Margarita PAVLOVA 博士
2948 8498
PhD La Trobe University
PhD Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR
MEd (Education Administration) University of Toledo
BEd (with Honours) Herzen State Pedagogical University
Specialization and expertise
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) for economic and social development
“Greening” of education policy and curriculum development in TVET in developing countries and countries in transition
Education for sustainable development in an international context
Globalization and internationalization of education
Margarita Pavlova is an Associate Professor in the Department of International Education at the Education University of Hong Kong, where she is also Director of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre (Hong Kong). She has over twenty years of international experience in education across a variety of contexts, including Europe, Asia, the USA and Australia.
Dr Pavlova’s research is concerned with policy, planning and curriculum development in vocational education at both national and international levels. Her current projects are in education for sustainability, development and green skills. She works with agencies such as the Asian Development Bank, UNESCO and the European Training Foundation, where she has led a number of projects aimed at developing policies, approaches to and resources for vocational education, and related issues such as capacity building and poverty alleviation.
She has published widely in her field, including a sole-authored book, Technology and Vocational Education for Sustainable Development: Empowering Individuals for the Future (Springer, 2009). She serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Vocational Education and Training and on the Editorial Advisory Boards of two book series published by Springer.
Dr Pavlova completed her Masters degree on a Soros Foundation scholarship, her first PhD on a Ministry of Education of Russia scholarship, and her second on an Australian Postgraduate Award.
香港教育大学EducationUniversityHK国际教育学系老师简介-Margarita PAVLOVA 博士
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06
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