
香港大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-ProfessorPARKER, Quentin A

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ProfessorPARKER, Quentin A

Professor, Department of Physics, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, HKU

B.Sc.(Hons), PhD (St. Andrews); FASA; FRAS


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2241 5932
2559 9152
Room 523, CYM Physics Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

Current Research

Astronomy and Astrophysics Group:Observational Astrophysics
Prof. Q.A. Parker arrived at HKU in March 2015 from the Australian Astronomical Observatory. He currently directs the Laboratory for Space Research (see www.lsr.hku.hk) and has established a world-leading group in late-stage stellar evolution that includes post-AGB stars, planetary nebulae and massive star ejecta. This task is greatly assisted by the on-going appointment of Prof. Albert Zijlstra as a Hung Hing Ying Distinguished visiting professor to HKU from Manchester University(he is a world leader in planetary nebulae) and also via the appointment of several new postdoctoral research fellows: Dr. F. Lykou, Dr. Andreas Ritter and Dr. Xuan Fang togetherwith three PhD students. Significant contributions to this research field have been made including two HKU press releases and four Nature Astronomy papers between 2018 and 2019. Exciting research opportunities exist for additional research postgraduate students to join the team. This group also has strong synergies to existing departmental expertise in late stage stellar evolution (including supernova remnants) and to the Laboratory for Space Research.

Research Interest

Planetary Nebulae
Supernova Remnants
Large Scale Widefield Survey
Astronomical Instrumentation
Galactic Archaeology, Galaxies
Chinese Bronze and Antiquities

Representative Publications

“The binary fraction of planetary nebula central stars - III. the promise of VPHAS+”, H. Barker, A. Zijlstra, O. De Marco, D.J. Frew, J.E. Drew, R.L.M. Corradi, J. Eislöffel,Q.A. Parker,MNRAS,475, 4504 (2017)
“HASH: The Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg H-alpha planetary nebula database”Q.A. Parker, I. Bojcic & D.J. Frew,11th Pacific Rim Conference held in Hong-Kong in Dec 2015, JPhCS,728(2016)
“Fast, Low-ionization Emission Regions of the Planetary Nebula M2-42” A. Danehkar,Q.A. Parker, W. Steffen,The Astrophysical Journal,151, 38 (2016)
“The H-Alpha Surface Brightness - Radius Relation: A Robust Statistical Distance Indicator for Planetary Nebulae” D.J. Frew,Q.A. Parkerand I. Bojicic,MNRAS,455, 1459 (2016)
“New light on Galactic post-asymptotic giant branch stars - I. First distance catalogue” S. Vickers, D.J. Frew,Q.A. Parkerand I.S. Boji?i?,MNRAS,447, 1673 (2015)
“Kathryn’s Wheel: A Spectacular Galaxy Collision Discovered in the Galactic Neighbourhood”Q.A. Parker, A.A. Zijlstra, M. Stupar, M. Cluver, D.J. Frew, G. Bendo and I. Bojici,MNRAS,452, 3759 (2015)
“Four New Planetary Nebulae Towards the Small Magellanic Cloud”, D. Draskovic,Q.A. Parker, W.A. Reid and M. Stupar,MNRAS,425, 1402 (2015)
“Spatially resolved kinematic observations of the planetary nebulae Hen 3-1333”, A. Danehkar,Q.A. Parker,MNRAS,449, 56 (2015)
“New light on Galactic post-asymptotic giant branch stars - I. First distance catalogue”, S.B.Vickers, D.J.Frew,Q.A.Parkerand I.S. Bojicic,MNRAS,447, 1673 (2015)


Member of the Oriental Ceramics Society of Hong Kong (2015 - )
Member of the International Astronomical Union (1995 - )
Fellow of the Astronomical Society of Australia (1994 - )
Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (1988 - )

Professional Prizes and Awards for Research, Teaching and Leadership ($4.55M HKD)

2018| HKU Sino-British Fellowship $25K
2014| MQ University “Jim Piper” Award for Excellence in Research Leadership $120K
2013| Prestigious Gutenberg Professorial Chair, Strasbourg, France $3.2M
2012| MQ Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching $360K
2011| Australian “ALTC” Citation for Excellence in Undergraduate Learning $360K
2011| MQ Recipient of University Innovations awards for Excellence in Research $120K
2010| MQ Shortlisted for University Innovations Award in Research & Engineering
2009| MQ Highly Commended for University Innovations in Learning and Teaching
2008| MQ Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in PhD Supervision $180K
2007| MQ Divisional Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching $180K

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