgenerational alteration in DNA methylation of rice (Oryza sativa),AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE,2012年24. Morphological and cytosine DNA methylation changes induced by a combined effect of boron (B) and salt toxicity in Sorghum bicolor inbred line,AFR J BIOTECHNOL,2012年25. Alteration of nitrogen metabolism in rice variety 'nipponbare'induced by alkali stress,PLANT SOIL,2012年26. Changes in DNA methylation and transgenerational mobilization of a transposable element (mPing) by the topoisomerase II inhibitor, etoposide, in rice,BMC PLANT BIOL,2012年27. Regulation of ion homeostasis in rice subjected to salt and alkali stresses,AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE,2012年28. Epigenetic instability in genetically stable micropropagated plants of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis,PLANT GROWTH REGUL,2012年29. Global transgenerational gene expression dynamics in two newly synthesized allohexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) lines,BMC BIOL,2012年30. Molecular Cytogenetic Characterization of Wheate-Thinopyrum elongatum Addition, Substitution and Translocation Lines with a Novel Source of Resistance to Wheat Fusarium Head Blight,J GENET GENOMICS,2012年31. Comparison of osmotic adjustment and ion balance strategies in nineteen alkali-tolerant halophyte species during adaptation to salt-alkalinized habitats in northeast China,AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE,2012年32. Tissue-Specific Differences in Cytosine Methylation and Their Association with Differential Gene Expression in Sorghum1[W],PLANT PHYSIOL,2011年33. Induced Pib Expression and Resistance to Magnaporthe grisea are Compromised by Cytosine Demethylation at Critical Promoter Regions in Rice,J INTEGR PLANT BIOL,2011年34. Chromosomal and genome-wide molecular changes associated with initial stages of allohexaploidization in wheat can be transit and incidental,GENOME,2011年35. Extensive and Heritable Epigenetic Remodeling and Genetic Stability Accompany Allohexaploidization of Wheat,GENETICS,2011年36. 水稻转座子Pong RNAi载体的构建和农杆菌介导的遗传转化,东北师大学报.自然科学版,2011年37. Habitat-induced reciprocal transformation in the root phenotype of Oriental ginseng is associated with alteration in DNA methylation,CHINESE SCI BULL,2011年38. Tissue culture-induced genomic alteration in maize (Zea mays) inbred lines and F1 hybrids,ANN APPL BIOL,2011年39. Heritable alteration in DNA methylation induced by nitrogen- deficiency stress accompanies enhanced tolerance by progenies to the stress in rice(Oryza sativa L.),J PLANT PHYSIOL,2011年40. Ethylmethane sulfonate changes induced in cytosine methylation and DNA sequences in rice,BOTANY,2011年41. The Vacuolar Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene SsNHX1 from the Halophyte Salsola soda Confers Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.),PLANT MOL BIOL REP,2011年42. Transpositional reactivation of two LTR retrotransposons in rice- Zizania recombinant inbred lines (RILs) ,HEREDITAS,2010年43. Epigenetic polymorphisms could contribute to the genomic conflicts and gene flow barriers resulting to plant hybrid necrosis,AFR J BIOTECHNOL,2010年44. Generality and characteristics of genetic and epigenetic changes in newly synthesized allotetraploid wheat lines,J GENET GENOMICS,2010年45. Grain-Yield Heterosis in Zea mays L. Shows Positive Correlation with Parental Difference in CHG Methylation,CROP SCI,2010年46. Transpositional reactivation of the Dart transposon family in rice lines derived from introgressive hybridization with Zizania latifolia,BMC PLANT BIOL,2010年47. Spaceflight-induced genetic and epigenetic changes in the rice (Oryza sativa L.) genome are independent of each other,GENOME,2010年48.Alteration of DNA methylation level and pattern in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) pure-lines and inter-line F1 hybrids following low-dose laser irradiation,J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO B,2010年49. Heterotic analysis using AFLP makers reveals moderate correlations between specific combining ability and genetic distance in maize inbred lines,AFR J BIOTECHNOL,2010年50. 