刘华 女硕导 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所
招生方向非成像光学 led照明设计
学 位:硕士、博士 就读学校:中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 专 业:光学专业 时 间:2001.09—2006.03
学 位:学士 就读学校:东北师范大学 专 业:物理学专业 时 间:1997.09—2001.07
工作简历刘华:博士后,2006年毕业于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,获博士学位。现从事光学设计,光学检测及衍射光学领域方面的科研工作。具有坚实的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。参与了总装备部重点预研项目“衍射光学元件的应用研究(十五)”、国家基金项目“大口径非球面检测技术”等一些课题。在OPTICS EXPRESS、OPTICS COMMUNICATION 等国外期刊上以第一作者发表和即将发表论文十余篇。作为项目负责人先后完成了国家自然基金、863等3项项目。
奖励信息2005 年度中科院冠名奖学金大恒奖;
专利成果1. 刘华,卢振武 非接触式测角方法和装置,发明专利.受理号:2007.1008.1025.3
2.卢振武,刘华 基于复眼结构的衍射望远镜光学系统 发明专利.受理号:2007.1005.6050.1
3. 刘华,卢振武,便携免跟踪式非成像太阳能聚光装置 发明专利.受理号:2008.1005.1305.x
4. 荆雷;卢振武;刘华;赵会富;刘英 高效太阳能聚光光伏系统 发明专利CN**2.9
5. 刘华;荆雷;卢振武;实现聚光电池均匀照度的高倍太阳能聚光光伏装置 发明专利 **7.6
6.卢振武,岳巾英,刘华 衍射复眼望远镜光学系统 发明专利 CN**0.4
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
招生方向非成像光学 led照明设计
学 位:硕士、博士 就读学校:中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 专 业:光学专业 时 间:2001.09—2006.03
学 位:学士 就读学校:东北师范大学 专 业:物理学专业 时 间:1997.09—2001.07
工作简历刘华:博士后,2006年毕业于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,获博士学位。现从事光学设计,光学检测及衍射光学领域方面的科研工作。具有坚实的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。参与了总装备部重点预研项目“衍射光学元件的应用研究(十五)”、国家基金项目“大口径非球面检测技术”等一些课题。在OPTICS EXPRESS、OPTICS COMMUNICATION 等国外期刊上以第一作者发表和即将发表论文十余篇。作为项目负责人先后完成了国家自然基金、863等3项项目。
奖励信息2005 年度中科院冠名奖学金大恒奖;
专利成果1. 刘华,卢振武 非接触式测角方法和装置,发明专利.受理号:2007.1008.1025.3
2.卢振武,刘华 基于复眼结构的衍射望远镜光学系统 发明专利.受理号:2007.1005.6050.1
3. 刘华,卢振武,便携免跟踪式非成像太阳能聚光装置 发明专利.受理号:2008.1005.1305.x
4. 荆雷;卢振武;刘华;赵会富;刘英 高效太阳能聚光光伏系统 发明专利CN**2.9
5. 刘华;荆雷;卢振武;实现聚光电池均匀照度的高倍太阳能聚光光伏装置 发明专利 **7.6
6.卢振武,岳巾英,刘华 衍射复眼望远镜光学系统 发明专利 CN**0.4
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
学 位:硕士、博士 就读学校:中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 专 业:光学专业 时 间:2001.09—2006.03
学 位:学士 就读学校:东北师范大学 专 业:物理学专业 时 间:1997.09—2001.07
工作简历刘华:博士后,2006年毕业于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,获博士学位。现从事光学设计,光学检测及衍射光学领域方面的科研工作。具有坚实的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。参与了总装备部重点预研项目“衍射光学元件的应用研究(十五)”、国家基金项目“大口径非球面检测技术”等一些课题。在OPTICS EXPRESS、OPTICS COMMUNICATION 等国外期刊上以第一作者发表和即将发表论文十余篇。作为项目负责人先后完成了国家自然基金、863等3项项目。
奖励信息2005 年度中科院冠名奖学金大恒奖;
专利成果1. 刘华,卢振武 非接触式测角方法和装置,发明专利.受理号:2007.1008.1025.3
2.卢振武,刘华 基于复眼结构的衍射望远镜光学系统 发明专利.受理号:2007.1005.6050.1
3. 刘华,卢振武,便携免跟踪式非成像太阳能聚光装置 发明专利.受理号:2008.1005.1305.x
4. 荆雷;卢振武;刘华;赵会富;刘英 高效太阳能聚光光伏系统 发明专利CN**2.9
5. 刘华;荆雷;卢振武;实现聚光电池均匀照度的高倍太阳能聚光光伏装置 发明专利 **7.6
6.卢振武,岳巾英,刘华 衍射复眼望远镜光学系统 发明专利 CN**0.4
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
学 位:硕士、博士 就读学校:中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 专 业:光学专业 时 间:2001.09—2006.03
学 位:学士 就读学校:东北师范大学 专 业:物理学专业 时 间:1997.09—2001.07
工作简历刘华:博士后,2006年毕业于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,获博士学位。现从事光学设计,光学检测及衍射光学领域方面的科研工作。具有坚实的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。参与了总装备部重点预研项目“衍射光学元件的应用研究(十五)”、国家基金项目“大口径非球面检测技术”等一些课题。在OPTICS EXPRESS、OPTICS COMMUNICATION 等国外期刊上以第一作者发表和即将发表论文十余篇。作为项目负责人先后完成了国家自然基金、863等3项项目。
奖励信息2005 年度中科院冠名奖学金大恒奖;
专利成果1. 刘华,卢振武 非接触式测角方法和装置,发明专利.受理号:2007.1008.1025.3
2.卢振武,刘华 基于复眼结构的衍射望远镜光学系统 发明专利.受理号:2007.1005.6050.1
3. 刘华,卢振武,便携免跟踪式非成像太阳能聚光装置 发明专利.受理号:2008.1005.1305.x
4. 荆雷;卢振武;刘华;赵会富;刘英 高效太阳能聚光光伏系统 发明专利CN**2.9
5. 刘华;荆雷;卢振武;实现聚光电池均匀照度的高倍太阳能聚光光伏装置 发明专利 **7.6
6.卢振武,岳巾英,刘华 衍射复眼望远镜光学系统 发明专利 CN**0.4
