
香港理工大学应用数学系老师教师导师介绍简介-Dr Wong Kin Yau, Alex

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-01

Dr Wong Kin Yau, Alex Assistant Professor

Location TU701, Yip Kit Chuen Bldg.
Phone +852 3400 8983
mail kin-yau.wong@polyu.edu.hk
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Biography Dr Kin Yau (Alex) Wong received his BSc in Actuarial Science and MPhil degrees at the University of Hong Kong in 2010 and 2012, respectively. He received his PhD in Biostatistics degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2017. He joined the Department of Applied Mathematics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as an Assistant Professor in 2017.
Dr Wong is primarily interested in developing effective and theoretically-sound statistical methods for the analyses of medical and public health studies, which may involve high-dimensional data and/or censored event times. His research interests include high-dimensional regression analysis, incomplete data analysis, latent variable modelling, semiparametric modelling, and survival analysis. He has published in top-tier statistics journals, including Annals of Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrics, and Statistica Sinica.

Education and Academic Qualifications Doctor of Philosophy, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Master of Philosophy, University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong

Research Interests
High-Dimensional Data Analysis
Integrative Analysis of Genomic data
Latent Variable Modeling
Statistical Genetics
Survival Analysis

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