萘胁迫对水稻基因组DNA甲基化模式及水平的影响,环境科学,2010年51. Stress-inducible expression of GmDREB1 conferred salt tolerance in transgenic alfalfa,PLANT CELL TISS ORG,2010年52. Rapid genomic alteration in an ‘incompatible’ pair of maize reciprocal F1 hybrids – a possible cause for the accumulation of inter-strain genetic diversity,HEREDITAS,2010年53. DNA cytosine methylation in plant development,J GENET GENOMICS,2010年54. Tissue culture-induced variation at simple sequence repeats in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is genotype-dependent and associated with down-regulated expression of a mismatch repair gene, MLH3,PLANT CELL REP,2010年55. The spaceflight environment can induce transpositional activation of multiple endogenous transposable elements in a genotype-dependent manner in rice,J PLANT PHYSIOL,2009年56. QTL analysis of kernel soluble sugar content in supersweet corn,AFR J BIOTECHNOL,2009年57. Genetic Diversity In Annual Wild Soybean (Glycine Soja Sieb. Et Zucc.) And Cultivated Soybean (G-Max. Merr.) From Different Latitudes In China,PAK J BOT,2009年58. Rapid genomic changes in polyploid wheat and related species :implications for genome evolution and genetic improvement,J GENET GENOMICS,2009年59. Transpositional activation of mPing in an asymmetric nuclear somatic cell hybrid of rice and Zizania latifolia was accompanied by massive element loss,THEOR APPL GENET,2009年60. Habitat fragmentation causes rapid sgenetic differentiation and homogenization in natural plant populations - A case study in Leymus chinensis,AFR J BIOTECHNOL,2009年61. Tissue culture-induced transpositional activity of mPing is correlated with cytosine methylation in rice,BMC PLANT BIOL,2009年62. DNA methylation polymorphism in annual wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc.) and cultivated soybean (G. max L. Merr.),CAN J PLANT SCI,2009年63. Molecular characterization of a rice mutator-phenotype derived from an incompatible cross-pollination reveals transgenerational mobilization of multiple transposable elements and extensive epigenetic instability,BMC PLANT BIOL,2009年64. Unintended consequence of plant transformation: biolistic transformation caused transpositional activation of an endogenous retrotransposon Tos17 in rice ssp. japonica cv. Matsumae,PLANT CELL REP,2009年65. Characterization of copia retrotransposons in Zizania latifolia shows atypical cytosine methylation patterns and differential occurrence from other species of the grass family,AQUAT BOT,2009年66. Clonal genetic diversity and populational genetic differentiation in Phragmites australis distributed in the Songnen Prairie in northeast China as revealed by amplified fragment length polymorphism and sequence-specific amplification polymorphism molecular markers,ANN APPL BIOL,2009年67. Limited tissue culture-induced mutations and linked epigenetic modifications in F1 hybrids of sorghum pure lines are accompanied by increased transcription of DNA methyltransferases and 5-methylcytosine glycosylases,PLANT J,2009年68. Spaceflight induces both transient and heritable alterations in DNA methylation and gene expression in rice (Oryza sativa L.),MUTAT RES-FUND MOL M,2009年69. Utility of the methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) marker for detection of DNA methylation polymorphism and epigenetic population structure in a wild barley species (Hordeum brevisubulatum),ECOL RES,2008年70. Interactions between herbivory and resource availability on grazing tolerance of Leymus chinensis,ENVIRON EXP BOT,2008年71. Copia retrotransposons of two disjunctive