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2003.10-2004.10  澳大利亚Monash大学做高级访问学者
1996.09-2000.06  吉林大学,化学系,理学博士
1985.09-1988.06  东北师范大学,化学系,理学硕士
1981.09-1985.06  东北师范大学,化学系,本科

2017.02 -至今 长春师范大学校长
2007.01-2017.02 长春师范大学副校长
2003.06-2007.01  长春师范大学教务处处长
2000.03-2003.06  长春师范大学教务处副处长
1991.11-2000.03 长春师范大学化学系教师
1988.07-1991.11  吉林大学白求恩医学部教师

1. 郭飞君,刘春明,闫玉,赵慧君,杨以纲,刘钊,马永双。地方高校培养农村基础教育全科型教师的研究与实践,国家级教学成果二等奖,2014年。
2. 赵骥民,刘益春,刘春明,李元昌,赵志军,于伟,郭飞君。面向农村基础教育培养专家型教师的理论研究与实践探索,国家级教学成果二等奖,2009年。
3. 赵骥民,刘春明,赵慧君,马大风,郭飞君。高师本科科学教育专业的创建与人才培养的研究和实践,国家级教学成果二等奖,2005年。
4. 刘春明,杨以纲,郭飞君,闫玉,赵慧君,刘钊,马永双。地方高校培养农村基础教育全科型教师的研究与实践,吉林省教学成果奖,一等奖,2014年。
5. 刘春明,张语迟,刘舒,郑梅竹,王晶,刘志强,时东方,皮子凤。常用中药材中治疗糖尿病等症的活性成分分离筛选及结构表征研究,吉林省科技进步奖,二等奖,2014年。
6. 刘春明,张语迟,郑梅竹,郭飞君,时东方。传统中药罗布麻抗抑郁有效成分的分离提取及新药开发研究,吉林省科技进步奖,二等奖,2012年。
7. 刘春明,李丽,时东方,皮子凤,郑梅竹,王强,张语迟,王晶。中药苯乙醇苷类化合物提取分离及抗氧化成分活性评价研究,吉林省科技进步奖,二等奖,2010年。

1. 刘春明,张语迟,白云鹏,齐艳娟,吴桂梅,一种罗布麻叶提取物的制备方法。专利号:ZL 6.5。
2. 李丽,刘春明. 中药抗氧化成分的现代分离和分析技术,科学出版社,出版时间:2011年5月,ISBN:978-7-03-030933-4
1. 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:**),药用植物中异黄酮类成分抗缺血性脑卒中的活性筛选及作用机制研究,63万,2017.01-2020.12。
2. 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:**),人参属植物抗阿尔茨海默病的活性成分筛选方法及作用机制研究,82万,2014.01-2017.12。
3. 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:**),药用植物抗帕金森病的活性成分筛选及作用机制的研究,68万,2012.1-2015.12。
4. 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:**),药用植物罗布麻抗抑郁成分的分离、活性评价及作用机制的研究,33万,2010.1-2012.12。
6. 吉林省科技发展计划项目(编号:JC),异黄酮类化合物的分离提取及抗癫痫病活性评价研究(探索):10万,2016.01-2018.12.
7. 教育部归国留学人员实验室建设项目(编号:教财[2011]185号 ),吉林省天然药物分离纯化及活性筛选实验室建设项目,500万,2011.8-2013.8.
9. 吉林省科技厅重点项目(编号:**),常用中药材中治疗糖尿病等症的活性成分筛选及物质资源库的建立,25万,2011.1-2013.12.
10. 吉林省科技厅项目(编号:JH),治疗神经退行性疾病活性成分分离纯化及筛选创新团队,15万,2013.1-2015.12.


