
香港教育大学EducationUniversityHK科学与环境学系老师简介-Prof YEUNG Yau Yuen

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

Prof YEUNG Yau Yuen
E: yyyeung@eduhk.hk
T: 2948 7650
O: D3-1/F-34
Adjunct Professor
Academic Profile
BSc (1st Class Honours), PhD (HKU), Grad Cert Ed (Curtin U Tech)
Research Interests
Atomic Spectroscopy of Transition Metal and Rare Earth Elements
Computational Science and Materials Science
Energy Technology in Luminescent Materials
Crystal Field Theory
Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Science/STEM Education
Technology-Enhanced Learning (Including 3D Visualisation, Virtual Reality, Remote-Controlled Experiments)
Social Network Analysis in Education
Teaching Areas
ICT Or Technology-Enhanced Learning of Science
Science Methods/Science Education
Physics (Theoretical, Computational and Mathematical)
Science, Technology, Society and Environment
Profile Detail

相关话题/环境 科学 香港教育大学