Panax species: P.ginseng and P.quinquefolius,AUST J BOT,2008年72. Tomato rootstock effects on gene expression patterns in eggplant scions,RUSS J PLANT PHYSL+,2008年73. Extent and pattern of genetic differentiation within and between phenotypic populations of Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) revealed by AFLP analysis,CAN J BOT,2007年74. Genetic variation in natural populations of Hordeum brevisubulatum native to the Songnen Prairie in northeastern China: comparison of four nuclear DNA markers,CAN J PLANT SCI,2007年75. Genetic and epigenetic instabilities induced by tissue culture in wild barley (Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link),PLANT CELL TISS ORG,2007年76. Endosperm-specific hypomethylation, and meiotic inheritance and variation of DNA methylation level and pattern in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) inter-strain hybrids,THEOR APPL GENET,2007年77. Tissue culture-induced locus-specific alteration in DNA methylation and its correlation with genetic variation in Codonopsis lanceolata Benth.et Hook.f,PLANT CELL REP,2007年78. Somaclonal variation at the nucleotide sequence level in rice (Oryza sativa L.) as revealed by RAPD and ISSR markers, and by pairwise sequence analysis,JOURNAL OF APPLIED GENETICS,2007年79. Epigenetic inheritance and variation of DNA methylation level and pattern in maize intra-specific hybrids,PLANT SCI,2007年80. A Novel Approach to Functional Analysis of the Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase Small Subbit Gene by Agrobacterium-mediated Gene Silencing,JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY,2006年81. Efficient micropropagation of Japanese Photinia [Photinia glabra (Thunb.) Maxim.] retaining genetic and epigenetic stability,PROPAGATION OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS,2006年82. Extent and pattern of DNA methylation alteration in rice lines derived from introgressive hybridization of rice and Zizania latifolia Griseb,THEOR APPL GENET,2006年83. Genomic instability in phenotypically normal regenerants of medicinal plant Codonopsis lanceolata Benth. et Hook. f., as revealed by ISSR and RAPD markers,PLANT CELL REP,2006年84. In planta Mobilization of mPing and its putative autonomous element Pong in Rice by Hydrostatic Pressurization,J EXP BOT,2006年85. Isolation and characterization of a set of disease resistance-gene analogs(RGAs) from wild rice, Zizania latifoliaGriseb.I.Introgression, copy number lability,sequence change, and DNA methylation alteration in several rice-Zizania introgression lines,GENOME,2006年86. Heritable alteration in DNA methylation pattern occurred specifically at mobile elements in rice plants following hydrostatic pressurization,BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO,2006年87. Alterations in DNA methylation and genome structure in two rice mutant lines induced by high pressure,SCI CHINA SER C,2006年88. Efficient micropropagation of Robinia ambigua var.idahoensis(Idaho Locust) and detection of genomic variation by ISSR markers,PLANT CELL TISS ORG,2006年89. Genomic diversity within Taxus cuspidata var. nana revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA markers,RUSS J PLANT PHYSL+,2006年90. 尾叶香茶菜化学成分及药理作用的研究,东北师大学报(自然科学版),2005年91. Quantitative Relationship Between Multi-angle Polarized Reflectance and BRDF of Rock,中国矿业大学学报(英文版),2005年92. Extensive de novo genomic variation in rice induced by introgression from wild rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb),GENETICS,2005年93. Allopolyploidy in wheat induces rapid and heritable alterations in DNA methylation patterns of cellular genes and mobile elements,ГЕНЕГИКА,2005年94. Rapid and repeatable elimination of a parental genome-specific DNA repeat (pGclR-la) in newly synthesized wheat allopolyploids,GENETICS,2005年95. The Analysis of rbcS Gene Function by Post-transcription Gene Silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana,遗传学报,2005年96. 