Amy Nicole DALTON
PhD in Marketing
Duke University, 2008
Associate Professor
Department of Marketing
MPhil/PhD Programs Coordinator (Marketing)
(852) 2358 7698
Room LSK4053
Personal Web
Google Scholar
Scopus ID
Research Interest Publications Projects Teaching Assignment RPG Supervision Space used
Research Interest
Nonconscious influences and automatic consumer behavior
All Years 51 2022 0 2021 1 2020 0 2019 4 2018 4 2017 1 2016 41
2021 1
The "Self" Under COVID-19: Social Role Disruptions, Self-Authenticity And Present-Focused Coping
Plos One, v. 16, (9), 3 September 2021, article number e0256939
Liu, Jingshi (Joyce); Dalton, Amy Nicole; Lee, Yi Xuan Jeremy Article
2019 4
Possession-alienation: How Consumers Treat Possessions when Feeling Self-alienated
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, SCP 2019, Savannah, GA, USA, 28 February - 2 March 2019
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Conference paper
The Effect of Self-inauthenticity on Possession Disposal
50th Anniversary Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA, 17-20 October 2019
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Nicole Conference paper
Will they go for my jugular? The Psychological Safety Provided by Physically Covering the Neck
The La Londe Conference, France, 4-7 June 2019
Galli, Maria; Dalton, Amy Nicole Conference paper
Will they go for my jugular? The Psychological Safety Provided by Physically Covering the Neck
2019 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Italy, 20-22 June 2019
Galli, Maria; Dalton, Amy Nicole Conference paper
2018 4
How to Derive Wellbeing from Possessions
ESSEC Winter Camp, ESSEC Business School, Singapore, 2 February 2018
Dalton, Amy Nicole Conference paper
Quantity Aversion: Self-Control and Consumers’ Response to Product Quantity
Society for Consumer Psychology Boutique Conference: Consumption of Vice and Virtue, Sydney, Australia, 4-5 January 2018
Dalton, Amy Nicole; Wilcox, Keith; Liu, Jingshi Conference paper
Remind Me of What I Have: Thinking about a Favorite Possession Mitigates the Negative Impact of Inequality on Subjective Well-being
Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2018, Dallas, TX, 11-14 October 2018
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Nicole; Mukhopadhyay, Anirban Conference paper
The Double-Edged Sword of Social Signaling: Antecedents and Consequence of Mixed Emotions in Counterfeit Brand Consumption
The Art and Science of Luxury: An Asian Perspective / Srinivas K. Reddy, Jin K. Han, editors. Singapore : Singapore Management University, 2019, p. 117-137
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Nicole; Hong, Jiewen Conference paper
2017 1
My Favorite Thing: How Special Possessions can Increase Subjective Wellbeing
2017 Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, CA, 26 October 2017
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Nicole; Mukhopadhyay, Anirban Conference paper
2016 4
How and Why Wearing Sunglasses Makes for Cool Consumers
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 44, p. 663-664
Wang, Lili; Dalton, Amy N. Conference paper
It Feels Good and Bad to Be Fake: The Effect of Counterfeit Consumption on Consumer Feelings and Purchase Preference
Advances in Consumer Research, v. 44, October 2016, p. 747-747
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen Conference paper
It Feels Good and Bad to Be Fake: The Effects of Using Counterfeits on Mixed Emotions
Society for Consumer Psychology 2016 Annual Winter Conference, SCP 2016, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 25 - 27 February 2016
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen Conference paper
Keepin’ it Cool with Sunglasses: Examining How and When Cool Products Make for Cool Consumers
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 25-27 February 2016
Dalton, Amy N.; Wang, Lili Conference paper
2015 3
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat
The Psychology of the Asian Consumer / Edited By Bernd Schmitt, Leonard Lee. Oxford, England : Routledge, 2015, p. 25-27
Huang, Li; Dalton, Amy N. Book chapter
It Feels Good and Bad to be Fake: The Mixed Emotional Experience and Consequence of Using Counterfeits
Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, v. 11, 2015, p. 179-180
Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen; Liu, Jingshi Conference paper
It Feels Good and Bad to be Fake: The Mixed Emotional Experience and Consequence of Using Counterfeits
Society for Consumer Psychology Summer Conference, Toronto, Canada, 6 - 9 August 2015
Dalton, Amy N.; Liu, Jingshi; Hong, Jiewen Conference paper
2014 3
Motivated Forgetting in Response to Social Identity Threat
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 40, (6), April 2014, p. 1017-1038
Dalton, Amy Nicole; Huang, Li Article
Consumer Goals (invited participant in a 'Conversations' session)
Society for Consumer Psychology 2014 Winter Conference, Miami, FL, USA, 6-8 March 2014
Dalton, Amy Conference paper
Keepin' it Cool: The Behavioral Effects of Wearing Sunglasses
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 42, October 2014, p. 728-729
Wang, Lili; Dalton, Amy Conference paper
2013 2
Memory for Advertising: When do Consumers Remember and When do They Forget Social-Identity-Linked Ads?
