Dr. Yiping JIANG Assistant Professor
Location QR823
Phone 3400 8063
mail yiping.jiang@polyu.edu.hk
Biography BEng (Beihang), MEng (Beihang), PhD (UNSW)
Research Areas
GNSS for Civil Aviation: Integrity Monitoring and Augmentation Systems including ABAS, GBAS and SBAS
Land Navigation: Integrity monitoring with Precise Positioning and Multi-Sensor Fusion methods, e.g. autonomous driving
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yiping_Jiang5
Short Description
Dr. Yiping Jiang graduated from Beihang University with both Bachelor and Master degrees on Electronics Engineering. She finalized her PhD on Satellite Navigation at University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2014. After that, she joined the SIGNAV lab at Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) as a Postdoc. During this time, she participated in two important projects in the area of integrity monitoring for civil aviation, including: 1) SESAR EU-US Dual Frequency Multiple Constellation GBAS; 2) EU-US Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM). Dr. Jiang also has industry experiences in DJI and Airbus. She maintains close relationships with key players of companies and institutions in this area.
Dr Jiang aspires to guarantee the safety of life with navigation systems in aircraft and land vehicles. Her current research interests include:
Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation GBAS and SBAS
Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM)
Using Beidou for safety-of-life applications
Integrity Monitoring with PPP and other precise positioning applications
Positions available for PhD candidates, Research Assistants and Postdoctoral Researchers. Please send your CV to Dr. Jiang at yiping.jiang@polyu.edu.hk
Selected Publications
Jiang Y. (2020) Ephemeris monitor with ambiguity resolution for CAT II/III GBAS, GPS Solutions, 24,116. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-020-01028-4.
Jiang Y., Milner C and Macabiau C. (2017) Code-Carrier Divergence for Dual Frequency GBAS, GPS Solutions, 21(2):769:781.
Jiang Y. and Wang J. (2014) a new approach to calculate the Vertical Protection Level in A-RAIM, Journal of Navigation, 67(4):711-725.
Jiang Y. and Wang J (2014) A-RAIM and R-RAIM Performance with the Classic Method and the MHSS Method, Journal of Navigation, 67(1):49-61.
香港理工大学航空及民航工程学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr. Yiping JIANG
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-02
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