Yuanqing Zheng (郑元庆)
We are looking for PolyU Ug/Pg student helpers, PhD students, research staffs in all levels to work on exciting research projects related to Internet of Things, embedded systems, wireless sensing, security and privacy, robotics, and artificial intelligence. If you are interested in any of these or other research topics, please feel free to contact me. Please find openings for research staffs, HK PhD Fellowship, and Research Postgraduate Studentship.
Yuanqing Zheng is an associate professor in the Department of Computing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Previously, he was an assistant professor in the same department during 2014-2020. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and the M.E. degree in Communication and Information System both from Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. He is currently on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He is a member of IEEE, ACM, and CCF. Please find more details in CV.
Research Interests
Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing, Acoustic and RF Sensing, Internet of Things (IoT)
Recent Publications (full list)
LoRaWAN and IoT:
[MOBICOM'21] Xianjin Xia, Ningning Hou, Yuanqing Zheng, and Tao Gu, “PCube: Scaling LoRa Concurrent Transmissions with Reception Diversities”, In ACM MobiCom, 2021, (PDF).
[INFOCOM'21] Ningning Hou, Xianjin Xia, Yuanqing Zheng, “Jamming of LoRa PHY and Countermeasure”, In IEEE INFOCOM, Virtual Conference, 10-13 May 2021, (PDF), (Presentation Video).
[ICNP'20] Ningning Hou, Yuanqing Zheng, "CloakLoRa: A Covert Channel over LoRa PHY", In IEEE ICNP, Madrid, Spain, Oct 13-16, 2020, (PDF), (Presentation Video).
[INFOCOM'20] Xianjin Xia, Yuanqing Zheng, Tao Gu, "LiteNap: Downclocking LoRa Reception", In IEEE INFOCOM, Beijing, China, April 2020, (PDF), (Presentation Video).
Extended version in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
[SENSYS'19] Xianjin Xia, Yuanqing Zheng, Tao Gu, "FTrack: Parallel Decoding for LoRa Transmissions", In ACM SenSys, New York, NY, USA, November 2019, (PDF), (BibTex).
Extended version in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Acoustic and RF Sensing:
[UBICOMP'21 & IMWUT] Qiang Yang and Yuanqing Zheng, “Model-based Head Orientation Estimation for Smart Devices”, In ACM UbiComp, Virtual Conference, 21-26 September 2021, (PDF),(Presentation Video).
[INFOCOM'21] Kaiyan Cui, Yanwen Wang, Yuanqing Zheng, Jinsong Han, “ShakeReader: 'Read' UHF RFID using Smartphone”, In IEEE INFOCOM, Virtual Conference, 10-13 May 2021, (PDF), (Presentation Video).
Extended version in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
[INFOCOM'21] Weiye Xu, Jianwei Liu, Shimin Zhang, Yuanqing Zheng, Feng Lin, Jinsong Han, Fu Xiao, Kui Ren, “RFace: Anti-Spoofing Facial Authentication Using COTS RFID”, In IEEE INFOCOM, Virtual Conference, 10-13 May 2021, (PDF), (Presentation Video).
[INFOCOM'20] Yanwen Wang, Jiaxing Shen, Yuanqing Zheng, "Push the Limit of Acoustic Gesture Recognition", In IEEE INFOCOM, Beijing, China, April 2020, (PDF), (Presentation Video), (Best Paper Award in IEEE INFOCOM 2020).
Extended version fast-tracked to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
[UBICOMP'19 & IMWUT] Yanwen Wang, Yuanqing Zheng, "Modeling RFID Signal Reflection for Contact-free Activity Recognition", In ACM UbiComp, London, UK, September 2019, (PDF), (BibTeX).
[UBICOMP'18 & IMWUT] Tianben Wang, Daqing Zhang, Yuanqing Zheng, Tao Gu, Xingshe Zhou, and Bernadette Dorizzi, "C-FMCW Based Contactless Respiration Detection Using Acoustic Signal", In ACM UbiComp, Singapore, September 2018, (PDF), (BibTeX).
[ICDCS'17] Yuxiao Hou, Yanwen Wang, Yuanqing Zheng, "TagBreathe: Monitor Breathing with Commodity RFID Systems", In IEEE ICDCS, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2017, (PDF).
Extended version in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
Professional Services
Journal Editorial Board:
Journal Reviewer:
Conference Chair:
TPC Member: