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论文题目: | Divergent responses to water and nitrogen addition of three perennial bunchgrass species from variously degraded typical steppe in Inner Mongolia |
英文论文题目: | Divergent responses to water and nitrogen addition of three perennial bunchgrass species from variously degraded typical steppe in Inner Mongolia |
第一作者: | 张红香 |
英文第一作者: | Hong X.Zhang |
联系作者: | 张红香 |
英文联系作者: | Hong X.Zhang |
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发表年度: | 2019 |
卷: | 647 |
期: | |
页码: | 1344-1350 |
摘要: | Water and nitrogen (N) availability to plants are spatially and temporally variable in arid and semi-arid grasslands. We aimed to investigate the eco-physiological responses of three bunchgrass species to water and N addition along a gradient of habitat degradation in the Inner Mongolian typical grasslands. The effects of water and N addition on aboveground and belowground growth andbiomass allocationand water- and nitrogen-use efficiency (WUE and NUE) ofStipa grandis,Agropyron cristatumandCleistogenes squarrosafrom non-degraded, moderately-degraded and heavily-degraded grasslands, respectively, were compared.Stipa grandishad higher specific root length andWUEthanC. squarrosa, whileC. squarrosahad higher NUE thanS. grandisin water- and N-limited conditions. Responses ofA. cristatumwere intermediate between those ofS. grandisandC. squarrosa. Water and N addition did not have a significant effect on growth and biomass allocation ofS. grandis, but it increased growth and leaf biomass allocation ofA. cristatumand growth and stem biomass allocation ofC. squarrosa. The three species differ in WUE, NUE, biomass allocation and responses to water and N addition, and these differences are adaptive to their respective habitats. The degraded grasslands can be restored by an increase in water and N availability such as is expected to occur via climatic change, butS. grandiswill not benefit from the increases.Water and nitrogen (N) availability to plants are spatially and temporally variable in arid and semi-arid grasslands. We aimed to investigate the eco-physiological responses of three bunchgrass species to water and N addition along a gradient of habitat degradation in the Inner Mongolian typical grasslands. The effects of water and N addition on aboveground and belowground growth andbiomass allocationand water- and nitrogen-use efficiency (WUE and NUE) ofStipa grandis,Agropyron cristatumandCleistogenes squarrosafrom non-degraded, moderately-degraded and heavily-degraded grasslands, respectively, were compared.Stipa grandishad higher specific root length andWUEthanC. squarrosa, whileC. squarrosahad higher NUE thanS. grandisin water- and N-limited conditions. Responses ofA. cristatumwere intermediate between those ofS. grandisandC. squarrosa. Water and N addition did not have a significant effect on growth and biomass allocation ofS. grandis, but it increased growth and leaf biomass allocation ofA. cristatumand growth and stem biomass allocation ofC. squarrosa. The three species differ in WUE, NUE, biomass allocation and responses to water and N addition, and these differences are adaptive to their respective habitats. The degraded grasslands can be restored by an increase in water and N availability such as is expected to occur via climatic change, butS. grandiswill not benefit from the increases. |
英文摘要: | Water and nitrogen (N) availability to plants are spatially and temporally variable in arid and semi-arid grasslands. We aimed to investigate the eco-physiological responses of three bunchgrass species to water and N addition along a gradient of habitat degradation in the Inner Mongolian typical grasslands. The effects of water and N addition on aboveground and belowground growth andbiomass allocationand water- and nitrogen-use efficiency (WUE and NUE) ofStipa grandis,Agropyron cristatumandCleistogenes squarrosafrom non-degraded, moderately-degraded and heavily-degraded grasslands, respectively, were compared.Stipa grandishad higher specific root length andWUEthanC. squarrosa, whileC. squarrosahad higher NUE thanS. grandisin water- and N-limited conditions. Responses ofA. cristatumwere intermediate between those ofS. grandisandC. squarrosa. Water and N addition did not have a significant effect on growth and biomass allocation ofS. grandis, but it increased growth and leaf biomass allocation ofA. cristatumand growth and stem biomass allocation ofC. squarrosa. The three species differ in WUE, NUE, biomass allocation and responses to water and N addition, and these differences are adaptive to their respective habitats. The degraded grasslands can be restored by an increase in water and N availability such as is expected to occur via climatic change, butS. grandiswill not benefit from the increases.Water and nitrogen (N) availability to plants are spatially and temporally variable in arid and semi-arid grasslands. We aimed to investigate the eco-physiological responses of three bunchgrass species to water and N addition along a gradient of habitat degradation in the Inner Mongolian typical grasslands. The effects of water and N addition on aboveground and belowground growth andbiomass allocationand water- and nitrogen-use efficiency (WUE and NUE) ofStipa grandis,Agropyron cristatumandCleistogenes squarrosafrom non-degraded, moderately-degraded and heavily-degraded grasslands, respectively, were compared.Stipa grandishad higher specific root length andWUEthanC. squarrosa, whileC. squarrosahad higher NUE thanS. grandisin water- and N-limited conditions. Responses ofA. cristatumwere intermediate between those ofS. grandisandC. squarrosa. Water and N addition did not have a significant effect on growth and biomass allocation ofS. grandis, but it increased growth and leaf biomass allocation ofA. cristatumand growth and stem biomass allocation ofC. squarrosa. The three species differ in WUE, NUE, biomass allocation and responses to water and N addition, and these differences are adaptive to their respective habitats. The degraded grasslands can be restored by an increase in water and N availability such as is expected to occur via climatic change, butS. grandiswill not benefit from the increases. |
刊物名称: | Science of the Total Environment |
英文刊物名称: | Science of the Total Environment |
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参与作者: | H. X. Zhang, Y. Z. Gao, B. Y. Tasisa, J. M. Baskin, C. C. Baskin, X. T. Lu and D. W. Zhou |
英文参与作者: | H. X. Zhang, Y. Z. Gao, B. Y. Tasisa, J. M. Baskin, C. C. Baskin, X. T. Lu and D. W. Zhou |
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