1.Chunming Liu, Sainan Li, Rong Tsao, Senlin Li, Yuchi Zhang. Extractionand isolation of potential anti-stroke compounds from black soybean (Glycinemax L. Merrill) guided by in vitro PC12 cell model [J]. Journal of FunctionalFoods, 2017, 31, 295–303
2.Yuchi Zhang, Jianxu Zhang, Chunming Liu*, Min Yu, Sainan Li.Extraction, isolation, and aromatase inhibitory evaluation of low-polarginsenosides from Panax ginseng leaves [J]. Journal of Chromatography A,2017, 1483, 20–29.
3.Yuchi Zhang, Jingying Xu, Chunming Liu*, Sainan Li. Screening ofneuraminidase inhibitors from the leaves of Syringa velutina Kom. viacompound fractionation and in vitro activity evaluation [J]. AnalyticalMethods, 2017, 9: 500–510.
4.Senlin Li, Sainan Li, Ying Tang, Chunming Liu*, Lina Chen, YuchiZhang. Ultrafiltration-LC–MS combined with semi-preparative HPLC for thesimultaneous screening and isolation of lactate dehydrogenase inhibitors fromBelamcanda chinensis [J]. Journal of Separation Science, 2016, 39(23): 4533–4543.
5. Ying Tang, SenlinLi, Sainan Li, Xiaojing Yang, Yao Qin, Yuchi Zhang, Chunming Liu*.Screening and isolation of potential lactate dehydrogenase inhibitors fromfive Chinese medicinal herbs: Soybean, Radix pueraria, Flos pueraria, Rhizomabelamcandae, and Radix astragali [J]. Journal of Separation Science,2016, 39 (11): 2043–2049.
6.Meizhu Zheng, Chunming Liu*, Yajun Fan,Dongfang Shi, Yuchi Zhang. Protective Effects of PaeoniflorinAgainst MPP+-induced Neurotoxicity in PC12 Cells [J]. Neurochemical Research,2016, 41 (6): 1323–1334.
7. Yueqi Wang, YingTang, Chunming Liu*, Chong Shi, Yuchi Zhang. Determination andisolation of potential α-glucosidase and xanthine oxidase inhibitors fromTrifolium pratense L. by ultrafiltration liquid chromatography and high-speedcountercurrent chromatography [J]. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2016,25 (5): 1020–1029.
8. Jing Wang, MeizhuZheng, Lina Chen, Zhiqiang Liu, Yuchi Zhang, Chun-ming Liu*, Shu Liu.Rapid screening, separation, and detection of hydroxyl radical scavengersfrom total flavonoids of Ginkgo biloba leaves by chromatography combined withmolecular devices [J]. Journal of Separation Science, 2016, 39 (21):4158–4165
9. Lina Chen, Yao Qin, Xiaojing Yang, Chunming Liu*. Simultaneous determination of seven insecticidesin soft drinks and fruit juices using ultraperformance liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry with product ion confirmation scan mode [J]. AnalyticalMethods, 2016, 8: 666–672.
10.Yao Qin, Lina Chen, Xiaojing Yang, Ying Tang,Senlin Li, Chunming Liu*. Determination of 19 RepresentativePesticides in Traditional Chinese Medicines by Dispersive Liquid-LiquidMicroextraction and Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem MassSpectrometry [J]. Chromatographia, 2016, 79 (13): 875–884.

11.Yuchi Zhang, Chong Shi, ChunmingLiu*,Min Yu, Yanjuan Qi, Sainan Li. Saponins from Panax bipinnatifidus Seem.: Newstrategy of extraction,isolation, and evaluation of tyrosinase inhibitoryactivity based onmathematical calculations [J]. Journal of ChromatographyB, 2016, 1039, 79–87.
12.Yao Qin, Lina Chen, Xiaojing Yang, Sainan Li, Yumeng Wang, Ying Tang, Chunming Liu*. Multi-residuemethod for determination of selected neonicotinoid insecticides intraditional Chinese medicine using modified dispersive solid-phase extractioncombined with ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem massspectrometry [J]. Analytical Sciences, 2015, 31: 823–830.
13.Li Li, Bo Li, Huirong Zhang, Anqi Zhao, Binhua Han, Chunming Liu*, Rong Tsao.Ultrafiltration LC-ESI-MSn screening of MMP-2 inhibitor from selected Chinesemedical herbs Smilax glabra Roxb., Smilax china L. Saponhnikoviadivaricuta(Turcz.) Schischk as potential functional food ingredicens [J]. Journalof Functional Foods, 2015, 15: 389–395.
14. Bo Li, Li Li, AnqiZhao, Binhua Han, Yajun Fan, Chunming Liu*, Jianjun Liu. Preparativeseparation of isoflavones in plant extract of Pueraria lobata by highperformance counter-current chromatography [J]. Analytical Methods,2015, 7: 1321–1327.
15.Yuchi Zhang, Chunming Liu*, Yanjuan Qi, Sainan Li, Yan Pan, Yuchun Li.Circulating ultrasound-assisted extraction, countercurrent chromatography,and liquid chromatography for the simultaneous extraction, isolation, andanalysis of the constituents of Uncaria tomentosa [J]. Journal ofChromatography A, 2015, 1388: 36–42.
16.Yuchi Zhang, Chunming Liu*, Jing Li, Yanjuan Qi, Yuchun Li, Sainan Li.Development of “ultrasound-assisted dynamic extraction” and its combinationwith CCC and CPC for simultaneous extraction and isolation of phytochemicals[J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2015, 26: 111–118.
17.Yuchi Zhang, Chunming Liu*, Yanjuan Qi, Yuchun Li, Sainan Li. Dynamicultrasonic-assisted extraction coupled with paralleled counter-currentchromatography for continuous extraction and online isolation of xanthenonesfrom Garcinia mangostana [J]. Separation and Purification Technology,2015, 144: 215–222.
18.Yuchi Zhang, Chunming Liu*, Yan Pan, Yanjuan Qi, Yuchun Li, Sainan Li,Yueqi Wang. Ultrasound assisted dynamic extraction coupled with parallelcountercurrent chromatography for simultaneous extraction, purification, andisolation of phytochemicals: Application to isoflavones from red clover [J]. Analyticaland Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015,407: 4597–4606.
19.Yuchi Zhang, Chunming Liu*, Yanjuan Qi, Yuchun Li, Sainan Li.Development of circulating ultrasound-assisted online extraction coupled toCCC and CPC for simultaneous extraction and isolation of phytochemicals:Application to Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort [J]. Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54, 3009?3017.
20.Sainan Li, Ying Tang, Chunming Liu*, jing Li, Liping Guo, Yuchi Zhang.Development of a method to screen and isolate potential xanthine oxidaseinhibitors from Panax japlcusvar via ultrafiltration liquid chromatographycombined with counter-current chromatography [J]. Talanta, 2015, 134:665–673