松嫩平原碱化草甸旱地生境芦苇种群的芽流和芽库动态,应用生态学报,2005年97. Mobilization of the active MITE transposons mPing and Pong in rice by introgression from wild rice(Zizania latifolia Griseb.),MOL BIOL EVOL,2005年98. Establishment of a core collection for the Chinese annual wild soybean(Glycine Soja),CHINESE SCI BULL,2005年99. Mobilized retrotransposon Tos17 of rice by alien DNA introgression transposes into genes and causes structual and methylation alterations of a flanking genomic region,HEREDITAS,2004年100. Construction of the seed-Coat cDNA Microarray and Screening of Differentially Expressed Genes in Barley,ACTA BIOCHIMICA et BIOPHYSICA SINICA,2004年101. DNA METHYLATION POLYMORPHISM IN A SET OF ELITE RICE CULTIVARS AND ITS POSSIBLE CONTRIBUTION TO INTERCULTIVAR DIFFERERNTIAL GENE EXPRESSION,CELL MOL BIOL LETT,2004年102. Genomic constitution and variation in five partial amphiploids of wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium as revealed by GHIS, multicolor GISH and seed storage protein analysis,THEOR APPL GENET,2004年103. Extensive alterations in DNA methylation and transcription in rice caused by introgression from Zizania latifolia,PLANT MOL BIOL,2004年104. Activation of a rice endogenous retrotransposon Tos17 in tissue culture is accompanied by cytosine demethylation and causes heritable alteration in methylation pattern of flanking genomic regions,THEOR APPL GENET,2004年105. Differential Expression of Specific Proteins during In Vitro Tomato Organogenesis,RUSS J PLANT PHYSL+,2004年106. Molecular characterization of a cryptic wheat-thinopyrum intermedium translocation line:evidence for genomic instability in nascent allopolyploid and aneuploid lines,GENET MOL BIOL,2004年107. Alien DNA introgression into rice causes heritable alterations in DNA methylation patterns in an active retrotransposon Tos17,ACTA BOTANICA SINICA,2004年108. The genetic diversity of cultivated soybean grown in China,THEOR APPL GENET,2003年109. A chromosome-specific sequence common to the B genome of polyploid wheat and Aegilops searsii,PLANT SYST EVOL,2003年110. Rapid genomic changes in interspecific and intergeneric hybrids and allopolyploids of Triticeae,GENOME,2003年111. Epigenetic phenomena and the evolution of plant allopolyploid,MOL PHYLOGENET EVOL,2003年112. Intron Size and Genome Size in Plants,Mol.Biol.Evol. ,2002年113. Non-Mendelian Phenomena in Allopolyploid Genome Evolution,Current Genomics ,2002年114. Microdissection of individual chromosomes of Thinopyrum intermedium and isolation of molecular markers that are useful in detecting Th.intermedium chromatin introgressed into wheat,Cereal Research Communications ,2002年115. Characterization of Two Groups of Low-copy and Specific DNA Sequences Isolated from Chromosome 7B of Common Wheat,植物学报,2002年116. Cell culture induced introgression of Thinoyrum intermedium chromatin into common wheat,Plant Cell,Tissue and Organ Culture,2001年117. Polyploid formation in cotton is not accompanied by rapid genomic changes,GENOME,2001年118. Foreign DNA introgression caused heritable cytosine demethylation in ribosomal,ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM,2001年119. Cytosine methylation changes in rice centromeric and telomeric sequences induced,BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM ,2001年120. 利用从菰中克隆的DNA序列检测水稻基因组中存在的菰染色质,东北师大学报 ,2000年121. 天蓝冰草单条染色体的显微分离、专化DNA序列的克隆及其在检测导入小麦的冰草染色质中的应用,东北师大学报(专辑) ,2000年122. 水稻组织培养过程中rDNA变异的初步研究,东北师大学报 ,2000年123. Retrotransposon activation followed by rapid repression in introgressed rice plants,GENOME,2000年124. 多倍体小麦物种形成可诱发稳定遗传的胞嘧啶甲基化变异,自然科学进展,2000年125. Speciation-induced heritable cytosine methylation changes in pol,PROGRESS IN SCICNCE,2000年126. Isolation of Zizania latifolia specied-specific DNA sequences,Acta Botanica Sinica ,2000年127. 