

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-20


张红香 女 硕导 东北地理与农业生态研究所

张红香,女,1981年1月出生,博士,一级副研究员,硕士研究生导师。国际种子科学学会会员,中国生态学会、植物学会和草学会会员。围绕草地植物种子性状和植物早期生长对环境因素(温度、干旱、盐碱)及全球气候变化(增温、氮沉降)的响应对策,开展了大量野外和室内研究工作。发表学术论文40余篇,其中以第一和通讯作者身份在《Plant and Soil》、《Annals of Botany》、《PLoS ONE》、《Crop Science》、《Grass and Forage Science》等国际期刊发表SCI论文12篇。主持国家自然科学青年和面上基金、国家科技资源共享服务平台项目课题、973项目子课题、中科院重点部署项目专题,参与中科院战略性先导科技专项、国家自然科学重点基金、国家科技基础性工作专项等项目。担任《Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment》、《Ecological Research》、《Grass and Forage Science》、《植物生态学报》、《草业科学》等杂志审稿人。






2005-11--2006-04 新西兰梅西大学自然资源学院 访问学者
2003-09--2008-07 东北师范大学草地科学研究所 理学博士
1999-09--2003-07 东北师范大学生命科学学院 理学学士




2011-01-- 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所区域农业中心,副研究员
2008-11--2010-12 中国科学院植物研究所生态中心,博士后