21.Sainan Li, Ying Tang, Chunming Liu*, Yuchi Zhang. Development of amethod to screen and isolate potential - glucosidase inhibitors from Panaxjaponicus C.A. Meyer by ultrafiltration, liquid chromatography, andcounter-current chromatography [J]. Journal of Separation Science, 2015, 38, 2014–2023 (SCI, IF=2.571)
22. Sainan Li, ChunmingLiu*, Liping Guo, Yuchi Zhang, Jing Wang, Bing Ma, Yueqi Wang, YumengWang, Junqi Ren, Xiaojing Yang, Yao Qin, Ying Tang. Ultrafiltration liquidchromatography combined with high-speed countercurrent chromatography forscreening and isolating potential α-glucosidase and xanthine oxidaseinhibitors from Cortex Phellodendri [J]. Journal of Separation Science,2014, 37 (18): 2504–2512.
23.Yang Hu, Chunming Liu*, Lei Cong, Yuchi Zhang, Yunmei Hu, Sainan Li.Application of high-performance counter-current chromatography andmedium-pressure liquid chromatography for rapid isolation of lactones fromLigusticum Chuanxiong Hort.Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2014,37:1187–1198.
24.Jing Wang, Shu Liu, Bing Ma, Lina Chen, Fengrui Song, Zhiqiang Liu, Chun-mingLiu*. Rapid screening and detection of XOD inhibitors from S. tamariscinaby ultrafiltration LC-PDA–ESI-MS combined with HPCCC [J]. Analytical andBioanalytical Chemistry, 2014, 406: 7379–7387
25.Jing Wang, Shu Liu, Sainan Li, Fengrui Song, Yuchi Zhang, Zhiqiang Liu, Chun-mingLiu*. Ultrafiltration LC-PDA-ESI/MS combined with reverse phase-mediumpressure liquid chromatography for screening and isolation potentiala-glucosidase inhibitors from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi [J]. AnalyticalMethods, 2014, 6, 5918–5924.
26. Sainan Li, LipingGuo, Chunming Liu*, Yuchi Zhang. Application of supercritical fluidextraction coupled with counter–current chromatography for extraction andonline isolation of unstable chemical components from Rosadamascena. Journal of Separation Science, 2013, 36 (13):2104–2113.
27.Sainan Li, Liping Guo, Chunming Liu*, Zi′ao Fu, Yuchi Zhang.Combination of supercritical fluid extraction with counter-currentchromatography to isolate anthocyanidins from the petals of Chaenomelessinensis based on mathematical calculations. Journal of Separation Science,2013, 36 (21–22): 3517–3526.
28.Meizhu Zheng, Yajun Fan, Dongfang Shi, Chunming Liu*.Antidepressant-like effect of flavonoids extracted from Apocynum venetumleaves on brain monoamine levels and dopaminergic system [J]. Journal ofEthnopharmacology, 2013, 147: 108–113.
29.Yuchi Zhang, Liping Guo, Chunming Liu*, Zoao Fu, Lei Cong, Yanjuan Qi,Dongping Li, Sainan Li. Wang Jing. Pressurized liquid extraction coupled withcountercurrent chromatography for systematic isolation of chemicalconstituents by preprogrammed automatic control [J]. Journal ofChromatography B, 2013, 935: 16–25.
30.Yuchi Zhang, Chunmin Liu*, Yanjuan Qi, Sainan Li, Jing Wang.Application of accelerated solvent extraction coupled with counter-currentchromatography to extraction and online isolation of saponins with a broadrange of polarity from Panax notoginseng [J]. Separation andPurification Technology, 2013, 106: 82–89.

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