
香港理工大学工业及系统工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Prof Y.M. Li 李杨民

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Prof Y.M. Li 李楊民 Professor

Location EF630
Phone +852 2766 4978
mail yangmin.li@polyu.edu.hk

Open Platform for University Scholars

Brief BiosketchDr. Li started his academic career in 1994 as aLecturer of Mechatronics Department at the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. He was a Fellow in International Institute for Software Technology of the United Nations University (UNU/IIST) from May to November 1996, a visiting scholar inUniversity of Cincinnatiin 1996, and a Postdoctoral Research Associate inPurdue University, W. Lafayette, USA in 1997. He was an Assistant Professor (1997.9-2001.8), Associate Professor (2001.9-2007.8) and Full Professor (2007.9-) in University of Macau. He is now a Full Professor at Department ofIndustrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Professor Li isserving as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science Engineering, Associate Editor of Mechatronics etc. reputable international journals. He was senior member of IEEE, member of ASME and CSME. Prof. Li has published 369 papers in journals, book chapters and conferences. His papers have been cited 4867 times and his h-index is 40 according to Google Scholar up to now.
Academic/Professional Qualifications PDF, Dept. of ECE, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana, USA (1997)
Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China (1994)
M.Sc., Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China (1988)
B.Sc., Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, China (1985)
Teaching and Research Specialties Robotics, Mechatronics, Control and Automation.
Professional Services Associate Editor,IEEE Transactions on Automation Science Engineering(01/07/2009 – 31/12/2013) (01/2016 - 31/12/2019)
Associate Editor, Mechatronics (01/2016 - present)
Associate Editor, IEEE Access (05/2013 - present)
External Research Funding Secured(Selected) Principal Investigator, “Design theory and dynamic hysteresis nonlinear control method studies for a 6-DOF micro manipulation stage based on hybrid giant magnestostrictive and piezoelectric actuators”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.: 51575544,Amount: CNY620,000,Duration: 2016.01-2019.12.
Principal Investigator, “Study of Parallel Active Vibration Damping Mechanism Applicable to Experimental Device for Crystal Growth in Space and Its Control Methods”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.: 61128008,Amount: CNY$200,000,Duration: January, 2012 – December 2013
Publications(Selected) W. Wang, X. Fu, Y.M. Li and C. Yun, “Design of variable Stiffness Actuator Based on Modified Gear–Rack Mechanism,”Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Transactions of ASME,8(6), 061008, Sept., 2016.
X. Xiao and Y.M. Li, “Development of an electromagnetic actuated micro-displacement module”,IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics,vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1252-1261,June 2016.
G. Zhang and Y.M. Li, “A memetic algorithm for global optimization of multimodal nonseparable problems.”,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,Vol. 46, No.6, pp. 1375-1387, 2016.
H. Tang and Y.M. Li, “A new flexure-based yθ nanomanipulator with nanometer scale positioning resolution and millimeter range workspace,”IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics,vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1320-1330, June 2015.
H. Tang and Y.M. Li, “Development and active disturbance rejection control of a compliant micro/nano-positioning pizeo-stage with dual-mode”,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,vol.61, no. 3,pp.1475-1492, 2014.
S. Xiao and Y.M. Li, “Visual servo feedback control of a novel large working range micro manipulation system for micro-assembly”,IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol.23, no.1, pp.181-190, 2014.
H. Tang and Y.M. Li, “Design, analysis and test of a novel 2-DOF nanopositioning system driven by dual-mode”,IEEE Transactions on Robotics,vol.29, no.3, pp.650-662,2013.
S.L. Xiao and Y.M. Li, “Optimal design, fabrication and control of an XY micro-positioning stage driven by electromagnetic actuators”,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, no.10, pp.4613-4626, 2013.
S.L. Xiao and Y.M. Li, “Modeling and high dynamic compensating the rate-dependent hysteresis of piezoelectric actuators via a novel modified inverse Preisach model”,IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol.21, no.5, pp.1549-1557, 2013.
Y.M. Li, J.M. Huang and H. Tang, “A compliant parallel XY micro-motion stage with complete kinematic decoupling,”IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol.9, no.3, pp.538-553, July 2012.
Y. Yun and Y.M. Li, “Modeling and control analysis of a 3-PUPU dual compliant parallel manipulator for micro positioning and active vibration isolation”, ASME Transactions, Journal of Dynamic System Measurement and Control,vol.134, no.2, 021001, March 2012.
Y.M. Liand Q. Xu, “Design and robust repetitive control of a new parallel-kinematic XY piezostage for micro/nanomanipulation,”IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,vol.17, no.6, pp.1120-1132, Dec. 2012.
Y.M. Liand Q. Xu, “Adaptive sliding mode control with perturbation estimation and PID sliding surface for motion tracking of a piezo-driven micromanipulator,”IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol.18, no.4, pp.798-810, 2010.
Y.M. Liand Q. Xu, “Development and assessment of a novel decoupled XY parallel micropositioning platform”,IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics,vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 125-135, 2010.
Y.M. Liand Q. Xu, “Design and analysis of a totally decoupled flexure-based XY parallel micromanipulator”,IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vo.25, No.3, pp. 645-657, 2009.

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