
香港理工大学电子计算学系老师教师导师介绍简介Yixin Cao (操宜新)

本站小编 免费考研网/2022-02-03


Yixin Cao (操宜新)

Associate Professor
Department of Computing
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong, China *

yi – in.c – o@polyu.edu.hk
(substitute '–' with human intelligence)
+852 3400-3195
PQ706, Mong Man Wai Building



Publications     Slides     Google Scholar     DBLP     Curriculum Vitae                              Research Group    

I am mainly working on algorithmic graph theory and its applications. I'm also interested in theoretical computer science in the broadest sense.

  • algorithmic & structural graph theory and graph classes,
  • fine-grained complexity and algorithm design,
  • combinatorial optimization, and
  • their applications in social networks and bioinformatics.

Events (author–organizer–speaker):
Theory Day 2017 ++ SODA'17 ++ Dagstuhl 17041 ++ C&A ++ AAAC'17 ++ STOC'17 ++ COCOON'17 ++ ISAAC'17 ++ FSTTCS'17
SOSA'18 ++ FAW'18 ++ AAAC'18 ++ DM'18 (SIAM) ++ Building Bridges II ++ ICALP'18 ++ ESA'18
FAW'19 ++ 算法与复杂性 ++ CanaDAM'19 ++ Worker'19 ++ GTCA'19 ++ ICDCS'19 ++ 理论计算机科学年会 ++ ISAAC'19
TAMC'20 ++ WG'20 ++ 运筹学会年会 ++ IPEC'20 ++ ISAAC'20 ++ WEPA'20
SOSA'21 ++ CanaDAM'21 ++ WG'21 ++ IPEC'21

Teaching (current)

F2021: COMP2011, Data structures.
F2021: COMP6701, Advanced Topics in Computer Algorithms.

Grants (PI only)

  • Forbidden structures of circular-arc graphs and their algorithmic applications, PolyU, 09/2015--08/2017
  • Theoretical analysis of heuristics in big data, NLSDE, 07/2016–07/2018.
  • Efficient algorithms for graph modification problems, RGC, 01/2016–12/2018.
  • Combinatorial and algorithmic studies on cycles, NSFC, 01/2016–12/2019.
  • Graph algorithms based on modular decomposition, RGC, 01/2017–12/2019.
  • Super-polynomial approximation of graph problems, RGC, 01/2018–12/2020.
  • Algorithmic study on chordal and related graphs, NSFC, 01/2020–12/2023.


  • Jan. 2022, paper "A 5k-vertex kernel for P2-packing" accepted by Theoretical Computer Science.
  • Dec. 2021, Mr. Haowei Chen joined our group.
  • Oct. 2021, paper "A polynomial kernel for diamond-free editing" accepted by Algorithmica.
  • Aug. 2021, paper "Polynomial kernels for paw-free edge modification problems" accepted by Theoretical Computer Science.
  • July 2021, paper "Improved kernels for edge modification problems" accepted by IPEC'21.
  • July 2021, paper "End vertices of graph searches on bipartite graphs" accepted by Information Processing Letters.