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 41, October 2013
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li; Duclos, Rod Conference paper
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
American Psychological Association Summer Conference, Honolulu, USA, August 2013
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li Conference paper
2012 5
Too Much of a Good Thing: The Benefits of Implementation Intentions Depend on the Number of Goals
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 39, (3), 2012, October, p. 600-614
Dalton, Amy N.; Spiller, Stephen A. Article
Are there situations in which consumers want to be primed?
Association for Consumer Research, Advances in Consumer Research, St. Louis, USA, 13-15 Oct 2011, v. 39, p. 87-88
Dalton, Amy; Laran, Juliano Conference paper
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
Proceeding of Asian Consumer Insights, Singapore, 20-22 December 2012
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li Conference paper
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
Association for Consumer Research Conference Proceedings, Advances in Consumer Research, Vancouver, Canada, 4-6 October 2012, v. 40
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li Conference paper
Too Much of a Good Thing: The Benefits of Implementation Intentions Depend on the Number of Goals
American Psychological Association, Orlando, USA, 2-5 August 2012
Dalton, Amy; Spiller, Stephen Conference paper
2011 3
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Why Brands Produce Priming Effects and Slogans Produce Reverse Priming Effects
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 37, (6), April 2011, p. 999-1014
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo B. Article
Why Consumers Rebel Against Slogans
Harvard business review, v. 89, (11), 2011, Nov, p. 34
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo B. Article
When does Priming cause us to Value or Devalue a Brand?
Socieity for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., February 24-27, 2011. Conference Proceedings pg. 221-222
Dalton, Amy; Fitzsimons, Grainne; Chartrand, Tanya; Fitzsimons, Gavan Conference paper
2010 3
Nonconscious Goal Pursuit: Isolated Incidents or Adaptive Self-Regulatory Tool?
Social Cognition, v. 28, (5), 2010, October, p. 569-588
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Cheng, Clara Michelle; Dalton, Amy N.; Tesser, Abraham Article
The Schema-Driven Chameleon: How Mimicry Affects Executive and Self-Regulatory Resources
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, v. 98, (4), 2010, April, p. 605-617
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J. Article
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming or Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands or Slogans
Society for Consumer Psychology, Winter Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, February 2010
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy; Andrade, Eduardo Conference paper
2009 4
Mimicry: Its ubiquity, importance, and functionality
Oxford Handbook of Human Action / Edited by Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh, Peter M. Gollwitzer. New York : Oxford University Press, 2009, p 458-483
Chartrand, Tanya; Dalton, Amy N. Book chapter
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming and Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands and Slogans
Hong Kong Intra-University Mini-conference in Consumer Behavior, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009
Dalton, Amy N. Conference paper
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming or Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands or Slogans
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Pittsburg, U.S.A., October 2009. To appear in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 37, eds. Margaret C. Campbell and Jeff Inman and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo Conference paper
When does Priming cause us to Value or Devalue a Brand?
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Pittsburg, U.S.A., October 2009. To appear in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 37, eds. Margaret C. Campbell and Jeff Inman and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research
Dalton, Amy N.; Fitzsimons, Grainne; Fitzsimons, Gavan; Chartrand, Tanya Conference paper
2008 3
Consequences of Nonconscious Goal Activation
Handbook of Motivation Science / Edited by James Y. Shah, Wendi L. Gardner. New York : Guilford, 2008, p. 342-355
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L.; Cheng, C.M. Book chapter
Coping in the Material World: Using Consumption to Repair and Protect Self-worth
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, 2008
Dalton, Amy N. Conference paper
Look on the Bright Side: Self-expressive consumption and consumer self-worth
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2008
Dalton, Amy N. Conference paper
2007 7
Relationship Reactance: When Priming Significant Others Triggers Opposing Goals
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, v. 43, 2007, p. 719-726
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L.; Gavan, J.F. Article
Encyclopedia of Social Psychology / Edited by Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L. Book chapter
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences / vol 2/ Edited by William A. Darity. Detroit, Mich.: Thomson Gale, 2007
Dalton, Amy N. Book chapter
Following Through on Decisions: The Costs and Benefits of Implemental Mindsets
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Lynch, John J.; Spiller, Stephen Conference paper
Nonconscious Relationship Reactance: When Significant Others Prime Opposing Goals
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, v. 43, (5), p. 719-726
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Dalton, Amy N.; Fitzsimons, Gavan Conference paper
The Depleting Chameleon: Mimicry as a Schema-driven process
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J. Conference paper
Who"s the Boss? Evidence for nonconscious relationship reactance
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Fitzsimons, Gavan Conference paper
2006 3
High-Maintenance Interaction: Inefficient Social Coordination Impairs Self-Regulation
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, v. 91, (3), 2006, p. 456-475
Finkel, Eli J.; Campbell, W. Keith; Brunell, Amy B.; Dalton, Amy N.; Scarbeck, Sarah J.; Chartrand, Tanya L. Article
Nonconscious Reactance to Relationship Partners
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2006
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Fitzsimons, Gavan Conference paper
The depleted chameleon: Self-regulatory consequences of social asynchrony
Society for Consumer Psychology, Winter Conference, 2006
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J. Conference paper
2005 1
The consequences of failing at nonconscious goals for self-enhancement
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2005
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Cheng, Clara M.; Dalton, Amy N.; Tesser, Abraham Conference paper
Article 1
The "Self" Under COVID-19: Social Role Disruptions, Self-Authenticity And Present-Focused Coping
Plos One, v. 16, (9), 3 September 2021, article number e0256939
Liu, Jingshi (Joyce); Dalton, Amy Nicole; Lee, Yi Xuan Jeremy
Conference paper 4
Possession-alienation: How Consumers Treat Possessions when Feeling Self-alienated
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, SCP 2019, Savannah, GA, USA, 28 February - 2 March 2019
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy
The Effect of Self-inauthenticity on Possession Disposal
50th Anniversary Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA, 17-20 October 2019
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Nicole
Will they go for my jugular? The Psychological Safety Provided by Physically Covering the Neck
The La Londe Conference, France, 4-7 June 2019
Galli, Maria; Dalton, Amy Nicole
Will they go for my jugular? The Psychological Safety Provided by Physically Covering the Neck
2019 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Italy, 20-22 June 2019
Galli, Maria; Dalton, Amy Nicole
Conference paper 4
How to Derive Wellbeing from Possessions
ESSEC Winter Camp, ESSEC Business School, Singapore, 2 February 2018
Dalton, Amy Nicole
Quantity Aversion: Self-Control and Consumers’ Response to Product Quantity
Society for Consumer Psychology Boutique Conference: Consumption of Vice and Virtue, Sydney, Australia, 4-5 January 2018
Dalton, Amy Nicole; Wilcox, Keith; Liu, Jingshi
Remind Me of What I Have: Thinking about a Favorite Possession Mitigates the Negative Impact of Inequality on Subjective Well-being
Association for Consumer Research North American Conference 2018, Dallas, TX, 11-14 October 2018
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Nicole; Mukhopadhyay, Anirban
The Double-Edged Sword of Social Signaling: Antecedents and Consequence of Mixed Emotions in Counterfeit Brand Consumption
The Art and Science of Luxury: An Asian Perspective / Srinivas K. Reddy, Jin K. Han, editors. Singapore : Singapore Management University, 2019, p. 117-137
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Nicole; Hong, Jiewen
Conference paper 1
My Favorite Thing: How Special Possessions can Increase Subjective Wellbeing
2017 Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, CA, 26 October 2017
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy Nicole; Mukhopadhyay, Anirban
Conference paper 4
How and Why Wearing Sunglasses Makes for Cool Consumers
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 44, p. 663-664
Wang, Lili; Dalton, Amy N.
