学习经历本科 延边大学 1990.6-1994.7;硕士 延边大学 1994.8-1997.7;博士 吉林大学 2003.8-2006.6
工作经历1997.8-2006.5 延边大学 教师;2006.6-至今 长春师范大学
3.2009年12月,论文Studies of interaction of emodin and DNA in the presence of ethidium bromide by spectroscopic method获吉林省第七届自然科学学术成果奖二等奖。吉林省科协
6.2011年10月,论文Binding of several anti-tumor drugs to bovine serum albumin:Fluorescence study获2011年吉林省自然科学学术成果二等奖,吉林省科学技术协会、吉林省人力资源和社会保障厅
10. 论文“丁香酚与鲑鱼精DNA相互作用的体外光谱法研究”,获2014年吉林省自然科学学术成果三等奖,吉林省科学技术协会、吉林省人力资源和社会保障厅。
11. 2014年9月,论文“综合和设计化学实验课程实践探索”,获吉林省教育学会第十届教育科研优秀成果奖三等奖,吉林省教育学会
学术成果1. Shuyun Bi , Yu Wang, Huifeng Zhou, Tingting Zhao, Assembly of AuNRs and eugenol for trace analysis of eugenol using resonance light scattering technique, Materials Science and Engineering C 58 (2016) 1001–1007. (2016年1月 )
2. Shuyun Bi, Tingting Zhao, Yu Wang and Huifeng Zhou. Study on the interactions of mapenterol with serum albumins using multi-spectroscopy and molecular docking, Luminescence, 2016; 31: 372–379. ( 2016年3月)
3. Shuyun Bi, Tingting Zhao, Huifeng Zhou, Yu Wang, Zhihong Li. Probing the interactions of bromchlorbuterol-HCl and phenylethanolamine A with HSA by multi-spectroscopic and molecular docking technique, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 97 (2016) 113–121.(2016年6月)
4. Huifeng Zhou, Shuyun Bi, Yu Wang and Tingting Zhao. Characterization of the binding of paylean and DNA by fluorescence, UV spectroscopy and molecular docking techniques, Luminescence, 2016; 31: 1013–1019. (2016年6月)
5、Shuyun Bi, Tianjiao Wang, Yu Wang, Tingting Zhao, Huifeng Zhou,Using gold nanoparticles as probe for detection of salmeterol xinafoate by resonance Rayleigh light scattering,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,135(2015)1074-1079. (2015年1月)
6、Yu Wang,Shuyun Bi, Tianjiao Wang, Tingting Zhao,Resonance light scattering spectroscopy of procyanidin–CPB–DNA ternary system and its potential application,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,146(2015)255-260. (2015年7月)
7、Shuyun Bi, Tingting Zhao,Huifeng Zhou, Bo Pang, Tingting Gu, Binding studies of terbutaline sulfate to calf thymus DNA using multispectroscopic and molecular docking techniques, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,150(2015)921-927. (2015年11月)
8、Tingting Zhao,Shuyun Bi (通讯联系人), Yu Wang, Tianjiao Wang,Bo Pang,Tingting Gu, In vitro studies on the behavior of salmeterol xinafoate and its interaction with calf thymus DNA by multi-spectroscopic techniques, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 132(2014) 198-204. (2014年11月)
9、Shuyun Bi, Tianjiao Wang,Tingting Zhao,Yu Wang,The resonance Rayleigh light scattering spectral investigation on the interaction of DNA with camellia sinensis in the presence of CPC and its analytical application,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 127(2014) 335-339. (2014年6月)
10、Shuyun Bi, Bo Pang, Tianjiao Wang,Tingting Zhao, Yu Wang,Investigation on the interactions of clenbuterol to bovine serum albumin and lysozyme by molecular fluorescence technique,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 120(2014) 456-461. (2014年2月)
11、Shuyun Bi, Tianjiao Wang, Tingting Zhao, Yu Wang, Bo Pang,Study of the interaction of salmon sperm DNA with myricitrin–CPB based on the enhanced resonance light scattering signal and its potential application,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 112(2013) 397-402. (2013年8月) (1次)
12、Shuyun Bi, Bo Pang, Tingting Zhao, Tianjiao Wang, Yu Wang, Lili Yan,Binding characteristics of salbutamol with DNA by spectral methods, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 111(2013) 182-187. (2013年7月)
13、Shuyun Bi, Yu Wang, Tianjiao Wang, Bo Pang, Tingting Zhao,The analytical application and spectral investigation of DNA–CPB–emodin and sensitive determination of DNA by resonance Rayleigh light scattering technique,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,101(2013)233–238.(2013年1月)
14、Shuyun Bi, Lili Yan, Yu Wang, Bong Pang, Tianjiao Wang, Spectroscopic study on the interaction of eugenol with salmon sperm DNA in vitro, Journal of Luminescence, 132(2012) 2355-2360. (2012年9月)
15. Shuyun Bi, Yu Wang, Bo Pang, Lili Yan, Tianjiao Wang, An investigation on the interaction of DNA with hesperetin/apigenin in the presence of CTAB by resonance rayleigh light scattering technique and its analytical application, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 90(2012)158-164. (2012年5月)
16. Bo Pang, Shuyun Bi(通讯联系人), Yu Wang, Lili Yan, Tianjiao Wang, Investigation on the interactions of silymarin to bovine serum albumin and lysozyme by fluorescence and absorbance, Journal of Luminescence,132(2012)895-900. (2012年4月)
17. Shuyun Bi, Lili Yan, Bo Pang, Yu Wang,Investigation of three flavonoids binding to bovine serum albumin using molecular fluorescence technique, Journal of Luminescence, 132 (2012) 132–140(2012年1月)
18. Shuyun Bi, Yu Wang, Bo Pang, Lili Yan, Study on naringenin–CTMAB–DNA system by resonance light scattering technique and its analytical application, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 79(2011)1430-1434(2011年9月)
19. Shuyun Bi, Lili Yan, Binbin Wang, Jiangyu Bian, Yantao Sun, Spectroscopic and voltammetric characterizations of the interaction of two local anesthetics with bovine serum albumin, Journal of Luminescence, 131(2011)866-873. (2011年5月)
20. Shuyun Bi, Lili Yan, Yantao Sun, Hanqi Zhang,Investigation of ketoprofen binding to human serum albumin by spectral methods,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 78(2011)410-414. (2011年1月)
21. Shuyun Bi, etal, Binding of several anti-tumor drugs to bovine serum albumin: Fluorescence study, Journal of Luminescence , 129(2009)541-547. (2009年5月)
22. Shuyun Bi, Hanqi Zhang, Chunyu Qiao, Ying Sun and Chunming Liu,Studies of interaction of emodin and DNA in the presence of ethidium bromide by spectroscopic method,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 69(2008)123-129. (2008年1月)
23. Shuyun Bi, Chunyu Qiao, Daqian Song, Yuan Tian, Dejiang Gao, Ying Sun, Hanqi Zhang,Study of interactions of flavonoids with DNA using acridine orange as a fluorescence probe,Sensors & Actuators B, 119(2006), 199-208. (2006年11月)
24. Shuyun Bi, Daqian Song, Yuhe Kan, Dong Xu, Yuan Tian, Zhou Xin, Hanqi Zhang,Spectroscopic Characterization of Effective Components Anthraquinones in Chinese Medicinal Herbs Binding with Serum Albumins,Spectrochimica Acta Part A 62(2005)203.( 2005年11月)
25. Shuyun Bi, Daqian Song, Yuan Tian, Xin Zhou, Zhongying Liu, Hanqi Zhang,Molecular spectroscopic study on the interaction of tetracyclines with serum albumin,Spectrochimica Acta Part A 61(2005) 629-636.( 2005年2月)
26. 毕淑云,丁兰, 宋大千,田媛,张寒琦,几种抗生素与人血清白蛋白结合反应的研究,《化学学报》63 (23) (2005) 2169-217.3. (2005年12月)
27. Shuyun Bi, Lan Ding, Yuan Tian, Daqian Song, Xin Zhou, Xia Liu, Zhongying Liu, Hanqi Zhang,Investigation of the interaction between flavonoids and human serum albumin,Journal of Molecular StructureVol. 703(2004) 37-45.(2004年10月)
本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-16
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