Dr CHAN Ka-wing Kevin Associate Professor and Associate Head
Location CF614
Phone +852 2766 6169
mail kevin.kw.chan@polyu.edu.hk
Open Platform for University Scholars
Biography Dr Kevin K.W. Chan Chan received his BSc(Hons) and PhD Degrees in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Bath (UK) in 1988 and 1992, respectively. His doctoral research study was in the area of real-time power system transient stability simulation using parallel processing techniques.
From 1993 to 1997 Dr Chan was with the Power System and Energy Group at the University of Bath as a research officer. During this period, he successfully completed two EPSRC/ERCOS co-funded research projects. Extensive works has been done in the area of on-line dynamic security analysis, assessment and control of the UK National Grid. A number of industrial strength real-time power system simulators were developed and applied in the National Grid Control Centre, UK for daily monitoring and protection of the UK National Grid.
Dr Chan joined the department of Electrical Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1998 as a lecturer and subsequently promoted to Assistant Professor in 2005. So far, Dr Chan has secured over 37 research projects, including 6 RGC-ERG, 2 RGC-Large Equipment, and 2 NSF projects with total funding over $15.4M. On-going research projects are in the areas of:
(1) transient stability constrained optimal power flow using analytical and/or computational intelligence techniques;
(2) on-line low frequency oscillation monitoring and control based on wide-area measurement system and self-adoptive control;
(3) self-evolution smart power dispatch for future smart grid with automatic generation and automatic voltage control using distributed reinforcement learning, multiple group search optimization, hybrid equilibrium theory, stochastic optimization and vehicle-to-grid technologies;
(4) on-line control and scheduling strategy of massive charging and discharging of plug-in electric vehicles for mitigating the intermittency of renewable energy generations and enhancing frequency regulation.
Competent undergraduate and postgraduate students, who have interests in power system engineering in particular smart grids or areas listed above, are welcome to contact Dr Chan directly via his email (eekwchan@polyu.edu.hk) for the offering of PhD research studentships and post-doctorate research posts.
Education and Academic Qualifications Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Bath
Bachelor of Science, The University of Bath
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