It Feels Good and Bad to Be Fake: The Effect of Counterfeit Consumption on Consumer Feelings and Purchase Preference
Advances in Consumer Research, v. 44, October 2016, p. 747-747
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen
It Feels Good and Bad to Be Fake: The Effects of Using Counterfeits on Mixed Emotions
Society for Consumer Psychology 2016 Annual Winter Conference, SCP 2016, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 25 - 27 February 2016
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen
Keepin’ it Cool with Sunglasses: Examining How and When Cool Products Make for Cool Consumers
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 25-27 February 2016
Dalton, Amy N.; Wang, Lili
Book chapter 1
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat
The Psychology of the Asian Consumer / Edited By Bernd Schmitt, Leonard Lee. Oxford, England : Routledge, 2015, p. 25-27
Huang, Li; Dalton, Amy N.
Conference paper 2
It Feels Good and Bad to be Fake: The Mixed Emotional Experience and Consequence of Using Counterfeits
Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, v. 11, 2015, p. 179-180
Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen; Liu, Jingshi
It Feels Good and Bad to be Fake: The Mixed Emotional Experience and Consequence of Using Counterfeits
Society for Consumer Psychology Summer Conference, Toronto, Canada, 6 - 9 August 2015
Dalton, Amy N.; Liu, Jingshi; Hong, Jiewen
Article 1
Motivated Forgetting in Response to Social Identity Threat
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 40, (6), April 2014, p. 1017-1038
Dalton, Amy Nicole; Huang, Li
Conference paper 2
Consumer Goals (invited participant in a 'Conversations' session)
Society for Consumer Psychology 2014 Winter Conference, Miami, FL, USA, 6-8 March 2014
Dalton, Amy
Keepin' it Cool: The Behavioral Effects of Wearing Sunglasses
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 42, October 2014, p. 728-729
Wang, Lili; Dalton, Amy
Conference paper 2
Memory for Advertising: When do Consumers Remember and When do They Forget Social-Identity-Linked Ads?
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 41, October 2013
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li; Duclos, Rod
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
American Psychological Association Summer Conference, Honolulu, USA, August 2013
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li
Article 1
Too Much of a Good Thing: The Benefits of Implementation Intentions Depend on the Number of Goals
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 39, (3), 2012, October, p. 600-614
Dalton, Amy N.; Spiller, Stephen A.
Conference paper 4
Are there situations in which consumers want to be primed?
Association for Consumer Research, Advances in Consumer Research, St. Louis, USA, 13-15 Oct 2011, v. 39, p. 87-88
Dalton, Amy; Laran, Juliano
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
Proceeding of Asian Consumer Insights, Singapore, 20-22 December 2012
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
Association for Consumer Research Conference Proceedings, Advances in Consumer Research, Vancouver, Canada, 4-6 October 2012, v. 40
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li
Too Much of a Good Thing: The Benefits of Implementation Intentions Depend on the Number of Goals
American Psychological Association, Orlando, USA, 2-5 August 2012
Dalton, Amy; Spiller, Stephen
Article 2
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Why Brands Produce Priming Effects and Slogans Produce Reverse Priming Effects
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 37, (6), April 2011, p. 999-1014
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo B.
Why Consumers Rebel Against Slogans
Harvard business review, v. 89, (11), 2011, Nov, p. 34
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo B.
Conference paper 1
When does Priming cause us to Value or Devalue a Brand?
Socieity for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., February 24-27, 2011. Conference Proceedings pg. 221-222
Dalton, Amy; Fitzsimons, Grainne; Chartrand, Tanya; Fitzsimons, Gavan
Article 2
Nonconscious Goal Pursuit: Isolated Incidents or Adaptive Self-Regulatory Tool?
Social Cognition, v. 28, (5), 2010, October, p. 569-588
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Cheng, Clara Michelle; Dalton, Amy N.; Tesser, Abraham
The Schema-Driven Chameleon: How Mimicry Affects Executive and Self-Regulatory Resources
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, v. 98, (4), 2010, April, p. 605-617
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J.
Conference paper 1
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming or Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands or Slogans
Society for Consumer Psychology, Winter Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, February 2010
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy; Andrade, Eduardo
Book chapter 1
Mimicry: Its ubiquity, importance, and functionality
Oxford Handbook of Human Action / Edited by Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh, Peter M. Gollwitzer. New York : Oxford University Press, 2009, p 458-483
Chartrand, Tanya; Dalton, Amy N.
