
香港理工大学电子计算学系老师教师导师介绍简介jiaxing shen

本站小编 免费考研网/2022-02-03

Hi there!

I am currently a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing (COMP), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). I received B.E. of Software Engineering in 2014 and Ph.D. of Computer Science in 2019 from Jilin University and PolyU respectively. From 2014 to 2019, I studied in Internet Mobile Computing Lab (IMCL) led by Prof. Jiannong Cao in COMP, PolyU. From 2017 to 2018, I was a visiting Ph.D. in Human Dynamics Lab led by Prof. Alex 'Sandy' Pentland in Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

My research interests include Mobile Computing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Social Computing. Currently, I am focusing on 1) Mobile sensing and context sensing; 2) User modeling and crowd analytics; 3) Multistage learning for complex systems.



  • "Automated Post Scoring: Evaluating Posts with Topics and Quoted Posts in Online Forum" has been accepted by World Wide Web Journal, Jan 2022.
  • "Repetitive Activity Monitoring from Multivariate Time Series: A Generic and Efficient Approach" has been accepted by IEEE MASS, Jul 2021.
  • PolyU ranked 66 around the world in QS 2022! 🎉🎉🎉
  • "User Profiling based on Nonlinguistic Audio Data" has been accepted by ACM TOIS, Jun 2021.
  • "Automatically Select Emotion for Response via Personality-affected Emotion Transition" has been accepted by ACL Findings, May 2021.
  • "Preference-aware Edge Server Placement in the Internet of Things" has been accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal, May 2021.


*: corresponding author


  • R Yang, J Cao, Z Wen, and J Shen*, . "Automated Post Scoring: Evaluating Posts with Topics and Quoted Posts in Online Forum." Accepted by World Wide Web Journal (CCF B), 2022.
  • J Shen, O Lederman, J Cao, S Tang, and A Pentland. "User Profiling based on Nonlinguistic Audio Data." Accepted by ACM TOIS (CCF A), 2021.
  • Y Chen, Y Lin, Z Zheng, P Yu, J Shen, M Guo. "Preference-aware Edge Server Placement in the Internet of Things." Accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (JCR Q1), 2021.
  • J Shen, J Cao, and X Liu. "BaG: Behavior-aware Group Detection in Crowded Urban Spaces using WiFi Probes." Accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A), 2020.
  • Y Wang, J Shen, and Y Zheng. "Push the Limit of Acoustic Gesture Recognition." Accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF A), 2020.
  • J Shen, M Ma, R Xiang, Q Lu, E Vallejos, G Xu, C Huang, Y Long. "Dual memory network model for sentiment analysis of review text." Accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems (JCR Q1), 2020.
  • J Shen, J Cao, X Liu, and S Tang. "SNOW: Detecting Shopping Groups Using WiFi." Accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (JCR Q1), 2018.
  • J Shen, J Cao, X Liu, C Zhang. "DMAD: Data-Driven Measuring of WiFi Access Point Deployment in Urban Spaces." Accepted by ACM TIST (JCR Q1), 2017.
  • Y Chen, M Guo, J Shen, J Cao "GraphLoc: a Graph-based method for Indoor Subarea Localization with Zero-configuration." Accepted by Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (JCR Q1), 2017.


  • CT Li, J Shen*, Y Yang, J Cao, and M Stojmenovic. "Automatically Select Emotion for Response via Personality-affected Emotion Transition." Accepted by IEEE MASS (CCF C), 2021.
  • Z Wen, J Cao, R Yang, S Liu and J Shen. "Automatically Select Emotion for Response via Personality-affected Emotion Transition." Accepted by ACL Findings (CCF A), 2021.
  • Y Wang, J Shen, and Y Zheng. "Push the Limit of Acoustic Gesture Recognition." Accepted by IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A, rate: 19.8%), online, 2020. 🏆[Best Paper]
  • Y Yang, Z Wen, J Cao, J Shen, H Yin, X Zhou. "EPARS: Early Prediction of At-Risk Students with Online and Offline Learning Behaviors." Accepted by DASFAA (CCF B), 2020.
  • Y Yang, J Cao, J Shen, R Yang, Z Wen. "Learning Analytics Based on Multilayer Behavior Fusion." Accepted by ICBL, 2020.
  • J Shen, J Cao, and X Liu. "BaG: Behavior-aware Group Detection in Crowded Urban Spaces using WiFi Probes." Accepted by WWW (CCF A, rate: 18%) in San Francisco, 2019.
  • E Wen, J Cao, J Shen, X Liu. "Fraus: Launching cost-efficient and scalable mobile click fraud has never been so easy." Accepted by IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2018.
  • J Shen, O Lederman, J Cao, F Berg, S Tang, and A Pentland. "GINA: Group Gender Identification Using Privacy-Sensitive Audio Data." Accepted by IEEE ICDM (CCF B, rate: 8.86%) in Singapore, 2018.
  • X Liu, J Wen, S Tang, J Cao, and J Shen. "City-Hunter: Hunting Smartphones in Urban Areas." Accepted by IEEE ICDCS (CCF B), 2017.
  • Y Chen, M Guo, J Shen, and J Cao. "A Graph-based Method for Indoor Sub-area Localization with Zero-configuration." Accepted by UIC/ATC/ScalCom/CBDCom/IoP/SmartWorld, 2016. 🏆[Best paper]
  • J Shen, J Cao, X Liu, J Wen, Y Chen. "Feature-based room-level localization of unmodified smartphones." Accepted by Smart City 360, 2016.


  • COMP1011 Programming Fundamentals, 2020
  • COMP4442 Service and Cloud Computing, 2021

Professional Services

Journal Reviewer

  • IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  • ACM Computing Surveys
  • INFORMS Journal on Computing
  • ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
  • ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
  • IEEE Transactions on Big Data

Conference Reviewer

  • IJCAI 2017, 2021
  • ICDCS 2016
  • IEEE Percom 2016

Selected Awards

  • Best Paper Award of IEEE INFOCOM, Jul 2020
  • National Scholarship of China, Aug 2013