1. Zhang H, Tian Y, Guan B, Zhou D, Sun Z, Baskin CC. (2018) The best salt solution parameter to describe seed/seedling responses to saline and sodic salts. Plant and Soil, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3623-8.
2. Zhao M, Zhang H*, Yan H, Qiu L, Baskin CC. (2018) Mobilization and role of starch, protein and fat reserves during seed germination of six wild grassland species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9: 234.
3. Zhang H, Bonser SP, Chen SC, Hitchcock T, Moles AT. (2018) Is the proportion of clonal species higher at higher latitudes in Australia? Austral Ecology, 43: 69-75.
4. Zhang H, Zhang G, Lü X, Zhou D, Han X. (2015) Salt tolerance during seed germination and early seedling stages of 12 halophytes. Plant and Soil, 388: 229-241.
5. Zhang H, Tian Y, Zhou D. (2015) A modified thermal time model quantifying germination response to temperature for C3 and C4 species in temperate grassland. Agriculture, 5 (3): 412-426.
6. Zhang H, Yu Q, Huang Y, Zheng W, Tian Y, Song Y, Li G, Zhou D. (2014) Germination shifts of C3 and C4 species under simulated global warming scenario. PLoS ONE, 9: e105139.
7. Zhang H, Zhou D, Tian Y, Huang Y, Sun Z. (2013) Comparison of seed germination and early seedling growth responses to salinity and temperature of the halophyte Chloris virgata and the glycophyte Digitaria sanguinalis. Grass and Forage Science, 68: 596-604.
8. Zhang H, McGill C, Irving L, Kemp P, Zhou D. (2013) A modified thermal time model to predict germination rate of ryegrass and tall fescue at constant temperatures. Crop Science 53: 240-249.
9. Zhang H, Irving L, Tian Y, Zhou D. (2012) Influence of salinity and temperature on seed germination rate and the hydrotime model parameters for the halophyte, Chloris virgata, and the glycophyte, Digitaria sanguinalis. South African Journal of Botany 78: 203-210.
10. Zhang H, Irving L, McGill C, Matthew C, Zhou D, Kemp P. (2010) The effects of salinity and osmotic stress on barley germination rate: sodium as an osmotic regulator. Annals of Botany 106 (6): 1027-1035.
11. Zhang H, Zhou D, Matthew C, Wang P, Zheng W. (2008) Photosynthetic contribution of cotyledons in Cynoglossum divaricatum and Amaranthus retroflexus to early seedling development. New Zealand Journal of Botany 46 (1): 39-48.
12. Zhang H, Wu Y, Matthew C, Zhou D, Wang P. (2008) Contribution of cotyledons to seedling dry weight and development in Medicago falcata L. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 51 (2): 107-114.
13. Zhang H, Zhou D, Wang P, Wang T, Jin Y. (2007) Germination responses of four wild species to diurnal increase or decrease in temperature. Seed Science and Technology 35 (2): 291-302. Chen SC, Cornwell WK, Zhang H, Moles AT. (2017) Plants show more flesh in the tropics: variation in fruit type along latitudinal and climatic gradients. Ecography, 40: 531-538.
14. Chen SC, Cornwell WK, Zhang H, Moles AT. (2017) Plants show more flesh in the tropics: variation in fruit type along latitudinal and climatic gradients. Ecography, 40: 531-538.
15. Moles A, et al. Zhang H, Zobel M, Bonser S. (2014) Which is a better predictor of plant traits: temperature or precipitation? Journal of Vegetation Science, 5: 1167-1180.
16. Luan Z, Xiao M, Zhou D, Zhang H, Tian Y, Wu Y, Guan B, Song Y. (2014) Effects of salinity, temperature, and polyethylene glycol on the seed germination of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) The Scientific World Journal, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/170418.
17. Song Y, Zhou D, Zhang H, Jin Y, Li Q. (2013) Effects of vegetation height and density on soil temperature variations. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58: 907-912.(10)
18. Tian Y, Zhang H, Wang P, Zhou D. (2012) Predicting germination response of primed and non-primed seeds of five crops under field-variable temperature. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Plant Soil Science 62 (2): 172-178.
19. Huang Y, Zhao X, Zhou D, Zhang H, Zheng W. (2012) Phenotypic plasticity of early and late successional forbs in response to shifts in resources. PLoS ONE 7 (11): e50304.
20. Zheng W, Li GD, Huang YX, Zhang HX, Luan ZH, Wang P, Shao DK, Zhou DW. (2012) Compensatory growth responses of seedlings of Pharbitis purpurea (Convulvulaceae) to tissue removal at different seeding depths of seeds. Ecological Research 27 (3): 569-576.
21. Zheng W, Zhang H, Japhet W, Zhou D. (2011) Phenotypic plasticity of hypocotyl is an emergence strategy for species with different seed size in response to light and burial depth. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 9 (3 & 4): 742-747.
22. Wu Y, Zhang H, Zhou D. (2011) Emergence and seedling growth of five forage legume species at various burial depth and two light levels. African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (45): 9051-9060.
23. Zheng W, Wang P, Zhang H, Zhou D. (2011) Photosynthetic characteristics of the cotyledon and first true leaf of castor (Ricinus communis L.) Australian Journal of Crop Science 5: 702-708.
24. Zheng W, Yang J, Luan Z, Wang P, Zhang H, Zhou D. (2011) Compensatory growth and photosynthetic responses of Pharbitis purpurea seedlings to clipped cotyledon and second leaf. Photosynthetica 49 (1): 21-28.
25. Japhet W, Zhou D, Jin Y, Zhang H. (2010) Phenotypic plasticity and its potential impact on grain production in two annual crop species. International Journal of Applied Biological Research 2 (2): 7-18.
26. Guan B, Zhou D, Zhang H, Tian Y, Japhet W, Wang P. (2009) Germination responses of Medicago ruthenica seeds to salinity, alkalinity, and temperature. Journal of Arid Environments 73: 135-138.
27. Huang Y, Zhao X, Zhou D, Zhao H, Zhang H, Zuo X, Mao W. (2009) Allometry of Salsola collina in response to soil nutrients, water supply and population density. Nordic Journal of Botany 27: 539-547.
28. Japhet W, Zhou D, Zhang H, Zhang H, Tian Y. (2009) Evidence of phenotypic plasticity in the response of Fagopyrum esculentum to population density and sowing date. Journal of Plant Biology 52: 303-311.
29. Wang T, Zhou D, Wang P, Zhang H. (2006) Size-dependent reproductive effort in Amaranthus retroflexus: the influence of planting density and sowing date. Canadian Journal of Botany 84 (3): 1-8.
30. 赵明,颜宏,张红香*,邱璐. (2018) 种子贮藏物质与萌发的关系研究进展. 土壤与作物,7 (2): 189-200.
31. 赵明,张红香*,颜宏,邱璐. (2018) 光照强度对六种草地植物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响. 生态科学,37 (2): 0-0.
32. 张红香,周道玮. (2016) 种子生态学研究现状. 草业科学,33 (11): 2221-2236.
33. 张红香,田雨,周道玮,郑伟,王敏玲. (2012) 大麦种子对盐的发芽响应模型. 植物生态学报,36 (8): 849-858.
34. 张红香,周道玮. (2009) 种子发芽生态研究. 草地学报,17 (1): 131-133.
35. 张红香,王立,周道玮,闫修民. (2007) 不同刈割时间收获后的羊草、芦苇水分和呼吸的变化. 中国草地学报,29 (6): 107-112.
36. 武祎,田雨,张红香,杨健,吴志红. (2015) 盐、碱胁迫与温度对黄花苜蓿种子发芽的影响. 草业科学,32 (11): 1847-1853.
37. 胡宗英,张红香,孙泽威. (2014) 盐碱胁迫对农牧作物种子萌发的影响研究进展. 中国种业,5: 21-23.
38. 秦峰梅,张红香,武祎,周道玮. (2010) 盐胁迫对黄花苜蓿种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响. 草业学报,19 (4): 71-78.
39. 田雨,武祎,郑伟,张红香,周道玮. (2009) 黄花苜蓿种质发芽及早期生长对NaCl胁迫的响应. 中国草地学报,31 (6): 25-29.
40. 王平,王天慧,周道玮,张红香. (2007) 植物地上竞争与地下竞争研究进展. 生态学报,27: 3469-3499.



Zhang H, Bonser SP, Chen S-C, Hitchcock T, Moles A. (2017) Clonality-latitude relationship and the underlying mechanisms. XIX International Botanical Congress.
Zhang H, Tasisa BY, Gao Y. (2017) The dominant species Stipa grandis was depressed by nitrogen deposition. The 12th International Congress of Ecology.
张红香. (2017) 种子储藏物质含量与种子萌发的关系. 第五届全国种子科学与技术学术研讨会.
Zhang H, Xiang Y, Li Qiang, Zhou D. (2016) Can nitrogen addition increase salt tolerance of alfalfa and Leymus chinensis at germination and early seedling stages? Seed Ecology V.
张红香. (2012) 松嫩草原27种植物的萌发积温模型分析. 第四届全国植物繁殖生态学学术研讨会论文摘要集.
张红香. (2011) 用修正积温模型预测黑麦草和高羊茅在恒温下的发芽速率. 第二届全国种子科学与技术学术研讨会论文摘要集,38.


与日本筑波大学Louis Irving博士有合作研究
与新西兰梅西大学Peter Kemp教授和Cory Matthew教授有合作研究
与澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Angela Moles教授有合作研究
与美国肯塔基大学Carol Baskin教授有合作研究


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