Conference paper 3
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming and Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands and Slogans
Hong Kong Intra-University Mini-conference in Consumer Behavior, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009
Dalton, Amy N.
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming or Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands or Slogans
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Pittsburg, U.S.A., October 2009. To appear in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 37, eds. Margaret C. Campbell and Jeff Inman and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo
When does Priming cause us to Value or Devalue a Brand?
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Pittsburg, U.S.A., October 2009. To appear in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 37, eds. Margaret C. Campbell and Jeff Inman and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research
Dalton, Amy N.; Fitzsimons, Grainne; Fitzsimons, Gavan; Chartrand, Tanya
Book chapter 1
Consequences of Nonconscious Goal Activation
Handbook of Motivation Science / Edited by James Y. Shah, Wendi L. Gardner. New York : Guilford, 2008, p. 342-355
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L.; Cheng, C.M.
Conference paper 2
Coping in the Material World: Using Consumption to Repair and Protect Self-worth
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, 2008
Dalton, Amy N.
Look on the Bright Side: Self-expressive consumption and consumer self-worth
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2008
Dalton, Amy N.
Article 1
Relationship Reactance: When Priming Significant Others Triggers Opposing Goals
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, v. 43, 2007, p. 719-726
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L.; Gavan, J.F.
Book chapter 2
Encyclopedia of Social Psychology / Edited by Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L.
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences / vol 2/ Edited by William A. Darity. Detroit, Mich.: Thomson Gale, 2007
Dalton, Amy N.
Conference paper 4
Following Through on Decisions: The Costs and Benefits of Implemental Mindsets
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Lynch, John J.; Spiller, Stephen
Nonconscious Relationship Reactance: When Significant Others Prime Opposing Goals
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, v. 43, (5), p. 719-726
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Dalton, Amy N.; Fitzsimons, Gavan
The Depleting Chameleon: Mimicry as a Schema-driven process
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J.
Who"s the Boss? Evidence for nonconscious relationship reactance
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Fitzsimons, Gavan
Article 1
High-Maintenance Interaction: Inefficient Social Coordination Impairs Self-Regulation
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, v. 91, (3), 2006, p. 456-475
Finkel, Eli J.; Campbell, W. Keith; Brunell, Amy B.; Dalton, Amy N.; Scarbeck, Sarah J.; Chartrand, Tanya L.
Conference paper 2
Nonconscious Reactance to Relationship Partners
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2006
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Fitzsimons, Gavan
The depleted chameleon: Self-regulatory consequences of social asynchrony
Society for Consumer Psychology, Winter Conference, 2006
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J.
Conference paper 1
The consequences of failing at nonconscious goals for self-enhancement
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2005
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Cheng, Clara M.; Dalton, Amy N.; Tesser, Abraham
2016 4
How and Why Wearing Sunglasses Makes for Cool Consumers
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 44, p. 663-664
Wang, Lili; Dalton, Amy N. Conference paper
It Feels Good and Bad to Be Fake: The Effect of Counterfeit Consumption on Consumer Feelings and Purchase Preference
Advances in Consumer Research, v. 44, October 2016, p. 747-747
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen Conference paper
It Feels Good and Bad to Be Fake: The Effects of Using Counterfeits on Mixed Emotions
Society for Consumer Psychology 2016 Annual Winter Conference, SCP 2016, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 25 - 27 February 2016
Liu, Jingshi; Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen Conference paper
Keepin’ it Cool with Sunglasses: Examining How and When Cool Products Make for Cool Consumers
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, 25-27 February 2016
Dalton, Amy N.; Wang, Lili Conference paper
2015 3
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat
The Psychology of the Asian Consumer / Edited By Bernd Schmitt, Leonard Lee. Oxford, England : Routledge, 2015, p. 25-27
Huang, Li; Dalton, Amy N. Book chapter
It Feels Good and Bad to be Fake: The Mixed Emotional Experience and Consequence of Using Counterfeits
Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, v. 11, 2015, p. 179-180
Dalton, Amy N.; Hong, Jiewen; Liu, Jingshi Conference paper
It Feels Good and Bad to be Fake: The Mixed Emotional Experience and Consequence of Using Counterfeits
Society for Consumer Psychology Summer Conference, Toronto, Canada, 6 - 9 August 2015
Dalton, Amy N.; Liu, Jingshi; Hong, Jiewen Conference paper
2014 3
Motivated Forgetting in Response to Social Identity Threat
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 40, (6), April 2014, p. 1017-1038
Dalton, Amy Nicole; Huang, Li Article
Consumer Goals (invited participant in a 'Conversations' session)
Society for Consumer Psychology 2014 Winter Conference, Miami, FL, USA, 6-8 March 2014
Dalton, Amy Conference paper
Keepin' it Cool: The Behavioral Effects of Wearing Sunglasses
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 42, October 2014, p. 728-729
Wang, Lili; Dalton, Amy Conference paper
2013 2
Memory for Advertising: When do Consumers Remember and When do They Forget Social-Identity-Linked Ads?