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
工作简历刘华:博士后,2006年毕业于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,获博士学位。现从事光学设计,光学检测及衍射光学领域方面的科研工作。具有坚实的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。参与了总装备部重点预研项目“衍射光学元件的应用研究(十五)”、国家基金项目“大口径非球面检测技术”等一些课题。在OPTICS EXPRESS、OPTICS COMMUNICATION 等国外期刊上以第一作者发表和即将发表论文十余篇。作为项目负责人先后完成了国家自然基金、863等3项项目。
奖励信息2005 年度中科院冠名奖学金大恒奖;
专利成果1. 刘华,卢振武 非接触式测角方法和装置,发明专利.受理号:2007.1008.1025.3
2.卢振武,刘华 基于复眼结构的衍射望远镜光学系统 发明专利.受理号:2007.1005.6050.1
3. 刘华,卢振武,便携免跟踪式非成像太阳能聚光装置 发明专利.受理号:2008.1005.1305.x
4. 荆雷;卢振武;刘华;赵会富;刘英 高效太阳能聚光光伏系统 发明专利CN**2.9
5. 刘华;荆雷;卢振武;实现聚光电池均匀照度的高倍太阳能聚光光伏装置 发明专利 **7.6
6.卢振武,岳巾英,刘华 衍射复眼望远镜光学系统 发明专利 CN**0.4
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
奖励信息2005 年度中科院冠名奖学金大恒奖;
专利成果1. 刘华,卢振武 非接触式测角方法和装置,发明专利.受理号:2007.1008.1025.3
2.卢振武,刘华 基于复眼结构的衍射望远镜光学系统 发明专利.受理号:2007.1005.6050.1
3. 刘华,卢振武,便携免跟踪式非成像太阳能聚光装置 发明专利.受理号:2008.1005.1305.x
4. 荆雷;卢振武;刘华;赵会富;刘英 高效太阳能聚光光伏系统 发明专利CN**2.9
5. 刘华;荆雷;卢振武;实现聚光电池均匀照度的高倍太阳能聚光光伏装置 发明专利 **7.6
6.卢振武,岳巾英,刘华 衍射复眼望远镜光学系统 发明专利 CN**0.4
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
奖励信息2005 年度中科院冠名奖学金大恒奖;
专利成果1. 刘华,卢振武 非接触式测角方法和装置,发明专利.受理号:2007.1008.1025.3
2.卢振武,刘华 基于复眼结构的衍射望远镜光学系统 发明专利.受理号:2007.1005.6050.1
3. 刘华,卢振武,便携免跟踪式非成像太阳能聚光装置 发明专利.受理号:2008.1005.1305.x
4. 荆雷;卢振武;刘华;赵会富;刘英 高效太阳能聚光光伏系统 发明专利CN**2.9
5. 刘华;荆雷;卢振武;实现聚光电池均匀照度的高倍太阳能聚光光伏装置 发明专利 **7.6
6.卢振武,岳巾英,刘华 衍射复眼望远镜光学系统 发明专利 CN**0.4
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
专利成果1. 刘华,卢振武 非接触式测角方法和装置,发明专利.受理号:2007.1008.1025.3
2.卢振武,刘华 基于复眼结构的衍射望远镜光学系统 发明专利.受理号:2007.1005.6050.1
3. 刘华,卢振武,便携免跟踪式非成像太阳能聚光装置 发明专利.受理号:2008.1005.1305.x
4. 荆雷;卢振武;刘华;赵会富;刘英 高效太阳能聚光光伏系统 发明专利CN**2.9
5. 刘华;荆雷;卢振武;实现聚光电池均匀照度的高倍太阳能聚光光伏装置 发明专利 **7.6
6.卢振武,岳巾英,刘华 衍射复眼望远镜光学系统 发明专利 CN**0.4
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
发表论文1. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Qiang Sun, Hu Zhang “Design of multiplexed phase diffractive optical elements for focal depth extension” OPTICS EXPRESS 18 (12) 12798-12806 (2010) (SCI和EI收录)
2. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie, Shanshan Kan and Shurong Wang,"Using curved hologram to test large-aperture convex surface" OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (14) 3251-3255 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
3. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, "Redistribution of output weighting coefficients for complex multiplexed phase-diffractive elements"OPTICS EXPRESS 12 (19) 4348-4352 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
4. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Qiang Sun, “Design of a novel hologram for full measurement of large and deep convex aspheric surfaces”, OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 15, No. 5 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
5. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Jinying Yue, Honxin Zhang,“The characteristics of compound diffractive telescope”, Vol. 16, No. 20 OPTICS EXPRESS 16195-16201 (2008)(SCI和EI收录)
6. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, Yongjun Xie and Qiang Shun, “Full-aperture measurement of convex surfaces in interferometric test using holographic test plate”, Opt. Commu. 241. 231-236 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
7. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li and Yongjun Xie, "Testing aspheric in interferometric setups: removal of adjustment errors from measurement result", Opt. Commu 242 339–344 (2004) (SCI和EI收录)
8. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Fengyou Li, “Using diffractive optical element and Zygo interferometer to test large-aperture convex surface” Optics & Laser Technology 37(8) 642-646 (2005) (SCI和EI收录)
9. Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, Honxin Zhang,“Accurately measuring a surface by using a computer-generated hologram”, SPIE 7064 (2008)
10. Zhenwu Lu, Hua Liu, Ruiting Wang, Fengyou Li and Yichun Liu, “Diffractive axicons fabricated by laser direct writer on curved surface” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 9 160-164 (2007) (SCI和EI收录)
11. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, and Hongxin Zhang,”Modified phase function model for kinoform lenses”, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, Issue 22, pp. 4055-4060 (2008) (SCI和EI收录)
12. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, et al “Evaluation of the imaging performance of hybrid refractive–diffractive systems using the modified phase function model,” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 12(4) 045705-1-04575-6 (2010) (SCI 收录)
13. Taisheng Wang, Hua Liu, Hu Zhang, Hongxin Zhang, Qiang Sun, *Zhenwu Lu “Effect of incidence angles and manufacturing errors on the imaging performance of hybrid systems” J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt 13 pp 035711-1-035711-7(2011) (SCI 收录)
14. Hu Zhang, Hua Liu, Zhenwu Lu, et al. “Modeling diffractive optical elements in hybrid systems with the effect of the material dispersion”, SPIE 7060 (2008)
15. Yuling Liu, Hua Liu “Rigorous vector analysis of diffractive microlens by using of finitedifference time-domain method” SPIE 7506 750614 (2009)
16. Lei Jing,Hua Liu,Zhenwu Lu,Huifu Zhao, “Design of compound Fresnel-R lenses for New high-efficient Photovoltaic Concentrator”, SPIE 7785 77850K1-9 (2010)
17. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, LiangfangHe, HanqingZhou, ChenghuaSui “Broadband dispersion characteristics of diffractive microlenses based on the finite-difference time-domain method” Optics & Laser Technology (2010)
18. Yuling Liu, HuaLiu, “Analysis of diffractive microlens using the finite-difference time-domain method,” Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS (2010)
19. Yue Jin-Ying, Liu Hua, Lu Zhen-Wu, Xu Wen-bin, Zhang Hu, Zhang Hong-Xin, Liu Ying, Compound diffractive telescope system: design stray light analysis, and optical test. Chin. Phys. B, Vol.19,No.1(2010) 010702
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
1、非成像LED便携式强光照明灯具研究 长春光机所创新基金155万 2011.01-20012.7项目负责人
2、修正折/衍混合系统像质分析模型的研究 国家自然科学基金 20万2008.01-2010.12 项目负责人
3、超大口径衍射望远系统设计研究 国家军口863 15 2007.01-2007.06 项目负责人
4、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 长春光机所创新基金45万2006.07-2008.12项目负责人
5、新型复眼光学系统的应用研究 国家863项目 95万 2007.01-2009.12 总体负责人
1、863重点项目光学测量仪器研制及评价方法制订2006.12-2008.6 263万
2、中国科学院方向性项目 定日镜精度测量方法及测量仪器研究2007.1-2007.12 120万
3、国家973项目 高效规模化太阳能热发电的基础研究 2010.01-2015.12 270万
4、中国科学院创新项目 全光谱高效低成本光学集成太阳电池系统研究2008.09-2010.09 75万
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学
梁秋群 硕士研究生 070207-光学
巩宪伟 硕士研究生 070207-光学
李和福 硕士研究生 070207-光学