Dr.ZHANG, Shizhong
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, HKU
B.S. Tsinghua; Ph.D. Illinois
[javascript protected email address]
2859 7943
2559 9152
Room 526, CYM Physics Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Current Research
Atomic and Quantum Physics Group:Theoretical Atomic Physics and Degenerate Quantum GasesUltra-cold atomic gases have emerged as a multi-disciplinary subject that is at the interface of modern atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics and condensed matter physics. It proves to be an excellent laboratory for investigating strongly interacting quantum many-body systems and in particular correlated quantum phases and phase transitions. Current topics of interest include strongly interacting two-component Fermi gases and BEC-BCS crossover, synthetic gauge fields and spin-orbit couplings in atomic gases, novel mixtures of bosons and fermions.Theoretical and Computational Condensed Matter Group
Research Interest
Physics of Very Degenerate Quantum Gases and Strongly Correlated Electronic SystemRepresentative Publications
"Evidence for Universal Relations Describing a Gas with p-Wave Interactions", C. Luciuk, S. Trotzky, S. Smale, Z. Yu,S. Zhang, and J. H. Thywissen,Nature Physics,6, 599-605 (2016)"Universal Relations for a Fermi Gas Close to a p-Wave Interaction Resonance", Z.H. Yu, J.H. Thywissen,S.Z. Zhang,Physical Review Letters,115, 135304:1-5 (2015)
“Transverse Demagnetization Dynamics of a Unitary Fermi Gas”, A.B. Bardon, S. Beattie, C. Luciuk, W. Cairncross, D. Fine, N.S. Cheng, G.J.A. Edge, E. Taylor,S.Z. Zhang, S. Trotzky, J.H. Thywissen,Science,344, 722-724 (2014)
“Theory of quantum oscillations in the vortex-liquid state of high-Tcsuperconductors”,S. Banerjee,S.Z. Zhang, M. Randeria,Nature Communications,4, 1700:1-7 (2013)
"Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit interaction", T.L. Ho andS.Z. Zhang,Physics Review Letter,107, 150403 (2011)
"BEC-BCS crossover induced by a synthetic non-abelian gauge field", J.P. Vyasanakere,S.Z. Zhangand V. Shenoy,Physics Review B,84, 014512 (2011)
"Atom loss maximum in ultracold Fermi gases",S.Z. Zhangand T.L. Ho,New Journal of Physics,13, 055003 (2011)
"Universal properties of the ultracold Fermi gas",S.Z. Zhangand A.J. Leggett,Physics Review A,79, 023601 (2009)