利用RFLP揭示普通小麦与野生二粒小麦间A和B组染色体的遗传分化,植物学报,2000年128. Molecular analyses of a repetitive DNA sequence in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),GENOME,2000年129. Molecular analyses of arepetitive DNA sequec in wheat (Tritcum),TONOME ,2000年130. 普通小麦7B染色体的显微分离和低拷贝专化DNA序列的克隆,科学通报中英文 ,1999年131. 普通小麦—天蓝冰草部分双二倍体基因组变异的研究,植物学报,1999年132. 水稻与菰高度不对称体细胞杂种的创制以及基因组间遗传交换的证据,Theor Appl Genel ,1999年133. Psolation of a gene coding for a putative sterol C-24methyltrans,Wheat Inffomation Servece,1999年134. DNA methylation changes in rice induced by Zizania latifolia(Gri,HEREDITAS,1999年135. Production and molecular characterization of rice lines with int,J.GENET.BREED,1999年136. 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东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-张 涛
张涛 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:讲师 研究方向:草地生态学办公电话:N/A办公地点:电子邮件:zhangt946@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历自2012年以来任职于东北师范大学草地科学研究所,植被生态科学教育部重点实验室。主要从事菌根生态学和草地生态学研究,重在研究地下生态系统和地上 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-张振兴
张振兴 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:讲师 研究方向:生态工程学办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件:zhangzx725@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历 社会兼职 获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处) 教学信息 (数据来源:教务处) 生态学与草业科学研究方法草地科学与生态学研究 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-谭 江
谭江 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:讲师 研究方向:动物生理学办公电话:NULL办公地点:电子邮件:tanj479@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历NULLNULL 社会兼职 获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处) 2010-12-31 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学一 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-张禄卿
张禄卿 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:讲师 研究方向:办公电话:**办公地点:电子邮件:zhanglq479@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历2011年-今,东北师范大学生命科学学院,讲师2006年-2011年,南京大学,模式动物研究所,博士2002年-2006年,南京大学生命科学学院生物技 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-刘鞠善
刘鞠善 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:讲师 研究方向:放牧生态学办公电话:NULL办公地点:电子邮件:liujs606@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历主要从事植物生态学、草地生态学以及全球变化生态学研究。在动植物互惠和协同进化关系、加拿大北方针叶林种子质量的空间变异,以及枯落物在草地生态系 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-崔思思
崔思思 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:讲师 研究方向:糖化学办公电话:**办公地点:电子邮件:cuiss100@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历2004.9-2008.6中国药科大学国家基础药学理科基地本科2008.9-2010.6中国药科大学药物分析学硕士2010.9-2013.6中国药科 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-宋振波
宋振波 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:讲师 研究方向:办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件:songzb484@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历 社会兼职 获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处) 教学信息 (数据来源:教务处) 科研信息 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处) ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-刘 洋
刘洋 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:讲师 研究方向:生物教学论办公电话:办公地点:电子邮件:liuy914@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历 社会兼职 获奖情况 (数据来源:科学技术处、社会科学处) 教学信息 (数据来源:教务处) 生物课程开发与利用油画全身像组合教育见习中学生物实验 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-黄 鹤
黄鹤 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:副教授 研究方向:办公电话:0431—**办公地点:生命科学学院 电子邮件:huangh158@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历主要研究方向为生物学课程与教学论。主讲课程包括本科课程《生物课程标准解读与分析》、《中学生物教学设计》、《信息技术在生物学教学中 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15东北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-金龙如
金龙如 东北师范大学生命科学学院 职 称:副教授 研究方向:动物生态学办公电话:NULL办公地点:生科院206-5电子邮件:jinlr915@nenu.edu.cn 个人简历1998-2005年,本科和硕士就读于东北师范大学环境科学专业,硕士导师为冯江教授。2009年,在中国科学院沈阳应用生态研 ...东北师范大学师资导师 东北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-04-15