NA - Advances in Consumer Research, v. 41, October 2013
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li; Duclos, Rod Conference paper
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
American Psychological Association Summer Conference, Honolulu, USA, August 2013
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li Conference paper
2012 5
Too Much of a Good Thing: The Benefits of Implementation Intentions Depend on the Number of Goals
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 39, (3), 2012, October, p. 600-614
Dalton, Amy N.; Spiller, Stephen A. Article
Are there situations in which consumers want to be primed?
Association for Consumer Research, Advances in Consumer Research, St. Louis, USA, 13-15 Oct 2011, v. 39, p. 87-88
Dalton, Amy; Laran, Juliano Conference paper
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
Proceeding of Asian Consumer Insights, Singapore, 20-22 December 2012
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li Conference paper
Motivated Forgetting Following Social Identity Threat: You Can't Always Forget What You Want but You Can Forget What You Need
Association for Consumer Research Conference Proceedings, Advances in Consumer Research, Vancouver, Canada, 4-6 October 2012, v. 40
Dalton, Amy; Huang, Li Conference paper
Too Much of a Good Thing: The Benefits of Implementation Intentions Depend on the Number of Goals
American Psychological Association, Orlando, USA, 2-5 August 2012
Dalton, Amy; Spiller, Stephen Conference paper
2011 3
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Why Brands Produce Priming Effects and Slogans Produce Reverse Priming Effects
Journal of Consumer Research, v. 37, (6), April 2011, p. 999-1014
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo B. Article
Why Consumers Rebel Against Slogans
Harvard business review, v. 89, (11), 2011, Nov, p. 34
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo B. Article
When does Priming cause us to Value or Devalue a Brand?
Socieity for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., February 24-27, 2011. Conference Proceedings pg. 221-222
Dalton, Amy; Fitzsimons, Grainne; Chartrand, Tanya; Fitzsimons, Gavan Conference paper
2010 3
Nonconscious Goal Pursuit: Isolated Incidents or Adaptive Self-Regulatory Tool?
Social Cognition, v. 28, (5), 2010, October, p. 569-588
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Cheng, Clara Michelle; Dalton, Amy N.; Tesser, Abraham Article
The Schema-Driven Chameleon: How Mimicry Affects Executive and Self-Regulatory Resources
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, v. 98, (4), 2010, April, p. 605-617
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J. Article
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming or Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands or Slogans
Society for Consumer Psychology, Winter Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, February 2010
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy; Andrade, Eduardo Conference paper
2009 4
Mimicry: Its ubiquity, importance, and functionality
Oxford Handbook of Human Action / Edited by Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh, Peter M. Gollwitzer. New York : Oxford University Press, 2009, p 458-483
Chartrand, Tanya; Dalton, Amy N. Book chapter
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming and Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands and Slogans
Hong Kong Intra-University Mini-conference in Consumer Behavior, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009
Dalton, Amy N. Conference paper
The Curious Case of Behavioral Backlash: Priming or Reverse Priming Effects following Exposure to Brands or Slogans
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Pittsburg, U.S.A., October 2009. To appear in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 37, eds. Margaret C. Campbell and Jeff Inman and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research
Laran, Juliano; Dalton, Amy N.; Andrade, Eduardo Conference paper
When does Priming cause us to Value or Devalue a Brand?
