
香港教育大学EducationUniversityHK课程与教学学系老师简介-Dr HANNA Helen

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

Dr HANNA Helen
Assistant Professor
(852) 2948 8212
Assistant Professor
MA Hons in Languages Interpreting and Translating (French and Russian), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
MDiv in Theology, Queen's University Belfast, UK
PhD in Education, Queen's University Belfast, UK
PGCHE in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Leeds Trinity University, UK
Helen Hanna is an Assistant Professor at the Department for Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong. With a background in modern languages, theology, English language teaching and citizenship education, she is committed to cross-national interdisciplinary research in the context of education that is creative with research methods, with the best interests of learners and participants in mind. In terms of research, she is passionate about educational inclusion, particularly of migrant learners and those from racial, ethnic and cultural minorities. In terms of teaching and training, she focuses on supporting early career teachers and researchers to find their way in school and scholarly life, encouraging reflection on experiences integrated with useful and practical concepts and theories to enhance their research, teaching and ability to disseminate their work among others both locally and internationally. Helen has previously worked as an educational consultant with organisations such as the British Council. She has completed externally-funded research in England, South Africa, Northern Ireland, Israel, Canada and Kenya and is a member of the Peer Review College for the Global Challenges Research Fund in the UK. She regularly presents at international conferences. Helen is a regularly contributer to journals such asCompare: Journal of International and Comparative EducationandChildren’s Geographiesand is a committed peer reviewer, as well as a member of the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Educational Studies.She enjoys reaching out to non-academic audiences through writing accessible pieces for the British Educational Research Association’sResearch Intelligencemagazine and blog,The Conversation AfricaandThe Guardian Teacher Network,and designing creative outputs such as films with learners and teachers.Her first monograph was published in 2019, entitledYoung People’s Rights in the Citizenship Education Classroom.
Research Interests:
Migration and education
Diversity and inclusion
Citizenship education
Education in divided societies
Children's perspectives
Creative visual research methods

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