
岭南大学艺术学院导师简介 SAUCHELLI Andrea

本站小编 免费考研网/2022-08-20

Associate Professor
Head of Department (Philosophy)
Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Arts)
Director (Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre)

Areas of Interest

(i) Personal Identity and Applied Ethics; (ii) Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art; (iii) Philosophy and Ethics of (Existential and Catastrophic) Risk.


  • 1999 – 2005: Laurea (equivalent to BA+MPhil) in Philosophy, University of Pisa, IT.
  • 2005 – 2009: Ph.D. in Philosophy, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, IT.
    (Dissertation: Possibility and Counterfactuals: Williamson’s Theory of Modality.)
  • Feb – Jun 2007: Visiting Student, University of Sheffield, UK.
  • Oct 2007 – Jan 2009: Visiting Student, University of Leeds, UK.


  • Sep 2009 – Dec 2010: Part-time Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
  • Jan 2010 – Aug 2011: Research Assistant, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
  • Aug 2011 – Aug 2012: Full-time Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin – Seoul, Republic of Korea.
  • Sep 2012 – Jul 2017: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
  • Aug 2017 – present: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

Visiting Appointments

  • Sep – Oct 2015: Visiting Scholar at Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics (University of Oxford, UK).



  • Personal Identity and Applied Ethics (London and New York: Routledge, 2018).

Edited Book

  • Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry (London and New York: Routledge, 2020).

Papers in refereed academic journals

  • Concrete Possible Worlds and Counterfactual Conditionals: Lewis vs. Williamson on Modal Knowledge, Synthese, Vol.176, 3 (2010): 345–59.
  • (with Paisley Livingston) Philosophical Perspectives on Fictional Characters, New Literary History, 42, 2 (2011): 337–60.
  • Functional Beauty, Architecture, and Morality, The Philosophical Quarterly, 62, 246 (2012): 128–47.
  • Modal Scepticism, Unqualified Modality, and Modal Kinds, Philosophia, 40 (2012): 403–9.
  • The Structure and Content of Architectural Experience, Estetika, 49, 1 (2012): 26–44.
  • Fictional Objects, Non-Existence, and the Principle of Characterization, Philosophical Studies, 159, 1 (2012): 139–46.
  • Ethicism and Immoral Cognitivism: Gaut vs. Kieran on Art and Morality, Journal of Aesthetic Education, 46, 3 (2012): 107–18.
  • On Architecture as a Spatial Art, Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 43 (2012).
  • Functional Beauty, Perception, and Aesthetic Judgements, British Journal of Aesthetics, 53, 1 (2013): 41–53.
  • Ontology, Reference, and the Qua Problem: Amie Thomasson on Existence, Axiomathes, 23, 3 (2013): 543–50.
  • Modal Fictionalism, Possible Worlds, and Artificiality, Acta Analytica, 28, 4 (2013): 411–21.
  • The Merited Response Argument and Artistic Categories, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 71, 3 (2013): 239–46.
  • Life-extension and the Burden of Mortality: Leon Kass versus John Harris, Journal of Medical Ethics, 40 (2014): 336–40.
  • Horror and Mood, American Philosophical Quarterly, 51, 1 (2014): 39–50.
  • Sibley on ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Ugly’, Philosophical Papers, 43, 3 (2014): 377–404.
  • Gendler on the Puzzle(s) of Imaginative Resistance, Acta Analytica, 31, 1 (2016): 1–9.
  • The Definition of Religion, Super-empirical Realities, and Mathematics, Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, 58, 1 (2016): 67–75.
  • The Acquaintance Principle, Aesthetic Judgments, and Conceptual Art, Journal of Aesthetic Education 50, 1 (2016): 1–15.
  • Buddhist Reductionism, Fictionalism About the Self, and Buddhist Fictionalism, Philosophy East and West, 66, 4 (2016): 1273–91.
  • The Animal, the Corpse, and the Remnant-Person, Philosophical Studies, 174, 1 (2017): 205–18.
  • The Early Reception of Bernard Williams’ Reduplication Argument (1956-62), Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 99, 3 (2017): 326–45.
  • The Future-Like-Ours Argument, Animalism, and Mereological Universalism, Bioethics, 32, 3 (2018): 199–204.
  • Life-extending Enhancements and the Narrative Approach to Personal Identity, Journal of Medical Ethics, 44 (2018): 219–25.
  • The Will to Make-Believe: Religious Fictionalism, Religious Beliefs, and the Value of Art, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 96, 3 (2018): 620-35.
  • On the Study of Imaginative Resistance, Analytic Philosophy 60, 2 (2019): 164-78.
  • Animalism, Abortion, and a Future Like Ours, Journal of Ethics 23, 3 ​(2019): 317-22.
  • Personal Identity and Trivial Survival, Theoria 85, 5 (2019): 402–11.
  • Aesthetic Realism and Manifest Properties, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2022): 201–213.
  • Metaphysical Egoism and Personal Identity, Journal of Value Inquiry (Forthcoming).
  • Pretending and Disbelieving, Inquiry (Forthcoming).
  • Centred Worlds, Personal Identity and Imagination, Theoria (Forthcoming).
  • What is an Aesthetic Concept? Asian Journal of Philosophy (Forthcoming). 

Book chapters

  • Aesthetic Value, Artistic Value, and Morality, in David Coady, Kimberley Brownlee, and Kasper Lipper-Rasmussen (eds.) Blackwell Companion to Applied Philosophy (Blackwell, 2016), 514–26.
  • The Simplicity of the Simple Approach to Personal Identity, in Pisa Colloquium in Logic, Language and Epistemology, Vol. 3 (Pisa: ETS, 2019): 347–58.
  • Introduction, in Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry (2020): 1–9.
  • Introduction to Part III (Personal Identity), in Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry (2020): 48–67

Bibliographies ​& surveys

  • Art and Morality, in Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies Online. New York: Oxford University Press (2013).
  • La Critica Etica dell’Arte, Aphex, 8 (2013) [‘The Ethical Criticism of Art’].

Other (blog posts, etc)

  • Imagining Being Someone Else, The Junkyard (2019).

Personal website (with links to some published papers): http://andreasauchelli.weebly.com/

PhilPapers Profile: http://philpapers.org/profile/5612

Academia.edu Profile: http://ln.academia.edu/AndreaSauchelli

Lingnan Scholars Profile: https://scholars.ln.edu.hk/en/persons/andrea-sauchelli