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, Pittsburg, U.S.A., October 2009. To appear in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 37, eds. Margaret C. Campbell and Jeff Inman and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research
Dalton, Amy N.; Fitzsimons, Grainne; Fitzsimons, Gavan; Chartrand, Tanya Conference paper
2008 3
Consequences of Nonconscious Goal Activation
Handbook of Motivation Science / Edited by James Y. Shah, Wendi L. Gardner. New York : Guilford, 2008, p. 342-355
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L.; Cheng, C.M. Book chapter
Coping in the Material World: Using Consumption to Repair and Protect Self-worth
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, 2008
Dalton, Amy N. Conference paper
Look on the Bright Side: Self-expressive consumption and consumer self-worth
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2008
Dalton, Amy N. Conference paper
2007 7
Relationship Reactance: When Priming Significant Others Triggers Opposing Goals
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, v. 43, 2007, p. 719-726
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L.; Gavan, J.F. Article
Encyclopedia of Social Psychology / Edited by Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, T.L. Book chapter
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences / vol 2/ Edited by William A. Darity. Detroit, Mich.: Thomson Gale, 2007
Dalton, Amy N. Book chapter
Following Through on Decisions: The Costs and Benefits of Implemental Mindsets
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Lynch, John J.; Spiller, Stephen Conference paper
Nonconscious Relationship Reactance: When Significant Others Prime Opposing Goals
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, v. 43, (5), p. 719-726
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Dalton, Amy N.; Fitzsimons, Gavan Conference paper
The Depleting Chameleon: Mimicry as a Schema-driven process
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J. Conference paper
Who"s the Boss? Evidence for nonconscious relationship reactance
Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, 2007
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Fitzsimons, Gavan Conference paper
2006 3
High-Maintenance Interaction: Inefficient Social Coordination Impairs Self-Regulation
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, v. 91, (3), 2006, p. 456-475
Finkel, Eli J.; Campbell, W. Keith; Brunell, Amy B.; Dalton, Amy N.; Scarbeck, Sarah J.; Chartrand, Tanya L. Article
Nonconscious Reactance to Relationship Partners
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2006
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Fitzsimons, Gavan Conference paper
The depleted chameleon: Self-regulatory consequences of social asynchrony
Society for Consumer Psychology, Winter Conference, 2006
Dalton, Amy N.; Chartrand, Tanya L.; Finkel, Eli J. Conference paper
2005 1
The consequences of failing at nonconscious goals for self-enhancement
Association for Consumer Research, North American Conference, U.S.A., October 2005
Chartrand, Tanya L.; Cheng, Clara M.; Dalton, Amy N.; Tesser, Abraham Conference paper
No Publications
No Publications
Teaching Assignment
2021-22 Winter 0 2021-22 Fall 1 2020-21 Summer 0 2020-21 Spring 1 2020-21 Winter 0 2020-21 Fall 1
MIMT5310 Understanding Consumers: A Strategic Approach
MARK2120 Marketing Management
MIMT5310 Understanding Consumers: A Strategic Approach
No Teaching Assignments
No Teaching Assignments
No Teaching Assignments
Research Postgraduate (RPG) Supervision From January 2019 to December 2022 (As of 30 January 2022)
All Supervisions Current RPGs Graduated RPGs
Current RPGs
Doctor of Philosophy ZHU, Lin Da Linda
Marketing( 2021 - )
Graduated RPGs
Doctor of Philosophy LIU, Jingshi
Marketing( Completed in 2020 )
ProjectsFrom January 2020 to December 2022
All Projects 3 Leading Projects 2 Participating Projects 1
The Inauthentic Self: Examining the Antecedents & Consequences of Inauthentic Consumer Behavior
不真實的自我:研究不真實消費行為的前因與後果 Leading
RGC - General Research Fund
Project Team (HKUST)
DALTON Amy Nicole (Lead)
2021 -
Income Inequality and the Effects of Recalled Purchase and Consumption on Wellbeing
收入不平等與購物和消費的記憶對幸福感的影響 Participating
RGC - General Research Fund
Project Team (HKUST)
DALTON Amy Nicole
2019 -
The Emotional and Behavioral Consequences of Using Counterfeit Products
使用假貨對於情緒上及行為上的影響 Leading
RGC - General Research Fund
Project Team (HKUST)
DALTON Amy Nicole (Lead)
HONG Jiewen
2017 - 2021
香港科技大学工商管理学院老师教师导师介绍简介-Amy Nicole DALTON
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